feat: send-side schema gossip implementation
This commit adds the SchemaChangeObserver, the delegate which is handed a schema diff, and is responsible for computing the gossip message and handing it off to the gossip system. This sits between the cache layer, and the gossip layer, converting schema things into gossip things. This isn't connected up, so no messages will be sent.pull/24376/head
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
//! A handle to publish gossip messages to other peers.
use crate::namespace_cache::ChangeStats;
/// Application-level event notifiers.
pub trait SchemaEventHandle {
/// Observe a new schema diff.
fn observe_diff(&self, c: &ChangeStats);
/// A handle to the [`gossip`] subsystem propagating schema change
/// notifications.
pub struct Handle(gossip::GossipHandle);
impl SchemaEventHandle for Handle {
fn observe_diff(&self, _c: &ChangeStats) {
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use generated_types::{
influxdata::iox::gossip::v1::{gossip_message::Msg, GossipMessage},
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use test_helpers::timeout::FutureTimeout;
use super::traits::SchemaBroadcast;
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct MockSchemaBroadcast {
payloads: Mutex<Vec<Vec<u8>>>,
impl SchemaBroadcast for Arc<MockSchemaBroadcast> {
async fn broadcast(&self, payload: Vec<u8>) {
impl MockSchemaBroadcast {
/// Return the raw, serialised payloads.
pub fn raw_payloads(&self) -> Vec<Vec<u8>> {
/// Return the deserialised [`Msg`].
pub fn messages(&self) -> Vec<Msg> {
.map(|v| {
.map(|v| v.msg.expect("no message in payload"))
.expect("invalid gossip payload")
pub async fn wait_for_messages(&self, count: usize) {
let res = async {
loop {
if self.payloads.lock().len() >= count {
if res.is_err() {
"never observed required number of messages: {:?}",
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
//! * [`gossip`] crate: provides the gossip transport, the [`GossipHandle`], and
//! the [`Dispatcher`]. This crate operates on raw bytes.
//! * The [`Handle`]: a router-specific wrapper over the underlying
//! * The [`SchemaChangeObserver`]: a router-specific wrapper over the underlying
//! [`GossipHandle`]. This type translates the application calls into protobuf
//! [`Msg`], and serialises them into bytes for the underlying [`gossip`]
//! impl.
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
//! │ Application types │
//! │ │
//! ▼ │
//! ┌──────────┐ ┌─────────────────────────┐
//! │ Handle │ │ GossipMessageDispatcher │
//! └──────────┘ └─────────────────────────┘
//! ┌──────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────────────┐
//! │ SchemaChangeObserver │ │ GossipMessageDispatcher │
//! └──────────────────────┘ └─────────────────────────┘
//! │ ▲
//! │ │
//! │ Encoded Protobuf bytes │
@ -40,11 +40,15 @@
//! [`GossipHandle`]: gossip::GossipHandle
//! [`Dispatcher`]: gossip::Dispatcher
//! [`Handle`]: handle::Handle
//! [`SchemaChangeObserver`]: schema_change_observer::SchemaChangeObserver
//! [`Msg`]: generated_types::influxdata::iox::gossip::v1::gossip_message::Msg
//! [`GossipMessageDispatcher`]: dispatcher::GossipMessageDispatcher
//! [`GossipMessageHandler`]: dispatcher::GossipMessageHandler
pub mod dispatcher;
pub mod handle;
pub mod namespace_cache;
pub mod schema_change_observer;
pub mod traits;
mod mock_schema_broadcast;
@ -0,0 +1,860 @@
//! A schema change observer that gossips schema diffs to other peers.
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, fmt::Debug, sync::Arc};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use data_types::{ColumnsByName, NamespaceName, NamespaceSchema};
use generated_types::{
gossip_message::Msg, Column, GossipMessage, NamespaceCreated, TableCreated, TableUpdated,
use observability_deps::tracing::{debug, error, warn};
use tokio::{
sync::mpsc::{self, error::TrySendError},
use crate::namespace_cache::{ChangeStats, NamespaceCache};
use super::traits::SchemaBroadcast;
/// A [`NamespaceCache`] decorator implementing cluster-wide, best-effort
/// propagation of local schema changes via the [`gossip`] subsystem.
/// This type sits in the call chain of schema cache operations and gossips any
/// observed diffs applied to the local cache.
/// # Broadcasting Local Changes
/// Updated [`NamespaceSchema`] passed through the
/// [`NamespaceCache::put_schema()`] method are broadcast to gossip peers.
/// Instead of gossiping the entire schema, the new schema elements described by
/// the [`ChangeStats`] are transmitted on a best-effort basis.
/// Gossip [`Msg`] are populated within the call to
/// [`NamespaceCache::put_schema()`] but packed & serialised into [`gossip`]
/// frames off-path in a background task to minimise the latency overhead.
/// Processing of the diffs happens partially on the cache request path, and
/// partially off of it - the actual message content is generated on the cache
/// request path, but framing, serialisation and dispatch happen asynchronously.
pub struct SchemaChangeObserver<T> {
tx: mpsc::Sender<Msg>,
task: JoinHandle<()>,
inner: T,
impl<T> Drop for SchemaChangeObserver<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/// A pass-through [`NamespaceCache`] implementation that gossips new schema
/// additions.
impl<T> NamespaceCache for SchemaChangeObserver<T>
T: NamespaceCache,
type ReadError = T::ReadError;
/// Pass through get operations.
async fn get_schema(
namespace: &NamespaceName<'static>,
) -> Result<Arc<NamespaceSchema>, Self::ReadError> {
/// Pass through put requests, gossiping the content of the returned
/// [`ChangeStats`], if any.
fn put_schema(
namespace: NamespaceName<'static>,
schema: NamespaceSchema,
) -> (Arc<NamespaceSchema>, ChangeStats) {
let (schema, diff) = self.inner.put_schema(namespace.clone(), schema);
// Gossip the cache content diff.
// This causes cache content deltas to be gossiped around the cluster.
self.observe_diff(&namespace, &schema, &diff);
(schema, diff)
impl<T> SchemaChangeObserver<T> {
/// Construct a new [`SchemaChangeObserver`] that publishes gossip messages
/// over `gossip`, and delegates cache operations to `inner`.
pub fn new<U>(inner: T, gossip: U) -> Self
U: SchemaBroadcast + 'static,
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(100);
let task = tokio::spawn(actor_loop(rx, gossip));
Self { tx, task, inner }
/// Derive a set of gossip event messages from `c`, and dispatch them to
/// cluster peers.
fn observe_diff(
name: &NamespaceName<'static>,
schema: &NamespaceSchema,
c: &ChangeStats,
) {
// Is this namespace new?
if !c.did_update {
self.handle_new_namespace(name, schema);
// Dispatch "new table" messages
if !c.new_tables.is_empty() {
self.handle_new_tables(name, &c.new_tables);
// Dispatch any "new column" messages for existing tables
if !c.new_columns_per_table.is_empty() {
self.handle_table_update(name, schema, &c.new_columns_per_table);
/// Gossip that a new namespace named `namespace_name` exists and is
/// associated with `schema`.
fn handle_new_namespace(
namespace_name: &NamespaceName<'static>,
schema: &NamespaceSchema,
) {
let msg = NamespaceCreated {
namespace_name: namespace_name.to_string(),
namespace_id: schema.id.get(),
partition_template: schema.partition_template.as_proto().cloned(),
max_columns_per_table: schema.max_columns_per_table as u64,
max_tables: schema.max_tables as u64,
retention_period_ns: schema.retention_period_ns,
/// Gossip that the provided set of `new_tables` have been added to the
/// `namespace_name` namespace.
fn handle_new_tables(
namespace_name: &NamespaceName<'static>,
new_tables: &BTreeMap<String, data_types::TableSchema>,
) {
for (table_name, schema) in new_tables {
let msg = TableCreated {
table: Some(TableUpdated {
table_name: table_name.to_owned(),
namespace_name: namespace_name.to_string(),
table_id: schema.id.get(),
columns: schema
.map(|(col_name, col_schema)| Column {
column_id: col_schema.id.get(),
name: col_name.to_owned(),
column_type: col_schema.column_type as i32,
partition_template: schema.partition_template.as_proto().cloned(),
/// Gossip that the provided set of `new_columns_per_table` (keyed by table
/// name) have been added to the `namespace_name` namespace.
fn handle_table_update(
namespace_name: &NamespaceName<'static>,
schema: &NamespaceSchema,
new_columns_per_table: &BTreeMap<String, ColumnsByName>,
) {
for (table_name, cols) in new_columns_per_table {
let table_schema = schema
.expect("diff table must exist");
let msg = TableUpdated {
table_name: table_name.to_owned(),
namespace_name: namespace_name.to_string(),
table_id: table_schema.id.get(),
columns: cols
.map(|(col_name, col_schema)| {
Column {
column_id: col_schema.id.get(),
name: col_name.to_owned(),
column_type: col_schema.column_type as i32,
/// Serialise, pack & gossip `msg` asynchronously.
fn enqueue(&self, msg: Msg) {
debug!(?msg, "sending schema message");
match self.tx.try_send(msg) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(TrySendError::Closed(_)) => panic!("schema serialisation actor not running"),
Err(TrySendError::Full(_)) => {
warn!("schema serialisation queue full, dropping message")
/// A background task loop that pulls [`Msg`] from `rx`, serialises / packs them
/// into a single gossip frame, and broadcasts the result over `gossip`.
async fn actor_loop<T>(mut rx: mpsc::Receiver<Msg>, gossip: T)
T: SchemaBroadcast,
while let Some(msg) = rx.recv().await {
let frames = match msg {
v @ Msg::NamespaceCreated(_) => vec![v],
Msg::TableCreated(v) => serialise_table_create_frames(v),
Msg::TableUpdated(v) => {
// Split the frame up into N frames, sized as big as the gossip
// transport will allow.
let mut frames = Vec::with_capacity(1);
if !serialise_table_update_frames(v, MAX_USER_PAYLOAD_BYTES, &mut frames) {
warn!("dropping oversized columns in table update");
// Continue sending the columns that were packed
// successfully
// It's possible all columns were oversized and therefore
// dropped during the split.
if frames.is_empty() {
warn!("dropping empty table update message");
for frame in frames {
let msg = GossipMessage { msg: Some(frame) };
debug!("stopping schema serialisation actor");
/// Serialise `msg` into one or more frames and append them to `out`.
/// If when `msg` is serialised it is less than or equal to `max_frame_bytes` in
/// length, this method appends a single frame. If `msg` is too large, it is
/// split into `N` multiple smaller frames and each appended individually.
/// If any [`Column`] within the message is too large to fit into an update
/// containing only itself, then this method returns `false` indicating
/// oversized columns were dropped from the output.
fn serialise_table_update_frames(
mut msg: TableUpdated,
max_frame_bytes: usize,
out: &mut Vec<TableUpdated>,
) -> bool {
// Does this frame fit within the maximum allowed frame size?
if msg.encoded_len() <= max_frame_bytes {
// Never send empty update messages.
if !msg.columns.is_empty() {
return true;
// This message is too large to be sent as a single message.
n_bytes = msg.encoded_len(),
"splitting oversized table update message"
// Find the midpoint in the column list.
// If the column list is down to one candidate, then the TableUpdate
// containing only this column is too large to be sent, so this column must
// be dropped from the output.
if msg.columns.len() <= 1 {
// Return false to indicate some columns were dropped.
return false;
let mid = msg.columns.len() / 2;
// Split up the columns in the message into two.
let right = msg.columns.drain(mid..).collect();
// msg now contains the left-most half of the columns.
// Construct the frame for the right-most half of the columns.
let other = TableUpdated {
columns: right,
table_name: msg.table_name.clone(),
namespace_name: msg.namespace_name.clone(),
table_id: msg.table_id,
// Recursively split the frames until they fit, at which point they'll
// be sent within this call.
serialise_table_update_frames(msg, max_frame_bytes, out)
&& serialise_table_update_frames(other, max_frame_bytes, out)
/// Split `msg` into a [`TableCreated`] and a series of [`TableUpdated`] frames,
/// each sized less than [`MAX_USER_PAYLOAD_BYTES`].
fn serialise_table_create_frames(mut msg: TableCreated) -> Vec<Msg> {
// If it fits, do nothing.
if msg.encoded_len() <= MAX_USER_PAYLOAD_BYTES {
return vec![Msg::TableCreated(msg)];
// If not, split the message into a single create, followed by N table
// updates.
let columns = std::mem::take(&mut msg.table.as_mut().unwrap().columns);
// Check that on its own, without columns, it'll be send-able.
if msg.encoded_len() > MAX_USER_PAYLOAD_BYTES {
error!("dropping oversized table create message");
return vec![];
// Recreate the new TableUpdate containing all the columns
let mut update = msg.table.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
update.columns = columns;
let mut updates = Vec::with_capacity(1);
if !serialise_table_update_frames(update, MAX_USER_PAYLOAD_BYTES, &mut updates) {
warn!("dropping oversized columns in table update");
// Continue sending the columns that were packed
// successfully
// Return the table creation, followed by the updates containing columns.
mod tests {
use std::{collections::BTreeSet, sync::Arc};
use crate::{
gossip::mock_schema_broadcast::MockSchemaBroadcast, namespace_cache::MemoryNamespaceCache,
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use data_types::{
partition_template::{test_table_partition_override, NamespacePartitionTemplateOverride},
ColumnId, NamespaceId, TableId, TableSchema,
use generated_types::influxdata::iox::{
partition_template::v1::{template_part::Part, PartitionTemplate, TemplatePart},
use proptest::prelude::*;
const TABLE_NAME: &str = "bananas";
const NAMESPACE_NAME: &str = "platanos";
const TABLE_ID: i64 = 42;
const DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PARTITION_TEMPLATE: NamespacePartitionTemplateOverride =
const DEFAULT_NAMESPACE: NamespaceSchema = NamespaceSchema {
id: NamespaceId::new(4242),
tables: BTreeMap::new(),
max_columns_per_table: 1,
max_tables: 2,
retention_period_ns: None,
proptest! {
/// Assert that overly-large [`TableUpdated`] frames are correctly split
/// into multiple smaller frames that are under the provided maximum
/// size.
fn prop_table_update_frame_splitting(
max_frame_bytes in 0_usize..1_000,
n_columns in 0_i64..1_000,
) {
let mut msg = TableUpdated {
table_name: TABLE_NAME.to_string(),
namespace_name: NAMESPACE_NAME.to_string(),
table_id: TABLE_ID,
columns: (0..n_columns).map(|v| {
Column {
name: "ignored".to_string(),
column_id: v,
column_type: 42,
let mut out = Vec::new();
let success = serialise_table_update_frames(
&mut out
// For all inputs, either:
// - The return value indicates a frame could not be split
// entirely, in which case at least one column must exceed
// max_frame_bytes when packed in an update message, preventing
// it from being split down to N=1, and that column is absent
// from the output messages.
// or
// - The message may have been split into more than one message of
// less-than-or-equal-to max_frame_bytes in size, in which case
// all columns must appear exactly once (validated by checking
// the column ID values reduce to the input set)
// All output messages must contain identical table metadata and be
// non-empty.
// Otherwise validate the successful case.
for v in &out {
// Invariant: the split frames must be less than or equal to the
// desired maximum encoded frame size
assert!(v.encoded_len() <= max_frame_bytes);
// Invariant: all messages must contain the same metadata
assert_eq!(v.table_name, msg.table_name);
assert_eq!(v.namespace_name, msg.namespace_name);
assert_eq!(v.table_id, msg.table_id);
// Invariant: there should always be at least one column per
// message (no empty update frames).
let got_ids = out.iter()
.flat_map(|v| v.columns.iter().map(|v| v.column_id))
// Build the set of IDs that should appear.
let want_ids = if success {
// All column IDs must appear in the output as the splitting was
// successful.
} else {
// Splitting failed.
// Build the set of column IDs expected to be in the output
// (those that are under the maximum size on their own).
let cols = std::mem::take(&mut msg.columns);
let want_ids = cols.into_iter().filter_map(|v| {
let column_id = v.column_id;
msg.columns = vec![v];
if msg.encoded_len() > max_frame_bytes {
return None;
// Assert at least one column must be too large to be packed
// into an update containing only that column if one was
// provided.
if n_columns != 0 {
assert!(want_ids.len() != n_columns as usize);
// The ordered iterator of observed IDs must match the input
// interval of [0, n_columns)
fn prop_table_create_frame_splitting(
n_columns in 0..MAX_USER_PAYLOAD_BYTES as i64,
partition_template_size in 0..MAX_USER_PAYLOAD_BYTES
) {
let mut msg = TableCreated {
table: Some(TableUpdated {
table_name: TABLE_NAME.to_string(),
namespace_name: NAMESPACE_NAME.to_string(),
table_id: TABLE_ID,
columns: (0..n_columns).map(|v| {
Column {
name: "ignored".to_string(),
column_id: v,
column_type: 42,
// Generate a potentially outrageously big partition template.
// It's probably invalid, but that's fine for this test.
partition_template: Some(PartitionTemplate{ parts: vec![
TemplatePart{ part: Some(Part::TagValue(
let frames = serialise_table_create_frames(msg.clone());
// This TableCreated message is in one of three states:
// 1. Small enough to be sent in a one-er
// 2. Big enough to need splitting into a create + updates
// 3. Too big to send the create message at all
// For 1 and 2, all columns should be observed, and should follow
// the create message. For 3, nothing should be sent, as those
// updates are likely to go unused by peers who likely don't know
// about this table.
// Validate 3 first.
if frames.is_empty() {
// Then it MUST be too large to send even with no columns.
// Remove them and assert the size.
msg.table.as_mut().unwrap().columns = vec![];
assert!(msg.encoded_len() > MAX_USER_PAYLOAD_BYTES);
return Ok(());
// Both 1 and 2 require all columns to eventually be observed, as
// well as the create message.
let mut iter = frames.into_iter();
let mut columns = assert_matches!(iter.next(), Some(Msg::TableCreated(v)) => {
// Invariant: table metadata must be correct
assert_eq!(v.partition_template, msg.partition_template);
let update = v.table.unwrap();
assert_eq!(update.table_name, TABLE_NAME);
assert_eq!(update.namespace_name, NAMESPACE_NAME);
assert_eq!(update.table_id, TABLE_ID);
// Return the columns in this create message, if any.
// Combine the columns from above, with any subsequent update
// messages
columns.extend(iter.flat_map(|v| {
assert_matches!(v, Msg::TableUpdated(v) => {
// Invariant: metadata in follow-on updates must also match
assert_eq!(v.table_name, TABLE_NAME);
assert_eq!(v.namespace_name, NAMESPACE_NAME);
assert_eq!(v.table_id, TABLE_ID);
// Columns now contains all the columns, across all the output
// messages.
let got_ids = columns.into_iter().map(|v| v.column_id).collect::<BTreeSet<_>>();
// Which should match the full input set of column IDs
macro_rules! test_observe {
diff = $diff:expr, // Diff to be evaluated
schema = $schema:expr, // Schema to be evaluated
want_count = $want_count:expr, // Wait for this many messages to be broadcast
want = $($want:tt)+ // Pattern match over slice of messages
) => {
paste::paste! {
async fn [<test_observe_ $name>]() {
let gossip = Arc::new(MockSchemaBroadcast::default());
let observer = SchemaChangeObserver::new(
// Evaluate the given diff
// And inspect the messages sent.
let msg = gossip.messages();
assert_matches::assert_matches!(msg.as_slice(), $($want)+);
// A new, empty namespace is observed. A new (empty) schema was created.
diff = ChangeStats {
new_tables: Default::default(),
new_columns_per_table: Default::default(),
num_new_columns: Default::default(),
did_update: false,
want_count = 1,
want = [Msg::NamespaceCreated(NamespaceCreated {
})] => {
assert_eq!(namespace_name, NAMESPACE_NAME);
assert_eq!(*namespace_id, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.id.get());
assert_eq!(*partition_template, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.partition_template.as_proto().cloned());
assert_eq!(*max_columns_per_table, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.max_columns_per_table as u64);
assert_eq!(*max_tables, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.max_tables as u64);
assert_eq!(*retention_period_ns, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.retention_period_ns);
// A new namespace that was immediately populated with a table containing a
// column.
diff = ChangeStats {
new_tables: new_map(&[
(TABLE_NAME, TableSchema {
id: TableId::new(TABLE_ID),
columns: ColumnsByName::new([
data_types::Column {
name: "platanos".to_string(),
column_type: data_types::ColumnType::String,
id: ColumnId::new(2442),
table_id: TableId::new(TABLE_ID)
partition_template: test_table_partition_override(vec![
new_columns_per_table: Default::default(),
num_new_columns: Default::default(),
did_update: false,
want_count = 1,
want = [Msg::NamespaceCreated(NamespaceCreated {
Msg::TableCreated(TableCreated { table, partition_template: table_template })] => {
// Validate the namespace create message
assert_eq!(namespace_name, NAMESPACE_NAME);
assert_eq!(*namespace_id, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.id.get());
assert_eq!(*partition_template, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.partition_template.as_proto().cloned());
assert_eq!(*max_columns_per_table, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.max_columns_per_table as u64);
assert_eq!(*max_tables, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.max_tables as u64);
assert_eq!(*retention_period_ns, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.retention_period_ns);
// Validate the table message
let meta = table.as_ref().expect("must have metadata");
assert_eq!(meta.table_name, TABLE_NAME);
assert_eq!(meta.namespace_name, NAMESPACE_NAME);
assert_eq!(meta.table_id, TABLE_ID);
assert_matches!(meta.columns.as_slice(), [c] => {
assert_eq!(c.name, "platanos");
assert_eq!(c.column_id, 2442);
assert_eq!(c.column_type(), ColumnType::String);
let want = test_table_partition_override(vec![
assert_eq!(table_template.as_ref(), want.as_proto());
// A new table for an existing namespace.
diff = ChangeStats {
new_tables: new_map(&[
(TABLE_NAME, TableSchema {
id: TableId::new(TABLE_ID),
columns: ColumnsByName::new([
data_types::Column {
name: "platanos".to_string(),
column_type: data_types::ColumnType::String,
id: ColumnId::new(2442),
table_id: TableId::new(TABLE_ID)
partition_template: test_table_partition_override(vec![
new_columns_per_table: Default::default(),
num_new_columns: Default::default(),
did_update: true,
want_count = 1,
want = [Msg::TableCreated(TableCreated { table, partition_template: table_template })] => {
let meta = table.as_ref().expect("must have metadata");
assert_eq!(meta.table_name, TABLE_NAME);
assert_eq!(meta.namespace_name, NAMESPACE_NAME);
assert_eq!(meta.table_id, TABLE_ID);
assert_matches!(meta.columns.as_slice(), [c] => {
assert_eq!(c.name, "platanos");
assert_eq!(c.column_id, 2442);
assert_eq!(c.column_type(), ColumnType::String);
let want = test_table_partition_override(vec![
assert_eq!(table_template.as_ref(), want.as_proto());
// A new table for an existing namespace, and an update to an existing
// table.
diff = ChangeStats {
new_tables: new_map(&[
(TABLE_NAME, TableSchema {
id: TableId::new(TABLE_ID),
columns: ColumnsByName::new([
data_types::Column {
name: "platanos".to_string(),
column_type: data_types::ColumnType::String,
id: ColumnId::new(2442),
table_id: TableId::new(TABLE_ID)
partition_template: test_table_partition_override(vec![
new_columns_per_table: new_map(&[
("more-bananas", ColumnsByName::new([
data_types::Column {
name: "platanos".to_string(),
column_type: data_types::ColumnType::Tag,
id: ColumnId::new(1234),
table_id: TableId::new(4321)
num_new_columns: Default::default(),
did_update: true,
schema = {
// insert the existing table & column that was added in this diff
let mut ns = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.clone();
ns.tables.insert("more-bananas".to_string(), TableSchema {
id: TableId::new(4321),
partition_template: test_table_partition_override(vec![]),
columns: ColumnsByName::new([
data_types::Column {
name: "platanos".to_string(),
column_type: data_types::ColumnType::Tag,
id: ColumnId::new(1234),
table_id: TableId::new(4321)
want_count = 1,
want = [
] => {
// Table create validation
let meta = created.table.as_ref().expect("must have metadata");
assert_eq!(meta.table_name, TABLE_NAME);
assert_eq!(meta.namespace_name, NAMESPACE_NAME);
assert_eq!(meta.table_id, TABLE_ID);
assert_matches!(meta.columns.as_slice(), [c] => {
assert_eq!(c.name, "platanos");
assert_eq!(c.column_id, 2442);
assert_eq!(c.column_type(), ColumnType::String);
let want = test_table_partition_override(vec![
assert_eq!(created.partition_template.as_ref(), want.as_proto());
// Table update validation
assert_eq!(updated.table_name, "more-bananas");
assert_eq!(updated.namespace_name, NAMESPACE_NAME);
assert_eq!(updated.table_id, 4321);
assert_matches!(updated.columns.as_slice(), [c] => {
assert_eq!(c.name, "platanos");
assert_eq!(c.column_id, 1234);
assert_eq!(c.column_type(), ColumnType::Tag);
fn new_map<T>(v: &[(&str, T)]) -> BTreeMap<String, T>
T: Clone,
let mut out = BTreeMap::new();
for (name, table) in v {
out.insert(name.to_string(), table.clone());
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
//! Abstractions decoupling application schema gossiping from the underlying
//! transport.
use std::{fmt::Debug, sync::Arc};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use observability_deps::tracing::error;
/// An abstract best-effort broadcast primitive, sending an opaque payload to
/// all peers.
pub trait SchemaBroadcast: Send + Sync + Debug {
/// Broadcast `payload` to all peers, blocking until the message is enqueued
/// for processing.
async fn broadcast(&self, payload: Vec<u8>);
impl SchemaBroadcast for Arc<gossip::GossipHandle> {
async fn broadcast(&self, payload: Vec<u8>) {
if gossip::GossipHandle::broadcast(self, payload)
error!("payload size exceeds maximum allowed");
Reference in New Issue