introduces the new flag --configs-path to the influx CLI. This new
flag has a corresponding env var INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH. It is useful
to export this env var in a shell dotfile for consumption throughout the
closes: #17979
many spots in the CLI that global flags show up cause confusion or just
add overhead with no value. This cleans that up. Other commands may
have token removed if it does not pertain.
commands that do not have global flags:
* influx
* influx completion
* influx config (all sub commands as well)
* influx template
* influx template validate
* influx transpile
* influx version
* all root commands that have no actions, aka influx organization
this deprecates the old flags, but they are still accessible if using them
explictly. They are hidden from the -h message. When used the CLI prints out
a message indicating the flag is deprecated and to use the new flag instead.