Update check to test writing values during compaction

Paul Dix 2013-10-11 11:06:43 -04:00
parent 58113342eb
commit c962a81a5f
1 changed files with 46 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
@ -18,9 +19,10 @@ func main() {
"some_host_2342.stats.cpu.idle", "actions", "host_another_2.stats.cpu.idle",
pointsWritten := 0
dbDir := "/tmp/chronos_db_test"
pointsToWritePerSeries := 3000000
pointsToWritePerSeries := 2000000
pointsToDeletePerSeries := pointsToWritePerSeries / 2
opts := levigo.NewOptions()
@ -51,14 +53,16 @@ func main() {
fmt.Println("COUNT: ", pointsWritten)
out, _ := exec.Command("du", "-h", dbDir).Output()
fmt.Println("SIZE: ", string(out))
diff := time.Now().Sub(start)
fmt.Printf("DONE. %d points written in %s\n", pointsWritten, diff.String())
fmt.Printf("hit enter after checking size of dir and ready to continue...")
var s string
fmt.Scanf("%s", &s)
out, _ := exec.Command("du", "-h", dbDir).Output()
fmt.Println("SIZE: ", string(out))
deleteCount := 0
start = time.Now()
ranges := make([]*levigo.Range, 0)
for _, seriesName := range seriesNames {
fmt.Println("Deleting: ", seriesName)
count := 0
@ -76,8 +80,44 @@ func main() {
rangeToCompact := &levigo.Range{[]byte(key), lastKey}
ranges = append(ranges, rangeToCompact)
out, _ := exec.Command("du", "-h", dbDir).Output()
fmt.Println("SIZE: ", string(out))
fmt.Printf("DONE. %d points deleted in %s\n", deleteCount, diff.String())
fmt.Println("Starting compaction in background...")
compactionDone := make(chan int)
for _, r := range ranges {
go func(r *levigo.Range) {
compactionDone <- 1
start = time.Now()
fmt.Println("Writing new points...")
pointsWritten = 0
for _, seriesName := range seriesNames {
fmt.Println("Writing Series: ", seriesName)
for i := pointsToWritePerSeries; i < pointsToWritePerSeries*2; i++ {
key := fmt.Sprintf("c~%s~1381456156%012d~%d", seriesName, i, rand.Int())
db.Put(writeOptions, []byte(key), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%f", rand.Float64())))
pointsWritten += 1
if pointsWritten%500000 == 0 {
fmt.Println("COUNT: ", pointsWritten)
out, _ := exec.Command("du", "-h", dbDir).Output()
fmt.Println("SIZE: ", string(out))
fmt.Println("waiting for compaction to finish...")
for i := 0; i < len(ranges); i++ {
diff = time.Now().Sub(start)
fmt.Printf("DONE. %d points deleted in %s\n", deleteCount, diff.String())
out, _ = exec.Command("du", "-h", dbDir).Output()
fmt.Printf("DONE. %d points written during compaction in %s\n", deleteCount, diff.String())
fmt.Println("SIZE: ", string(out))