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package mock
import (
cron ""
var idgen = snowflake.NewDefaultIDGenerator()
// TaskControlService is a mock implementation of TaskControlService (used by NewScheduler).
type TaskControlService struct {
mu sync.Mutex
// Map of stringified task ID to last ID used for run.
runs map[influxdb.ID]map[influxdb.ID]*influxdb.Run
// Map of stringified, concatenated task and platform ID, to runs that have been created.
created map[string]backend.QueuedRun
// Map of stringified task ID to task meta.
tasks map[influxdb.ID]*influxdb.Task
manualRuns []*influxdb.Run
// Map of task ID to total number of runs created for that task.
totalRunsCreated map[influxdb.ID]int
finishedRuns map[influxdb.ID]*influxdb.Run
var _ backend.TaskControlService = (*TaskControlService)(nil)
func NewTaskControlService() *TaskControlService {
return &TaskControlService{
runs: make(map[influxdb.ID]map[influxdb.ID]*influxdb.Run),
finishedRuns: make(map[influxdb.ID]*influxdb.Run),
tasks: make(map[influxdb.ID]*influxdb.Task),
created: make(map[string]backend.QueuedRun),
totalRunsCreated: make(map[influxdb.ID]int),
// SetTask sets the task.
// SetTask must be called before CreateNextRun, for a given task ID.
func (d *TaskControlService) SetTask(task *influxdb.Task) {
d.tasks[task.ID] = task
func (d *TaskControlService) SetManualRuns(runs []*influxdb.Run) {
d.manualRuns = runs
// CreateNextRun creates the next run for the given task.
// Refer to the documentation for SetTaskPeriod to understand how the times are determined.
func (d *TaskControlService) CreateNextRun(ctx context.Context, taskID influxdb.ID, now int64) (backend.RunCreation, error) {
if !taskID.Valid() {
return backend.RunCreation{}, errors.New("invalid task id")
tid := taskID
task, ok := d.tasks[tid]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("meta not set for task with ID %s", tid))
if len(d.manualRuns) != 0 {
run := d.manualRuns[0]
d.manualRuns = d.manualRuns[1:]
runs, ok := d.runs[tid]
if !ok {
runs = make(map[influxdb.ID]*influxdb.Run)
runs[run.ID] = run
d.runs[task.ID] = runs
next, _ := d.nextDueRun(ctx, taskID)
rc := backend.RunCreation{
Created: backend.QueuedRun{
TaskID: task.ID,
RunID: run.ID,
Now: run.ScheduledFor.Unix(),
NextDue: next,
HasQueue: len(d.manualRuns) != 0,
d.created[tid.String()+rc.Created.RunID.String()] = rc.Created
return rc, nil
rc, err := d.createNextRun(task, now)
if err != nil {
return backend.RunCreation{}, err
rc.Created.TaskID = taskID
d.created[tid.String()+rc.Created.RunID.String()] = rc.Created
return rc, nil
func (t *TaskControlService) createNextRun(task *influxdb.Task, now int64) (backend.RunCreation, error) {
sch, err := cron.Parse(task.EffectiveCron())
if err != nil {
return backend.RunCreation{}, err
latest := int64(0)
lt, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, task.LatestCompleted)
if err == nil {
latest = lt.Unix()
for _, r := range t.runs[task.ID] {
if r.ScheduledFor.Unix() > latest {
latest = r.ScheduledFor.Unix()
nextScheduled := sch.Next(time.Unix(latest, 0))
nextScheduledUnix := nextScheduled.Unix()
offset := int64(0)
if task.Offset != "" {
toff, err := time.ParseDuration(task.Offset)
if err == nil {
offset = toff.Nanoseconds()
if dueAt := nextScheduledUnix + int64(offset); dueAt > now {
return backend.RunCreation{}, influxdb.ErrRunNotDueYet(dueAt)
runID := idgen.ID()
runs, ok := t.runs[task.ID]
if !ok {
runs = make(map[influxdb.ID]*influxdb.Run)
runs[runID] = &influxdb.Run{
ID: runID,
ScheduledFor: nextScheduled,
t.runs[task.ID] = runs
return backend.RunCreation{
Created: backend.QueuedRun{
RunID: runID,
Now: nextScheduledUnix,
NextDue: sch.Next(nextScheduled).Unix() + offset,
HasQueue: false,
}, nil
func (t *TaskControlService) CreateRun(_ context.Context, taskID influxdb.ID, scheduledFor time.Time) (*influxdb.Run, error) {
runID := idgen.ID()
runs, ok := t.runs[taskID]
if !ok {
runs = make(map[influxdb.ID]*influxdb.Run)
runs[runID] = &influxdb.Run{
ID: runID,
ScheduledFor: scheduledFor,
t.runs[taskID] = runs
return runs[runID], nil
func (t *TaskControlService) StartManualRun(_ context.Context, taskID, runID influxdb.ID) (*influxdb.Run, error) {
var run *influxdb.Run
for i, r := range t.manualRuns {
if r.ID == runID {
run = r
t.manualRuns = append(t.manualRuns[:i], t.manualRuns[i+1:]...)
if run == nil {
return nil, influxdb.ErrRunNotFound
return run, nil
func (d *TaskControlService) FinishRun(_ context.Context, taskID, runID influxdb.ID) (*influxdb.Run, error) {
tid := taskID
rid := runID
r := d.runs[tid][rid]
delete(d.runs[tid], rid)
t := d.tasks[tid]
schedFor := r.ScheduledFor.Format(time.RFC3339)
if t.LatestCompleted != "" {
var latest time.Time
latest, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, t.LatestCompleted)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if r.ScheduledFor.After(latest) {
t.LatestCompleted = schedFor
d.finishedRuns[rid] = r
delete(d.created, tid.String()+rid.String())
return r, nil
func (t *TaskControlService) CurrentlyRunning(ctx context.Context, taskID influxdb.ID) ([]*influxdb.Run, error) {
rtn := []*influxdb.Run{}
for _, run := range t.runs[taskID] {
rtn = append(rtn, run)
return rtn, nil
func (t *TaskControlService) ManualRuns(ctx context.Context, taskID influxdb.ID) ([]*influxdb.Run, error) {
if t.manualRuns != nil {
return t.manualRuns, nil
return []*influxdb.Run{}, nil
// NextDueRun returns the Unix timestamp of when the next call to CreateNextRun will be ready.
// The returned timestamp reflects the task's offset, so it does not necessarily exactly match the schedule time.
func (d *TaskControlService) NextDueRun(ctx context.Context, taskID influxdb.ID) (int64, error) {
return d.nextDueRun(ctx, taskID)
func (d *TaskControlService) nextDueRun(ctx context.Context, taskID influxdb.ID) (int64, error) {
task := d.tasks[taskID]
sch, err := cron.Parse(task.EffectiveCron())
if err != nil {
return 0, err
latest := int64(0)
lt, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, task.LatestCompleted)
if err == nil {
latest = lt.Unix()
for _, r := range d.runs[task.ID] {
if r.ScheduledFor.Unix() > latest {
latest = r.ScheduledFor.Unix()
nextScheduled := sch.Next(time.Unix(latest, 0))
nextScheduledUnix := nextScheduled.Unix()
offset := int64(0)
if task.Offset != "" {
toff, err := time.ParseDuration(task.Offset)
if err == nil {
offset = toff.Nanoseconds()
return nextScheduledUnix + int64(offset), nil
// UpdateRunState sets the run state at the respective time.
func (d *TaskControlService) UpdateRunState(ctx context.Context, taskID, runID influxdb.ID, when time.Time, state backend.RunStatus) error {
run, ok := d.runs[taskID][runID]
if !ok {
panic("run state called without a run")
switch state {
case backend.RunStarted:
run.StartedAt = when
case backend.RunSuccess, backend.RunFail, backend.RunCanceled:
run.FinishedAt = when
case backend.RunScheduled:
// nothing
panic("invalid status")
run.Status = state.String()
return nil
// AddRunLog adds a log line to the run.
func (d *TaskControlService) AddRunLog(ctx context.Context, taskID, runID influxdb.ID, when time.Time, log string) error {
run := d.runs[taskID][runID]
if run == nil {
2019-04-17 20:30:22 +00:00
panic("cannot add a log to a non existent run")
2019-06-05 17:53:44 +00:00
run.Log = append(run.Log, influxdb.Log{RunID: runID, Time: when.Format(time.RFC3339Nano), Message: log})
return nil
func (d *TaskControlService) CreatedFor(taskID influxdb.ID) []backend.QueuedRun {
var qrs []backend.QueuedRun
for _, qr := range d.created {
if qr.TaskID == taskID {
qrs = append(qrs, qr)
return qrs
// TotalRunsCreatedForTask returns the number of runs created for taskID.
func (d *TaskControlService) TotalRunsCreatedForTask(taskID influxdb.ID) int {
return d.totalRunsCreated[taskID]
// PollForNumberCreated blocks for a small amount of time waiting for exactly the given count of created and unfinished runs for the given task ID.
// If the expected number isn't found in time, it returns an error.
// Because the scheduler and executor do a lot of state changes asynchronously, this is useful in test.
func (d *TaskControlService) PollForNumberCreated(taskID influxdb.ID, count int) ([]backend.QueuedRun, error) {
const numAttempts = 50
actualCount := 0
var created []backend.QueuedRun
for i := 0; i < numAttempts; i++ {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond) // we sleep even on first so it becomes more likely that we catch when too many are produced.
created = d.CreatedFor(taskID)
actualCount = len(created)
if actualCount == count {
return created, nil
return created, fmt.Errorf("did not see count of %d created run(s) for task with ID %s in time, instead saw %d", count, taskID, actualCount) // we return created anyways, to make it easier to debug
func (d *TaskControlService) FinishedRun(runID influxdb.ID) *influxdb.Run {
return d.finishedRuns[runID]
func (d *TaskControlService) FinishedRuns() []*influxdb.Run {
rtn := []*influxdb.Run{}
for _, run := range d.finishedRuns {
rtn = append(rtn, run)
sort.Slice(rtn, func(i, j int) bool { return rtn[i].ScheduledFor.Before(rtn[j].ScheduledFor) })
return rtn