fix(task): create authorizations for tasks, which can read their task

Also set the generated token's description while we're here.

This enables us to use task's Authorization when we need to query the
system bucket to get run logs, etc. but we only have a Session.
Mark Rushakoff 2019-02-21 14:21:36 -08:00 committed by Mark Rushakoff
parent c78477314a
commit 12a604172f
2 changed files with 142 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import (
pcontext ""
@ -369,44 +370,98 @@ func decodeGetTasksRequest(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) (*getTasksReque
return req, nil
func (h *TaskHandler) createTaskAuthorizationIfNotExists(ctx context.Context, a platform.Authorizer, t *platform.TaskCreate) error {
// createBootstrapTaskAuthorizationIfNotExists checks if a the task create request hasn't specified a token, and if the request came from a session,
// and if both of those are true, it creates an authorization and return it.
// Note that the created authorization will have permissions required for the task,
// but it won't have permissions to read the task, as we don't have the task ID yet.
// This method may return a nil error and a nil authorization, if there wasn't a need to create an authorization.
func (h *TaskHandler) createBootstrapTaskAuthorizationIfNotExists(ctx context.Context, a platform.Authorizer, t *platform.TaskCreate) (*platform.Authorization, error) {
if t.Token != "" {
return nil
return nil, nil
s, ok := a.(*platform.Session)
if !ok {
// If an authorization was used continue
return nil
return nil, nil
spec, err := flux.Compile(ctx, t.Flux, time.Now())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil, err
preAuthorizer := query.NewPreAuthorizer(h.BucketService)
ps, err := preAuthorizer.RequiredPermissions(ctx, spec)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil, err
if err := authorizer.VerifyPermissions(ctx, ps); err != nil {
return err
return nil, err
opts, err := options.FromScript(t.Flux)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
auth := &platform.Authorization{
OrgID: t.OrganizationID,
UserID: s.UserID,
Permissions: ps,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("bootstrap authorization for task %q", opts.Name),
if err := h.AuthorizationService.CreateAuthorization(ctx, auth); err != nil {
return err
return nil, err
t.Token = auth.Token
return auth, nil
func (h *TaskHandler) finalizeBootstrappedTaskAuthorization(ctx context.Context, bootstrap *platform.Authorization, task *platform.Task) error {
// If we created a bootstrapped authorization for a task,
// we need to replace it with a new authorization that allows read access on the task.
// Unfortunately for this case, updating authorizations is not allowed.
readTaskPerm, err := platform.NewPermissionAtID(task.ID, platform.ReadAction, platform.TasksResourceType, bootstrap.OrgID)
if err != nil {
// We should never fail to create a new permission like this.
return err
authzWithTask := &platform.Authorization{
UserID: bootstrap.UserID,
OrgID: bootstrap.OrgID,
Permissions: append([]platform.Permission{*readTaskPerm}, bootstrap.Permissions...),
Description: fmt.Sprintf("auto-generated authorization for task %q", task.Name),
if err := h.AuthorizationService.CreateAuthorization(ctx, authzWithTask); err != nil {
h.logger.Warn("Failed to finalize bootstrap authorization", zap.String("taskID", task.ID.String()))
// The task exists with an authorization that can't read the task.
return err
// Assign the new authorization...
u, err := h.TaskService.UpdateTask(ctx, task.ID, platform.TaskUpdate{Token: authzWithTask.Token})
if err != nil {
h.logger.Warn("Failed to assign finalized authorization", zap.String("authorizationID", bootstrap.ID.String()), zap.String("taskID", task.ID.String()))
// The task exists with an authorization that can't read the task,
// and we've created a new authorization for the task but not assigned it.
return err
*task = *u
// .. and delete the old one.
if err := h.AuthorizationService.DeleteAuthorization(ctx, bootstrap.ID); err != nil {
// Since this is the last thing we're doing, just log it if we fail to delete for some reason.
h.logger.Warn("Failed to delete bootstrap authorization", zap.String("authorizationID", bootstrap.ID.String()), zap.String("taskID", task.ID.String()))
return nil
@ -453,7 +508,8 @@ func (h *TaskHandler) handlePostTask(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := h.createTaskAuthorizationIfNotExists(ctx, auth, &req.TaskCreate); err != nil {
bootstrapAuthz, err := h.createBootstrapTaskAuthorizationIfNotExists(ctx, auth, &req.TaskCreate)
if err != nil {
EncodeError(ctx, err, w)
@ -471,6 +527,20 @@ func (h *TaskHandler) handlePostTask(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if bootstrapAuthz != nil {
// There was a bootstrapped authorization for this task.
// Now we need to apply the final authorization for the task.
if err := h.finalizeBootstrappedTaskAuthorization(ctx, bootstrapAuthz, task); err != nil {
err = &platform.Error{
Err: err,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("successfully created task with ID %s, but failed to finalize bootstrap token for task", task.ID.String()),
Code: platform.EInternal,
EncodeError(ctx, err, w)
if err := encodeResponse(ctx, w, http.StatusCreated, newTaskResponse(*task, []*platform.Label{})); err != nil {
logEncodingError(h.logger, r, err)

View File

@ -900,16 +900,27 @@ func TestService_handlePostTaskLabel(t *testing.T) {
func TestTaskHandler_CreateTaskFromSession(t *testing.T) {
i := inmem.NewService()
taskID := platform.ID(9)
var createdTasks []platform.TaskCreate
ts := &mock.TaskService{
CreateTaskFn: func(_ context.Context, tc platform.TaskCreate) (*platform.Task, error) {
createdTasks = append(createdTasks, tc)
// Task with fake IDs so it can be serialized.
return &platform.Task{ID: 9, OrganizationID: 99, AuthorizationID: 999}, nil
return &platform.Task{ID: taskID, OrganizationID: 99, AuthorizationID: 999, Name: "x"}, nil
// Needed due to task authorization bootstrapping.
UpdateTaskFn: func(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID, tu platform.TaskUpdate) (*platform.Task, error) {
authz, err := i.FindAuthorizationByToken(ctx, tu.Token)
if err != nil {
return &platform.Task{ID: taskID, OrganizationID: 99, AuthorizationID: authz.ID, Name: "x"}, nil
i := inmem.NewService()
h := NewTaskHandler(&TaskBackend{
Logger: zaptest.NewLogger(t),
@ -992,7 +1003,57 @@ func TestTaskHandler_CreateTaskFromSession(t *testing.T) {
// The task should have been created with a valid token.
if _, err := i.FindAuthorizationByToken(ctx, createdTasks[0].Token); err != nil {
var createdTask platform.Task
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &createdTask); err != nil {
authz, err := i.FindAuthorizationByID(ctx, createdTask.AuthorizationID)
if err != nil {
if authz.UserID != u.ID {
t.Fatalf("expected authorization to be associated with user %v, got %v", u.ID, authz.UserID)
if authz.OrgID != o.ID {
t.Fatalf("expected authorization to be associated with org %v, got %v", o.ID, authz.OrgID)
const expDesc = `auto-generated authorization for task "x"`
if authz.Description != expDesc {
t.Fatalf("expected authorization to be created with description %q, got %q", expDesc, authz.Description)
// The authorization should be allowed to read and write the target buckets,
// and it should be allowed to read its task.
if !authz.Allowed(platform.Permission{
Action: platform.ReadAction,
Resource: platform.Resource{
Type: platform.BucketsResourceType,
OrgID: &o.ID,
ID: &bSrc.ID,
}) {
t.Logf("WARNING: permissions on `from` buckets not yet accessible: update test after is fixed.")
if !authz.Allowed(platform.Permission{
Action: platform.WriteAction,
Resource: platform.Resource{
Type: platform.BucketsResourceType,
OrgID: &o.ID,
ID: &bDst.ID,
}) {
t.Fatalf("expected authorization to be allowed write access to destination bucket, but it wasn't allowed")
if !authz.Allowed(platform.Permission{
Action: platform.ReadAction,
Resource: platform.Resource{
Type: platform.TasksResourceType,
OrgID: &o.ID,
ID: &taskID,
}) {
t.Fatalf("expected authorization to be allowed to read its task, but it wasn't allowed")