* refactor(ui): rename Alerting related page titles
* refactor(ui): update copy in alerting index empty state
* refactor(ui): shrink dashed buttons slightly
* refactor(ui): update copy in VEO and alerting overlays
* refactor(ui): ensure AND in rule builder is a different color
* refactor(ui): fix linter error for reals
* Move current check to TimeMachine alerting
* Unify RemoveButton actions in to ConvertFromCheckView
* Unify AddCheckDialog actions
* Switch saveCurrentCheck to saveCheckFromTimeMachine
* Remove current check from checks reducer
* Change getCurrentCheck to getCheckForTimeMachine
* Get Check along with view in EditcheckEO
* Tidy imports
* Import Actions With on...
* fix module name
* Remove check fixtures
* adding new templates; removing calls to create templates
* fixing quickstart dashboard creation
* Type dashboard template
* bump templates repo version
* add templateID to template meta in swagger
* Add templateID to document meta type in UI
* add templateID to telegrafPlugin and telegrafplugin info types
* Instantiate templates from static templates
* Get tests to pass
* Fix type conflicts
* Bump templates version
* update changelog
Disables running ESLint through the fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin in
development, due to its tendency to overuse CPU.
I think this OK since linter errors, unlike typechecking errors, are
usually confined to the file you are working within. So they're a good
fit to run via an editor, rather than the build tool.
* refactor(ui): replace instaces of AutoInput with Clockface
* refactor(ui): delete local AutoInput component
* refactor(ui): ensure null gets passed back when bin count is set to auto
* refactor(ui): convert BinCountInput into a stateless component
* refactor(ui): convert BinCountInput to function component
* Fix editVEO check saving
* Get checks at dashboard load
* Fix check queries type
* save View before saving check in VEOs
* Get checks from checks list for checkPlot
* Add check view properties to backend
* Match Alerting Button to CheckAlertingButton
* Remove thresholds from default check
* Remove explicity declaration of check view type in query views
* Pass check down to CheckPlot
* Fix clashing action calls
* Fix calling check type change action from dispatch
* Only check for checkView if view is defined
* Remove type when spreading new check on to default check
* Fix check edit route in check cards
* Get checks for dashboard earlier
* Clean up getCheckForView selector
* refactor(ui): replace instace of local Form with clockface
* refactor(ui): replace Form in token overlay
* refactor(ui): replace Form in label overlay
* refactor(ui): replace Form in danger overlay
* refactor(ui): delete local form layout components
* refactor(ui): replace instances of local confirmation button with clockface
* refactor(ui): delete local confirmation button
* refactor(ui): fix affected e2e tokens test
* refactor(ui): polish appearance of alerting index view
* refactor(ui): ensure alert check editor header has proper padding
* refactor(ui): emphasize alerting button more
* refactor(ui): style check builder control bar
* refactor(ui): allow buidler card to have a customizable width
* refactor(ui): expose autohide prop from dapperscrollbars within buildercardbody
* refactor(ui): allow dashed button to have configurable color and size
* refactor(ui): add placeholder buttons in to thresholds card
* refactor(ui): add custom styles for alert builder cards
* refactor(ui): increase height of status message template
* refactor(ui): add empty state to matching rules card
* fix(ui): reconnect checks list to redux
* refactor(ui): use more appropriate copy in endpoints empty state
* Use CheckPlot to visualize check view
* Revert to add threshold types
* Disable view type dropdown in checkView
* Add proper equality
* Add errors in default cases
Changes our error reporting strategy for Honeybadger from "report
everything logged by `console.error`" to "report everything caught by an
error boundary".
As before, Honeybadger still reports everything caught by
`window.onerror` as well.
* chore: add new types for NotiicationRules
* build(client): remove client and build each build
* chore: update gitignore to exclude generated client
* fix: allow client dir to be empty
* docs: add README to client dir
* fix(build): add autogen client to eslintignore
* build: gen client for ci js tests
* Add check saving flows and change activeTab type
* Add first pass at alertBuilder
* Change TimeMachineEnum type
* Add xy view properties to checks, and convert to and from check View type
* Add Column Header to checks column
* Add change current check type action
* Access view type through properties
* Load xy view options for check view
* Add orgID to check in createCheck
* Clear current check on close CheckEO
* Create Check Alerting Button
* Create check view on edit and new check EO
* Fix edit check eo action bug
* Update threshold types
* When switch schedule from every to cron change the inputs that are visible
* save Current Check from VEO if view type is check
* Add description component to checks
* TimeMachineIDs to TimeMachineID
* Remove bracketed object decleration
* Remove as Threshold type
* Use ViewType instead of typeof
* Create CheckType type
* Remove time machine reducer tests
* Remove check view properties that come from xyView
* Fix EditCheck hooks
* Move status calculations to body of function
* Update redux store when performing check CRUD
* Create add and remove check actions in timeMachine
* Remove trailing space
It is expected that if a function awaits a promise, and that promise
rejects with a `CancellationError`, that the function catch and silence
the error. We usually do this, except for one subtle case: in the
`QueryBuilderFetcher`, cancellable promises are intercepted and their
results are cached. Since this caching branch of the promise chain had
no error handling, we were still seeing `CancellationError`s logged to
the console.
This commit blackholes those errors so that they do not show in the
console. It is only expected that the caller of these caching wrappers
handle the `CancellationError`.
Before we would switch from a spinner to "Loading..." text while a cell
loaded for the first time.
This commit changes cells to only show "Loading..." while loading, which
feels less spastic.