The HTTPS configuration for the httpd service only had an option to
specify the certificate file and the same file would be used for both
the certificate and private key file (they could be concatenated
This adds an additional option to specify the files differently from
each other while still allowing the previous behavior. If only
`https-certificate` is specified, the httpd service will try to load the
private key from the `https-certificate` file. If a separate
`https-private-key` file is specified, the private key will be loaded
from there instead.
The parser can be passed a map of keys to literal values to be replaced
into the query. Parameters are preceded by a dollar sign (`$`). If a
parameter key is missing, an error is thrown by the parser.
When authenticating a request, check that an admin user exists instead
of checking for len(users) > 0. This prevents getting stuck with no
admin user and being unable to create one.
The http connection limit is for any HTTP operation and is independent
of the other connection limits. It should be set to a higher value than
the query limit. The difference between this and the query limit is it
will close out the connection immediately without any further
This is the equivalent of the `max_connections` option in PostgreSQL.
Also removes some unused config options from the cluster config.
In order to follow REST a bit more carefully, all write operations
should go through a POST in the future. We still allow read operations
through either GET or POST (similar to the Graphite /render endpoint),
but write operations will trigger a returned warning as part of the JSON
response and will eventually return an error.
Also updates the Golang client libraries to always use POST instead of
It can sometimes be difficult to determine if a query submitted by
the UI has been accepted for execution.
In particular, if a query that returns empty results is followed
by a query that takes a long time, then the green success message
from the first query may be misleadingly displayed to the user when,
in fact, the second query is still in progress.
To address this, we always hide the query error and success divs
before the query is submitted. Previously, just the results were
Secondly, if the user re-runs a query expecting slightly different results,
it can also be unclear whether the second attempt to execute the command
is simply redisplaying the results of the previous query or the results of the
resubmission, this is particularly true if the queries involved
have short execution times.
To support the ability to distinguish these two cases, we have any attempt
to use the history arrow also clear the results and status divs. This
reduces the ambiguity about whether the next results display is, in fact,
the result of executing a new query.
Signed-off-by: Jon Seymour <>
Sanitizing is now done through pattern matching rather than parsing the
query and replacing the password in the query. This prevents
accidentally redacting the wrong part of a query and revealing what the
password is through association.
This has various benefits:
- Users embedding InfluxDB within other Go programs can specify a different logger / prefix easily.
- More consistent with code used elsewhere in InfluxDB (e.g. services, other `run.Server.*` fields, etc).
- This is also more efficient, because it means `executeQuery` no longer allocates a single `*log.Logger` each time it is called.
The deprecated message is now attached to a new attribute returned with
the results. This message can then be read by clients to warn a user
about upcoming changes to the query engine.
The `influx` client has already been modified to read this message and
print it out for every format except CSV.
The first warning message is a deprecated message about removing `IF NOT
The message will also be printed to the server log.
The QueryExecutor had a lot of dead code made obsolete by the query
engine refactor that has now been removed. The TSDBStore interface has
also been cleaned up so we can have multiple implementations of this
(such as a local and remote version).
A StatementExecutor interface has been created for adding custom
functionality to the QueryExecutor that may not be available in the open
source version. The QueryExecutor delegate all statement execution to
the StatementExecutor and the QueryExecutor will only keep track of
housekeeping. Implementing additional queries is as simple as wrapping
the cluster.StatementExecutor struct or replacing it with something
completely different.
The PointsWriter in the QueryExecutor has been changed to a simple
interface that implements the one method needed by the query executor.
This is to allow different PointsWriter implementations to be used by
the QueryExecutor. It has also been moved into the StatementExecutor
The TSDBStore interface has now been modified to contain the code for
creating an IteratorCreator. This is so the underlying TSDBStore can
implement different ways of accessing the underlying shards rather than
always having to access each shard individually (such as batch
Remove the show servers handling. This isn't a valid command in the open
source version of InfluxDB anymore.
The QueryManager interface is now built into QueryExecutor and is no
longer necessary. The StatementExecutor and QueryExecutor split allows
task management to much more easily be built into QueryExecutor rather
than as a separate struct.
A change to the admin UI prevented the success message being displayed
for empty results. This change restores the original behaviour for
this case.
Signed-off-by: Jon Seymour <>
FormValue() would attempt to parse the body of a request when the
content-type is set to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. The write
handler never wants url-encoded forms, and should only ever check the
URL for query parameters.
It's possible for a single query to send multiple results that get
aggregated in the HTTP handler. If an earlier result passed in data and
a later result had an error, the error would be ignored.
Now an error for a statement will overwrite any previous results for
that statement.
Partially fixes#6094.
Prior to this when passing the same query and CQ name in a CREATE
CONTINUOUS QUERY command an error would be returned. This means the
command was not behaving in a similar way to other commands.a
Now when running the command with the same CQ name and query string no
error will be returned. Note, this change does not parse the query, it
simply compares a normalised query string to the existing one on the CQ.
Partially addresses #6094.
Previously, when creating a retention policy only the name was
considered when deciding if the policy already existed. This meant that
adding a second policy with the same name but different duration or
replica factor returned the original policy and no error.
This commit fixes that and ensures that name, duration and replica
factor are all considered.
Allows configuration of shard group duration at database creation, and retention
policy create/alter time.
Query examples:
This can be useful with long duration retention policies with lots of data, where
you can split into smaller shards to relieve memory pressure.
This seems to have been an oversight since all of the response writers
are supposed to implement this interface, but the gzipResponseWriter
didn't implement this interface for some reason.
The currently running queries can be listed with the command
`SHOW QUERIES` and it will display the current commands that have been
run, the database they were run against, and how long they have been
Go 1.4.3 was a security release that also created a strange edge-case
that caused connections to not be kept alive and reused when Close()
is called on the Body of the request. Close() hasn't been required on
the Body of a request for some time, so there is no harm is not calling
it anymore.
... by extracting the db/rp from the given path.
Now that the code has "standardized" on extracting db/rp this way, the
ShardLocation struct is no longer necessary and thus has been removed.
We're back on the previous style of passing the path and walPath to
This commit updates tsdb.Shard to contain a ShardConfig and updates
tsdb.Store to directly reference a map of tsdb.Shard rather than the
previous tsdb.shardLocation abstraction.
Previously, CQs with the same name would be stored in the last run map
the same way. This caused only one of the CQs to run because after the
first one ran it would update the last run time for all CQs with the
same name.
Add the database name to the CQ ID in the last run map to differentiate
between CQs in different databases.
Fixes#5612, #5573 and #5518.
Using the MetaExecuter, queries that need to run on both data nodes
and optionally the meta store will be executed across all data nodes
in the cluster.
When dropping a data node, the following will now happen on the
Meta Store.
1) If any shards no longer have any owners (because the data node
being dropped is the only owner), they will be reassigned a
new owner from within their respective shard group.
2) If a shard group no longer has any shards/data nodes, they will
be marked as deleted.
When a shard is being assigned a new owner a data node with the fewest
number of shards in the shard group will be selected as the new owner.
Finally, checking the validity of a data node's ID now happens in the
Meta store, rather than in the state machine.
This fixes a couple of issues with starting meta-only nodes.
1. We were always calling CreateDataNode regardless of whether the the
node is running data services. We only call that now when node is
data enabled.
2. The node.json was created along-side creating the data node. Since
we are not creatinga a data node, this didn't happen anymore. There
wasn't a simple way to do this in one place so it's actually handle
for when creating a meta or a data node now. Since the ID assigned
to the node is the same regardless of role this works in all combinations
of roles.
3. The JoinMetaServer didn't return the ID of the joining node which
created some races when multiple nodes were joining. The join call now
returns that information to the caller.
The join option was incorrectly exposed on the meta config. It should
be at the top-level as a string and propogate down to the meta config
as a slice.
Fixes#5653 and #5394.
Previously dropping retention policies did not propogate to local TSDB
shards. Instead, the retention policiess would just be removed from the
Meta Store.
This PR adds ensures that data associated with retention policies is
removed, when the retention policy is dropped.
Also, it cleans up a couple of other methods in `tsdb`, including the
requirement to provide (redundant) shardIDs when deleting databases.
Dropping a meta node that had already been removed from the config
would fail because the raft.RemovePeers call would return an error
that the address was unknown. This change skips calling RemovePeer
if it doesn't exist.
Dropping a non-existing ID would hang for 10 seconds becuase the
meta.Client retryUntilExec didn't differentiate before command errors
and redirect errors. In this case, the command would return an error
but we'd try 10 more times and ultimately give up and return the error.
We now return immediately if the command returned and error because
retrying it will not succeed.
Finally, the join loop had no delay and would immediately try to join
the other nodes hundreds of times a second. We now pause a second if we've
tried every node at least once.
This fixes several issues related to the bind address and hostname:
* Allows bind addresses where a hostname or IP is not specified to
work correct and bind to all interfaces by default.
* Fixes the top-level "hostname" config option to allow overridding
all bind address hostnames. This allows a node to advertise a different
hostname than what is defined in the bind address setting.
* Adds the -hostname command-line option back to allow specifing
both -join and -hostname as command-line flags.
* Enforces a configuration precedence and overriding ability defined
as config file is overridden by env vars which are overriden by command-line
Previously, meta.Client would drop the default retention policy when
trying to create a database with a retention policy. The RPC has now
been modified to include the desired retention policy in the
CreateDatabase command and have it use that retention policy information
instead of the default configuration when provided.
This also lowers the number of RPC calls for
CreateDatabaseWithRetentionPolicy to only a single RPC call instead of
Protections have also been included so creating a retention policy with
different parameters will return an error similar to if you tried to
modify the retention policy separately.
This removes the MetaServers property from node.json to eliminate one
of the four places those addresses are stored on disk. We always use
the values that come through the config (via file, env var or -join arg).
I was trying to create a Diagnostics Client in the tsdb package, but
IIRC importing `monitor` caused an import cycle of:
tsdb -> monitor -> cluster -> tsdb.
Moving Diagnostics to its own package will allow further use of
diagnostics.Client without running into import cycles.
Meta HTTP commands are cluster level requests and were showing up in
the main log creating a lot of noise. Switch them to use the ClusterTracing
config option which is disabled by default.
Previously, the lease redirect was invalid causing anything relying
on a lease for execution (eg. continuous queries) to cease functioning.
The name/nodeid URL param parsing has been moved up to the top of the
handler so the options can be forwarded on to the real leader.
X-Github-Closes: #5592
* pass configured precision string to point parsing
* add Precision configuration to UDP config
* default configured precision to match what it appears to be now (from ParsePoints)
Possible fix for #5437. meta.Client.RetentionPolicy acquired a read-lock and
then called Database which called data() which acquired a read-lock again.
If a write lock was taken between these two read-locks (likely by Authenticate),
the write-lock would block, and the second read-lock would also block
causing a dead-lock.
Previously if you issued a CQ with a resample interval higher than the
query interval, such as the following:
SELECT mean(value) INTO cpu_mean FROM cpu GROUP BY time(2m)
This would result in strange behavior because the FOR value defaulted to
the GROUP BY interval and the minimum time passing before a CQ ran was
also the resample interval, so it wouldn't run the appropriate intervals
even if you set the resample duration to a higher value.
This tweaks the CQ runner to set the minimum interval before a bucket
becomes capable of running to the lower of the query interval or the
resample interval instead of always using the resample interval.
It also sets the default resample duration to be the higher value of the
query interval or the resample interval so the above query gets a
default of 4m instead of 2m and will execute 2 queries every 4 minutes.
If you manually set the resample duration to a lower value than the
resample interval, the old behavior will still happen and should be
considered an error.
This also makes trying to create a continuous query with a resample
duration of below the resample interval or query interval (whichever is
higher) as an error returned by the parser.
If a bind-address of :8088 is used, cluster nodes cannot
connect to those nodes because there is no hostname portion
of the address. When we see a bind-address without a hostname,
use the os hostname or localhost if that fails if it is not specified
in the config already.
* Improve the ping endpoint so that it can optionally check for leader agreement across all meta servers
* Add Ping method to the meta client
* Fix ClusterID tests
* Remove WaitForLeader from meta client and remove unnecessary references to it
* Updated CreateShardGroup to not return an error if it already exists so it's idempotent
* Removed old test making sure you can't delete the default RP. You can delete it now, there was no reason to disallow it.
* Wired up the UpdateRetentionPolicy functionality
This ensures that the meta service will gracefully handle host name changes in a single server configuration.
It also changes the raft setup to use the user specified bind address (and thus hostname) instead of pulling it off the listener, which returns the IP. This will enable users to have hostnames listed instead of IPs in the megastore, making it easier to read. This also means that underlying IPs can change without causing problems in a cluster.
* increase sleep on error in client exec in case a server went down so we don't max out retries before a new leader gets elected
* update and add close logic to service, handler, raft state, and the client
* Add dir, hostname, and bind address to top level config since it applies to services other than meta
* Add enabled flags to example toml for data and meta services
* Wire up add/remove raft peers and meta servers to meta service
* Bring over statement executor from old meta package
* Start meta service client implementation
* Update meta service test to use the client
* Wire up node ID/meta server storage information
This changes backup and restore to work for TSM. It breaks it for b1 and bz1, but since those are getting removed it's ok.
The backup runs against any host that is specified and can backup either the metasstore, a database, specific retention policy, or a specific shard. It can also take incremental backups with the `since` flag, which will only backup TSM files that have been created since that timestamp.
The backup is safe to run online. However, for shards that are still hot for writes, they won't be able to create new TSM files while the backup for that single shard runs. If the backup isn't too large and the write throughput isn't too high this shouldn't be a problem since the writes will just go into the WAL cache.
This makes the following syntax possible:
SELECT mean(value) INTO cpu_mean FROM cpu GROUP BY time(5m)
The RESAMPLE option customizes how often an interval will be sampled and
the duration. The interval is customized with EVERY. Any intervals
within the resampling duration on a multiple of the resample interval
will be updated with the new results from the query.
The duration is customized with FOR. This determines how long an
interval will participate in resampling.
Both options are optional. If RESAMPLE is in the syntax, at least one of
the two needs to be given. The default for both is the interval of the
continuous query.
The service also improves tracking of the last run time and the logic of
when a query for an interval should be run. When determining the oldest
interval to run for a query, the continuous query service determines
what would have been the optimal time to perform the next query based on
the last run time. It then uses this time to determine the oldest
interval that should be run using the resample duration and will
resample all intervals between this time and the current time as opposed
to potentially forgetting about the last run in an interval if the
continuous query service gets delayed for some reason.
This removes the previous config options for customizing continuous
queries since they are no longer relevant and adds a new option of
customizing the run interval. The run interval determines how often the
continuous query service polls for when it should execute a query. This
option defaults to 1s, but can be set to 1m if the least common factor
of all continuous queries' intervals is a higher value (like 1m).
Server registration and stats reporting has been removed from what was
once The app that lived there, now
runs at, so that the subdomain can
eventually be repurposed. Because we also want to repurpose the
`enterprise-client` repo, we have also renamed that to `usage-client`.
InfluxDB no longer needs the `registration` service now, since all of
the endpoints it communicates with simply discard the data provided to
The canonical graphite implementation will read and discard NaN values
instead of throwing an error when reading on the line receiver protocol.
Since this is the default behavior for graphite, InfluxDB should have
the same behavior for compatibility.
Previously, a NaN value would result in an error printed to the console.
When you have a large number of NaN values being sent every minute, this
results in the log file filling with useless messages.
Go style -- and existing runtime stats -- do not use underscores, but
instead use camel case. This change makes the internal stats adhere to
that convention.
This changes the HTTP line protocol handler to behave similar to the other
handler in that they will write as many points as possible. Previously, we
would fail the entire batch if one point failed. This can happen more frequently
now with NaN being more explicitly unsupported. Now it will write as many points
that parse successfully and return a "partial write" error to the client with the
lines that failed to parse.
Float values are not supported in the existing engine and the tsm1
engines. This changes NewPoint to return an error if a field value
contains a NaN field. It also allows us to validate fields to prevent
other unsupported types from sneaking in through other input plugins.
Registration also involves statistics and diagnostics upload, for the
purposes of remote management. This means there will be long-running
goroutines in effect. Therefore move the code to a service model.