test: MerkleTree cache decorator
Adds an integration test asserting the derived MST content hashes accurately track updates to an underlying cache entry merge implementation. This ensures the merge implementation, and content hashes do not become out-of-sync.pull/24376/head
@ -111,3 +111,58 @@ impl<'a> std::hash::Hash for NamespaceContentHash<'a> {
mod tests {
use std::{collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher, hash::Hasher};
use super::*;
use super::super::tests::arbitrary_namespace_schema;
use data_types::NamespaceId;
use proptest::prelude::*;
proptest! {
/// Assert the [`NamespaceContentHash`] decorator results in hashes that
/// are equal iff the tables and namespace ID match.
/// All other fields may vary without affecting the hash.
fn prop_content_hash_coverage(
mut a in arbitrary_namespace_schema(0..1),
b in arbitrary_namespace_schema(0..1)
) {
assert_eq!(a.id, b.id); // Test invariant
let wrap_a = NamespaceContentHash(&a);
let wrap_b = NamespaceContentHash(&b);
// Invariant: if the schemas are equal, the content hashes match
if a == b {
assert_eq!(hash(&wrap_a), hash(&wrap_b));
// True if the content hashes of a and b are equal.
let is_hash_eq = hash(wrap_a) == hash(wrap_b);
// Invariant: if the tables and ID match, the content hashes match
((a.tables == b.tables) && (a.id == b.id)),
// Invariant: the hashes chaange if the ID is modified
let new_id = NamespaceId::new(a.id.get().wrapping_add(1));
let hash_old_a = hash(&a);
a.id = new_id;
assert_ne!(hash_old_a, hash(a));
fn hash(v: impl std::hash::Hash) -> u64 {
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::default();
v.hash(&mut hasher);
@ -1,3 +1,148 @@
//! Anti-entropy primitives providing eventual consistency over gossip.
pub mod merkle;
mod tests {
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, ops::Range, sync::Arc};
use crate::{
namespace_cache::{MemoryNamespaceCache, NamespaceCache},
use data_types::{
ColumnId, ColumnSchema, ColumnType, ColumnsByName, NamespaceId, NamespaceName,
NamespaceSchema, TableId, TableSchema,
use proptest::prelude::*;
/// A set of table and column names from which arbitrary names are selected
/// in prop tests, instead of using random values that have a low
/// probability of overlap.
const TEST_TABLE_NAME_SET: &[&str] = &[
"bananas", "quiero", "un", "platano", "donkey", "goose", "egg", "mr_toro",
prop_compose! {
/// Generate a series of ColumnSchema assigned randomised IDs with a
/// stable mapping of `id -> data type`.
/// This generates at most 255 unique columns.
pub fn arbitrary_column_schema_stable()(id in 0_i16..255) -> ColumnSchema {
// Provide a stable mapping of ID to data type to avoid column type
// conflicts by reducing the ID to the data type discriminant range
// and using that to assign the data type.
let col_type = ColumnType::try_from((id % 7) + 1).expect("valid discriminator range");
ColumnSchema { id: ColumnId::new(id as _), column_type: col_type }
prop_compose! {
/// Generate an arbitrary TableSchema with up to 255 columns that
/// contain stable `column name -> data type` and `column name -> column
/// id` mappings.
pub fn arbitrary_table_schema()(
id in any::<i64>(),
columns in proptest::collection::hash_set(
(0, 255) // Set size range
) -> TableSchema {
// Map the column schemas into `name -> schema`, generating a
// column name derived from the column ID to ensure a consistent
// mapping of name -> id, and in turn, name -> data type.
let columns = columns.into_iter()
.map(|v| (format!("col-{}", v.id.get()), v))
.collect::<BTreeMap<String, ColumnSchema>>();
let columns = ColumnsByName::from(columns);
TableSchema {
id: TableId::new(id),
partition_template: Default::default(),
prop_compose! {
/// Generate an arbitrary NamespaceSchema that contains tables from
/// [`TEST_TABLE_NAME_SET`], containing up to 255 columns with stable
/// `name -> (id, data type)` mappings.
/// Namespace IDs are allocated from the specified range.
pub fn arbitrary_namespace_schema(id_range: Range<i64>)(
namespace_id in id_range,
tables in proptest::collection::btree_map(
(0, 10) // Set size range
max_columns_per_table in any::<usize>(),
max_tables in any::<usize>(),
retention_period_ns in any::<Option<i64>>(),
) -> NamespaceSchema {
let tables = tables.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), v)).collect();
NamespaceSchema {
id: NamespaceId::new(namespace_id),
partition_template: Default::default(),
fn name_for_schema(schema: &NamespaceSchema) -> NamespaceName<'static> {
NamespaceName::try_from(format!("ns-{}", schema.id)).unwrap()
proptest! {
/// Assert that two distinct namespace cache instances return identical
/// content hashes after applying a given set of cache updates.
fn prop_content_hash_diverge_converge(
// A variable number of cache entry updates for 2 namespace IDs
updates in prop::collection::vec(arbitrary_namespace_schema(0..2), 0..10),
// An arbitrary namespace with an ID that lies outside of `updates`.
last_update in arbitrary_namespace_schema(42..100),
) {
let ns_a = MerkleTree::new(Arc::new(MemoryNamespaceCache::default()));
let ns_b = MerkleTree::new(Arc::new(MemoryNamespaceCache::default()));
// Invariant: two empty namespace caches have the same content hash.
assert_eq!(ns_a.content_hash(), ns_b.content_hash());
for update in updates {
// Generate a unique, deterministic name for this namespace.
let name = name_for_schema(&update);
// Apply the update (which may be a no-op) to both.
ns_a.put_schema(name.clone(), update.clone());
ns_b.put_schema(name, update);
// Invariant: after applying the same update, the content hashes
// MUST match (even if this update was a no-op / not an update)
assert_eq!(ns_a.content_hash(), ns_b.content_hash());
// At this point all updates have been applied to both caches.
// Add a new cache entry that doesn't yet exist, and assert this
// causes the caches to diverge, and then once again reconverge.
let name = name_for_schema(&last_update);
ns_a.put_schema(name.clone(), last_update.clone());
// Invariant: last_update definitely added new cache content,
// therefore the cache content hashes MUST diverge.
assert_ne!(ns_a.content_hash(), ns_b.content_hash());
// Invariant: applying the update to the other cache converges their
// content hashes.
ns_b.put_schema(name, last_update);
assert_eq!(ns_a.content_hash(), ns_b.content_hash());
Reference in New Issue