#!/bin/sh -e readonly GREEN='\033[0;32m' readonly BOLD='\033[1m' readonly BOLDGREEN='\033[1;32m' readonly DIM='\033[2m' readonly NC='\033[0m' # No Color ARCHITECTURE=$(uname -m) ARTIFACT="" IS_MUSL="" OS="" INSTALL_LOC=~/.influxdb BINARY_NAME="influxdb3" PORT=8181 EDITION="Core" EDITION_TAG="core" if [ "$1" = "enterprise" ]; then EDITION="Enterprise" EDITION_TAG="enterprise" shift 1 fi ### OS AND ARCHITECTURE DETECTION ### case "$(uname -s)" in Linux*) OS="Linux";; Darwin*) OS="Darwin";; *) OS="UNKNOWN";; esac if [ "${OS}" = "Linux" ]; then # ldd is a shell script but on some systems (eg Ubuntu) security hardening # prevents it from running when invoked directly. Since we only want to # use '--verbose', find the path to ldd, then invoke under sh to bypass ldd # hardening. # XXX: use 'uname -o | grep GNU' instead? ldd_exec=$(command -v ldd) if [ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "x86_64" ] || [ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "amd64" ]; then # Check if we're on a GNU/Linux system, otherwise default to musl if [ -n "$ldd_exec" ] && sh -c "$ldd_exec --version" 2>&1 | grep -Eq "(GNU|GLIBC)"; then ARTIFACT="x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" else ARTIFACT="x86_64-unknown-linux-musl" IS_MUSL="yes" fi elif [ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "aarch64" ] || [ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "arm64" ]; then if [ -n "$ldd_exec" ] && sh -c "$ldd_exec --version" 2>&1 | grep -Eq "(GNU|GLIBC)"; then ARTIFACT="aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" else ARTIFACT="aarch64-unknown-linux-musl" IS_MUSL="yes" fi fi elif [ "${OS}" = "Darwin" ]; then if [ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "x86_64" ]; then printf "Intel Mac support is coming soon!\n" printf "Visit our public Discord at \033[4;94mhttps://discord.gg/az4jPm8x${NC} for additional guidance.\n" printf "View alternative binaries on our Getting Started guide at \033[4;94mhttps://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb3/${EDITION_TAG}/${NC}.\n" exit 1 else ARTIFACT="aarch64-apple-darwin" fi fi # Exit if unsupported system [ -n "${ARTIFACT}" ] || { printf "Unfortunately this script doesn't support your '${OS}' | '${ARCHITECTURE}' setup, or was unable to identify it correctly.\n" printf "Visit our public Discord at \033[4;94mhttps://discord.gg/az4jPm8x${NC} for additional guidance.\n" printf "View alternative binaries on our Getting Started guide at \033[4;94mhttps://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb3/${EDITION_TAG}/${NC}.\n" exit 1 } URL="https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/snapshots/influxdb3-${EDITION_TAG}_${ARTIFACT}.tar.gz" START_TIME=$(date +%s) # Attempt to clear screen and show welcome message clear 2>/dev/null || true # clear isn't available everywhere printf "┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐\n" printf "│ ${BOLD}Welcome to InfluxDB!${NC} We'll make this quick. │\n" printf "└───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘\n" echo printf "${BOLD}Select Installation Type${NC}\n" echo printf "1) ${GREEN}Docker Image${NC} ${DIM}(More Powerful, More Complex)${NC}\n" printf " ├─ Requires knowledge of Docker and Docker management\n" printf " └─ Includes the Processing Engine for real-time data transformation,\n" printf " enrichment, and general custom Python code execution.\n\n" printf "2) ${GREEN}Simple Download${NC} ${DIM}(Automated Install, Quick Setup)${NC}\n" printf " ├─ No external dependencies required\n" printf " └─ The Processing Engine will be available soon for binary installations,\n" printf " bringing the same powerful processing capabilities to local deployments.\n" echo printf "Enter your choice (1-2): " read -r INSTALL_TYPE case "$INSTALL_TYPE" in 1) printf "\n\n${BOLD}Download and Tag Docker Image${NC}\n" printf "├─ ${DIM}docker pull quay.io/influxdb/influxdb3-${EDITION_TAG}:latest${NC}\n" printf "└─ ${DIM}docker tag quay.io/influxdb/influxdb3-${EDITION_TAG}:latest influxdb3-${EDITION_TAG}${NC}\n\n" if ! docker pull "quay.io/influxdb/influxdb3-${EDITION_TAG}:latest"; then printf "└─ Error: Failed to download Docker image.\n" exit 1 fi docker tag quay.io/influxdb/influxdb3-${EDITION_TAG}:latest influxdb3-${EDITION_TAG} # Exit script after Docker installation echo printf "${BOLD}NEXT STEPS${NC}\n" printf "1) Run the Docker image:\n" printf " ├─ ${BOLD}mkdir plugins${NC} ${DIM}(To store and access plugins)${NC}\n" printf " └─ ${BOLD}docker run -it -p ${PORT}:${PORT} -v ./plugins:/plugins influxdb3-${EDITION_TAG} serve --object-store memory --writer-id writer0 --plugin-dir /plugins${NC} ${DIM}(To start)${NC}\n" printf "2) View documentation at \033[4;94mhttps://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb3/${EDITION_TAG}/${NC}\n\n" END_TIME=$(date +%s) DURATION=$((END_TIME - START_TIME)) out=" Time is everything. This process took $DURATION seconds. " mid="" for _ in $(seq 1 ${#out}); do mid="${mid}─" done printf "┌%s┐\n" "$mid" printf "│%s│\n" "$out" printf "└%s┘\n" "$mid" exit 0 ;; 2) printf "\n\n" ;; *) printf "Invalid choice. Defaulting to binary installation.\n\n" ;; esac # attempt to find the user's shell config shellrc= if [ -n "$SHELL" ]; then tmp=~/.$(basename "$SHELL")rc if [ -e "$tmp" ]; then shellrc="$tmp" fi fi printf "${BOLD}Downloading InfluxDB 3 %s to %s${NC}\n" "$EDITION" "$INSTALL_LOC" printf "├─${DIM} mkdir -p '%s'${NC}\n" "$INSTALL_LOC" mkdir -p "$INSTALL_LOC" printf "└─${DIM} curl -sS '%s' -o '%s/influxdb3.tar.gz'${NC}\n" "${URL}" "$INSTALL_LOC" curl -sS "${URL}" -o "$INSTALL_LOC/influxdb3.tar.gz" echo printf "${BOLD}Verifying '%s/influxdb3.tar.gz'${NC}\n" "$INSTALL_LOC" printf "└─${DIM} curl -sS '%s.sha256' -o '%s/influxdb3.tar.gz.sha256'${NC}\n" "${URL}" "$INSTALL_LOC" curl -sS "${URL}.sha256" -o "$INSTALL_LOC/influxdb3.tar.gz.sha256" dl_sha=$(cut -d ' ' -f 1 "$INSTALL_LOC/influxdb3.tar.gz.sha256" | grep -E '^[0-9a-f]{64}$') if [ -z "$dl_sha" ]; then printf "Could not find properly formatted SHA256 in '%s/influxdb3.tar.gz.sha256'. Aborting.\n" "$INSTALL_LOC" exit 1 fi printf "└─${DIM} sha256sum '%s/influxdb3.tar.gz'" "$INSTALL_LOC" ch_sha=$(sha256sum "$INSTALL_LOC/influxdb3.tar.gz" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) if [ "$ch_sha" = "$dl_sha" ]; then printf " (OK: %s = %s)${NC}\n" "$ch_sha" "$dl_sha" else printf " (ERROR: %s != %s). Aborting.${NC}\n" "$ch_sha" "$dl_sha" exit 1 fi printf "└─${DIM} rm '%s/influxdb3.tar.gz.sha256'${NC}\n" "$INSTALL_LOC" rm "$INSTALL_LOC/influxdb3.tar.gz.sha256" echo printf "${BOLD}Extracting and Processing${NC}\n" printf "├─${DIM} tar -xf '%s/influxdb3.tar.gz' -C '%s'${NC}\n" "$INSTALL_LOC" "$INSTALL_LOC" tar -xf "$INSTALL_LOC/influxdb3.tar.gz" -C "$INSTALL_LOC" printf "└─${DIM} rm '%s/influxdb3.tar.gz'${NC}\n" "$INSTALL_LOC" rm "$INSTALL_LOC/influxdb3.tar.gz" if [ -n "$shellrc" ] && ! grep -q "export PATH=.*$INSTALL_LOC" "$shellrc"; then echo printf "${BOLD}Adding InfluxDB to '%s'${NC}\n" "$shellrc" printf "└─${DIM} export PATH=\"\$PATH:%s/\" >> '%s'${NC}\n" "$INSTALL_LOC" "$shellrc" echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$INSTALL_LOC/\"" >> "$shellrc" fi if [ "${EDITION}" = "Core" ]; then # Prompt user to start the service echo printf "${BOLD}Configuration Options${NC}\n" printf "└─ Start InfluxDB Now? (y/n): " read -r START_SERVICE if echo "$START_SERVICE" | grep -q "^[Yy]$" ; then # Prompt for Writer ID echo printf "${BOLD}Enter Your Writer ID${NC}\n" printf "├─ A Writer ID is a unique, uneditable identifier for a service.\n" printf "└─ Enter a Writer ID (default: writer0): " read -r WRITER_ID WRITER_ID=${WRITER_ID:-writer0} # Prompt for storage solution echo printf "${BOLD}Select Your Storage Solution${NC}\n" printf "├─ 1) In-memory storage (Fastest, data cleared on restart)\n" printf "├─ 2) File storage (Persistent local storage)\n" printf "├─ 3) Object storage (Cloud-compatible storage)\n" printf "└─ Enter your choice (1-3): " read -r STORAGE_CHOICE case "$STORAGE_CHOICE" in 1) STORAGE_TYPE="memory" STORAGE_FLAGS="--object-store=memory" STORAGE_FLAGS_ECHO="$STORAGE_FLAGS" ;; 2) STORAGE_TYPE="File Storage" echo printf "Enter storage path (default: %s/data): " "${INSTALL_LOC}" read -r STORAGE_PATH STORAGE_PATH=${STORAGE_PATH:-"${INSTALL_LOC}/data"} STORAGE_FLAGS="--object-store=file --data-dir ${STORAGE_PATH}" STORAGE_FLAGS_ECHO="$STORAGE_FLAGS" ;; 3) STORAGE_TYPE="Object Storage" echo printf "${BOLD}Select Cloud Provider${NC}\n" printf "├─ 1) Amazon S3\n" printf "├─ 2) Azure Storage\n" printf "├─ 3) Google Cloud Storage\n" printf "└─ Enter your choice (1-3): " read -r CLOUD_CHOICE case $CLOUD_CHOICE in 1) # AWS S3 echo printf "${BOLD}AWS S3 Configuration${NC}\n" printf "├─ Enter AWS Access Key ID: " read -r AWS_KEY printf "├─ Enter AWS Secret Access Key: " stty -echo read -r AWS_SECRET stty echo echo printf "├─ Enter S3 Bucket: " read -r AWS_BUCKET printf "└─ Enter AWS Region (default: us-east-1): " read -r AWS_REGION AWS_REGION=${AWS_REGION:-"us-east-1"} STORAGE_FLAGS="--object-store=s3 --bucket=${AWS_BUCKET}" if [ -n "$AWS_REGION" ]; then STORAGE_FLAGS="$STORAGE_FLAGS --aws-default-region=${AWS_REGION}" fi STORAGE_FLAGS="$STORAGE_FLAGS --aws-access-key-id=${AWS_KEY}" STORAGE_FLAGS_ECHO="$STORAGE_FLAGS --aws-secret-access-key=..." STORAGE_FLAGS="$STORAGE_FLAGS --aws-secret-access-key=${AWS_SECRET}" ;; 2) # Azure Storage echo printf "${BOLD}Azure Storage Configuration${NC}\n" printf "├─ Enter Storage Account Name: " read -r AZURE_ACCOUNT printf "└─ Enter Storage Access Key: " stty -echo read -r AZURE_KEY stty echo echo STORAGE_FLAGS="--object-store=azure --azure-storage-account=${AZURE_ACCOUNT}" STORAGE_FLAGS_ECHO="$STORAGE_FLAGS --azure-storage-access-key=..." STORAGE_FLAGS="$STORAGE_FLAGS --azure-storage-access-key=${AZURE_KEY}" ;; 3) # Google Cloud Storage echo printf "${BOLD}Google Cloud Storage Configuration${NC}\n" printf "└─ Enter path to service account JSON file: " read -r GOOGLE_SA STORAGE_FLAGS="--object-store=google --google-service-account=${GOOGLE_SA}" STORAGE_FLAGS_ECHO="$STORAGE_FLAGS" ;; *) printf "Invalid cloud provider choice. Defaulting to file storage.\n" STORAGE_TYPE="File Storage" STORAGE_FLAGS="--object-store=file --data-dir ${INSTALL_LOC}/data" STORAGE_FLAGS_ECHO="$STORAGE_FLAGS" ;; esac ;; *) printf "Invalid choice. Defaulting to in-memory.\n" STORAGE_TYPE="Memory" STORAGE_FLAGS="--object-store=memory" STORAGE_FLAGS_ECHO="$STORAGE_FLAGS" ;; esac # Ensure port is available; if not, find a new one. If IS_MUSL is set, # assume we are on a busybox-like system whose lsof doesn't support the # args we need lsof_exec=$(command -v lsof) && { while [ -n "$lsof_exec" ] && [ "$IS_MUSL" != "yes" ] && lsof -i:"$PORT" -t >/dev/null 2>&1; do printf "├─${DIM} Port %s is in use. Finding new port.${NC}\n" "$PORT" PORT=$((PORT + 1)) if [ "$PORT" -gt 32767 ]; then printf "└─${DIM} Could not find an available port. Aborting.${NC}\n" exit 1 fi if ! "$lsof_exec" -i:"$PORT" -t >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "└─${DIM} Found an available port: %s${NC}\n" "$PORT" break fi done } # Start and give up to 30 seconds to respond echo printf "${BOLD}Starting InfluxDB${NC}\n" printf "├─${DIM} Writer ID: %s${NC}\n" "$WRITER_ID" printf "├─${DIM} Storage: %s${NC}\n" "$STORAGE_TYPE" printf "├─${DIM} '%s' serve --writer-id='%s' --http-bind='' %s${NC}\n" "$INSTALL_LOC/$BINARY_NAME" "$WRITER_ID" "$PORT" "$STORAGE_FLAGS_ECHO" "$INSTALL_LOC/$BINARY_NAME" serve --writer-id="$WRITER_ID" --http-bind="$PORT" $STORAGE_FLAGS > /dev/null & PID="$!" SUCCESS=0 for _ in $(seq 1 30); do # on systems without a usable lsof, sleep a second to see if the pid is # still there to give influxdb a chance to error out in case an already # running influxdb is running on this port if [ -z "$lsof_exec" ] || [ "$IS_MUSL" = "yes" ]; then sleep 1 fi if ! kill -0 "$PID" 2>/dev/null ; then break fi if curl --max-time 3 -s "http://localhost:$PORT/health" >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "└─${BOLDGREEN} ✓ InfluxDB 3 ${EDITION} is now installed and running on port %s. Nice!${NC}\n" "$PORT" SUCCESS=1 break fi sleep 1 done if [ $SUCCESS -eq 0 ]; then printf "└─${BOLD} ERROR: InfluxDB failed to start; check permissions or other potential issues.${NC}\n" "$PORT" exit 1 fi else echo printf "${BOLDGREEN}✓ InfluxDB 3 ${EDITION} is now installed. Nice!${NC}\n" fi else echo printf "${BOLDGREEN}✓ InfluxDB 3 ${EDITION} is now installed. Nice!${NC}\n" fi ### SUCCESS INFORMATION ### echo printf "${BOLD}Further Info${NC}\n" if [ -n "$shellrc" ]; then printf "├─ Run ${BOLD}source '%s'${NC}, then access InfluxDB with ${BOLD}influxdb3${NC} command.\n" "$shellrc" else printf "├─ Access InfluxDB with the ${BOLD}%s${NC} command.\n" "$INSTALL_LOC/$BINARY_NAME" fi printf "├─ View the Getting Started guide at \033[4;94mhttps://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb3/${EDITION_TAG}/${NC}.\n" printf "└─ Visit our public Discord at \033[4;94mhttps://discord.gg/az4jPm8x${NC} for additional guidance.\n" echo END_TIME=$(date +%s) DURATION=$((END_TIME - START_TIME)) out=" Time is everything. This process took $DURATION seconds. " mid="" for _ in $(seq 1 ${#out}); do mid="${mid}─" done printf "┌%s┐\n" "$mid" printf "│%s│\n" "$out" printf "└%s┘\n" "$mid"