Merged pull request #685 from influxdata/nc-hist-quantile
feat: Add histogramQuantile functionpull/10616/head
@ -1401,6 +1401,48 @@ from(db:"telegraf")
r.service == "app-server")
#### HistogramQuantile
HistogramQuantile approximates a quantile given an histogram that approximates the cumulative distribution of the dataset.
Each input table represents a single histogram.
The histogram tables must have two columns, a count column and an upper bound column.
The count is the number of values that are less than or equal to the upper bound value.
The table can have any number of records, each representing an entry in the histogram.
The counts must be monotonically increasing when sorted by upper bound.
Linear interpolation between the two closest bounds is used to compute the quantile.
If the either of the bounds used in interpolation are infinite, then the other finite bound is used and no interpolation is performed.
The output table will have a the same group key as the input table.
The columns not part of the group key will be removed and a single value column of type float will be added.
The count and upper bound columns must not be part of the group key.
The value column represents the value of the desired quantile from the histogram.
HistogramQuantile has the following properties:
* `quantile` float
Quantile is a value between 0 and 1 indicating the desired quantile to compute.
* `countColumn` string
CountColumn is the name of the column containing the histogram counts.
The count column type must be float.
Defaults to `_value`.
* `upperBoundColumn` string
UpperBoundColumn is the name of the column containing the histogram upper bounds.
The upper bound column type must be float.
* `valueColumn` string
ValueColumn is the name of the output column which will contain the computed quantile.
Defaults to `_value`.
* `minValue` float
MinValue is the assumed minumum value of the dataset.
When the quantile falls below the lowest upper bound, interpolation is performed between
minValue and the lowest upper bound.
When minValue is equal to negative infinity, the lowest upper bound is used.
Defaults to 0.
histogramQuantile(quantile:0.9, upperBoundColumn:"le") // compute the 90th quantile using histogram data.
#### Limit
Limit caps the number of records in output tables to a fixed size n.
@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
package functions
import (
const HistogramQuantileKind = "histogramQuantile"
type HistogramQuantileOpSpec struct {
Quantile float64 `json:"quantile"`
CountColumn string `json:"countColumn"`
UpperBoundColumn string `json:"upperBoundColumn"`
ValueColumn string `json:"valueColumn"`
MinValue float64 `json:"minValue"`
var histogramQuantileSignature = query.DefaultFunctionSignature()
func init() {
histogramQuantileSignature.Params["quantile"] = semantic.Float
histogramQuantileSignature.Params["countColumn"] = semantic.String
histogramQuantileSignature.Params["upperBoundColumn"] = semantic.String
histogramQuantileSignature.Params["valueColumn"] = semantic.String
histogramQuantileSignature.Params["minValue"] = semantic.Float
query.RegisterFunction(HistogramQuantileKind, createHistogramQuantileOpSpec, histogramQuantileSignature)
query.RegisterOpSpec(HistogramQuantileKind, newHistogramQuantileOp)
plan.RegisterProcedureSpec(HistogramQuantileKind, newHistogramQuantileProcedure, HistogramQuantileKind)
execute.RegisterTransformation(HistogramQuantileKind, createHistogramQuantileTransformation)
func createHistogramQuantileOpSpec(args query.Arguments, a *query.Administration) (query.OperationSpec, error) {
if err := a.AddParentFromArgs(args); err != nil {
return nil, err
s := new(HistogramQuantileOpSpec)
q, err := args.GetRequiredFloat("quantile")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.Quantile = q
if col, ok, err := args.GetString("countColumn"); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
s.CountColumn = col
} else {
s.CountColumn = execute.DefaultValueColLabel
if col, ok, err := args.GetString("upperBoundColumn"); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
s.UpperBoundColumn = col
if col, ok, err := args.GetString("valueColumn"); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
s.ValueColumn = col
} else {
s.ValueColumn = execute.DefaultValueColLabel
if min, ok, err := args.GetFloat("minValue"); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
s.MinValue = min
return s, nil
func newHistogramQuantileOp() query.OperationSpec {
return new(HistogramQuantileOpSpec)
func (s *HistogramQuantileOpSpec) Kind() query.OperationKind {
return HistogramQuantileKind
type HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec struct {
Quantile float64 `json:"quantile"`
CountColumn string `json:"countColumn"`
UpperBoundColumn string `json:"upperBoundColumn"`
ValueColumn string `json:"valueColumn"`
MinValue float64 `json:"minValue"`
func newHistogramQuantileProcedure(qs query.OperationSpec, a plan.Administration) (plan.ProcedureSpec, error) {
spec, ok := qs.(*HistogramQuantileOpSpec)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid spec type %T", qs)
return &HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: spec.Quantile,
CountColumn: spec.CountColumn,
UpperBoundColumn: spec.UpperBoundColumn,
ValueColumn: spec.ValueColumn,
MinValue: spec.MinValue,
}, nil
func (s *HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec) Kind() plan.ProcedureKind {
return HistogramQuantileKind
func (s *HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec) Copy() plan.ProcedureSpec {
ns := new(HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec)
*ns = *s
return ns
type histogramQuantileTransformation struct {
d execute.Dataset
cache execute.TableBuilderCache
spec HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec
type bucket struct {
count float64
upperBound float64
func createHistogramQuantileTransformation(id execute.DatasetID, mode execute.AccumulationMode, spec plan.ProcedureSpec, a execute.Administration) (execute.Transformation, execute.Dataset, error) {
s, ok := spec.(*HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid spec type %T", spec)
cache := execute.NewTableBuilderCache(a.Allocator())
d := execute.NewDataset(id, mode, cache)
t := NewHistorgramQuantileTransformation(d, cache, s)
return t, d, nil
func NewHistorgramQuantileTransformation(
d execute.Dataset,
cache execute.TableBuilderCache,
spec *HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec,
) execute.Transformation {
return &histogramQuantileTransformation{
d: d,
cache: cache,
spec: *spec,
func (t histogramQuantileTransformation) RetractTable(id execute.DatasetID, key query.GroupKey) error {
return nil
func (t histogramQuantileTransformation) Process(id execute.DatasetID, tbl query.Table) error {
builder, created := t.cache.TableBuilder(tbl.Key())
if !created {
return fmt.Errorf("histogramQuantile found duplicate table with key: %v", tbl.Key())
execute.AddTableKeyCols(tbl.Key(), builder)
valueIdx := builder.AddCol(query.ColMeta{
Label: t.spec.ValueColumn,
Type: query.TFloat,
countIdx := execute.ColIdx(t.spec.CountColumn, tbl.Cols())
if countIdx < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("table is missing count column %q", t.spec.CountColumn)
if tbl.Cols()[countIdx].Type != query.TFloat {
return fmt.Errorf("count column %q must be of type float", t.spec.CountColumn)
upperBoundIdx := execute.ColIdx(t.spec.UpperBoundColumn, tbl.Cols())
if upperBoundIdx < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("table is missing upper bound column %q", t.spec.UpperBoundColumn)
if tbl.Cols()[upperBoundIdx].Type != query.TFloat {
return fmt.Errorf("upper bound column %q must be of type float", t.spec.UpperBoundColumn)
// Read buckets
var cdf []bucket
sorted := true //track if the cdf was naturally sorted
err := tbl.Do(func(cr query.ColReader) error {
offset := len(cdf)
// Grow cdf by number of rows
l := offset + cr.Len()
if cap(cdf) < l {
cpy := make([]bucket, l, l*2)
// Copy existing buckets to new slice
copy(cpy, cdf)
cdf = cpy
} else {
cdf = cdf[:l]
for i := 0; i < cr.Len(); i++ {
curr := i + offset
prev := curr - 1
cdf[curr] = bucket{
count: cr.Floats(countIdx)[i],
upperBound: cr.Floats(upperBoundIdx)[i],
if prev >= 0 {
sorted = sorted && cdf[prev].upperBound <= cdf[curr].upperBound
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if !sorted {
sort.Slice(cdf, func(i, j int) bool {
return cdf[i].upperBound < cdf[j].upperBound
q, err := t.computeQuantile(cdf)
if err != nil {
return err
execute.AppendKeyValues(tbl.Key(), builder)
builder.AppendFloat(valueIdx, q)
return nil
func (t *histogramQuantileTransformation) computeQuantile(cdf []bucket) (float64, error) {
if len(cdf) == 0 {
return 0, errors.New("histogram is empty")
// Find rank index and check counts are monotonic
prevCount := 0.0
totalCount := cdf[len(cdf)-1].count
rank := t.spec.Quantile * totalCount
rankIdx := -1
for i, b := range cdf {
if b.count < prevCount {
return 0, errors.New("histogram records counts are not monotonic")
prevCount = b.count
if rank >= b.count {
rankIdx = i
var (
upperBound float64
switch rankIdx {
case -1:
// Quantile is below the lowest upper bound, interpolate using the min value
lowerCount = 0
lowerBound = t.spec.MinValue
upperCount = cdf[0].count
upperBound = cdf[0].upperBound
case len(cdf) - 1:
// Quantile is above the highest upper bound, simply return it as it must be finite
return cdf[len(cdf)-1].upperBound, nil
lowerCount = cdf[rankIdx].count
lowerBound = cdf[rankIdx].upperBound
upperCount = cdf[rankIdx+1].count
upperBound = cdf[rankIdx+1].upperBound
if rank == lowerCount {
// No need to interpolate
return lowerBound, nil
if math.IsInf(lowerBound, -1) {
// We cannot interpolate with infinity
return upperBound, nil
if math.IsInf(upperBound, 1) {
// We cannot interpolate with infinity
return lowerBound, nil
// Compute quantile using linear interpolation
scale := (rank - lowerCount) / (upperCount - lowerCount)
return lowerBound + (upperBound-lowerBound)*scale, nil
func (t histogramQuantileTransformation) UpdateWatermark(id execute.DatasetID, mark execute.Time) error {
return t.d.UpdateWatermark(mark)
func (t histogramQuantileTransformation) UpdateProcessingTime(id execute.DatasetID, pt execute.Time) error {
return t.d.UpdateProcessingTime(pt)
func (t histogramQuantileTransformation) Finish(id execute.DatasetID, err error) {
@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
package functions_test
import (
var linearHist = []query.Table{&executetest.Table{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_time", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "le", Type: query.TFloat},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.1, 1.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.2, 2.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.3, 3.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.4, 4.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.5, 5.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.6, 6.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.7, 7.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.8, 8.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.9, 9.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 1.0, 10.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), math.Inf(1), 10.0},
var linearHistNoMax = []query.Table{&executetest.Table{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_time", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "le", Type: query.TFloat},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.2, 2.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.4, 4.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.6, 6.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.8, 8.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 1.0, 10.0},
var unsortedOddHist = []query.Table{&executetest.Table{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_time", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "le", Type: query.TFloat},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.4, 4.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 1.0, 10.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.6, 6.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.2, 2.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.8, 10.0},
var nonLinearHist = []query.Table{&executetest.Table{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_time", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "le", Type: query.TFloat},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.1, 1.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 0.5, 5.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), 1.0, 10.0},
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), execute.Time(1), math.Inf(1), 11.0},
func TestHistogramQuantile_Process(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
spec *functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec
data []query.Table
want []*executetest.Table
name: "90th linear",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 0.9,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
data: linearHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 0.9},
name: "0th linear",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 0.0,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
data: linearHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 0.0},
name: "5th linear",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 0.05,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
data: linearHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 0.05},
name: "5th linear -0.1 min value",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 0.05,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
MinValue: -0.1,
data: linearHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 0.0},
name: "5th linear -inf min value",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 0.05,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
MinValue: math.Inf(-1),
data: linearHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 0.1},
name: "10th linear",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 0.1,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
data: linearHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 0.1},
name: "95th linear",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 0.95,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
data: linearHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 0.95},
name: "99.999th linear",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 0.99999,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
data: linearHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 0.99999},
name: "100th linear",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 1.0,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
data: linearHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), math.Inf(1)},
name: "100th linear no max",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 1.0,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
data: linearHistNoMax,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 1.0},
name: "90th linear unsorted odd",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 0.9,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
data: unsortedOddHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 0.75},
name: "100th linear unsorted odd",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 1.0,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
data: unsortedOddHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 1.0},
name: "90th nonlinear",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 0.90,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
data: nonLinearHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 0.99},
name: "highest finite upper bound nonlinear",
spec: &functions.HistogramQuantileProcedureSpec{
Quantile: 0.99,
CountColumn: "_value",
UpperBoundColumn: "le",
ValueColumn: "_value",
data: nonLinearHist,
want: []*executetest.Table{{
KeyCols: []string{"_start", "_stop"},
ColMeta: []query.ColMeta{
{Label: "_start", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_stop", Type: query.TTime},
{Label: "_value", Type: query.TFloat},
Data: [][]interface{}{
{execute.Time(1), execute.Time(3), 1.0},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
func(d execute.Dataset, c execute.TableBuilderCache) execute.Transformation {
return functions.NewHistorgramQuantileTransformation(d, c, tc.spec)
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ var medianBuiltin = `
// median returns the 50th percentile.
// By default an approximate percentile is computed, this can be disabled by passing exact:true.
// Using the exact method requires that the entire data set can fit in memory.
median = (method="estimate_tdigest", compression=0.0, table=<-) => percentile(table:table, p:0.5, method:method, compression:compression)
median = (method="estimate_tdigest", compression=0.0, table=<-) => percentile(table:table, percentile:0.5, method:method, compression:compression)
func createPercentileOpSpec(args query.Arguments, a *query.Administration) (query.OperationSpec, error) {
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ func createPercentileOpSpec(args query.Arguments, a *query.Administration) (quer
spec := new(PercentileOpSpec)
p, err := args.GetRequiredFloat("p")
p, err := args.GetRequiredFloat("percentile")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
|> range(start: 2018-05-22T19:53:00Z)
|> histogramQuantile(quantile:0.90,upperBoundColumn:"le")
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from(db: "test")
|> range(start: 2018-05-22T19:50:26Z)
|> group(by: ["_measurement", "_start"])
|> percentile(p:0.75, method:"exact_selector")
|> percentile(percentile:0.75, method:"exact_selector")
|> map(fn: (r) => {_time: r._time, percentile: r._value})
|> yield(name:"0")
|> yield(name:"0")
Reference in New Issue