feat: Implement basic prepared statement support in IOx (#6667)

* feat: allow override of flightsql namespace

* feat: Implement DoAction endpoint

* refactor: Remove try_unpack

* fix: remove unused code / more clone
Andrew Lamb 2023-01-25 13:00:43 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6caf31acf3
commit 0c55a0f257
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 556 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,11 @@ use std::{string::FromUtf8Error, sync::Arc};
use arrow::{error::ArrowError, ipc::writer::IpcWriteOptions};
use arrow_flight::{
sql::{Any, CommandPreparedStatementQuery, CommandStatementQuery, ProstMessageExt},
ActionClosePreparedStatementRequest, ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest,
ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult, Any, CommandPreparedStatementQuery,
IpcMessage, SchemaAsIpc,
use bytes::Bytes;
@ -23,8 +27,8 @@ pub enum Error {
source: prost::DecodeError,
#[snafu(display("Query was not valid UTF-8: {}", source))]
InvalidUtf8 { source: FromUtf8Error },
#[snafu(display("Invalid PreparedStatement handle (invalid UTF-8:) {}", source))]
InvalidHandle { source: FromUtf8Error },
#[snafu(display("{}", source))]
Flight { source: FlightError },
@ -37,13 +41,22 @@ pub enum Error {
#[snafu(display("Unsupported FlightSQL message type: {}", description))]
UnsupportedMessageType { description: String },
#[snafu(display("Protocol error. Method {} does not expect '{:?}'", method, cmd))]
Protocol { cmd: String, method: &'static str },
pub type Result<T, E = Error> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
impl From<FlightError> for Error {
fn from(value: FlightError) -> Self {
Self::Flight { source: value }
fn from(source: FlightError) -> Self {
Self::Flight { source }
impl From<ArrowError> for Error {
fn from(source: ArrowError) -> Self {
Self::Arrow { source }
@ -75,11 +88,19 @@ impl FlightSQLPlanner {
let namespace_name = namespace_name.into();
debug!(%namespace_name, type_url=%msg.type_url, "Handling flightsql get_flight_info");
match FlightSQLCommand::try_new(&msg)? {
| FlightSQLCommand::CommandPreparedStatementQuery(query) => {
let cmd = FlightSQLCommand::try_new(&msg)?;
match cmd {
FlightSQLCommand::CommandStatementQuery(query) => {
Self::get_schema_for_query(&query, ctx).await
FlightSQLCommand::CommandPreparedStatementQuery(handle) => {
Self::get_schema_for_query(&handle.query, ctx).await
_ => ProtocolSnafu {
cmd: format!("{cmd:?}"),
method: "GetFlightInfo",
@ -108,43 +129,144 @@ impl FlightSQLPlanner {
ctx: &IOxSessionContext,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
let namespace_name = namespace_name.into();
debug!(%namespace_name, type_url=%msg.type_url, "Handling flightsql plan to run an actual query");
debug!(%namespace_name, type_url=%msg.type_url, "Handling flightsql do_get");
match FlightSQLCommand::try_new(&msg)? {
let cmd = FlightSQLCommand::try_new(&msg)?;
match cmd {
FlightSQLCommand::CommandStatementQuery(query) => {
debug!(%query, "Planning FlightSQL query");
FlightSQLCommand::CommandPreparedStatementQuery(query) => {
FlightSQLCommand::CommandPreparedStatementQuery(handle) => {
let query = &handle.query;
debug!(%query, "Planning FlightSQL prepared query");
_ => ProtocolSnafu {
cmd: format!("{cmd:?}"),
method: "DoGet",
/// Handles the action specified in `msg` and returns bytes for
/// the [`arrow_flight::Result`] (not the same as a rust
/// [`Result`]!)
pub async fn do_action(
namespace_name: impl Into<String>,
_database: Arc<dyn QueryNamespace>,
msg: Any,
ctx: &IOxSessionContext,
) -> Result<Bytes> {
let namespace_name = namespace_name.into();
debug!(%namespace_name, type_url=%msg.type_url, "Handling flightsql do_action");
let cmd = FlightSQLCommand::try_new(&msg)?;
match cmd {
FlightSQLCommand::ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest(query) => {
debug!(%query, "Creating prepared statement");
// todo run the planner here and actually figure out parameter schemas
// see https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion/pull/4701
let parameter_schema = vec![];
let dataset_schema = Self::get_schema_for_query(&query, ctx).await?;
let handle = PreparedStatementHandle::new(query);
let result = ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult {
prepared_statement_handle: Bytes::from(handle),
parameter_schema: Bytes::from(parameter_schema),
let msg = Any::pack(&result)?;
FlightSQLCommand::ActionClosePreparedStatementRequest(handle) => {
let query = &handle.query;
debug!(%query, "Closing prepared statement");
// Nothing really to do
_ => ProtocolSnafu {
cmd: format!("{cmd:?}"),
method: "DoAction",
/// Decoded and validated FlightSQL command
/// Represents a prepared statement "handle". IOx passes all state
/// required to run the prepared statement back and forth to the
/// client so any querier instance can run it
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct PreparedStatementHandle {
/// The raw SQL query text
query: String,
impl PreparedStatementHandle {
fn new(query: String) -> Self {
Self { query }
/// Decode bytes to a PreparedStatementHandle
impl TryFrom<Bytes> for PreparedStatementHandle {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(handle: Bytes) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
// Note: in IOx handles are the entire decoded query
let query = String::from_utf8(handle.to_vec()).context(InvalidHandleSnafu)?;
Ok(Self { query })
/// Encode a PreparedStatementHandle as Bytes
impl From<PreparedStatementHandle> for Bytes {
fn from(value: PreparedStatementHandle) -> Self {
/// Decoded / validated FlightSQL command messages
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum FlightSQLCommand {
/// Run a prepared statement
/// Create a prepared statement
/// Close a prepared statement
impl FlightSQLCommand {
/// Figure out and decode the specific FlightSQL command in `msg`
/// Figure out and decode the specific FlightSQL command in `msg` and decode it to a native IOx / Rust struct
fn try_new(msg: &Any) -> Result<Self> {
if let Some(decoded_cmd) = try_unpack::<CommandStatementQuery>(msg)? {
if let Some(decoded_cmd) = Any::unpack::<CommandStatementQuery>(msg)? {
let CommandStatementQuery { query } = decoded_cmd;
} else if let Some(decoded_cmd) = try_unpack::<CommandPreparedStatementQuery>(msg)? {
} else if let Some(decoded_cmd) = Any::unpack::<CommandPreparedStatementQuery>(msg)? {
let CommandPreparedStatementQuery {
} = decoded_cmd;
// handle should be a decoded query
let query =
let handle = PreparedStatementHandle::try_from(prepared_statement_handle)?;
} else if let Some(decoded_cmd) = Any::unpack::<ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest>(msg)?
let ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest { query } = decoded_cmd;
} else if let Some(decoded_cmd) = Any::unpack::<ActionClosePreparedStatementRequest>(msg)? {
let ActionClosePreparedStatementRequest {
} = decoded_cmd;
let handle = PreparedStatementHandle::try_from(prepared_statement_handle)?;
} else {
UnsupportedMessageTypeSnafu {
description: &msg.type_url,
@ -153,17 +275,3 @@ impl FlightSQLCommand {
/// try to unpack the [`arrow_flight::sql::Any`] as type `T`, returning Ok(None) if
/// the type is wrong or Err if an error occurs
fn try_unpack<T: ProstMessageExt>(msg: &Any) -> Result<Option<T>> {
// Does the type URL match?
if T::type_url() != msg.type_url {
return Ok(None);
// type matched, so try and decode
let m = Message::decode(&*msg.value).context(DeserializationTypeKnownSnafu {
type_url: &msg.type_url,

View File

@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ async fn query_ingester() {
// something like "wrong query protocol" or
// "invalid message" as the querier requires a
// different message format Ticket in the flight protocol
let expected = "Unknown namespace: ";
let expected = "Namespace '' not found";
// Validate that the error message contains a reasonable error

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
use arrow_util::assert_batches_sorted_eq;
use datafusion::common::assert_contains;
use futures::{FutureExt, TryStreamExt};
use influxdb_iox_client::flightsql::FlightSqlClient;
use test_helpers_end_to_end::{maybe_skip_integration, MiniCluster, Step, StepTest, StepTestState};
async fn flightsql_query() {
async fn flightsql_adhoc_query() {
let database_url = maybe_skip_integration!();
@ -62,6 +63,109 @@ async fn flightsql_query() {
// TODO other tests:
// 1. Errors
// 2. Prepared statements
async fn flightsql_adhoc_query_error() {
let database_url = maybe_skip_integration!();
// Set up the cluster ====================================
let mut cluster = MiniCluster::create_shared(database_url).await;
&mut cluster,
"foo,tag1=A,tag2=B val=42i 123456\n\
foo,tag1=A,tag2=C val=43i 123457"
Step::Custom(Box::new(move |state: &mut StepTestState| {
async move {
let sql = String::from("select * from incorrect_table");
let connection = state.cluster().querier().querier_grpc_connection();
let (channel, _headers) = connection.into_grpc_connection().into_parts();
let mut client = FlightSqlClient::new(channel);
// Add namespace to client headers until it is fully supported by FlightSQL
let namespace = state.cluster().namespace();
client.add_header("iox-namespace-name", namespace).unwrap();
let err = client.query(sql).await.unwrap_err();
// namespaces are created on write
"table 'public.iox.incorrect_table' not found"
async fn flightsql_prepared_query() {
let database_url = maybe_skip_integration!();
let table_name = "the_table";
// Set up the cluster ====================================
let mut cluster = MiniCluster::create_shared(database_url).await;
&mut cluster,
"{},tag1=A,tag2=B val=42i 123456\n\
{},tag1=A,tag2=C val=43i 123457",
table_name, table_name
Step::Custom(Box::new(move |state: &mut StepTestState| {
async move {
let sql = format!("select * from {}", table_name);
let expected = vec![
"| tag1 | tag2 | time | val |",
"| A | B | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000123456Z | 42 |",
"| A | C | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000123457Z | 43 |",
let connection = state.cluster().querier().querier_grpc_connection();
let (channel, _headers) = connection.into_grpc_connection().into_parts();
let mut client = FlightSqlClient::new(channel);
// Add namespace to client headers until it is fully supported by FlightSQL
let namespace = state.cluster().namespace();
client.add_header("iox-namespace-name", namespace).unwrap();
let handle = client.prepare(sql).await.unwrap();
let batches: Vec<_> = client
.expect("ran SQL query")
.expect("got batches");
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(&expected, &batches);

View File

@ -21,12 +21,20 @@
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
use std::sync::Arc;
use arrow::datatypes::{Schema, SchemaRef};
use arrow_flight::{
error::{FlightError, Result},
sql::{CommandStatementQuery, ProstMessageExt},
FlightClient, FlightDescriptor, FlightInfo, Ticket,
ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest, ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult, Any,
CommandPreparedStatementQuery, CommandStatementQuery, ProstMessageExt,
Action, FlightClient, FlightDescriptor, FlightInfo, IpcMessage, Ticket,
use bytes::Bytes;
use futures_util::TryStreamExt;
use prost::Message;
use tonic::metadata::MetadataMap;
use tonic::transport::Channel;
@ -92,15 +100,15 @@ impl FlightSqlClient {
/// Send `cmd`, encoded as protobuf, to the FlightSQL server
async fn get_flight_info_for_command<M: ProstMessageExt>(
async fn get_flight_info_for_command(
&mut self,
cmd: M,
cmd: arrow_flight::sql::Any,
) -> Result<FlightInfo> {
let descriptor = FlightDescriptor::new_cmd(cmd.as_any().encode_to_vec());
let descriptor = FlightDescriptor::new_cmd(cmd.encode_to_vec());
/// Execute a SQL query on the server using `CommandStatementQuery.
/// Execute a SQL query on the server using [`CommandStatementQuery`]
/// This involves two round trips
@ -112,7 +120,14 @@ impl FlightSqlClient {
/// This implementation does not support alternate endpoints
pub async fn query(&mut self, query: String) -> Result<FlightRecordBatchStream> {
let cmd = CommandStatementQuery { query };
let msg = CommandStatementQuery { query };
async fn do_get_with_cmd(
&mut self,
cmd: arrow_flight::sql::Any,
) -> Result<FlightRecordBatchStream> {
let FlightInfo {
schema: _,
flight_descriptor: _,
@ -156,4 +171,130 @@ impl FlightSqlClient {
self.inner.do_get(Ticket { ticket }).await
/// Create a prepared statement for execution.
/// Sends a [`ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest`] message to
/// the `DoAction` endpoint of the FlightSQL server, and returns
/// the handle from the server.
/// See [`Self::execute`] to run a previously prepared statement
pub async fn prepare(&mut self, query: String) -> Result<PreparedStatement> {
let cmd = ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest { query };
let request = Action {
r#type: "CreatePreparedStatement".into(),
body: cmd.as_any().encode_to_vec().into(),
let mut results: Vec<Bytes> = self.inner.do_action(request).await?.try_collect().await?;
if results.len() != 1 {
return Err(FlightError::ProtocolError(format!(
"Expected 1 response for preparing a statement, got {}",
let result = results.pop().unwrap();
// decode the response
let response: arrow_flight::sql::Any = Message::decode(result.as_ref())
.map_err(|e| FlightError::ExternalError(Box::new(e)))?;
let ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult {
} = Any::unpack(&response)?.ok_or_else(|| {
"Expected ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult message but got {} instead",
/// Execute a SQL query on the server using [`CommandStatementQuery`]
/// This involves two round trips
/// Step 1: send a [`CommandStatementQuery`] message to the
/// `GetFlightInfo` endpoint of the FlightSQL server to receive a
/// FlightInfo descriptor.
/// Step 2: Fetch the results described in the [`FlightInfo`]
/// This implementation does not support alternate endpoints
pub async fn execute(
&mut self,
statement: PreparedStatement,
) -> Result<FlightRecordBatchStream> {
let PreparedStatement {
dataset_schema: _,
parameter_schema: _,
} = statement;
// TODO handle parameters (via DoPut)
let cmd = CommandPreparedStatementQuery {
fn schema_bytes_to_schema(schema: Bytes) -> Result<SchemaRef> {
let schema = if schema.is_empty() {
} else {
/// represents a "prepared statement handle" on the server
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PreparedStatement {
/// The handle returned from the server
prepared_statement_handle: Bytes,
/// Schema for the result of the query
dataset_schema: SchemaRef,
/// Schema of parameters, if any
parameter_schema: SchemaRef,
impl PreparedStatement {
/// The handle returned from the server
/// Schema for the result of the query
/// Schema of parameters, if any
fn new(
prepared_statement_handle: Bytes,
dataset_schema: SchemaRef,
parameter_schema: SchemaRef,
) -> Self {
Self {
/// Return the schema of the query
pub fn get_dataset_schema(&self) -> SchemaRef {
/// Return the schema needed for the parameters
pub fn get_parameter_schema(&self) -> SchemaRef {

View File

@ -87,6 +87,30 @@ impl Planner {
/// Creates a plan for a `DoAction` FlightSQL message,
/// as described on [`FlightSQLPlanner::do_action`], on a
/// separate threadpool
pub async fn flight_sql_do_action<N>(
namespace_name: impl Into<String>,
namespace: Arc<N>,
msg: Any,
) -> Result<Bytes>
N: QueryNamespace + 'static,
let namespace_name = namespace_name.into();
let ctx = self.ctx.child_ctx("planner flight_sql_do_get");
.run(async move {
FlightSQLPlanner::do_action(namespace_name, namespace, msg, &ctx)
/// Creates the response for a `GetFlightInfo` FlightSQL message
/// as described on [`FlightSQLPlanner::get_flight_info`], on a
/// separate threadpool.

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ use request::{IoxGetRequest, RunQuery};
use service_common::{datafusion_error_to_tonic_code, planner::Planner, QueryNamespaceProvider};
use snafu::{OptionExt, ResultExt, Snafu};
use std::{fmt::Debug, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, task::Poll, time::Instant};
use tonic::{Request, Response, Streaming};
use tonic::{metadata::MetadataMap, Request, Response, Streaming};
use trace::{ctx::SpanContext, span::SpanExt};
use trace_http::ctx::{RequestLogContext, RequestLogContextExt};
use tracker::InstrumentedAsyncOwnedSemaphorePermit;
@ -43,6 +43,14 @@ use tracker::InstrumentedAsyncOwnedSemaphorePermit;
/// for discussion on adding support to FlightSQL itself.
const IOX_FLIGHT_SQL_NAMESPACE_HEADER: &str = "iox-namespace-name";
/// Environment variable to take the FlightSQL name from
/// TODO move this to a proper CLI / Config argument
/// so it is more discoverable / documented
/// Any value set in this environment variable will be overridden
/// per-request by the `iox-namespace-name` header.
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
pub enum Error {
@ -55,7 +63,7 @@ pub enum Error {
#[snafu(display("Invalid handshake. No payload provided"))]
InvalidHandshake {},
#[snafu(display("Namespace {} not found", namespace_name))]
#[snafu(display("Namespace '{}' not found", namespace_name))]
NamespaceNotFound { namespace_name: String },
@ -68,8 +76,10 @@ pub enum Error {
source: DataFusionError,
#[snafu(display("no 'iox-namespace-name' header in request"))]
"no default flightsql namespace set and no 'iox-namespace-name' header in request"
#[snafu(display("Invalid 'iox-namespace-name' header in request: {}", source))]
InvalidNamespaceHeader {
@ -113,7 +123,7 @@ impl From<Error> for tonic::Status {
| Error::InvalidNamespaceName { .. } => info!(e=%err, msg),
Error::Query { .. } => info!(e=%err, msg),
Error::Optimize { .. }
|Error::InvalidNamespaceHeader { .. }
| Error::Planning { .. }
| Error::Deserialization { .. }
@ -139,7 +149,7 @@ impl Error {
Self::InvalidTicket { .. }
| Self::InvalidHandshake { .. }
| Self::Deserialization { .. }
| Self::NoNamespaceHeader
| Self::NoFlightSqlNamespace
| Self::InvalidNamespaceHeader { .. }
| Self::InvalidNamespaceName { .. } => tonic::Code::InvalidArgument,
Self::Planning { source, .. } | Self::Query { source, .. } => {
@ -148,7 +158,8 @@ impl Error {
Self::UnsupportedMessageType { .. } => tonic::Code::Unimplemented,
Error::FlightSQLPlanning { source } => match source {
flightsql::Error::DeserializationTypeKnown { .. }
| flightsql::Error::InvalidUtf8 { .. }
| flightsql::Error::InvalidHandle { .. }
| flightsql::Error::Protocol { .. }
| flightsql::Error::UnsupportedMessageType { .. } => tonic::Code::InvalidArgument,
flightsql::Error::Flight { source: e } => return tonic::Status::from(e),
fs_err @ flightsql::Error::Arrow { .. } => {
@ -266,9 +277,55 @@ type TonicStream<T> = Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<T, tonic::Status>> + Send
/// ┃ ┃
/// ```
/// ## FlightSQL Prepared Statement (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
/// ## FlightSQL Prepared Statement (no bind parameters like $1, etc)
/// TODO sequence diagram
/// To run a prepared query, via FlightSQL, the client undertakes a
/// few more steps:
/// 1. Encode the query in a `ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest`
/// request structure
/// 2. Call `DoAction` method with the the request
/// 3. Receive a `ActionCreatePreparedStatementResponse`, which contains
/// a prepared statement "handle".
/// 4. Encode the handle in a `CommandPreparedStatementQuery`
/// FlightSQL structure in a [`FlightDescriptor`] and call the
/// `GetFlightInfo` method with the the [`FlightDescriptor`]
/// 5. Steps 5,6,7 proceed the same as for a FlightSQL ad-hoc query
/// ```text
/// .───────.
/// ╔═══════════╗ ( )
/// ║ ║ │`───────'│
/// ║ FlightSQL ║ │ IOx │
/// ║ Client ║ │.───────.│
/// ║ ║ ( )
/// ╚═══════════╝ `───────'
/// ┃ Creates ┃
/// 1 ┃ ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest ┃
/// ┃ ┃
/// ┃ ┃
/// ┃ DoAction(ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest) ┃
/// 2 ┃━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━▶┃
/// ┃ ┃
/// ┃ Result(ActionCreatePreparedStatementResponse) ┃
/// 3 ┃◀ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┃
/// ┃ ┃
/// ┃ GetFlightInfo(CommandPreparedStatementQuery) ┃
/// 4 ┃━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━▶┃
/// ┃ FlightInfo(..Ticket{ ┃
/// ┃ CommandPreparedStatementQuery}) ┃
/// 5 ┃◀ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┃
/// ┃ ┃
/// ┃ DoGet(Ticket) ┃
/// 6 ┃━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━▶┃
/// ┃ ┃
/// ┃ Stream of FightData ┃
/// 7 ┃◀ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┃
/// ```
/// [Arrow Flight]: https://arrow.apache.org/docs/format/Flight.html
/// [Arrow FlightSQL]: https://arrow.apache.org/docs/format/FlightSql.html
@ -303,7 +360,9 @@ where
.db(&namespace, span_ctx.child_span("get namespace"))
.ok_or_else(|| tonic::Status::not_found(format!("Unknown namespace: {namespace}")))?;
.context(NamespaceNotFoundSnafu {
namespace_name: &namespace,
let ctx = db.new_query_context(span_ctx);
let (query_completed_token, physical_plan) = match query {
@ -444,17 +503,7 @@ where
let span_ctx: Option<SpanContext> = request.extensions().get().cloned();
let trace = external_span_ctx.format_jaeger();
// look for namespace information in headers
let namespace_name = request
.map(|v| {
.map(|s| s.to_string())
let namespace_name = get_flightsql_namespace(request.metadata())?;
let flight_descriptor = request.into_inner();
// extract the FlightSQL message
@ -467,8 +516,8 @@ where
.db(&namespace_name, span_ctx.child_span("get namespace"))
.ok_or_else(|| {
tonic::Status::not_found(format!("Unknown namespace: {namespace_name}"))
.context(NamespaceNotFoundSnafu {
namespace_name: &namespace_name,
let ctx = db.new_query_context(span_ctx);
@ -521,16 +570,55 @@ where
_request: Request<Streaming<FlightData>>,
) -> Result<Response<Self::DoPutStream>, tonic::Status> {
info!("Handling flightsql do_put body");
Err(tonic::Status::unimplemented("Not yet implemented: do_put"))
async fn do_action(
_request: Request<Action>,
request: Request<Action>,
) -> Result<Response<Self::DoActionStream>, tonic::Status> {
"Not yet implemented: do_action",
let external_span_ctx: Option<RequestLogContext> = request.extensions().get().cloned();
let span_ctx: Option<SpanContext> = request.extensions().get().cloned();
let trace = external_span_ctx.format_jaeger();
let namespace_name = get_flightsql_namespace(request.metadata())?;
let Action {
r#type: action_type,
} = request.into_inner();
// extract the FlightSQL message
let msg: Any = Message::decode(body).context(DeserializationSnafu)?;
let type_url = msg.type_url.to_string();
info!(%namespace_name, %action_type, %type_url, %trace, "DoAction request");
let db = self
.db(&namespace_name, span_ctx.child_span("get namespace"))
.context(NamespaceNotFoundSnafu {
namespace_name: &namespace_name,
let ctx = db.new_query_context(span_ctx);
let body = Planner::new(&ctx)
.flight_sql_do_action(&namespace_name, db, msg)
if let Err(e) = &body {
info!(%namespace_name, %type_url, %trace, %e, "Error running DoAction");
} else {
debug!(%namespace_name, %type_url, %trace, "Completed DoAction request");
let result = arrow_flight::Result { body: body? };
let stream = futures::stream::iter([Ok(result)]);
async fn list_actions(
@ -567,6 +655,23 @@ fn msg_from_descriptor(flight_descriptor: FlightDescriptor) -> Result<Any> {
/// Figure out the namespace for this request, in this order:
/// 1. The [`IOX_FLIGHT_SQL_NAMESPACE_HEADER`], for example "iox-namespace-name=the_name";
/// 2. The environment variable IOX_FLIGHT_SQL_NAMESPACE_ENV_NAME
fn get_flightsql_namespace(metadata: &MetadataMap) -> Result<String> {
if let Some(v) = metadata.get(IOX_FLIGHT_SQL_NAMESPACE_HEADER) {
let v = v.to_str().context(InvalidNamespaceHeaderSnafu)?;
return Ok(v.to_string());
if let Ok(v) = std::env::var(IOX_FLIGHT_SQL_NAMESPACE_ENV_NAME) {
return Ok(v);
/// Wrapper over a FlightDataEncodeStream that adds IOx specfic
/// metadata and records completion
struct GetStream {