Add SuperAdmin to default org, even if private

Add user to default org if org is public
Michael Desa 2017-12-13 17:38:57 -08:00
parent 2b60043016
commit 4369c9d708
2 changed files with 83 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -206,6 +206,23 @@ func (s *Service) Me(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if usr != nil {
if defaultOrg.Public || usr.SuperAdmin == true {
// If the default organization is public, or the user is a super admin
// they will always have a role in the default organization
defaultOrgID := fmt.Sprintf("%d", defaultOrg.ID)
if !hasRoleInDefaultOrganization(usr, defaultOrgID) {
usr.Roles = append(usr.Roles, chronograf.Role{
Organization: defaultOrgID,
Name: defaultOrg.DefaultRole,
if err := s.Store.Users(serverCtx).Update(serverCtx, usr); err != nil {
unknownErrorWithMessage(w, err, s.Logger)
// If the default org is private and the user has no roles, they should not have access
if !defaultOrg.Public && len(usr.Roles) == 0 {
Error(w, http.StatusForbidden, "This organization is private. To gain access, you must be explicitly added by an administrator.", s.Logger)
@ -227,22 +244,6 @@ func (s *Service) Me(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if defaultOrg.Public {
defaultOrgID := fmt.Sprintf("%d", defaultOrg.ID)
// If a user was added via the API, they might not yet be a member of the default organization
// Here we check to verify that they are a user in the default organization
if !hasRoleInDefaultOrganization(usr, defaultOrgID) {
usr.Roles = append(usr.Roles, chronograf.Role{
Organization: defaultOrgID,
Name: defaultOrg.DefaultRole,
if err := s.Store.Users(serverCtx).Update(serverCtx, usr); err != nil {
unknownErrorWithMessage(w, err, s.Logger)
orgs, err := s.usersOrganizations(serverCtx, usr)
if err != nil {
unknownErrorWithMessage(w, err, s.Logger)

View File

@ -106,6 +106,72 @@ func TestService_Me(t *testing.T) {
wantContentType: "application/json",
wantBody: `{"code":403,"message":"This organization is private. To gain access, you must be explicitly added by an administrator."}`,
name: "Existing user - private default org and user is a super admin",
args: args{
w: httptest.NewRecorder(),
r: httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil),
fields: fields{
UseAuth: true,
Logger: log.New(log.DebugLevel),
OrganizationsStore: &mocks.OrganizationsStore{
DefaultOrganizationF: func(ctx context.Context) (*chronograf.Organization, error) {
return &chronograf.Organization{
ID: 0,
Name: "Default",
DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName,
Public: false,
}, nil
GetF: func(ctx context.Context, q chronograf.OrganizationQuery) (*chronograf.Organization, error) {
switch *q.ID {
case 0:
return &chronograf.Organization{
ID: 0,
Name: "Default",
DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName,
Public: true,
}, nil
case 1:
return &chronograf.Organization{
ID: 1,
Name: "The Bad Place",
Public: true,
}, nil
return nil, nil
UsersStore: &mocks.UsersStore{
NumF: func(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
// This function gets to verify that there is at least one first user
return 1, nil
GetF: func(ctx context.Context, q chronograf.UserQuery) (*chronograf.User, error) {
if q.Name == nil || q.Provider == nil || q.Scheme == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid user query: missing Name, Provider, and/or Scheme")
return &chronograf.User{
Name: "me",
Provider: "github",
Scheme: "oauth2",
SuperAdmin: true,
}, nil
UpdateF: func(ctx context.Context, u *chronograf.User) error {
return nil
principal: oauth2.Principal{
Subject: "me",
Issuer: "github",
wantStatus: http.StatusOK,
wantContentType: "application/json",
wantBody: `{"name":"me","roles":[{"name":"viewer","organization":"0"}],"provider":"github","scheme":"oauth2","superAdmin":true,"links":{"self":"/chronograf/v1/users/0"},"organizations":[{"id":"0","name":"Default","defaultRole":"viewer","public":true}],"currentOrganization":{"id":"0","name":"Default","defaultRole":"viewer","public":true}}`,
name: "Existing user - private default org",
args: args{