diff --git a/config.toml.sample b/config.toml.sample
index faf8622634..c934ced97b 100644
--- a/config.toml.sample
+++ b/config.toml.sample
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ query-shard-buffer-size = 1000
 # Maximum mmap open files, this will affect the virtual memory used by
 # the process
-max-open-files = 100
+max-open-files = 40
 # These options specify how data is sharded across the cluster. There are two 
 # shard configurations that have the same knobs: short term and long term.
diff --git a/src/configuration/config.toml b/src/configuration/config.toml
index b60c6d29d2..af60e0e42e 100644
--- a/src/configuration/config.toml
+++ b/src/configuration/config.toml
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ query-shard-buffer-size = 1000
 # Maximum mmap open files, this will affect the virtual memory used by
 # the process
-# max-open-files = 100
+max-open-files = 40
 # These options specify how data is sharded across the cluster. There are two 
 # shard configurations that have the same knobs: short term and long term.
diff --git a/src/datastore/leveldb_shard_datastore.go b/src/datastore/leveldb_shard_datastore.go
index 9d02a16cea..1fb8f19ebc 100644
--- a/src/datastore/leveldb_shard_datastore.go
+++ b/src/datastore/leveldb_shard_datastore.go
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ func NewLevelDbShardDatastore(config *configuration.Configuration) (*LevelDbShar
 	opts.SetBlockSize(64 * ONE_KILOBYTE)
 	filter := levigo.NewBloomFilter(SHARD_BLOOM_FILTER_BITS_PER_KEY)
+	opts.SetMaxOpenFiles(config.LevelDbMaxOpenFiles)
 	return &LevelDbShardDatastore{
 		baseDbDir:      baseDbDir,