Johnny Steenbergen
feat(pkger): add ability to export by stack
this ability exports all resources associated with a stack by the same fields as the original application had done it. This can
be used as a means to snapshot the current state of the stack. This can
be used for source control or other means.
closes : #18271
2020-06-02 08:18:11 -07:00
Johnny Steenbergen
chore(pkger): refactor return values for Apply/DryRun to enable extending it
references: #17997
2020-05-28 15:34:15 -07:00
Johnny Steenbergen
feat(pkger): add the ability to remove a stack and all its associated resources
closes : #17554
2020-05-01 16:18:13 -07:00
Johnny Steenbergen
feat(pkger): extend store with stack lists operation
references: #17544
2020-04-30 13:24:15 -07:00
Johnny Steenbergen
chore(pkger): refactor pkger data model to separate parsed and stateful datum
2020-04-14 09:28:09 -07:00
Jonathan A. Sternberg
refactor: rewrite imports to include the /v2 suffix for version 2
2020-04-03 12:39:20 -05:00
Johnny Steenbergen
feat(pkger): add auth for pkger stack CRUDing
adds new AuthAgent type that can be reused across service middleware.
2020-03-26 10:11:59 -07:00