Write render tests for component

Alex P 2018-04-20 20:34:55 -07:00
parent 1136e750f4
commit e7a8fb305b
1 changed files with 86 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
import {shallow} from 'enzyme'
import React from 'react'
import SubSections from 'src/shared/components/SubSections'
import SubSectionsTab from 'src/shared/components/SubSectionsTab'
const Guava = () => {
return <div />
const Mango = () => {
return <div />
const Pineapple = () => {
return <div />
const guavaURL = 'guava'
const mangoURL = 'mango'
const pineappleURL = 'pineapple'
const defaultProps = {
router: {
push: () => {},
replace: () => {},
go: () => {},
goBack: () => {},
goForward: () => {},
setRouteLeaveHook: () => {},
isActive: () => {},
sourceID: 'fruitstand',
parentUrl: 'fred-the-fruit-guy',
activeSection: guavaURL,
sections: [
url: guavaURL,
name: 'Guava',
component: <Guava />,
enabled: true,
url: mangoURL,
name: 'Mango',
component: <Mango />,
enabled: true,
url: pineappleURL,
name: 'Pineapple',
component: <Pineapple />,
enabled: false,
const setup = (override?: {}) => {
const props = {
return shallow(<SubSections {...props} />)
describe('SubSections', () => {
describe('render', () => {
it('renders the currently active tab', () => {
const wrapper = setup()
const content = wrapper.dive().find({'data-test': 'subsectionContent'})
it('only renders enabled tabs', () => {
const wrapper = setup()
const nav = wrapper.dive().find({'data-test': 'subsectionNav'})
const tabs = nav.find(SubSectionsTab)
tabs.forEach(tab => {