This commit
* adds new request and response data types for schema gRPC calls
* adds fmt.Stringer implementation to cursors.FieldType
* adds APIs to sort a slice of MeasurementField values,
* upgrades the gogo protobuf package to v1.3.1, which
includes improvements to serialization.
This updates the semantic graph usage to accomodate the change to the
semantic graph that removed the ambiguity of the body so now it is
always a block instead of being a block or an expression.
The `buckets()` and `v1.databases()` functions have been updated to
support their remote counterparts that were added to flux. These
functions now do the same thing as the `from()` call where they will
default to the current organization when run against the server and will
use the remote versions from the repl.
This removes the spec and updates the lang package usage to make use of
passing in the runtime as a parameter.
It removes all direct dependendencies on the flux runtime from the http
This updates the repl to support the new influxdb source and use it by
default in the repl. It will automatically set some default variables
for the influxdb source to make it easier to use the cli. In particular,
it will set the default organization, token, and the host. The
organization gets set to the one specified in the repl command and the
token gets filled in with the user installed one. The host defaults to
localhost but will change to whichever one was specified on the cli.
In addition, this will replace the http client with one that sets
insecure skip verify if the `--skip-verify` flag is used.
This adds support for using pkg-config to build libflux inside of the
flux dependency. The build can occur by either installing `pkg-config`
into your path or the `env` script can be used to invoke it from the go
The repl no longer takes in a querier and it will run everything
locally. The spec interface will now not be used and will be removed
from the http endpoint at some point.
Fixes an issue resolving dependencies with `go mod`.
Specifically, when starting from a clean environment, and
$ go mod download
the following error is produced:
``` invalid version: +incompatible suffix not allowed: major version v1 is compatible