48 lines
1.4 KiB
48 lines
1.4 KiB
set -o errexit \
-o nounset \
-o pipefail
ROOT="$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE}")" # -> <project root>/releng/protoc-gen
ROOT="$(dirname "${ROOT}")" # -> <project root>/releng/
ROOT="$(dirname "${ROOT}")" # -> <project root>/
# Since this script is run outside of a docker container, it is
# possible that one (or more) of the following executables is
# not installed.
set -x
which docker
which sudo
which yq
) 1>/dev/null
CROSS_BUILDER_VERSION="$(yq -e eval '.parameters.cross-container-tag.default' "${ROOT}/.circleci/config.yml")"
# Updating ownership within the container requires both the "UID" and "GID"
# of the current user. Since the current user does not exist within the
# container, "${USER}:" cannot be supplied to `chown`.
USER_UID="$(id -u)"
USER_GID="$(id -g)"
read -d '' DOCKERSCRIPT <<EOF || true
set -o errexit \
-o nounset \
-o pipefail
touch /tmp/timestamp
pushd /project
go generate ./...
# If the previous command generated a new file, it will have "root:root"
# ownership. This becomes an annoyance to work with (i.e git complains
# when checking out branches). To circumvent this issue, update all
# new files to the correct ownership.
find . -newer /tmp/timestamp -exec chown -v "${USER_UID}:${USER_GID}" "{}" \\\;
sudo docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/project" "quay.io/influxdb/cross-builder:${CROSS_BUILDER_VERSION}" bash -c "${DOCKERSCRIPT}"