// Code generated by the feature package; DO NOT EDIT. package feature var appMetrics = MakeBoolFlag( "App Metrics", "appMetrics", "Bucky, Monitoring Team", false, Permanent, true, ) // AppMetrics - Send UI Telementry to Tools cluster - should always be false in OSS func AppMetrics() BoolFlag { return appMetrics } var groupWindowAggregateTranspose = MakeBoolFlag( "Group Window Aggregate Transpose", "groupWindowAggregateTranspose", "Query Team", false, Temporary, false, ) // GroupWindowAggregateTranspose - Enables the GroupWindowAggregateTransposeRule for all enabled window aggregates func GroupWindowAggregateTranspose() BoolFlag { return groupWindowAggregateTranspose } var newLabels = MakeBoolFlag( "New Label Package", "newLabels", "Alirie Gray", false, Temporary, false, ) // NewLabelPackage - Enables the refactored labels api func NewLabelPackage() BoolFlag { return newLabels } var memoryOptimizedFill = MakeBoolFlag( "Memory Optimized Fill", "memoryOptimizedFill", "Query Team", false, Temporary, false, ) // MemoryOptimizedFill - Enable the memory optimized fill() func MemoryOptimizedFill() BoolFlag { return memoryOptimizedFill } var memoryOptimizedSchemaMutation = MakeBoolFlag( "Memory Optimized Schema Mutation", "memoryOptimizedSchemaMutation", "Query Team", false, Temporary, false, ) // MemoryOptimizedSchemaMutation - Enable the memory optimized schema mutation functions func MemoryOptimizedSchemaMutation() BoolFlag { return memoryOptimizedSchemaMutation } var queryTracing = MakeBoolFlag( "Query Tracing", "queryTracing", "Query Team", false, Permanent, false, ) // QueryTracing - Turn on query tracing for queries that are sampled func QueryTracing() BoolFlag { return queryTracing } var injectLatestSuccessTime = MakeBoolFlag( "Inject Latest Success Time", "injectLatestSuccessTime", "Compute Team", false, Temporary, false, ) // InjectLatestSuccessTime - Inject the latest successful task run timestamp into a Task query extern when executing. func InjectLatestSuccessTime() BoolFlag { return injectLatestSuccessTime } var enforceOrgDashboardLimits = MakeBoolFlag( "Enforce Organization Dashboard Limits", "enforceOrgDashboardLimits", "Compute Team", false, Temporary, false, ) // EnforceOrganizationDashboardLimits - Enforces the default limit params for the dashboards api when orgs are set func EnforceOrganizationDashboardLimits() BoolFlag { return enforceOrgDashboardLimits } var timeFilterFlags = MakeBoolFlag( "Time Filter Flags", "timeFilterFlags", "Compute Team", false, Temporary, true, ) // TimeFilterFlags - Filter task run list based on before and after flags func TimeFilterFlags() BoolFlag { return timeFilterFlags } var cursorAtEOF = MakeBoolFlag( "Default Monaco Selection to EOF", "cursorAtEOF", "Monitoring Team", false, Temporary, true, ) // DefaultMonacoSelectionToEof - Positions the cursor at the end of the line(s) when using the monaco editor func DefaultMonacoSelectionToEof() BoolFlag { return cursorAtEOF } var refreshSingleCell = MakeBoolFlag( "Refresh Single Cell", "refreshSingleCell", "Monitoring Team", true, Temporary, true, ) // RefreshSingleCell - Refresh a single cell on the dashboard rather than the entire dashboard func RefreshSingleCell() BoolFlag { return refreshSingleCell } var newAutoRefresh = MakeBoolFlag( "New Dashboard Autorefresh", "newAutoRefresh", "Monitoring Team", true, Temporary, true, ) // NewDashboardAutorefresh - Enables the new dashboard autorefresh controls in the UI func NewDashboardAutorefresh() BoolFlag { return newAutoRefresh } var all = []Flag{ appMetrics, groupWindowAggregateTranspose, newLabels, memoryOptimizedFill, memoryOptimizedSchemaMutation, queryTracing, injectLatestSuccessTime, enforceOrgDashboardLimits, timeFilterFlags, cursorAtEOF, refreshSingleCell, newAutoRefresh, } var byKey = map[string]Flag{ "appMetrics": appMetrics, "groupWindowAggregateTranspose": groupWindowAggregateTranspose, "newLabels": newLabels, "memoryOptimizedFill": memoryOptimizedFill, "memoryOptimizedSchemaMutation": memoryOptimizedSchemaMutation, "queryTracing": queryTracing, "injectLatestSuccessTime": injectLatestSuccessTime, "enforceOrgDashboardLimits": enforceOrgDashboardLimits, "timeFilterFlags": timeFilterFlags, "cursorAtEOF": cursorAtEOF, "refreshSingleCell": refreshSingleCell, "newAutoRefresh": newAutoRefresh, }