diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index a49defb5d1..27bcd73a78 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -12,6 +12,103 @@ If you are getting an `error loading module requirements` error with `bzr execut For information about modules, please refer to the [wiki](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules). +## Basic Usage + +A successful `make` run results in two binaries, with platform-dependent paths: +``` +$ make +... +env GO111MODULE=on go build -tags 'assets ' -o bin/darwin/influx ./cmd/influx +env GO111MODULE=on go build -tags 'assets ' -o bin/darwin/influxd ./cmd/influxd +``` + +`influxd` is the InfluxDB service. `influx` is the CLI management tool. + + +Start the service. Logs to stdout by default: +``` +$ bin/darwin/influxd +``` + +To write and read fancy timeseries data, you'll need to first create a user, credentials, organization and bucket. +Use the subcommands `influx user`, `influx auth`, `influx org` and `influx bucket`, or do it all in one breath with `influx setup`: +``` +$ bin/darwin/influx setup +Welcome to InfluxDB 2.0! +Please type your primary username: user + +Please type your password: s3^R#tpA$s + +Please type your password again: s3^R#tpA$s + +Please type your primary organization name.: my-org + +Please type your primary bucket name.: my-bucket + +Please type your retention period in hours (exp 168 for 1 week). +Or press ENTER for infinite.: 72 + + +You have entered: + Username: user + Organization: my-org + Bucket: my-bucket + Retention Period: 72 hrs +Confirm? (y/n): y + +UserID Username Organization Bucket +033a3f2c5ccaa000 user my-org my-bucket +Your token has been stored in /Users/you/.influxdbv2/credentials +``` + +`~/.influxdbv2/credentials` contains your auth token. +Most `influx` commands read the token from this file path by default. + +You may need the organization ID and bucket ID later: +``` +$ influx org find +ID Name +033a3f2c708aa000 my-org +``` + +``` +$ influx bucket find +ID Name Retention Organization OrganizationID +033a3f2c710aa000 my-bucket 72h0m0s my-org 033a3f2c708aa000 +``` + +Write to measurement `m`, with tag `v=2`, in bucket `my-bucket`, which belongs to organization `my-org`: +``` +$ bin/darwin/influx write --org my-org --bucket my-bucket --precision s "m v=2 $(date +%s)" +``` + +Write the same point using `curl`: +``` +curl --header "Authorization: Token $(cat ~/.influxdbv2/credentials)" --data-raw "m v=2 $(date +%s)" "http://localhost:9999/api/v2/write?org=033a3f2c708aa000&bucket=033a3f2c710aa000&precision=s" +``` + +Read that back with a simple Flux query (currently, the `query` subcommand does not have a `--org` flag): +``` +$ bin/darwin/influx query --org-id 033a3f2c708aa000 'from(bucket:"my-bucket") |> range(start:-1h)' +Result: _result +Table: keys: [_start, _stop, _field, _measurement] + _start:time _stop:time _field:string _measurement:string _time:time _value:float +------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- +2019-01-10T19:24:06.806244000Z 2019-01-10T20:24:06.806244000Z v m 2019-01-10T20:04:09.000000000Z 2 +``` + +Use the fancy REPL: +``` +$ bin/darwin/influx repl --org my-org +> from(bucket:"my-bucket") |> range(start:-1h) +Result: _result +Table: keys: [_start, _stop, _field, _measurement] + _start:time _stop:time _field:string _measurement:string _time:time _value:float +------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- +2019-01-10T19:36:23.361220000Z 2019-01-10T20:36:23.361220000Z v m 2019-01-10T20:04:09.000000000Z 2 +> +``` + ## Introducing Flux We recently announced Flux, the MIT-licensed data scripting language (and rename for IFQL). The source for Flux is [available on GitHub](https://github.com/influxdata/flux). Learn more about Flux from [CTO Paul Dix's presentation](https://speakerdeck.com/pauldix/flux-number-fluxlang-a-new-time-series-data-scripting-language).