feat: implement persistence window checkpointing

Marco Neumann 2021-06-24 12:01:27 +02:00
parent 25a912d4eb
commit 7b12426602
2 changed files with 729 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
//! Tooling to capture the current playback state of a database.
//! Checkpoint data declared in this module is usually written during persistence. The data is then used when the server
//! starts up and orchestrates replays.
//! # Example
//! These examples show how the tooling in this module can be integrated into a larger application. They are -- as the
//! title of this section suggest -- examples and the real application might look different and also to deal with more
//! complicated edge cases and error handling.
//! ## Persistence
//! First let us see how checkpoints are persisted:
//! ```
//! use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
//! use mutable_buffer::checkpoint::{PersistCheckpointBuilder, PartitionCheckpoint};
//! # // mocking for the example below
//! # use chrono::Utc;
//! #
//! # struct Partition {
//! # id: u32,
//! # }
//! #
//! # impl Partition {
//! # fn id(&self) -> u32 {
//! # self.id
//! # }
//! #
//! # fn checkpoint_and_split(&mut self) -> PartitionCheckpoint {
//! # self.get_checkpoint()
//! # }
//! #
//! # fn get_checkpoint(&self) -> PartitionCheckpoint {
//! # PartitionCheckpoint::new(
//! # "table".to_string(),
//! # "part".to_string(),
//! # Default::default(),
//! # Utc::now(),
//! # )
//! # }
//! # }
//! #
//! # struct Db {
//! # partitions: Vec<Arc<RwLock<Partition>>>,
//! # }
//! #
//! # impl Db {
//! # fn get_persistable_partition(&self) -> Arc<RwLock<Partition>> {
//! # Arc::clone(&self.partitions[0])
//! # }
//! #
//! # fn partitions(&self) -> Vec<Arc<RwLock<Partition>>> {
//! # self.partitions.clone()
//! # }
//! # }
//! #
//! # let db = Db{
//! # partitions: vec![
//! # Arc::new(RwLock::new(Partition{id: 1})),
//! # Arc::new(RwLock::new(Partition{id: 2})),
//! # ],
//! # };
//! #
//! // get a partition that we wanna persist
//! let to_persist: Arc<RwLock<Partition>> = db.get_persistable_partition();
//! // get partition write lock
//! let mut write_guard = to_persist.write().unwrap();
//! // get checkpoints BEFORE doing any splits
//! let partition_checkpoint: PartitionCheckpoint = write_guard.checkpoint_and_split();
//! // remember to-be-persisted partition ID
//! let id = write_guard.id();
//! // drop write guard before we iterate over all partitions
//! std::mem::drop(write_guard);
//! // fold in other partitions
//! let mut builder = PersistCheckpointBuilder::new(partition_checkpoint.clone());
//! for partition in db.partitions() {
//! // get read guard
//! let read_guard = partition.read().unwrap();
//! // check if this is the partition that we are about to persist
//! if read_guard.id() == id {
//! // this is the to-be-persisted partition
//! // We don't have to register the partition checkpoint, since this was already done
//! // during the `PersistCheckpointBuilder::new` call above. However if we still want
//! // to do that, it is important to not register the old (= pre-modification)
//! // checkpoint but the new (= post-modification) checkpoint.
//! builder.register_other_partition(&partition_checkpoint);
//! } else {
//! // this is another partition
//! // fold in checkpoint
//! builder.register_other_partition(&read_guard.get_checkpoint());
//! }
//! }
//! // checkpoints can now be persisted alongside the parquet files
//! let (partition_checkpoint, database_checkpoint) = builder.build();
//! ```
//! ## Replay
//! Here is an example on how to organize replay:
//! ```
//! use mutable_buffer::checkpoint::ReplayPlanner;
//! # // mocking for the example below
//! # use chrono::Utc;
//! # use mutable_buffer::checkpoint::{DatabaseCheckpoint, PartitionCheckpoint, PersistCheckpointBuilder};
//! #
//! # struct File {}
//! #
//! # impl File {
//! # fn extract_partition_checkpoint(&self) -> PartitionCheckpoint {
//! # PartitionCheckpoint::new(
//! # "table".to_string(),
//! # "part".to_string(),
//! # Default::default(),
//! # Utc::now(),
//! # )
//! # }
//! #
//! # fn extract_database_checkpoint(&self) -> DatabaseCheckpoint {
//! # let builder = PersistCheckpointBuilder::new(self.extract_partition_checkpoint());
//! # builder.build().1
//! # }
//! # }
//! #
//! # struct Catalog {
//! # files: Vec<File>,
//! # }
//! #
//! # impl Catalog {
//! # fn files(&self) -> &[File] {
//! # &self.files
//! # }
//! # }
//! #
//! # let catalog = Catalog {
//! # files: vec![
//! # File {},
//! # File {},
//! # ],
//! # };
//! #
//! # struct Sequencer {
//! # id: u32,
//! # }
//! #
//! # impl Sequencer {
//! # fn id(&self) -> u32 {
//! # self.id
//! # }
//! # }
//! #
//! # let sequencers = vec![
//! # Sequencer {id: 1},
//! # Sequencer {id: 2},
//! # ];
//! #
//! // create planner object that receives all relevant checkpoints
//! let mut planner = ReplayPlanner::new();
//! // scan preserved catalog
//! // Note: While technically we only need to scan the last parquet file per partition,
//! // it is totally valid to scan the whole catalog.
//! for file in catalog.files() {
//! planner.register_partition_checkpoint(&file.extract_partition_checkpoint());
//! planner.register_database_checkpoint(&file.extract_database_checkpoint());
//! }
//! // create replay plan
//! let plan = planner.build().unwrap();
//! // replay all sequencers
//! for sequencer in sequencers {
//! // check if replay is required
//! if let Some(min_max) = plan.replay_range(sequencer.id()) {
//! // do actual replay...
//! }
//! }
//! // database is now ready for normal playback
//! ```
use std::collections::{
btree_map::Entry::{Occupied, Vacant},
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use snafu::Snafu;
use crate::persistence_windows::MinMaxSequence;
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
pub enum Error {
#[snafu(display("Did not find a DatabaseCheckpoint for sequencer {}", sequencer_id))]
NoDatabaseCheckpointFound { sequencer_id: u32 },
#[snafu(display("Minimum sequence number in partition checkpoint ({}) is lower than database-wide number ({}) for partition {}:{}", partition_checkpoint_sequence_number, database_checkpoint_sequence_number, table_name, partition_key))]
PartitionCheckpointMinimumBeforeDatabase {
partition_checkpoint_sequence_number: u64,
database_checkpoint_sequence_number: u64,
table_name: String,
partition_key: String,
pub type Result<T, E = Error> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
/// Immutable record of the playback state for a single partition.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct PartitionCheckpoint {
/// Table of the partition.
table_name: String,
/// Partition key.
partition_key: String,
/// Maps sequencer_id to the minimum and maximum sequence numbers seen.
sequencer_numbers: BTreeMap<u32, MinMaxSequence>,
/// Minimum unpersisted timestamp.
min_unpersisted_timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
impl PartitionCheckpoint {
/// Create new checkpoint.
pub fn new(
table_name: String,
partition_key: String,
sequencer_numbers: BTreeMap<u32, MinMaxSequence>,
min_unpersisted_timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
) -> Self {
Self {
/// Table of the partition.
pub fn table_name(&self) -> &str {
/// Partition key.
pub fn partition_key(&self) -> &str {
/// Maps `sequencer_id` to the minimum and maximum sequence numbers seen.
/// Will return `None` if the sequencer was not yet seen in which case there is not need to replay data from this
/// sequencer for this partition.
pub fn sequencer_numbers(&self, sequencer_id: u32) -> Option<MinMaxSequence> {
/// Sorted list of sequencer IDs that are included in this checkpoint.
pub fn sequencer_ids(&self) -> Vec<u32> {
/// Immutable record of the playback state for the whole database.
/// This effectively contains the minimum sequence numbers over the whole database that are the starting point for replay.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DatabaseCheckpoint {
/// Maps `sequencer_id` to the minimum sequence numbers seen.
min_sequencer_numbers: BTreeMap<u32, u64>,
impl DatabaseCheckpoint {
/// Get minimum sequence number that should be used during replay of the given sequencer.
/// This will return `None` for unknown sequencer. This might have multiple reasons, e.g. in case of Apache Kafka it
/// might be that a partition has not delivered any data yet (for a quite young database) or that the partitioning
/// was wrongly reconfigured (to more partitions in which case the ordering would be wrong). The latter case MUST be
/// detected by another layer, e.g. using persisted database rules. The reaction to `None` in this layer should be
/// "no replay required for this sequencer, just continue with normal playback".
pub fn min_sequencer_number(&self, sequencer_id: u32) -> Option<u64> {
/// Sorted list of sequencer IDs that are included in this checkpoint.
pub fn sequencer_ids(&self) -> Vec<u32> {
/// Builder that helps with recording checkpoints from persistence windows during the persistence phase.
pub struct PersistCheckpointBuilder {
/// Checkpoint for the to-be-persited partition.
partition_checkpoint: PartitionCheckpoint,
/// Database-wide checkpoint.
/// Note: This database checkpoint is currently being built and is mutable (in contrast to the immutable result that
/// will will in the end present to the API user).
database_checkpoint: DatabaseCheckpoint,
impl PersistCheckpointBuilder {
/// Create new builder from the persistence window of the to-be-peristed partition.
pub fn new(partition_checkpoint: PartitionCheckpoint) -> Self {
// database-wide checkpoint also includes the to-be-persisted partition
let database_checkpoint = DatabaseCheckpoint {
min_sequencer_numbers: Self::get_min_sequencer_numbers(&partition_checkpoint),
Self {
/// Registers other partition and keeps track of the overall min sequence numbers.
pub fn register_other_partition(&mut self, partition_checkpoint: &PartitionCheckpoint) {
for (sequencer_id, min) in Self::get_min_sequencer_numbers(partition_checkpoint) {
match self
Vacant(v) => {
Occupied(mut o) => {
let existing_min = o.get_mut();
*existing_min = (*existing_min).min(min);
/// Build immutable checkpoints.
pub fn build(self) -> (PartitionCheckpoint, DatabaseCheckpoint) {
let Self {
} = self;
(partition_checkpoint, database_checkpoint)
/// Extract minimum seen sequence numbers from partition.
fn get_min_sequencer_numbers(partition_checkpoint: &PartitionCheckpoint) -> BTreeMap<u32, u64> {
.map(|(sequencer_id, min_max)| (*sequencer_id, min_max.min))
/// Plan your sequencer replays after server restarts.
/// To plan your replay successfull, you CAN register all [`PartitionCheckpoint`]s and [`DatabaseCheckpoint`]s that are
/// persisted in the catalog. However it is sufficient to only register the last [`PartitionCheckpoint`] for every
/// partition and the last [`DatabaseCheckpoint`] for the whole database.
pub struct ReplayPlanner {
/// Range (inclusive minimum, inclusive maximum) of sequence number to be replayed for each sequencer.
replay_ranges: BTreeMap<u32, (Option<u64>, Option<u64>)>,
/// Last known partition checkpoint, mapped via table name and partition key.
last_partition_checkpoints: BTreeMap<(String, String), PartitionCheckpoint>,
impl ReplayPlanner {
/// Create new empty replay planner.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
replay_ranges: Default::default(),
last_partition_checkpoints: Default::default(),
/// Register a partition checkpoint that was found in the catalog.
pub fn register_partition_checkpoint(&mut self, partition_checkpoint: &PartitionCheckpoint) {
for (sequencer_id, min_max) in &partition_checkpoint.sequencer_numbers {
match self.replay_ranges.entry(*sequencer_id) {
Vacant(v) => {
// unknown sequencer => just store max value for now
v.insert((None, Some(min_max.max)));
Occupied(mut o) => {
// known sequencer => fold in max value (we take the max of all maximums!)
let min_max2 = o.get_mut();
min_max2.1 = Some(min_max2.1.map_or(min_max.max, |max| max.max(min_max.max)));
match self.last_partition_checkpoints.entry((
)) {
Vacant(v) => {
// new partition => insert
Occupied(mut o) => {
// known partition => check which one is the newer checkpoint
if o.get().min_unpersisted_timestamp
< partition_checkpoint.min_unpersisted_timestamp
/// Register a database checkpoint that was found in the catalog.
pub fn register_database_checkpoint(&mut self, database_checkpoint: &DatabaseCheckpoint) {
for (sequencer_id, min) in &database_checkpoint.min_sequencer_numbers {
match self.replay_ranges.entry(*sequencer_id) {
Vacant(v) => {
// unknown sequencer => just store the min value for now
v.insert((Some(*min), None));
Occupied(mut o) => {
// known sequencer => fold in min value (we take the max of all mins!)
let min_max = o.get_mut();
min_max.0 = Some(min_max.0.map_or(*min, |min2| min2.max(*min)));
/// Build plan that is then used for replay.
pub fn build(self) -> Result<ReplayPlan> {
let mut replay_ranges = BTreeMap::new();
for (sequencer_id, min_max) in self.replay_ranges {
match min_max {
(Some(min), Some(max)) => {
replay_ranges.insert(sequencer_id, MinMaxSequence{min, max});
(None, Some(_max)) => {
// We've got data for this sequencer via a PartitionCheckpoint but did not see corresponding data in
// any of the DatabaseCheckpoints. This is clearly a data error, because for the PartitionCheckpoint
// in question we should have persisted (and read back) a DatabaseCheckpoint in the very same
// Parquet file that contains a value for that sequencer.
return Err(Error::NoDatabaseCheckpointFound{sequencer_id})
(Some(_min), None) => {
// In this case we recorded that we have start to read from a sequencer (via a DatabaseCheckpoint)
// but never persisted anything for it (i.e. no corresponding data in any of the
// PartitionCheckpoints). This if fine. We just NOT include this sequencer in the output since no
// replay is required.
(None, None) => unreachable!("insertions always set one of the two values and updates never downgrade Some(...) to None, so how did we end up here?")
// sanity-check partition checkpoints
for ((table_name, partition_key), partition_checkpoint) in &self.last_partition_checkpoints
for (sequencer_id, min_max) in &partition_checkpoint.sequencer_numbers {
let database_wide_min_max = replay_ranges.get(sequencer_id).expect("every partition checkpoint should have resulted in a replay range or an error by now");
if min_max.min < database_wide_min_max.min {
return Err(Error::PartitionCheckpointMinimumBeforeDatabase {
partition_checkpoint_sequence_number: min_max.min,
database_checkpoint_sequence_number: database_wide_min_max.min,
table_name: table_name.clone(),
partition_key: partition_key.clone(),
Ok(ReplayPlan {
last_partition_checkpoints: self.last_partition_checkpoints,
impl Default for ReplayPlanner {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Plan that contains all necessary information to orchastrate a replay.
pub struct ReplayPlan {
/// Replay range (inclusive minimum sequence number, inclusive maximum sequence number) for every sequencer.
/// For sequencers not included in this map, no replay is required.
replay_ranges: BTreeMap<u32, MinMaxSequence>,
/// Last known partition checkpoint, mapped via table name and partition key.
last_partition_checkpoints: BTreeMap<(String, String), PartitionCheckpoint>,
impl ReplayPlan {
/// Get replay range for a sequencer.
/// When this returns `None`, no replay is required for this sequencer and we can just start to playback normally.
pub fn replay_range(&self, sequencer_id: u32) -> Option<MinMaxSequence> {
/// Get last known partition checkpoint.
/// If no partition checkpoint was ever written, `None` will be returned. In that case this partition can be skipped
/// during replay.
pub fn last_partition_checkpoint(
table_name: &str,
partition_key: &str,
) -> Option<&PartitionCheckpoint> {
.get(&(table_name.to_string(), partition_key.to_string()))
/// Sorted list of sequencer IDs that have to be replayed.
pub fn sequencer_ids(&self) -> Vec<u32> {
/// Sorted list of partitions (by table name and partition key) that have to be replayed.
pub fn partitions(&self) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
/// Create [`PartitionCheckpoint`].
macro_rules! part_ckpt {
($table_name:expr, $partition_key:expr, {$($sequencer_number:expr => ($min:expr, $max:expr)),*}) => {
let mut sequencer_numbers = BTreeMap::new();
sequencer_numbers.insert($sequencer_number, MinMaxSequence{min: $min, max: $max});
let min_unpersisted_timestamp = DateTime::from_utc(chrono::NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(0, 0), Utc);
PartitionCheckpoint::new($table_name.to_string(), $partition_key.to_string(), sequencer_numbers, min_unpersisted_timestamp)
/// Create [`DatabaseCheckpoint`].
macro_rules! db_ckpt {
({$($sequencer_number:expr => $min:expr),*}) => {
let mut min_sequencer_numbers = BTreeMap::new();
min_sequencer_numbers.insert($sequencer_number, $min);
fn test_partition_checkpoint() {
let pckpt = part_ckpt!("table_1", "partition_1", {1 => (10, 20), 2 => (5, 15)});
assert_eq!(pckpt.table_name(), "table_1");
assert_eq!(pckpt.partition_key(), "partition_1");
MinMaxSequence { min: 10, max: 20 }
MinMaxSequence { min: 5, max: 15 }
assert_eq!(pckpt.sequencer_ids(), vec![1, 2]);
part_ckpt!("table_1", "partition_1", {1 => (10, 20), 2 => (5, 15)})
fn test_database_checkpoint() {
let dckpt = db_ckpt!({1 => 10, 2 => 5});
assert_eq!(dckpt.min_sequencer_number(1).unwrap(), 10);
assert_eq!(dckpt.min_sequencer_number(2).unwrap(), 5);
assert_eq!(dckpt.sequencer_ids(), vec![1, 2]);
assert_eq!(dckpt, db_ckpt!({1 => 10, 2 => 5}));
fn test_persist_checkpoint_builder_no_other() {
let pckpt_orig = part_ckpt!("table_1", "partition_1", {1 => (10, 20), 2 => (5, 15)});
let builder = PersistCheckpointBuilder::new(pckpt_orig.clone());
let (pckpt, dckpt) = builder.build();
assert_eq!(pckpt, pckpt_orig);
assert_eq!(dckpt, db_ckpt!({1 => 10, 2 => 5}));
fn test_persist_checkpoint_builder_others() {
let pckpt_orig =
part_ckpt!("table_1", "partition_1", {1 => (10, 20), 2 => (5, 15), 3 => (15, 25)});
let mut builder = PersistCheckpointBuilder::new(pckpt_orig.clone());
&part_ckpt!("table_1", "partition_2", {2 => (2, 15), 3 => (20, 25), 4 => (13, 14)}),
let (pckpt, dckpt) = builder.build();
assert_eq!(pckpt, pckpt_orig);
assert_eq!(dckpt, db_ckpt!({1 => 10, 2 => 2, 3 => 15, 4 => 13}));
fn test_replay_planner_empty() {
let planner = ReplayPlanner::new();
let plan = planner.build().unwrap();
.last_partition_checkpoint("table_1", "partition_1")
fn test_replay_planner_normal() {
let mut planner = ReplayPlanner::new();
&part_ckpt!("table_1", "partition_1", {1 => (15, 19), 2 => (21, 28)}),
planner.register_database_checkpoint(&db_ckpt!({1 => 10, 2 => 20}));
&part_ckpt!("table_1", "partition_2", {2 => (22, 27), 3 => (35, 39)}),
planner.register_database_checkpoint(&db_ckpt!({1 => 11, 3 => 30, 4 => 40}));
let plan = planner.build().unwrap();
assert_eq!(plan.sequencer_ids(), vec![1, 2, 3]);
MinMaxSequence { min: 11, max: 19 }
MinMaxSequence { min: 20, max: 28 }
MinMaxSequence { min: 30, max: 39 }
("table_1".to_string(), "partition_1".to_string()),
("table_1".to_string(), "partition_2".to_string())
plan.last_partition_checkpoint("table_1", "partition_1")
&part_ckpt!("table_1", "partition_1", {1 => (15, 19), 2 => (21, 28)})
plan.last_partition_checkpoint("table_1", "partition_2")
&part_ckpt!("table_1", "partition_2", {2 => (22, 27), 3 => (35, 39)})
.last_partition_checkpoint("table_1", "partition_3")
fn test_replay_planner_fail_missing_database_checkpoint() {
let mut planner = ReplayPlanner::new();
&part_ckpt!("table_1", "partition_1", {1 => (11, 12), 2 => (21, 22)}),
planner.register_database_checkpoint(&db_ckpt!({1 => 10, 3 => 30}));
let err = planner.build().unwrap_err();
assert!(matches!(err, Error::NoDatabaseCheckpointFound { .. }));
fn test_replay_planner_fail_minima_out_of_sync() {
let mut planner = ReplayPlanner::new();
.register_partition_checkpoint(&part_ckpt!("table_1", "partition_1", {1 => (10, 12)}));
planner.register_database_checkpoint(&db_ckpt!({1 => 11}));
let err = planner.build().unwrap_err();
Error::PartitionCheckpointMinimumBeforeDatabase { .. }

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@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
pub mod checkpoint;
pub mod chunk;
mod column;
mod dictionary;