2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
package tsdb
import (
2021-06-09 15:03:53 +00:00
2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
2020-07-28 22:59:11 +00:00
2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
2021-09-13 19:00:08 +00:00
2021-02-11 15:12:39 +00:00
2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
2022-06-01 21:42:51 +00:00
func TestShard_ErrorPrinting ( t * testing . T ) {
tests := [ ] struct {
nSeq int
raw string
} {
{ 1 , string ( [ ] byte { 'b' , 'e' , 'n' , 't' , 'e' , 's' , 't' , '\t' , '\n' } ) } ,
{ 1 , string ( [ ] byte { 'b' , 'e' , 'n' , 't' , 'e' , 's' , 0 , 0 , 0xFE , 0 , 0xFE , 't' } ) } ,
{ 2 , string ( [ ] byte { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0xFE , '\t' , '\n' , '\t' , 'b' , 'e' , 'n' , 't' , 'e' , 's' , 't' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0xFE , '\t' , '\n' , '\t' , '\t' , '\t' } ) } ,
for i := range tests {
f := makePrintable ( tests [ i ] . raw )
require . True ( t , models . ValidToken ( [ ] byte ( f ) ) )
c := 0
nSeq := 0
for _ , r := range f {
if r == unPrintReplRune {
c ++
if c == 1 {
nSeq ++
require . LessOrEqual ( t , c , unPrintMaxReplRune , "too many repeated %c" , unPrintReplRune )
} else {
c = 0
require . Equalf ( t , tests [ i ] . nSeq , nSeq , "wrong number of elided sequences of replacement characters" )
2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
func TestShard_MapType ( t * testing . T ) {
var sh * TempShard
setup := func ( index string ) {
2021-02-11 15:12:39 +00:00
sh = NewTempShard ( t , index )
2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
2021-06-09 15:03:53 +00:00
if err := sh . Open ( context . Background ( ) ) ; err != nil {
2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
t . Fatal ( err )
sh . MustWritePointsString ( `
cpu , host = serverA , region = uswest value = 100 0
cpu , host = serverA , region = uswest value = 50 , val2 = 5 10
cpu , host = serverB , region = uswest value = 25 0
mem , host = serverA value = 25i 0
mem , host = serverB value = 50i , val3 = t 10
_reserved , region = uswest value = "foo" 0
` )
for _ , index := range RegisteredIndexes ( ) {
setup ( index )
for _ , tt := range [ ] struct {
measurement string
field string
typ influxql . DataType
} {
measurement : "cpu" ,
field : "value" ,
typ : influxql . Float ,
} ,
measurement : "cpu" ,
field : "host" ,
typ : influxql . Tag ,
} ,
measurement : "cpu" ,
field : "region" ,
typ : influxql . Tag ,
} ,
measurement : "cpu" ,
field : "val2" ,
typ : influxql . Float ,
} ,
measurement : "cpu" ,
field : "unknown" ,
typ : influxql . Unknown ,
} ,
measurement : "mem" ,
field : "value" ,
typ : influxql . Integer ,
} ,
measurement : "mem" ,
field : "val3" ,
typ : influxql . Boolean ,
} ,
measurement : "mem" ,
field : "host" ,
typ : influxql . Tag ,
} ,
measurement : "unknown" ,
field : "unknown" ,
typ : influxql . Unknown ,
} ,
measurement : "_fieldKeys" ,
field : "fieldKey" ,
typ : influxql . String ,
} ,
measurement : "_fieldKeys" ,
field : "fieldType" ,
typ : influxql . String ,
} ,
measurement : "_fieldKeys" ,
field : "unknown" ,
typ : influxql . Unknown ,
} ,
measurement : "_series" ,
field : "key" ,
typ : influxql . String ,
} ,
measurement : "_series" ,
field : "unknown" ,
typ : influxql . Unknown ,
} ,
measurement : "_tagKeys" ,
field : "tagKey" ,
typ : influxql . String ,
} ,
measurement : "_tagKeys" ,
field : "unknown" ,
typ : influxql . Unknown ,
} ,
measurement : "_reserved" ,
field : "value" ,
typ : influxql . String ,
} ,
measurement : "_reserved" ,
field : "region" ,
typ : influxql . Tag ,
} ,
} {
name := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s_%s_%s" , index , tt . measurement , tt . field )
t . Run ( name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
typ , err := sh . mapType ( tt . measurement , tt . field )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if have , want := typ , tt . typ ; have != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected data type: have=%#v want=%#v" , have , want )
} )
sh . Close ( )
func TestShard_MeasurementsByRegex ( t * testing . T ) {
var sh * TempShard
setup := func ( index string ) {
2021-02-11 15:12:39 +00:00
sh = NewTempShard ( t , index )
2021-06-09 15:03:53 +00:00
if err := sh . Open ( context . Background ( ) ) ; err != nil {
2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
t . Fatal ( err )
sh . MustWritePointsString ( `
cpu , host = serverA , region = uswest value = 100 0
cpu , host = serverA , region = uswest value = 50 , val2 = 5 10
cpu , host = serverB , region = uswest value = 25 0
mem , host = serverA value = 25i 0
mem , host = serverB value = 50i , val3 = t 10
` )
for _ , index := range RegisteredIndexes ( ) {
setup ( index )
for _ , tt := range [ ] struct {
regex string
measurements [ ] string
} {
{ regex : ` cpu ` , measurements : [ ] string { "cpu" } } ,
{ regex : ` mem ` , measurements : [ ] string { "mem" } } ,
{ regex : ` cpu|mem ` , measurements : [ ] string { "cpu" , "mem" } } ,
{ regex : ` gpu ` , measurements : [ ] string { } } ,
{ regex : ` pu ` , measurements : [ ] string { "cpu" } } ,
{ regex : ` p|m ` , measurements : [ ] string { "cpu" , "mem" } } ,
} {
t . Run ( index + "_" + tt . regex , func ( t * testing . T ) {
re := regexp . MustCompile ( tt . regex )
measurements , err := sh . MeasurementNamesByRegex ( re )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
mstrings := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( measurements ) )
for _ , name := range measurements {
mstrings = append ( mstrings , string ( name ) )
sort . Strings ( mstrings )
if diff := cmp . Diff ( tt . measurements , mstrings , cmpopts . EquateEmpty ( ) ) ; diff != "" {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected measurements:\n%s" , diff )
} )
sh . Close ( )
2021-09-13 19:00:08 +00:00
func TestShard_MeasurementOptimization ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
cases := [ ] struct {
expr influxql . Expr
name string
ok bool
names [ ] [ ] byte
} {
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` _name = 'm0' ` ) ,
name : "single measurement" ,
ok : true ,
names : [ ] [ ] byte { [ ] byte ( "m0" ) } ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` _something = 'f' AND _name = 'm0' ` ) ,
name : "single measurement with AND" ,
ok : true ,
names : [ ] [ ] byte { [ ] byte ( "m0" ) } ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` _something = 'f' AND (a =~ /x0/ AND _name = 'm0') ` ) ,
name : "single measurement with multiple AND" ,
ok : true ,
names : [ ] [ ] byte { [ ] byte ( "m0" ) } ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` _name = 'm0' OR _name = 'm1' OR _name = 'm2' ` ) ,
name : "multiple measurements alone" ,
ok : true ,
names : [ ] [ ] byte { [ ] byte ( "m0" ) , [ ] byte ( "m1" ) , [ ] byte ( "m2" ) } ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` (_name = 'm0' OR _name = 'm1' OR _name = 'm2') AND (_field = 'foo' OR _field = 'bar' OR _field = 'qux') ` ) ,
name : "multiple measurements combined" ,
ok : true ,
names : [ ] [ ] byte { [ ] byte ( "m0" ) , [ ] byte ( "m1" ) , [ ] byte ( "m2" ) } ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` (_name = 'm0' OR (_name = 'm1' OR _name = 'm2')) AND tag1 != 'foo' ` ) ,
name : "parens in expression" ,
ok : true ,
names : [ ] [ ] byte { [ ] byte ( "m0" ) , [ ] byte ( "m1" ) , [ ] byte ( "m2" ) } ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` (tag1 != 'foo' OR tag2 = 'bar') AND (_name = 'm0' OR _name = 'm1' OR _name = 'm2') AND (_field = 'val1' OR _field = 'val2') ` ) ,
name : "multiple AND" ,
ok : true ,
names : [ ] [ ] byte { [ ] byte ( "m0" ) , [ ] byte ( "m1" ) , [ ] byte ( "m2" ) } ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` (_name = 'm0' OR _name = 'm1' OR _name = 'm2') AND (tag1 != 'foo' OR _name = 'm1') ` ) ,
name : "measurements on in multiple groups, only one valid group" ,
ok : true ,
names : [ ] [ ] byte { [ ] byte ( "m0" ) , [ ] byte ( "m1" ) , [ ] byte ( "m2" ) } ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` _name = 'm0' OR tag1 != 'foo' ` ) ,
name : "single measurement with OR" ,
ok : false ,
names : nil ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` _name = 'm0' OR true ` ) ,
name : "measurement with OR boolean literal" ,
ok : false ,
names : nil ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` _name != 'm0' AND tag1 != 'foo' ` ) ,
name : "single measurement with non-equal" ,
ok : false ,
names : nil ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` (_name = 'm0' OR _name != 'm1' OR _name = 'm2') AND (_field = 'foo' OR _field = 'bar' OR _field = 'qux') ` ) ,
name : "multiple measurements with non-equal" ,
ok : false ,
names : nil ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` tag1 = 'foo' AND tag2 = 'bar' ` ) ,
name : "no measurements - multiple tags" ,
ok : false ,
names : nil ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` _field = 'foo' ` ) ,
name : "no measurements - single field" ,
ok : false ,
names : nil ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` (_name = 'm0' OR _name = 'm1' AND _name = 'm2') AND tag1 != 'foo' ` ) ,
name : "measurements with AND" ,
ok : false ,
names : nil ,
} ,
expr : influxql . MustParseExpr ( ` (_name = 'm0' OR _name = 'm1' OR _name = 'm2') OR (tag1 != 'foo' OR _name = 'm1') ` ) ,
name : "top level is not AND" ,
ok : false ,
names : nil ,
} ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
tc := tc
t . Run ( tc . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
names , ok := measurementOptimization ( tc . expr , measurementKey )
require . Equal ( t , tc . names , names )
require . Equal ( t , tc . ok , ok )
} )
2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
// TempShard represents a test wrapper for Shard that uses temporary
// filesystem paths.
type TempShard struct {
* Shard
path string
sfile * SeriesFile
// NewTempShard returns a new instance of TempShard with temp paths.
2021-02-11 15:12:39 +00:00
func NewTempShard ( tb testing . TB , index string ) * TempShard {
tb . Helper ( )
2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
// Create temporary path for data and WAL.
test: use `T.TempDir` to create temporary test directory (#23258)
* test: use `T.TempDir` to create temporary test directory
This commit replaces `os.MkdirTemp` with `t.TempDir` in tests. The
directory created by `t.TempDir` is automatically removed when the test
and all its subtests complete.
Prior to this commit, temporary directory created using `os.MkdirTemp`
needs to be removed manually by calling `os.RemoveAll`, which is omitted
in some tests. The error handling boilerplate e.g.
defer func() {
if err := os.RemoveAll(dir); err != nil {
is also tedious, but `t.TempDir` handles this for us nicely.
Reference: https://pkg.go.dev/testing#T.TempDir
Signed-off-by: Eng Zer Jun <engzerjun@gmail.com>
* test: fix failing TestSendWrite on Windows
=== FAIL: replications/internal TestSendWrite (0.29s)
logger.go:130: 2022-06-23T13:00:54.290Z DEBUG Created new durable queue for replication stream {"id": "0000000000000001", "path": "C:\\Users\\circleci\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\TestSendWrite1627281409\\001\\replicationq\\0000000000000001"}
logger.go:130: 2022-06-23T13:00:54.457Z ERROR Error in replication stream {"replication_id": "0000000000000001", "error": "remote timeout", "retries": 1}
testing.go:1090: TempDir RemoveAll cleanup: remove C:\Users\circleci\AppData\Local\Temp\TestSendWrite1627281409\001\replicationq\0000000000000001\1: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Signed-off-by: Eng Zer Jun <engzerjun@gmail.com>
* test: fix failing TestStore_BadShard on Windows
=== FAIL: tsdb TestStore_BadShard (0.09s)
logger.go:130: 2022-06-23T12:18:21.827Z INFO Using data dir {"service": "store", "path": "C:\\Users\\circleci\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\TestStore_BadShard1363295568\\001"}
logger.go:130: 2022-06-23T12:18:21.827Z INFO Compaction settings {"service": "store", "max_concurrent_compactions": 2, "throughput_bytes_per_second": 50331648, "throughput_bytes_per_second_burst": 50331648}
logger.go:130: 2022-06-23T12:18:21.828Z INFO Open store (start) {"service": "store", "op_name": "tsdb_open", "op_event": "start"}
logger.go:130: 2022-06-23T12:18:21.828Z INFO Open store (end) {"service": "store", "op_name": "tsdb_open", "op_event": "end", "op_elapsed": "77.3µs"}
testing.go:1090: TempDir RemoveAll cleanup: remove C:\Users\circleci\AppData\Local\Temp\TestStore_BadShard1363295568\002\data\db0\rp0\1\index\0\L0-00000001.tsl: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Signed-off-by: Eng Zer Jun <engzerjun@gmail.com>
* test: fix failing TestPartition_PrependLogFile_Write_Fail and TestPartition_Compact_Write_Fail on Windows
=== FAIL: tsdb/index/tsi1 TestPartition_PrependLogFile_Write_Fail/write_MANIFEST (0.06s)
testing.go:1090: TempDir RemoveAll cleanup: remove C:\Users\circleci\AppData\Local\Temp\TestPartition_PrependLogFile_Write_Failwrite_MANIFEST656030081\002\0\L0-00000003.tsl: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
--- FAIL: TestPartition_PrependLogFile_Write_Fail/write_MANIFEST (0.06s)
=== FAIL: tsdb/index/tsi1 TestPartition_Compact_Write_Fail/write_MANIFEST (0.08s)
testing.go:1090: TempDir RemoveAll cleanup: remove C:\Users\circleci\AppData\Local\Temp\TestPartition_Compact_Write_Failwrite_MANIFEST3398667527\002\0\L0-00000003.tsl: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
--- FAIL: TestPartition_Compact_Write_Fail/write_MANIFEST (0.08s)
We must close the open file descriptor otherwise the temporary file
cannot be cleaned up on Windows.
Fixes: 619eb1cae6 ("fix: restore in-memory Manifest on write error")
Signed-off-by: Eng Zer Jun <engzerjun@gmail.com>
* test: fix failing TestReplicationStartMissingQueue on Windows
=== FAIL: TestReplicationStartMissingQueue (1.60s)
logger.go:130: 2023-03-17T10:42:07.269Z DEBUG Created new durable queue for replication stream {"id": "0000000000000001", "path": "C:\\Users\\circleci\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\TestReplicationStartMissingQueue76668607\\001\\replicationq\\0000000000000001"}
logger.go:130: 2023-03-17T10:42:07.305Z INFO Opened replication stream {"id": "0000000000000001", "path": "C:\\Users\\circleci\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\TestReplicationStartMissingQueue76668607\\001\\replicationq\\0000000000000001"}
testing.go:1206: TempDir RemoveAll cleanup: remove C:\Users\circleci\AppData\Local\Temp\TestReplicationStartMissingQueue76668607\001\replicationq\0000000000000001\1: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Signed-off-by: Eng Zer Jun <engzerjun@gmail.com>
* test: update TestWAL_DiskSize
Signed-off-by: Eng Zer Jun <engzerjun@gmail.com>
* test: fix failing TestWAL_DiskSize on Windows
=== FAIL: tsdb/engine/tsm1 TestWAL_DiskSize (2.65s)
testing.go:1206: TempDir RemoveAll cleanup: remove C:\Users\circleci\AppData\Local\Temp\TestWAL_DiskSize2736073801\001\_00006.wal: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Signed-off-by: Eng Zer Jun <engzerjun@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Eng Zer Jun <engzerjun@gmail.com>
2023-03-21 20:22:11 +00:00
dir := tb . TempDir ( )
2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
// Create series file.
sfile := NewSeriesFile ( filepath . Join ( dir , "db0" , SeriesFileDirectory ) )
2021-02-11 15:12:39 +00:00
sfile . Logger = zaptest . NewLogger ( tb )
2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
if err := sfile . Open ( ) ; err != nil {
panic ( err )
// Build engine options.
opt := NewEngineOptions ( )
opt . IndexVersion = index
opt . Config . WALDir = filepath . Join ( dir , "wal" )
return & TempShard {
Shard : NewShard ( 0 ,
filepath . Join ( dir , "data" , "db0" , "rp0" , "1" ) ,
filepath . Join ( dir , "wal" , "db0" , "rp0" , "1" ) ,
sfile ,
opt ,
) ,
sfile : sfile ,
path : dir ,
// Close closes the shard and removes all underlying data.
func ( sh * TempShard ) Close ( ) error {
sh . sfile . Close ( )
return sh . Shard . Close ( )
// MustWritePointsString parses the line protocol (with second precision) and
// inserts the resulting points into the shard. Panic on error.
func ( sh * TempShard ) MustWritePointsString ( s string ) {
a , err := models . ParsePointsWithPrecision ( [ ] byte ( strings . TrimSpace ( s ) ) , time . Time { } , "s" )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
2021-06-09 15:03:53 +00:00
if err := sh . WritePoints ( context . Background ( ) , a ) ; err != nil {
2020-04-22 20:19:20 +00:00
panic ( err )