fix(influx-tools): Reimplement compact-shard using tsm1.Compactor

* utilizes `tsm1.Compactor#CompactFull` to fully compact the specified
* the WAL is unmodified
* added `-verbose` option to show progress as TSM files are opened
Stuart Carnie 2018-06-27 18:45:27 -07:00
parent 0887b38a65
commit 8c2ff02ede
2 changed files with 199 additions and 320 deletions

View File

@ -2,24 +2,25 @@ package compact
import (
@ -39,11 +40,9 @@ type Command struct {
server server.Interface
store *storage.Store
configPath string
database string
rp string
shardID uint64
force bool
path string
force bool
verbose bool
// NewCommand returns a new instance of the export Command.
@ -62,39 +61,26 @@ func (cmd *Command) Run(args []string) (err error) {
return err
err = cmd.server.Open(cmd.configPath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer cmd.server.Close()
err = cmd.openStore()
if err != nil {
return err
defer cmd.closeStore()
if sh := cmd.getShard(); sh == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("shard %d does not exist", cmd.shardID)
} else if sh.IsIdle() {
fmt.Printf("shard %d is fully compacted\n", cmd.shardID)
return nil
var log = zap.NewNop()
if cmd.verbose {
cfg := logger.Config{Format: "logfmt"}
log, err = cfg.New(os.Stdout)
if err != nil {
return err
dataPath := filepath.Join(cmd.server.TSDBConfig().Dir, cmd.database, cmd.rp)
shardDataPath := filepath.Join(dataPath, strconv.Itoa(int(cmd.shardID)))
walPath := filepath.Join(cmd.server.TSDBConfig().WALDir, cmd.database, cmd.rp)
shardWalPath := filepath.Join(walPath, strconv.Itoa(int(cmd.shardID)))
fmt.Printf("opening shard at path %q\n\n", cmd.path)
// snapshot existing of shard files (tsm, tombstone and wal)
files, err := newShardFiles(shardDataPath, shardWalPath)
sc, err := newShardCompactor(cmd.path, log)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("The following files will be compacted:")
if !cmd.force {
fmt.Print("Proceed? [N] ")
@ -109,148 +95,15 @@ func (cmd *Command) Run(args []string) (err error) {
gen, seq := 1, 4
if len(files.tsm) > 0 {
gen, _, err = tsm1.DefaultParseFileName(files.tsm[len(files.tsm)-1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse tsm file %q: %v", files.tsm[len(files.tsm)-1], err)
fmt.Println("Compacting shard.")
rs, err :=
err = sc.CompactShard()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("read error: %v\n", err)
if rs == nil {
fmt.Printf("no data to read")
return nil
sw := shard.NewWriter(cmd.shardID, dataPath, shard.Temporary(), shard.Generation(gen), shard.Sequence(seq))
var countSeries, countValues int
values := make(tsm1.Values, 1000) // max block size
var keyFieldSeparatorBytes = []byte("#!~#")
makeKey := func(name []byte, tags models.Tags, field []byte) []byte {
sz := 0 +
len(name) +
1 + // name delimiter
tags.Size() + // total size of tags in bytes
len(tags) - 1 + // tag delimiters
len(keyFieldSeparatorBytes) +
key := make([]byte, sz)
models.AppendMakeKey(key, name, tags)
key = append(key, keyFieldSeparatorBytes...)
key = append(key, field...)
return key
for rs.Next() {
seriesKey := makeKey(rs.Name(), rs.Tags(), rs.Field())
ci := rs.CursorIterator()
for ci.Next() {
cur := ci.Cursor()
switch c := cur.(type) {
case tsdb.IntegerBatchCursor:
for {
keys, vals := c.Next()
if len(keys) == 0 {
countValues += len(keys)
for i, k := range keys {
values[i] = tsm1.NewIntegerValue(k, vals[i])
sw.Write(seriesKey, values[:len(keys)])
case tsdb.FloatBatchCursor:
for {
keys, vals := c.Next()
if len(keys) == 0 {
countValues += len(keys)
for i, k := range keys {
values[i] = tsm1.NewFloatValue(k, vals[i])
sw.Write(seriesKey, values[:len(keys)])
case tsdb.UnsignedBatchCursor:
for {
keys, vals := c.Next()
if len(keys) == 0 {
countValues += len(keys)
for i, k := range keys {
values[i] = tsm1.NewUnsignedValue(k, vals[i])
sw.Write(seriesKey, values[:len(keys)])
case tsdb.BooleanBatchCursor:
for {
keys, vals := c.Next()
if len(keys) == 0 {
countValues += len(keys)
for i, k := range keys {
values[i] = tsm1.NewBooleanValue(k, vals[i])
sw.Write(seriesKey, values[:len(keys)])
case tsdb.StringBatchCursor:
for {
keys, vals := c.Next()
if len(keys) == 0 {
countValues += len(keys)
for i, k := range keys {
values[i] = tsm1.NewStringValue(k, vals[i])
sw.Write(seriesKey, values[:len(keys)])
case nil:
// no data for series key + field combination in this shard
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unreachable: %T", c))
fmt.Printf("processed %d series, %d values\n", countSeries, countValues)
if sw.Err() != nil {
for _, f := range sw.Files() {
return sw.Err()
cmd.closeStore() // close TSDB store to release files
newFiles, err := files.replace(sw.Files())
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Compaction failed: unable to replace files\n%v", err)
return errors.New("unable to replace files")
return fmt.Errorf("compaction failed: %v", err)
fmt.Println("Compaction succeeded. New files:")
for _, f := range newFiles {
for _, f := range sc.newTSM {
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", f)
@ -259,81 +112,205 @@ func (cmd *Command) Run(args []string) (err error) {
func (cmd *Command) parseFlags(args []string) error {
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("compact-shard", flag.ContinueOnError)
fs.StringVar(&cmd.configPath, "config", "", "Config file")
fs.StringVar(&cmd.database, "database", "", "Database name")
fs.StringVar(&cmd.rp, "rp", "", "Retention policy name")
fs.Uint64Var(&cmd.shardID, "shard-id", 0, "Shard ID to compact")
fs.StringVar(&cmd.path, "path", "", "path of shard to be compacted")
fs.BoolVar(&cmd.force, "force", false, "Force compaction without prompting")
fs.BoolVar(&cmd.verbose, "verbose", false, "Enable verbose logging")
if err := fs.Parse(args); err != nil {
return err
if cmd.database == "" {
return errors.New("database is required")
if cmd.rp == "" {
return errors.New("rp is required")
if cmd.shardID == 0 {
return errors.New("shard-id is required")
if cmd.path == "" {
return errors.New("shard-path is required")
return nil
func (cmd *Command) openStore() error {
store := tsdb.NewStore(cmd.server.TSDBConfig().Dir)
store.EngineOptions.MonitorDisabled = true
store.EngineOptions.CompactionDisabled = true
store.EngineOptions.Config = cmd.server.TSDBConfig()
store.EngineOptions.EngineVersion = cmd.server.TSDBConfig().Engine
store.EngineOptions.IndexVersion = cmd.server.TSDBConfig().Index
store.EngineOptions.DatabaseFilter = func(database string) bool {
return database == cmd.database
store.EngineOptions.RetentionPolicyFilter = func(_, rp string) bool {
return rp == cmd.rp
store.EngineOptions.ShardFilter = func(_, _ string, id uint64) bool {
return id == cmd.shardID
type shardCompactor struct {
logger *zap.Logger
path string
tsm []string
tombstone []string
readers []*tsm1.TSMReader
files map[string]*tsm1.TSMReader
newTSM []string
func newShardCompactor(path string, logger *zap.Logger) (fs *shardCompactor, err error) {
fs = &shardCompactor{
logger: logger,
path: path,
files: make(map[string]*tsm1.TSMReader),
if err := store.Open(); err != nil {
return err
fs.tsm, err = filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(path, fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", tsm1.TSMFileExtension)))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("newFileStore: error reading tsm files at path %q: %v", path, err)
if len(fs.tsm) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("newFileStore: no tsm files at path %q", path)
fs.tombstone, err = filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(path, fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", "tombstone")))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading tombstone files: %v", err)
} = &storage.Store{TSDBStore: store}
fs.readers = make([]*tsm1.TSMReader, 0, len(fs.tsm))
err = fs.openFiles()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return fs, nil
func (sc *shardCompactor) openFiles() error {
// struct to hold the result of opening each reader in a goroutine
type res struct {
r *tsm1.TSMReader
err error
lim := limiter.NewFixed(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0))
readerC := make(chan *res)
for i, fn := range sc.tsm {
file, err := os.OpenFile(fn, os.O_RDONLY, 0666)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("newFileStore: failed to open file %q: %v", fn, err)
go func(idx int, file *os.File) {
// Ensure a limited number of TSM files are loaded at once.
// Systems which have very large datasets (1TB+) can have thousands
// of TSM files which can cause extremely long load times.
defer lim.Release()
start := time.Now()
df, err := tsm1.NewTSMReader(file)
sc.logger.Info("Opened file",
zap.String("path", file.Name()),
zap.Int("id", idx),
zap.Duration("duration", time.Since(start)))
// If we are unable to read a TSM file then log the error, rename
// the file, and continue loading the shard without it.
if err != nil {
sc.logger.Error("Cannot read corrupt tsm file, renaming", zap.String("path", file.Name()), zap.Int("id", idx), zap.Error(err))
if e := os.Rename(file.Name(), file.Name()+"."+tsm1.BadTSMFileExtension); e != nil {
sc.logger.Error("Cannot rename corrupt tsm file", zap.String("path", file.Name()), zap.Int("id", idx), zap.Error(e))
readerC <- &res{r: df, err: fmt.Errorf("cannot rename corrupt file %s: %v", file.Name(), e)}
readerC <- &res{r: df}
}(i, file)
for range sc.tsm {
res := <-readerC
if res.err != nil {
return res.err
} else if res.r == nil {
sc.readers = append(sc.readers, res.r)
sc.files[res.r.Path()] = res.r
return nil
func (cmd *Command) closeStore() {
if != nil { = nil
func (sc *shardCompactor) CompactShard() (err error) {
c := tsm1.NewCompactor()
c.Dir = sc.path
c.Size = tsm1.DefaultSegmentSize
c.FileStore = sc
tsmFiles, err := c.CompactFull(sc.tsm)
if err == nil {
sc.newTSM, err = sc.replace(tsmFiles)
return err
func (cmd *Command) getShard() *tsdb.Shard {
func (cmd *Command) read() (*storage.ResultSet, error) {
sh := cmd.getShard()
if sh == nil {
return nil, nil
// replace replaces the existing shard files with temporary tsmFiles
func (sc *shardCompactor) replace(tsmFiles []string) ([]string, error) {
// rename .tsm.tmp → .tsm
var newNames []string
for _, file := range tsmFiles {
var newName = file[:len(file)-4] // remove extension
if err := os.Rename(file, newName); err != nil {
return nil, err
newNames = append(newNames, newName)
req := storage.ReadRequest{
Database: cmd.database,
RP: cmd.rp,
Shards: []*tsdb.Shard{sh},
Start: models.MinNanoTime,
End: models.MaxNanoTime,
var errs errlist.ErrorList
// close all readers
for _, r := range sc.readers {
return, &req)
sc.readers = nil
sc.files = nil
// remove existing .tsm and .tombstone
for _, file := range sc.tsm {
for _, file := range sc.tombstone {
return newNames, errs.Err()
func (sc *shardCompactor) NextGeneration() int {
panic("not implemented")
func (sc *shardCompactor) TSMReader(path string) *tsm1.TSMReader {
r := sc.files[path]
if r != nil {
return r
func (sc *shardCompactor) String() string {
var sb bytes.Buffer
for _, f := range sc.tsm {
sb.WriteString(" ")
if len(sc.tombstone) > 0 {
for _, f := range sc.tombstone {
sb.WriteString(" ")
return sb.String()
type tsmReaders []*tsm1.TSMReader
func (a tsmReaders) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a tsmReaders) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Path() < a[j].Path() }
func (a tsmReaders) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }

View File

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
package compact
import (
type shardFiles struct {
tsm []string
tombstone []string
wal []string
func newShardFiles(dataPath, walPath string) (s *shardFiles, err error) {
s = &shardFiles{}
s.tsm, err = filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(dataPath, fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", tsm1.TSMFileExtension)))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading tsm files: %v", err)
s.tombstone, err = filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(dataPath, fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", "tombstone")))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading tombstone files: %v", err)
s.wal, err = filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(walPath, fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", tsm1.WALFileExtension)))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading tombstone files: %v", err)
return s, nil
// replace replaces the existing shard files with temporary tsmFiles
func (s *shardFiles) replace(tsmFiles []string) ([]string, error) {
// rename .tsm.tmp → .tsm
var newNames []string
for _, file := range tsmFiles {
var newName = file[:len(file)-4] // remove extension
if err := os.Rename(file, newName); err != nil {
return nil, err
newNames = append(newNames, newName)
var errs errlist.ErrorList
// remove existing .tsm, .tombstone and .wal files
for _, file := range s.tsm {
for _, file := range s.tombstone {
for _, file := range s.wal {
return newNames, errs.Err()
func (s *shardFiles) String() string {
var sb bytes.Buffer
for _, f := range s.tsm {
sb.WriteString(" ")
if len(s.tombstone) > 0 {
for _, f := range s.tombstone {
sb.WriteString(" ")
if len(s.wal) > 0 {
for _, f := range s.wal {
sb.WriteString(" ")
return sb.String()