add more tests and document the ones that are left.

John Shahid 2013-10-07 17:18:51 -04:00
parent e1d3bcd81b
commit 5176f96a97
2 changed files with 29 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -245,14 +245,34 @@ func (self *QueryParserSuite) TestParseSelectWithLast(c *C) {
c.Assert(q.Limit, Equals, 10)
// write specs for the following queries
func (self *QueryParserSuite) TestParseFromWithNestedFunctions2(c *C) {
q, err := ParseQuery("select count(distinct(email)) from where time>now()-1d group_by time(15m);")
defer q.Close()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(q.GetColumnNames(), HasLen, 1)
column := q.GetColumnNames()[0]
c.Assert(column.IsFunctionCall(), Equals, true)
c.Assert(column.Name, Equals, "count")
c.Assert(column.Elems, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(column.Elems[0].IsFunctionCall(), Equals, true)
c.Assert(column.Elems[0].Name, Equals, "distinct")
c.Assert(column.Elems[0].Elems, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(column.Elems[0].Elems[0].Name, Equals, "email")
// select value from .* last 1
c.Assert(q.GetGroupByClause(), HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(q.GetGroupByClause()[0], DeepEquals, &Value{
Name: "time",
Elems: []*Value{&Value{"15m", nil}},
// TODO: merge and inner joins
// select count(*) from merge(newsletter.signups,user.signups) group_by time(1h) where time>now()-1d
// select diff(t1.value, t2.value) from inner_join(, t1, memory.used, t2) group_by time(1m) where time>now()-6h
// select count(distinct(email)) from where time>now()-1d group_by time(15m)
// select percentile(95, value) from response_times group_by time(10m) where time>now()-6h
// select count(*) from events where type='login'
// TODO: regexp matching
// select email from where email ~= /gmail\.com/i and time>now()-2d group_by time(10m)
// TODO:
// insert into select count(*) from where time<forever group_by time(1d)
// insert into :series_name.percentiles.95 select percentile(95,value) from stats.* where time<forever group_by time(1d)
// select email from where email ~= /gmail\.com/i and time>now()-2d group_by time(10m)

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@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
q = parse_query("select value from cpu.idle where value > 90 and (time > now() - 1d or value > 80) and time < now() - 1w;");
q = parse_query("select value from cpu.idle where value > 90 and (time > now() - 1d or value > 80) and time < now() - 1w last 10;");
return 0;