Added logic to to cleanly handle a 'go get' switching the branch back to master. Modified the build command to reference the actual git branch instead of the target git branch. Added an optional '--no-get' flag to __not__ run 'go get' when building (helpful for small build changes). Added option to specify a non-default S3 bucket for uploads. Added debug flag and output. Also modified 32-bit builds to be marked as i386 instead of 386.

Ross McDonald 2016-01-11 19:06:01 -06:00
parent e036a4e69b
commit db68606e89
1 changed files with 130 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -17,13 +17,9 @@ import tempfile
import hashlib
import re
import boto
from boto.s3.key import Key
except ImportError:
debug = False
# Packaging variables
INSTALL_ROOT_DIR = "/usr/bin"
LOG_DIR = "/var/log/influxdb"
DATA_DIR = "/var/lib/influxdb"
@ -39,30 +35,31 @@ POSTUNINST_SCRIPT = "scripts/"
LOGROTATE_SCRIPT = "scripts/logrotate"
DEFAULT_CONFIG = "etc/config.sample.toml"
CONFIG_DIR + '/influxdb.conf',
LOGROTATE_DIR + '/influxdb',
VENDOR = "InfluxData"
DESCRIPTION = "Distributed time-series database."
prereqs = [ 'git', 'go' ]
optional_prereqs = [ 'gvm', 'fpm', 'rpmbuild' ]
fpm_common_args = "-f -s dir --log error \
--vendor {} \
--url {} \
--after-install {} \
--before-install {} \
--after-remove {} \
--license {} \
--maintainer {} \
--config-files {} \
--config-files {} \
--directories {} \
--directories {} \
--description \"{}\"".format(
--vendor {} \
--url {} \
--after-install {} \
--before-install {} \
--after-remove {} \
--license {} \
--maintainer {} \
--directories {} \
--directories {} \
--description \"{}\"".format(
@ -70,12 +67,13 @@ fpm_common_args = "-f -s dir --log error \
CONFIG_DIR + '/influxdb.conf',
LOGROTATE_DIR + '/influxdb',
fpm_common_args += " --config-files {}".format(f)
targets = {
'influx' : './cmd/influx/main.go',
'influxd' : './cmd/influxd/main.go',
@ -85,10 +83,10 @@ targets = {
supported_builds = {
'darwin': [ "amd64", "386" ],
# Windows is not currently supported in InfluxDB 0.9.5 due to use of mmap
'darwin': [ "amd64", "i386" ],
# InfluxDB does not currently support Windows
# 'windows': [ "amd64", "386", "arm" ],
'linux': [ "amd64", "386", "arm" ]
'linux': [ "amd64", "i386", "arm" ]
supported_packages = {
@ -99,6 +97,8 @@ supported_packages = {
def run(command, allow_failure=False, shell=False):
out = None
if debug:
print "[DEBUG] {}".format(command)
if shell:
out = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=shell)
@ -133,8 +133,11 @@ def run(command, allow_failure=False, shell=False):
return out
def create_temp_dir():
return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="influxdb-build.")
def create_temp_dir(prefix = None):
if prefix is None:
return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="influxdb-build.")
return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix)
def get_current_version():
command = "git describe --always --tags --abbrev=0"
@ -190,7 +193,7 @@ def check_environ(build_dir = None):
print "\t- {} -> {}".format(v, os.environ.get(v))
cwd = os.getcwd()
if build_dir == None and os.environ.get("GOPATH") and os.environ.get("GOPATH") not in cwd:
if build_dir is None and os.environ.get("GOPATH") and os.environ.get("GOPATH") not in cwd:
print "\n!! WARNING: Your current directory is not under your GOPATH. This may lead to build failures."
def check_prereqs():
@ -211,16 +214,26 @@ def check_prereqs():
print "?"
print ""
def upload_packages(packages, nightly=False):
print "Uploading packages to S3..."
print ""
def upload_packages(packages, bucket_name=None, nightly=False):
if debug:
print "[DEBUG] upload_packages: {}".format(packages)
import boto
from boto.s3.key import Key
except ImportError:
print "!! Cannot upload packages without the 'boto' Python library."
return 1
print "Connecting to S3...".format(bucket_name)
c = boto.connect_s3()
# TODO(rossmcdonald) - Set to different S3 bucket for release vs nightly
bucket = c.get_bucket('influxdb-nightly')
if bucket_name is None:
bucket_name = 'influxdb-nightly'
bucket = c.get_bucket(bucket_name)
print "\t - Using bucket: {}".format(bucket_name)
for p in packages:
name = os.path.basename(p)
if bucket.get_key(name) is None or nightly:
print "\t - Uploading {}...".format(name),
print "\t - Uploading {}...".format(name)
k = Key(bucket)
k.key = name
if nightly:
@ -228,10 +241,10 @@ def upload_packages(packages, nightly=False):
n = k.set_contents_from_filename(p, replace=False)
print "[ DONE ]"
print "\t - Not uploading {}, already exists.".format(p)
print "\t - Not uploading package {}, as it already exists.".format(p)
print ""
return 0
def run_tests(race, parallel, timeout, no_vet):
print "Retrieving Go dependencies...",
@ -300,8 +313,8 @@ def build(version=None,
print "\t- version: {}".format(version)
if rc:
print "\t- release candidate: {}".format(rc)
print "\t- commit: {}".format(commit)
print "\t- branch: {}".format(branch)
print "\t- commit: {}".format(get_current_commit(short=True))
print "\t- branch: {}".format(get_current_branch())
print "\t- platform: {}".format(platform)
print "\t- arch: {}".format(arch)
if arch == 'arm' and goarm_version:
@ -321,9 +334,17 @@ def build(version=None,
# If a release candidate, update the version information accordingly
version = "{}rc{}".format(version, rc)
# Set the architecture to something that Go expects
if arch == 'i386':
arch = '386'
elif arch == 'x86_64':
arch = 'amd64'
print "Starting build..."
tmp_build_dir = create_temp_dir()
for b, c in targets.iteritems():
print "\t- Building '{}'...".format(os.path.join(outdir, b)),
print "\t- Building '{}'...".format(os.path.join(outdir, b))
build_command = ""
build_command += "GOOS={} GOARCH={} ".format(platform, arch)
if arch == "arm" and goarm_version:
@ -337,16 +358,15 @@ def build(version=None,
if "1.4" in go_version:
build_command += "-ldflags=\"-X main.buildTime '{}' ".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat())
build_command += "-X main.version {} ".format(version)
build_command += "-X main.branch {} ".format(branch)
build_command += "-X main.branch {} ".format(get_current_branch())
build_command += "-X main.commit {}\" ".format(get_current_commit())
build_command += "-ldflags=\"-X main.buildTime='{}' ".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat())
build_command += "-X main.version={} ".format(version)
build_command += "-X main.branch={} ".format(branch)
build_command += "-X main.branch={} ".format(get_current_branch())
build_command += "-X main.commit={}\" ".format(get_current_commit())
build_command += c
run(build_command, shell=True)
print "[ DONE ]"
print ""
def create_dir(path):
@ -392,15 +412,35 @@ def package_scripts(build_root):
shutil.copyfile(DEFAULT_CONFIG, os.path.join(build_root, CONFIG_DIR[1:], "influxdb.conf"))
os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, CONFIG_DIR[1:], "influxdb.conf"), 0644)
def go_get(update=False):
def go_get(branch, update=False):
get_command = None
if update:
get_command = "go get -u -f -d ./..."
get_command = "go get -d ./..."
print "Retrieving Go dependencies...",
print "done.\n"
# 'go get' switches to master, so stash what we currently have
stash = run("git stash create -a").strip()
if len(stash) > 0:
print "There are un-committed changes in your local branch, stashing them as {}".format(stash)
# reset to ensure we don't have any checkout issues
run("git reset --hard")
print "Retrieving Go dependencies (moving to master)..."
print "Moving back to branch '{}'...".format(branch)
run("git checkout {}".format(branch))
print "Applying previously stashed contents..."
run("git stash apply {}".format(stash))
print "Retrieving Go dependencies..."
print "Moving back to branch '{}'...".format(branch)
run("git checkout {}".format(branch))
def generate_md5_from_file(path):
m = hashlib.md5()
@ -412,6 +452,8 @@ def generate_md5_from_file(path):
def build_packages(build_output, version, pkg_arch, nightly=False, rc=None, iteration=1):
outfiles = []
tmp_build_dir = create_temp_dir()
if debug:
print "[DEBUG] build_output = {}".format(build_output)
print "-------------------------"
print ""
@ -421,7 +463,7 @@ def build_packages(build_output, version, pkg_arch, nightly=False, rc=None, iter
create_dir(os.path.join(tmp_build_dir, p))
for a in build_output[p]:
current_location = build_output[p][a]
# Create second-level directory displaying the architecture (amd64, etc)p
# Create second-level directory displaying the architecture (amd64, etc)
build_root = os.path.join(tmp_build_dir, p, a)
# Create directory tree to mimic file system of package
@ -438,10 +480,14 @@ def build_packages(build_output, version, pkg_arch, nightly=False, rc=None, iter
copy_file(fr, to)
# Package the directory structure
for package_type in supported_packages[p]:
print "\t- Packaging directory '{}' as '{}'...".format(build_root, package_type),
print "\t- Packaging directory '{}' as '{}'...".format(build_root, package_type)
name = "influxdb"
# Reset version, iteration, and current location on each run
# since they may be modified below.
package_version = version
package_iteration = iteration
current_location = build_output[p][a]
if package_type in ['zip', 'tar']:
if nightly:
name = '{}-nightly_{}_{}'.format(name, p, a)
@ -454,6 +500,8 @@ def build_packages(build_output, version, pkg_arch, nightly=False, rc=None, iter
package_iteration = "0.rc{}".format(rc)
if pkg_arch is not None:
a = pkg_arch
if a == '386':
a = 'i386'
fpm_command = "fpm {} --name {} -a {} -t {} --version {} --iteration {} -C {} -p {} ".format(
@ -471,16 +519,17 @@ def build_packages(build_output, version, pkg_arch, nightly=False, rc=None, iter
if matches is not None:
outfile = matches.groups()[0]
if outfile is None:
print "!! Could not determine output from packaging command."
# Strip nightly version (the unix epoch) from filename
if nightly and package_type in ['deb', 'rpm']:
outfile = rename_file(outfile, outfile.replace("{}-{}".format(version, iteration), "nightly"))
outfiles.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), outfile))
print "[ DONE ]"
# Display MD5 hash for generated package
print "\t\tMD5 = {}".format(generate_md5_from_file(outfile))
print ""
if debug:
print "[DEBUG] package outfiles: {}".format(outfiles)
return outfiles
# Cleanup
@ -491,7 +540,7 @@ def print_usage():
print ""
print "Options:"
print "\t --outdir=<path> \n\t\t- Send build output to a specified path. Defaults to ./build."
print "\t --arch=<arch> \n\t\t- Build for specified architecture. Acceptable values: x86_64|amd64, 386, arm, or all"
print "\t --arch=<arch> \n\t\t- Build for specified architecture. Acceptable values: x86_64|amd64, 386|i386, arm, or all"
print "\t --goarm=<arm version> \n\t\t- Build for specified ARM version (when building for ARM). Default value is: 6"
print "\t --platform=<platform> \n\t\t- Build for specified platform. Acceptable values: linux, windows, darwin, or all"
print "\t --version=<version> \n\t\t- Version information to apply to build metadata. If not specified, will be pulled from repo tag."
@ -508,6 +557,9 @@ def print_usage():
print "\t --parallel \n\t\t- Run Go tests in parallel up to the count specified."
print "\t --timeout \n\t\t- Timeout for Go tests. Defaults to 480s."
print "\t --clean \n\t\t- Clean the build output directory prior to creating build."
print "\t --no-get \n\t\t- Do not run `go get` before building."
print "\t --bucket=<S3 bucket>\n\t\t- Full path of the bucket to upload packages to (must also specify --upload)."
print "\t --debug \n\t\t- Displays debug output."
print ""
def print_package_summary(packages):
@ -535,6 +587,9 @@ def main():
iteration = 1
no_vet = False
goarm_version = "6"
run_get = True
upload_bucket = None
global debug
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if '--outdir' in arg:
@ -592,9 +647,17 @@ def main():
iteration = arg.split("=")[1]
elif '--no-vet' in arg:
no_vet = True
elif '--no-get' in arg:
run_get = False
elif '--goarm' in arg:
# Signifies GOARM flag to pass to build command when compiling for ARM
goarm_version = arg.split("=")[1]
elif '--bucket' in arg:
# The bucket to upload the packages to, relies on boto
upload_bucket = arg.split("=")[1]
elif '--debug' in arg:
print "[DEBUG] Using debug output"
debug = True
elif '--help' in arg:
return 0
@ -607,7 +670,7 @@ def main():
if rc:
print "!! Cannot be both nightly and a release candidate! Stopping."
return 1
# In order to support nightly builds on the repository, we are adding the epoch timestamp
# In order to cleanly delineate nightly version, we are adding the epoch timestamp
# to the version so that version numbers are always greater than the previous nightly.
version = "{}.n{}".format(version, int(time.time()))
@ -620,26 +683,31 @@ def main():
if not branch:
branch = get_current_branch()
if not target_arch:
if 'arm' in get_system_arch():
system_arch = get_system_arch()
if 'arm' in system_arch:
# Prevent uname from reporting ARM arch (eg 'armv7l')
target_arch = "arm"
target_arch = get_system_arch()
target_arch = system_arch
if not target_platform:
target_platform = get_system_platform()
if rc or nightly:
# If a release candidate or nightly, set iteration to 0 (instead of 1)
iteration = 0
if target_arch == '386':
target_arch = 'i386'
elif target_arch == 'x86_64':
target_arch = 'amd64'
build_output = {}
# TODO(rossmcdonald): Prepare git repo for build (checking out correct branch/commit, etc.)
# prepare(branch=branch, commit=commit)
if test:
if not run_tests(race, parallel, timeout, no_vet):
return 1
return 0
if run_get:
go_get(branch, update=update)
platforms = []
single_build = True
@ -677,14 +745,13 @@ def main():
# Build packages
if package:
if not check_path_for("fpm"):
print "!! Cannot package without command 'fpm'. Stopping."
print "!! Cannot package without command 'fpm'."
return 1
packages = build_packages(build_output, version, package_arch, nightly=nightly, rc=rc, iteration=iteration)
# TODO(rossmcdonald): Add nice output for print_package_summary()
# print_package_summary(packages)
# Optionally upload to S3
if upload:
upload_packages(packages, nightly=nightly)
upload_packages(packages, bucket_name=upload_bucket, nightly=nightly)
print "Done!"
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':