diff --git a/delorean_wal/src/lib.rs b/delorean_wal/src/lib.rs
index 9eb54f56fc..068625c496 100644
--- a/delorean_wal/src/lib.rs
+++ b/delorean_wal/src/lib.rs
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 //! Work remaining:
-//! - Atomic remove of entries
 //! - More testing for correctness; the existing tests mostly demonstrate possible usages.
 //! - Error handling
@@ -317,6 +316,25 @@ where
+    /// Deletes files up to, but not including, the file that contains the entry number specified
+    pub fn delete_up_to_entry(&self, entry_number: u64) -> Result<()> {
+        let mut iter = self.files.existing_filenames()?.peekable();
+        let hypothetical_filename = self
+            .files
+            .filename_starting_at_sequence_number(entry_number);
+        while let Some(inner_path) = iter.next() {
+            if iter.peek().map_or(false, |p| p < &hypothetical_filename) {
+                // Intentionally ignore failures. Should we collect them for reporting instead?
+                let _ = fs::remove_file(inner_path);
+            } else {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
     // TODO: Maybe a third struct?
     /// Flush all pending bytes to disk.
diff --git a/delorean_wal/tests/delete-up-to.rs b/delorean_wal/tests/delete-up-to.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5889d71492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/delorean_wal/tests/delete-up-to.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+use delorean_wal::WalBuilder;
+use std::io::Write;
+mod helpers;
+use crate::helpers::*;
+fn delete_up_to() -> Result {
+    let dir = delorean_test_helpers::tmp_dir()?;
+    // Set the file rollover size limit low to test interaction with file rollover
+    let builder = WalBuilder::new(dir.as_ref()).file_rollover_size(100);
+    let wal = builder.clone().wal()?;
+    create_and_sync_batch!(
+        wal,
+        [
+            b"some data within the file limit",
+            b"some more data that puts the file over the limit"
+        ]
+    );
+    // Write one WAL entry, and because the existing file is over the size limit, this entry
+    // should end up in a new WAL file
+    create_and_sync_batch!(
+        wal,
+        [b"some more data, this should now be rolled over into the next WAL file"]
+    );
+    // Write two WAL entries, one that could fit in the existing file but puts the file over the
+    // limit. Because the two entries are in one sync batch, they both will end up in the existing
+    // file even though it's over the limit after the first entry.
+    create_and_sync_batch!(
+        wal,
+        [
+            b"one entry that puts the existing file over the limit",
+            b"another entry"
+        ]
+    );
+    // There should be two existing WAL files
+    assert_filenames_for_sequence_numbers!(dir, [0, 2]);
+    // Should be able to read the entries back out
+    let wal_entries = all_entries(&builder)?;
+    assert_eq!(5, wal_entries.len());
+    assert_entry!(wal_entries[0], 0, b"some data within the file limit");
+    assert_entry!(
+        wal_entries[1],
+        1,
+        b"some more data that puts the file over the limit"
+    );
+    assert_entry!(
+        wal_entries[2],
+        2,
+        b"some more data, this should now be rolled over into the next WAL file"
+    );
+    assert_entry!(
+        wal_entries[3],
+        3,
+        b"one entry that puts the existing file over the limit"
+    );
+    assert_entry!(wal_entries[4], 4, b"another entry");
+    // Not including 3, is this expected?
+    wal.delete_up_to_entry(3)?;
+    // There should be one existing WAL file
+    assert_filenames_for_sequence_numbers!(dir, [2]);
+    // Add another entry; the sequence numbers continue
+    create_and_sync_batch!(wal, [b"entry after deletion"]);
+    // Should be able to read the entries back out
+    let wal_entries = all_entries(&builder)?;
+    assert_eq!(4, wal_entries.len());
+    // Is it expected that 2 is still readable, because we asked to delete it but couldn't because
+    // it was in a file with 3?
+    assert_entry!(
+        wal_entries[0],
+        2,
+        b"some more data, this should now be rolled over into the next WAL file"
+    );
+    assert_entry!(
+        wal_entries[1],
+        3,
+        b"one entry that puts the existing file over the limit"
+    );
+    assert_entry!(wal_entries[2], 4, b"another entry");
+    assert_entry!(wal_entries[3], 5, b"entry after deletion");
+    Ok(())