diff --git a/ui/src/shared/components/LineGraph.js b/ui/src/shared/components/LineGraph.js
index b6886322b3..21680ce2e3 100644
--- a/ui/src/shared/components/LineGraph.js
+++ b/ui/src/shared/components/LineGraph.js
@@ -1,67 +1,20 @@
-import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'
+import React, {PropTypes, Component} from 'react'
import Dygraph from 'shared/components/Dygraph'
-import classnames from 'classnames'
import shallowCompare from 'react-addons-shallow-compare'
+import SingleStat from 'src/shared/components/SingleStat'
import timeSeriesToDygraph from 'utils/timeSeriesToDygraph'
-import lastValues from 'shared/parsing/lastValues'
-const {array, arrayOf, bool, func, number, shape, string} = PropTypes
+import {SINGLE_STAT_LINE_COLORS} from 'src/shared/graphs/helpers'
-export default React.createClass({
- displayName: 'LineGraph',
- propTypes: {
- data: arrayOf(shape({}).isRequired).isRequired,
- axes: shape({
- y: shape({
- bounds: array,
- label: string,
- }),
- y2: shape({
- bounds: array,
- label: string,
- }),
- }),
- title: string,
- isFetchingInitially: bool,
- isRefreshing: bool,
- underlayCallback: func,
- isGraphFilled: bool,
- isBarGraph: bool,
- overrideLineColors: array,
- queries: arrayOf(shape({}).isRequired).isRequired,
- showSingleStat: bool,
- displayOptions: shape({
- stepPlot: bool,
- stackedGraph: bool,
- }),
- activeQueryIndex: number,
- ruleValues: shape({}),
- timeRange: shape({
- lower: string.isRequired,
- }),
- isInDataExplorer: bool,
- synchronizer: func,
- setResolution: func,
- cellHeight: number,
- cell: shape({}),
- onZoom: func,
- resizeCoords: shape(),
- },
- getDefaultProps() {
- return {
- underlayCallback: () => {},
- isGraphFilled: true,
- overrideLineColors: null,
- }
- },
+class LineGraph extends Component {
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props)
+ }
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return shallowCompare(this, nextProps, nextState)
- },
+ }
componentWillMount() {
const {data, activeQueryIndex, isInDataExplorer} = this.props
@@ -70,7 +23,7 @@ export default React.createClass({
- },
+ }
componentWillUpdate(nextProps) {
const {data, activeQueryIndex} = this.props
@@ -84,132 +37,144 @@ export default React.createClass({
- },
+ }
render() {
const {
- isFetchingInitially,
- isRefreshing,
- isGraphFilled,
- isBarGraph,
- overrideLineColors,
+ onZoom,
- underlayCallback,
- showSingleStat,
- displayOptions,
- ruleValues,
- synchronizer,
- onZoom,
+ ruleValues,
+ isBarGraph,
+ synchronizer,
+ isRefreshing,
+ isGraphFilled,
+ showSingleStat,
+ displayOptions,
+ underlayCallback,
+ overrideLineColors,
+ isFetchingInitially,
} = this.props
const {labels, timeSeries, dygraphSeries} = this._timeSeries
// If data for this graph is being fetched for the first time, show a graph-wide spinner.
if (isFetchingInitially) {
- return (
- )
+ return
const options = {
- labels,
- connectSeparatedPoints: true,
- labelsKMB: true,
- axisLineColor: '#383846',
- gridLineColor: '#383846',
+ ...displayOptions,
+ labels,
rightGap: 0,
yRangePad: 10,
+ labelsKMB: true,
+ underlayCallback,
axisLabelWidth: 60,
drawAxesAtZero: true,
- underlayCallback,
- ...displayOptions,
- }
- const singleStatOptions = {
- ...options,
- highlightSeriesOpts: {
- strokeWidth: 1.5,
- },
- }
- const singleStatLineColors = [
- '#7A65F2',
- '#FFD255',
- '#7CE490',
- '#F95F53',
- '#4591ED',
- '#B1B6FF',
- '#FFF6B8',
- '#C6FFD0',
- '#6BDFFF',
- ]
- let roundedValue
- if (showSingleStat) {
- const lastValue = lastValues(data)[1]
- const precision = 100.0
- roundedValue = Math.round(+lastValue * precision) / precision
+ axisLineColor: '#383846',
+ gridLineColor: '#383846',
+ connectSeparatedPoints: true,
const lineColors = showSingleStat
- ? singleStatLineColors
: overrideLineColors
return (
- {isRefreshing ? this.renderSpinner() : null}
+ {isRefreshing ?
: null}
- ?
- {roundedValue}
+ ?
: null}
- },
+ }
- renderSpinner() {
- return (
- )
- },
+const GraphLoadingDots = () =>
+const GraphSpinner = () =>
+const {array, arrayOf, bool, func, number, shape, string} = PropTypes
+LineGraph.defaultProps = {
+ underlayCallback: () => {},
+ isGraphFilled: true,
+ overrideLineColors: null,
+LineGraph.propTypes = {
+ axes: shape({
+ y: shape({
+ bounds: array,
+ label: string,
+ }),
+ y2: shape({
+ bounds: array,
+ label: string,
+ }),
+ }),
+ title: string,
+ isFetchingInitially: bool,
+ isRefreshing: bool,
+ underlayCallback: func,
+ isGraphFilled: bool,
+ isBarGraph: bool,
+ overrideLineColors: array,
+ showSingleStat: bool,
+ displayOptions: shape({
+ stepPlot: bool,
+ stackedGraph: bool,
+ }),
+ activeQueryIndex: number,
+ ruleValues: shape({}),
+ timeRange: shape({
+ lower: string.isRequired,
+ }),
+ isInDataExplorer: bool,
+ synchronizer: func,
+ setResolution: func,
+ cellHeight: number,
+ cell: shape(),
+ onZoom: func,
+ resizeCoords: shape(),
+ queries: arrayOf(shape({}).isRequired).isRequired,
+ data: arrayOf(shape({}).isRequired).isRequired,
+export default LineGraph
diff --git a/ui/src/shared/components/SingleStat.js b/ui/src/shared/components/SingleStat.js
index ea95137ed1..5b6bcf9698 100644
--- a/ui/src/shared/components/SingleStat.js
+++ b/ui/src/shared/components/SingleStat.js
@@ -1,28 +1,20 @@
-import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'
+import React, {PropTypes, Component} from 'react'
import classnames from 'classnames'
import shallowCompare from 'react-addons-shallow-compare'
import lastValues from 'shared/parsing/lastValues'
-export default React.createClass({
- displayName: 'LineGraph',
- propTypes: {
- data: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({})).isRequired,
- title: PropTypes.string,
- isFetchingInitially: PropTypes.bool,
- cellHeight: PropTypes.number,
- },
+import {SMALL_CELL_HEIGHT} from 'src/shared/graphs/helpers'
+class SingleStat extends Component {
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return shallowCompare(this, nextProps, nextState)
- },
+ }
render() {
- const {data, cellHeight} = this.props
+ const {data, cellHeight, isFetchingInitially} = this.props
// If data for this graph is being fetched for the first time, show a graph-wide spinner.
- if (this.props.isFetchingInitially) {
+ if (isFetchingInitially) {
return (
@@ -46,5 +38,15 @@ export default React.createClass({
- },
+ }
+const {arrayOf, bool, number, shape} = PropTypes
+SingleStat.propTypes = {
+ data: arrayOf(shape()).isRequired,
+ isFetchingInitially: bool,
+ cellHeight: number,
+export default SingleStat
diff --git a/ui/src/shared/graphs/helpers.js b/ui/src/shared/graphs/helpers.js
index cef1945b81..e210d36f58 100644
--- a/ui/src/shared/graphs/helpers.js
+++ b/ui/src/shared/graphs/helpers.js
@@ -17,6 +17,20 @@ export const LINE_COLORS = [
+export const SMALL_CELL_HEIGHT = 1
+export const SINGLE_STAT_LINE_COLORS = [
+ '#7A65F2',
+ '#FFD255',
+ '#7CE490',
+ '#F95F53',
+ '#4591ED',
+ '#B1B6FF',
+ '#FFF6B8',
+ '#C6FFD0',
+ '#6BDFFF',
export const darkenColor = colorStr => {
// Defined in dygraph-utils.js
const color = Dygraphs.toRGB_(colorStr)