Merge pull request #5470 from influxdata/ross-packaging-updates

Packaging and Build Updates
pull/5570/head v0.10.0
Ross McDonald 2016-02-04 10:51:02 -06:00
commit b8bb32ecad
3 changed files with 157 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,12 @@ import re
debug = False
#### InfluxDB Variables
# Packaging variables
PACKAGE_NAME = "influxdb"
INSTALL_ROOT_DIR = "/usr/bin"
LOG_DIR = "/var/log/influxdb"
DATA_DIR = "/var/lib/influxdb"
@ -35,6 +40,9 @@ POSTUNINST_SCRIPT = "scripts/"
LOGROTATE_SCRIPT = "scripts/logrotate"
DEFAULT_CONFIG = "etc/config.sample.toml"
# Default AWS S3 bucket for uploads
DEFAULT_BUCKET = "influxdb"
CONFIG_DIR + '/influxdb.conf',
LOGROTATE_DIR + '/influxdb',
@ -90,11 +98,53 @@ supported_builds = {
supported_packages = {
"darwin": [ "tar", "zip" ],
"linux": [ "deb", "rpm", "tar", "zip" ],
"windows": [ "tar", "zip" ],
"darwin": [ "tar" ],
"linux": [ "deb", "rpm", "tar" ],
"windows": [ "tar" ],
#### InfluxDB Functions
def create_package_fs(build_root):
print "Creating package filesystem at root: {}".format(build_root)
# Using [1:] for the path names due to them being absolute
# (will overwrite previous paths, per 'os.path.join' documentation)
for d in dirs:
create_dir(os.path.join(build_root, d))
os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, d), 0755)
def package_scripts(build_root):
print "Copying scripts and sample configuration to build directory"
shutil.copyfile(INIT_SCRIPT, os.path.join(build_root, SCRIPT_DIR[1:], INIT_SCRIPT.split('/')[1]))
os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, SCRIPT_DIR[1:], INIT_SCRIPT.split('/')[1]), 0644)
shutil.copyfile(SYSTEMD_SCRIPT, os.path.join(build_root, SCRIPT_DIR[1:], SYSTEMD_SCRIPT.split('/')[1]))
os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, SCRIPT_DIR[1:], SYSTEMD_SCRIPT.split('/')[1]), 0644)
shutil.copyfile(LOGROTATE_SCRIPT, os.path.join(build_root, LOGROTATE_DIR[1:], "influxdb"))
os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, LOGROTATE_DIR[1:], "influxdb"), 0644)
shutil.copyfile(DEFAULT_CONFIG, os.path.join(build_root, CONFIG_DIR[1:], "influxdb.conf"))
os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, CONFIG_DIR[1:], "influxdb.conf"), 0644)
def run_generate():
# TODO - Port this functionality to InfluxDB, currently a NOOP
print "NOTE: The `--generate` flag is currently a NNOP. Skipping..."
# print "Running generate..."
# command = "go generate ./..."
# code = os.system(command)
# if code != 0:
# print "Generate Failed"
# return False
# else:
# print "Generate Succeeded"
# return True
#### All InfluxDB-specific content above this line
def run(command, allow_failure=False, shell=False):
out = None
if debug:
@ -135,14 +185,21 @@ def run(command, allow_failure=False, shell=False):
def create_temp_dir(prefix = None):
if prefix is None:
return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="influxdb-build.")
return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="{}-build.".format(PACKAGE_NAME))
return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix)
def get_current_version():
command = "git describe --always --tags --abbrev=0"
out = run(command)
return out.strip()
def get_current_version_tag():
version = run("git describe --always --tags --abbrev=0").strip()
return version
def get_current_rc():
rc = None
version_tag = get_current_version_tag()
matches = re.match(r'.*-rc(\d+)', version_tag)
if matches:
rc, = matches.groups(1)
return rc
def get_current_commit(short=False):
command = None
@ -188,25 +245,27 @@ def check_path_for(b):
return full_path
def check_environ(build_dir = None):
print "\nChecking environment:"
print ""
print "Checking environment:"
for v in [ "GOPATH", "GOBIN", "GOROOT" ]:
print "\t- {} -> {}".format(v, os.environ.get(v))
print "- {} -> {}".format(v, os.environ.get(v))
cwd = os.getcwd()
if build_dir is None and os.environ.get("GOPATH") and os.environ.get("GOPATH") not in cwd:
print "\n!! WARNING: Your current directory is not under your GOPATH. This may lead to build failures."
print "!! WARNING: Your current directory is not under your GOPATH. This may lead to build failures."
def check_prereqs():
print "\nChecking for dependencies:"
print ""
print "Checking for dependencies:"
for req in prereqs:
print "\t- {} ->".format(req),
print "- {} ->".format(req),
path = check_path_for(req)
if path:
print "{}".format(path)
print "?"
for req in optional_prereqs:
print "\t- {} (optional) ->".format(req),
print "- {} (optional) ->".format(req),
path = check_path_for(req)
if path:
print "{}".format(path)
@ -226,13 +285,20 @@ def upload_packages(packages, bucket_name=None, nightly=False):
print "Connecting to S3...".format(bucket_name)
c = boto.connect_s3()
if bucket_name is None:
bucket_name = 'influxdb-nightly'
bucket = c.get_bucket(bucket_name)
print "\t - Using bucket: {}".format(bucket_name)
bucket_name = DEFAULT_BUCKET
bucket = c.get_bucket(bucket_name.split('/')[0])
print "Using bucket: {}".format(bucket_name)
for p in packages:
name = os.path.basename(p)
if '/' in bucket_name:
# Allow for nested paths within the bucket name (ex:
# bucket/folder). Assuming forward-slashes as path
# delimiter.
name = os.path.join('/'.join(bucket_name.split('/')[1:]),
name = os.path.basename(p)
if bucket.get_key(name) is None or nightly:
print "\t - Uploading {}...".format(name)
print "Uploading {}...".format(name)
k = Key(bucket)
k.key = name
@ -242,7 +308,7 @@ def upload_packages(packages, bucket_name=None, nightly=False):
n = k.set_contents_from_filename(p, replace=False)
print "\t - Not uploading package {}, as it already exists.".format(p)
print "!! Not uploading package {}, as it already exists.".format(p)
print ""
return 0
@ -307,20 +373,21 @@ def build(version=None,
print ""
print "-------------------------"
print ""
print "Build plan:"
print "\t- version: {}".format(version)
print "Build Plan:"
print "- version: {}".format(version)
if rc:
print "\t- release candidate: {}".format(rc)
print "\t- commit: {}".format(get_current_commit(short=True))
print "\t- branch: {}".format(get_current_branch())
print "\t- platform: {}".format(platform)
print "\t- arch: {}".format(arch)
print "- release candidate: {}".format(rc)
print "- commit: {}".format(get_current_commit(short=True))
print "- branch: {}".format(get_current_branch())
print "- platform: {}".format(platform)
print "- arch: {}".format(arch)
if arch == 'arm' and goarm_version:
print "\t- ARM version: {}".format(goarm_version)
print "\t- nightly? {}".format(str(nightly).lower())
print "\t- race enabled? {}".format(str(race).lower())
print "- ARM version: {}".format(goarm_version)
print "- nightly? {}".format(str(nightly).lower())
print "- race enabled? {}".format(str(race).lower())
print ""
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
@ -343,7 +410,7 @@ def build(version=None,
print "Starting build..."
tmp_build_dir = create_temp_dir()
for b, c in targets.iteritems():
print "\t- Building '{}'...".format(os.path.join(outdir, b))
print "Building '{}'...".format(os.path.join(outdir, b))
build_command = ""
build_command += "GOOS={} GOARCH={} ".format(platform, arch)
@ -392,26 +459,6 @@ def copy_file(fr, to):
except OSError as e:
print e
def create_package_fs(build_root):
print "\t- Creating a filesystem hierarchy from directory: {}".format(build_root)
# Using [1:] for the path names due to them being absolute
# (will overwrite previous paths, per 'os.path.join' documentation)
for d in dirs:
create_dir(os.path.join(build_root, d))
os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, d), 0755)
def package_scripts(build_root):
print "\t- Copying scripts and sample configuration to build directory"
shutil.copyfile(INIT_SCRIPT, os.path.join(build_root, SCRIPT_DIR[1:], INIT_SCRIPT.split('/')[1]))
os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, SCRIPT_DIR[1:], INIT_SCRIPT.split('/')[1]), 0644)
shutil.copyfile(SYSTEMD_SCRIPT, os.path.join(build_root, SCRIPT_DIR[1:], SYSTEMD_SCRIPT.split('/')[1]))
os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, SCRIPT_DIR[1:], SYSTEMD_SCRIPT.split('/')[1]), 0644)
shutil.copyfile(LOGROTATE_SCRIPT, os.path.join(build_root, LOGROTATE_DIR[1:], "influxdb"))
os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, LOGROTATE_DIR[1:], "influxdb"), 0644)
shutil.copyfile(DEFAULT_CONFIG, os.path.join(build_root, CONFIG_DIR[1:], "influxdb.conf"))
os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, CONFIG_DIR[1:], "influxdb.conf"), 0644)
def go_get(branch, update=False):
get_command = None
if update:
@ -441,7 +488,7 @@ def go_get(branch, update=False):
print "Moving back to branch '{}'...".format(branch)
run("git checkout {}".format(branch))
def generate_md5_from_file(path):
m = hashlib.md5()
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
@ -464,7 +511,7 @@ def build_packages(build_output, version, pkg_arch, nightly=False, rc=None, iter
for a in build_output[p]:
current_location = build_output[p][a]
# Create second-level directory displaying the architecture (amd64, etc)
build_root = os.path.join(tmp_build_dir, p, a)
build_root = os.path.join(tmp_build_dir, p, a, 'influxdb-{}-{}'.format(version, iteration))
# Create directory tree to mimic file system of package
@ -476,32 +523,40 @@ def build_packages(build_output, version, pkg_arch, nightly=False, rc=None, iter
b = b + '.exe'
fr = os.path.join(current_location, b)
to = os.path.join(build_root, INSTALL_ROOT_DIR[1:], b)
print "\t- [{}][{}] - Moving from '{}' to '{}'".format(p, a, fr, to)
if debug:
print "[{}][{}] - Moving from '{}' to '{}'".format(p, a, fr, to)
copy_file(fr, to)
# Package the directory structure
for package_type in supported_packages[p]:
print "\t- Packaging directory '{}' as '{}'...".format(build_root, package_type)
name = "influxdb"
print "Packaging directory '{}' as '{}'...".format(build_root, package_type)
# Reset version, iteration, and current location on each run
# since they may be modified below.
package_version = version
package_iteration = iteration
package_build_root = build_root
current_location = build_output[p][a]
if package_type in ['zip', 'tar']:
package_build_root = os.path.join('/', '/'.join(build_root.split('/')[:-1]))
if nightly:
name = '{}-nightly_{}_{}'.format(name, p, a)
name = '{}-{}_{}_{}'.format(name, version, p, a)
name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}'.format(name, package_version, package_iteration, p, a)
if package_type == 'tar':
# Add `tar.gz` to path to ensure a small package size
current_location = os.path.join(current_location, name + '.tar.gz')
elif package_type == 'zip':
current_location = os.path.join(current_location, name + '.zip')
if rc is not None:
package_iteration = "0.rc{}".format(rc)
if pkg_arch is not None:
a = pkg_arch
if a == '386':
a = 'i386'
fpm_command = "fpm {} --name {} -a {} -t {} --version {} --iteration {} -C {} -p {} ".format(
@ -509,8 +564,10 @@ def build_packages(build_output, version, pkg_arch, nightly=False, rc=None, iter
if debug:
fpm_command += "--verbose "
if package_type == "rpm":
fpm_command += "--depends coreutils --rpm-posttrans {}".format(POSTINST_SCRIPT)
out = run(fpm_command, shell=True)
@ -526,7 +583,7 @@ def build_packages(build_output, version, pkg_arch, nightly=False, rc=None, iter
outfile = rename_file(outfile, outfile.replace("{}-{}".format(version, iteration), "nightly"))
outfiles.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), outfile))
# Display MD5 hash for generated package
print "\t\tMD5 = {}".format(generate_md5_from_file(outfile))
print "MD5({}) = {}".format(outfile, generate_md5_from_file(outfile))
print ""
if debug:
print "[DEBUG] package outfiles: {}".format(outfiles)
@ -555,6 +612,7 @@ def print_usage():
print "\t --update \n\t\t- Whether dependencies should be updated prior to building."
print "\t --test \n\t\t- Run Go tests. Will not produce a build."
print "\t --parallel \n\t\t- Run Go tests in parallel up to the count specified."
print "\t --generate \n\t\t- Run `go generate` (currently a NOOP)."
print "\t --timeout \n\t\t- Timeout for Go tests. Defaults to 480s."
print "\t --clean \n\t\t- Clean the build output directory prior to creating build."
print "\t --no-get \n\t\t- Do not run `go get` before building."
@ -566,6 +624,8 @@ def print_package_summary(packages):
print packages
def main():
global debug
# Command-line arguments
outdir = "build"
commit = None
@ -575,8 +635,8 @@ def main():
nightly = False
race = False
branch = None
version = get_current_version()
rc = None
version = get_current_version_tag()
rc = get_current_rc()
package = False
update = False
clean = False
@ -589,12 +649,12 @@ def main():
goarm_version = "6"
run_get = True
upload_bucket = None
global debug
generate = False
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if '--outdir' in arg:
# Output directory. If none is specified, then builds will be placed in the same directory.
output_dir = arg.split("=")[1]
outdir = arg.split("=")[1]
if '--commit' in arg:
# Commit to build from. If none is specified, then it will build from the most recent commit.
commit = arg.split("=")[1]
@ -625,6 +685,9 @@ def main():
elif '--nightly' in arg:
# Signifies that this is a nightly build.
nightly = True
# In order to cleanly delineate nightly version, we are adding the epoch timestamp
# to the version so that version numbers are always greater than the previous nightly.
version = "{}.n{}".format(version, int(time.time()))
elif '--update' in arg:
# Signifies that dependencies should be updated.
update = True
@ -655,6 +718,10 @@ def main():
elif '--bucket' in arg:
# The bucket to upload the packages to, relies on boto
upload_bucket = arg.split("=")[1]
elif '--generate' in arg:
# Run go generate ./...
# TODO - this currently does nothing for InfluxDB
generate = True
elif '--debug' in arg:
print "[DEBUG] Using debug output"
debug = True
@ -666,18 +733,14 @@ def main():
return 1
if nightly:
if rc:
print "!! Cannot be both nightly and a release candidate! Stopping."
return 1
# In order to cleanly delineate nightly version, we are adding the epoch timestamp
# to the version so that version numbers are always greater than the previous nightly.
version = "{}.n{}".format(version, int(time.time()))
if nightly and rc:
print "!! Cannot be both nightly and a release candidate! Stopping."
return 1
# Pre-build checks
if not commit:
commit = get_current_commit(short=True)
if not branch:
@ -701,6 +764,11 @@ def main():
target_arch = 'amd64'
build_output = {}
if generate:
if not run_generate():
return 1
if test:
if not run_tests(race, parallel, timeout, no_vet):
return 1

View File

@ -63,4 +63,11 @@ elif [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]]; then
elif [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then
source /etc/os-release
if [[ $ID = "amzn" ]]; then
# Amazon Linux logic

View File

@ -43,4 +43,14 @@ elif [[ -f /etc/lsb-release ]]; then
elif [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then
source /etc/os-release
if [[ $ID = "amzn" ]]; then
# Amazon Linux logic
if [[ "$1" = "0" ]]; then
# InfluxDB is no longer installed, remove from init system
rm -f /etc/default/influxdb