Previously, the lease redirect was invalid causing anything relying
on a lease for execution (eg. continuous queries) to cease functioning.
The name/nodeid URL param parsing has been moved up to the top of the
handler so the options can be forwarded on to the real leader.
X-Github-Closes: #5592
Possible fix for #5437. meta.Client.RetentionPolicy acquired a read-lock and
then called Database which called data() which acquired a read-lock again.
If a write lock was taken between these two read-locks (likely by Authenticate),
the write-lock would block, and the second read-lock would also block
causing a dead-lock.
If a bind-address of :8088 is used, cluster nodes cannot
connect to those nodes because there is no hostname portion
of the address. When we see a bind-address without a hostname,
use the os hostname or localhost if that fails if it is not specified
in the config already.
* Improve the ping endpoint so that it can optionally check for leader agreement across all meta servers
* Add Ping method to the meta client
* Fix ClusterID tests
* Remove WaitForLeader from meta client and remove unnecessary references to it
* Updated CreateShardGroup to not return an error if it already exists so it's idempotent
* Removed old test making sure you can't delete the default RP. You can delete it now, there was no reason to disallow it.
* Wired up the UpdateRetentionPolicy functionality
This ensures that the meta service will gracefully handle host name changes in a single server configuration.
It also changes the raft setup to use the user specified bind address (and thus hostname) instead of pulling it off the listener, which returns the IP. This will enable users to have hostnames listed instead of IPs in the megastore, making it easier to read. This also means that underlying IPs can change without causing problems in a cluster.
* increase sleep on error in client exec in case a server went down so we don't max out retries before a new leader gets elected
* update and add close logic to service, handler, raft state, and the client
* Add dir, hostname, and bind address to top level config since it applies to services other than meta
* Add enabled flags to example toml for data and meta services
* Wire up add/remove raft peers and meta servers to meta service
* Bring over statement executor from old meta package
* Start meta service client implementation
* Update meta service test to use the client
* Wire up node ID/meta server storage information