Merge pull request #486 from influxdb/fix-486-remove-extra-columns
Output of interpolated time series should not include the columns used to derive the result series namepull/490/head
@ -523,15 +523,39 @@ func (self *CoordinatorImpl) InterpolateValuesAndCommit(query string, db string,
sequenceMap := make(map[sequenceKey]int)
r, _ := regexp.Compile(`\[.*?\]`)
// get the fields that are used in the target name
fieldsInTargetName := r.FindAllString(targetName, -1)
fieldsIndeces := make([]int, 0, len(fieldsInTargetName))
for i, f := range fieldsInTargetName {
f = f[1 : len(f)-1]
fieldsIndeces = append(fieldsIndeces, series.GetFieldIndex(f))
fieldsInTargetName[i] = f
// remove the fields used in the target name from the series fields
for i, fi := range fieldsIndeces {
// move the fields to the left
copy(series.Fields[fi-i:], series.Fields[fi-i+1:])
series.Fields = series.Fields[:len(series.Fields)-1]
if r.MatchString(targetName) {
serieses := map[string]*protocol.Series{}
for _, point := range series.Points {
targetNameWithValues := r.ReplaceAllStringFunc(targetName, func(match string) string {
fieldName := match[1 : len(match)-1]
fieldIndex := series.GetFieldIndex(fieldName)
return point.GetFieldValueAsString(fieldIndex)
fieldIndex := 0
targetNameWithValues := r.ReplaceAllStringFunc(targetName, func(_ string) string {
value := point.GetFieldValueAsString(fieldsIndeces[fieldIndex])
return value
// remove the fields used in the target name from the series fields
for i, fi := range fieldsIndeces {
// move the fields to the left
copy(point.Values[fi-i:], point.Values[fi-i+1:])
point.Values = point.Values[:len(point.Values)-1]
if assignSequenceNumbers {
key := sequenceKey{targetNameWithValues, *point.Timestamp}
sequenceMap[key] += 1
@ -745,15 +745,11 @@ func (self *ServerSuite) TestContinuousQueryInterpolation(c *C) {
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c6", c), Equals, float64(1))
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c7", c), Equals, "a")
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c8", c), Equals, float64(10))
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c8", c), Equals, 10.0)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c6", c), Equals, float64(2))
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c7", c), Equals, "b")
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c8", c), Equals, float64(11))
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c8", c), Equals, 11.0)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "drop continuous query 1;", false, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "drop continuous query 2;", false, c)
@ -821,8 +817,11 @@ func (self *ServerSuite) TestContinuousQuerySequenceNumberAssignmentWithInterpol
subseries := []string{"a", "aa", "b", "bb"}
for i := range subseries {
series = collection.GetSeries("points.count."+subseries[i], c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(series.Points[0][1], Equals, 1.0)
maps := ToMap(series)
c.Assert(maps, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(maps[0]["sequence_number"], Equals, 1.0)
// c2 shouldn't be included as a column
c.Assert(maps[0]["c2"], IsNil)
Reference in New Issue