2020-06-26 19:52:15 +00:00
package checks
import (
const (
orgOneID = "020f755c3c083000"
orgTwoID = "020f755c3c083001"
oneID = "020f755c3c082000"
twoID = "020f755c3c082001"
threeID = "020f755c3c082002"
fourID = "020f755c3c082003"
fiveID = "020f755c3c082004"
sixID = "020f755c3c082005"
checkOneID = "020f755c3c082000"
checkTwoID = "020f755c3c082001"
var script = `data = from(bucket: "telegraf") |> range(start: -1m) |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "usage_user")`
var deadman1 = &check.Deadman{
Base: check.Base{
Name: "name1",
ID: MustIDBase16(checkOneID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Description: "desc1",
TaskID: 1,
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Buckets: []string{},
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Key: "_field",
Values: []string{"usage_user"},
AggregateFunctionType: "filter",
Functions: []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg1",
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k1", Value: "v1"},
{Key: "k2", Value: "v2"},
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
UpdatedAt: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
TimeSince: mustDuration("21s"),
StaleTime: mustDuration("1h"),
ReportZero: true,
Level: notification.Critical,
var threshold1 = &check.Threshold{
Base: check.Base{
Name: "name2",
ID: MustIDBase16(checkTwoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgTwoID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
TaskID: 1,
Description: "desc2",
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg2",
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Buckets: []string{},
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Functions: []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k11", Value: "v11"},
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
UpdatedAt: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
Thresholds: []check.ThresholdConfig{
ThresholdConfigBase: check.ThresholdConfigBase{
Level: notification.Ok,
Value: 1000,
ThresholdConfigBase: check.ThresholdConfigBase{
Level: notification.Warn,
Value: 2000,
ThresholdConfigBase: check.ThresholdConfigBase{
Level: notification.Info,
Min: 1500,
Max: 1900,
Within: true,
var checkCmpOptions = cmp.Options{
cmp.Comparer(func(x, y []byte) bool {
return bytes.Equal(x, y)
cmpopts.IgnoreFields(check.Base{}, "TaskID"),
cmp.Transformer("Sort", func(in []influxdb.Check) []influxdb.Check {
out := append([]influxdb.Check(nil), in...) // Copy input to avoid mutating it
sort.Slice(out, func(i, j int) bool {
return out[i].GetID() > out[j].GetID()
return out
var taskCmpOptions = cmp.Options{
cmp.Comparer(func(x, y []byte) bool {
return bytes.Equal(x, y)
// skip comparing permissions
cmp.Transformer("Sort", func(in []*influxdb.Task) []*influxdb.Task {
out := append([]*influxdb.Task{}, in...) // Copy input to avoid mutating it
sort.Slice(out, func(i, j int) bool {
return out[i].ID > out[j].ID
return out
// CheckFields will include the IDGenerator, and checks
type CheckFields struct {
refactor(kv): delete deprecated kv service code
This includes removal of a lot of kv.Service responsibilities. However,
it does not finish the re-wiring. It removes documents, telegrafs,
notification rules + endpoints, checks, orgs, users, buckets, passwords,
urms, labels and authorizations. There are some oustanding pieces that
are needed to get kv service compiling (dashboard service urm
dependency). Then all the call sites for kv service need updating and
the new implementations of telegraf and notification rules + endpoints
needed installing (along with any necessary migrations).
2020-10-20 13:25:36 +00:00
IDGenerator influxdb.IDGenerator
TimeGenerator influxdb.TimeGenerator
TaskService influxdb.TaskService
Checks []influxdb.Check
Organizations []*influxdb.Organization
Tasks []influxdb.TaskCreate
2020-06-26 19:52:15 +00:00
type checkServiceFactory func(CheckFields, *testing.T) (influxdb.CheckService, influxdb.TaskService, string, func())
type checkServiceF func(
init checkServiceFactory,
t *testing.T,
// CheckService tests all the service functions.
func CheckService(
init checkServiceFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
tests := []struct {
name string
fn checkServiceF
name: "CreateCheck",
fn: CreateCheck,
name: "FindCheckByID",
fn: FindCheckByID,
name: "FindChecks",
fn: FindChecks,
name: "FindCheck",
fn: FindCheck,
name: "PatchCheck",
fn: PatchCheck,
name: "UpdateCheck",
fn: UpdateCheck,
name: "DeleteCheck",
fn: DeleteCheck,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
tt.fn(init, t)
// CreateCheck testing
func CreateCheck(
init checkServiceFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
type args struct {
userID influxdb.ID
check influxdb.Check
type wants struct {
err *influxdb.Error
checks []influxdb.Check
tasks []*influxdb.Task
tests := []struct {
name string
fields CheckFields
args args
wants wants
name: "create checks with empty set",
fields: CheckFields{
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator(checkOneID, t),
TimeGenerator: mock.TimeGenerator{FakeValue: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC)},
Checks: []influxdb.Check{},
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
check: &check.Deadman{
Base: check.Base{
Name: "name1",
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Description: "desc1",
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Key: "_field",
Values: []string{"usage_user"},
AggregateFunctionType: "filter",
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg1",
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k1", Value: "v1"},
{Key: "k2", Value: "v2"},
TimeSince: mustDuration("21s"),
StaleTime: mustDuration("1h"),
ReportZero: true,
Level: notification.Critical,
wants: wants{
tasks: []*influxdb.Task{
ID: MustIDBase16("020f755c3c082000"),
Name: "name1",
Type: "deadman",
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16("020f755c3c083000"),
Organization: "theorg",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16("020f755c3c082001"),
Status: "active",
Flux: "package main\nimport \"influxdata/influxdb/monitor\"\nimport \"experimental\"\nimport \"influxdata/influxdb/v1\"\n\ndata = from(bucket: \"telegraf\")\n\t|> range(start: -1h)\n\t|> filter(fn: (r) =>\n\t\t(r._field == \"usage_user\"))\n\noption task = {name: \"name1\", every: 1m}\n\ncheck = {\n\t_check_id: \"020f755c3c082000\",\n\t_check_name: \"name1\",\n\t_type: \"deadman\",\n\ttags: {k1: \"v1\", k2: \"v2\"},\n}\ncrit = (r) =>\n\t(r[\"dead\"])\nmessageFn = (r) =>\n\t(\"msg1\")\n\ndata\n\t|> v1[\"fieldsAsCols\"]()\n\t|> monitor[\"deadman\"](t: experimental[\"subDuration\"](from: now(), d: 21s))\n\t|> monitor[\"check\"](data: check, messageFn: messageFn, crit: crit)",
Every: "1m",
checks: []influxdb.Check{
Base: check.Base{
Name: "name1",
ID: MustIDBase16(checkOneID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Buckets: []string{},
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Key: "_field",
Values: []string{"usage_user"},
AggregateFunctionType: "filter",
Functions: []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
Description: "desc1",
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg1",
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k1", Value: "v1"},
{Key: "k2", Value: "v2"},
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
UpdatedAt: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
TimeSince: mustDuration("21s"),
StaleTime: mustDuration("1h"),
ReportZero: true,
Level: notification.Critical,
name: "basic create check",
fields: CheckFields{
IDGenerator: &mock.IDGenerator{
IDFn: func() influxdb.ID {
return MustIDBase16(checkTwoID)
TimeGenerator: mock.TimeGenerator{FakeValue: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC)},
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Name: "otherorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgTwoID),
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
check: &check.Threshold{
Base: check.Base{
Name: "name2",
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgTwoID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Description: "desc2",
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg2",
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k11", Value: "v11"},
Thresholds: []check.ThresholdConfig{
ThresholdConfigBase: check.ThresholdConfigBase{
Level: notification.Ok,
Value: 1000,
ThresholdConfigBase: check.ThresholdConfigBase{
Level: notification.Warn,
Value: 2000,
ThresholdConfigBase: check.ThresholdConfigBase{
Level: notification.Info,
Min: 1500,
Max: 1900,
Within: true,
wants: wants{
checks: []influxdb.Check{
tasks: []*influxdb.Task{
ID: MustIDBase16("020f755c3c082001"),
Name: "name2",
Type: "threshold",
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16("020f755c3c083001"),
Organization: "otherorg",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16("020f755c3c082005"),
Status: "active",
Every: "1m",
Flux: "package main\nimport \"influxdata/influxdb/monitor\"\nimport \"influxdata/influxdb/v1\"\n\ndata = from(bucket: \"telegraf\")\n\t|> range(start: -1m)\n\t|> filter(fn: (r) =>\n\t\t(r._field == \"usage_user\"))\n\noption task = {name: \"name2\", every: 1m}\n\ncheck = {\n\t_check_id: \"020f755c3c082001\",\n\t_check_name: \"name2\",\n\t_type: \"threshold\",\n\ttags: {k11: \"v11\"},\n}\nok = (r) =>\n\t(r[\"usage_user\"] < 1000.0)\nwarn = (r) =>\n\t(r[\"usage_user\"] > 2000.0)\ninfo = (r) =>\n\t(r[\"usage_user\"] < 1900.0 and r[\"usage_user\"] > 1500.0)\nmessageFn = (r) =>\n\t(\"msg2\")\n\ndata\n\t|> v1[\"fieldsAsCols\"]()\n\t|> monitor[\"check\"](\n\t\tdata: check,\n\t\tmessageFn: messageFn,\n\t\tok: ok,\n\t\twarn: warn,\n\t\tinfo: info,\n\t)",
name: "names should be unique within an organization",
fields: CheckFields{
IDGenerator: &mock.IDGenerator{
IDFn: func() influxdb.ID {
return MustIDBase16(checkTwoID)
TimeGenerator: mock.TimeGenerator{FakeValue: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC)},
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Name: "otherorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgTwoID),
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
check: &check.Threshold{
Base: check.Base{
Name: "name1",
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Description: "desc1",
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Key: "_field",
Values: []string{"usage_user"},
AggregateFunctionType: "filter",
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg1",
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k1", Value: "v1"},
{Key: "k2", Value: "v2"},
wants: wants{
checks: []influxdb.Check{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.EConflict,
Op: influxdb.OpCreateCheck,
Msg: "check is not unique",
name: "names should not be unique across organizations",
fields: CheckFields{
IDGenerator: &mock.IDGenerator{
IDFn: func() influxdb.ID {
return MustIDBase16(checkTwoID)
TimeGenerator: mock.TimeGenerator{FakeValue: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC)},
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Name: "otherorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgTwoID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
check: &check.Threshold{
Base: check.Base{
Name: "name1",
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgTwoID),
Description: "desc2",
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Key: "_field",
Values: []string{"usage_user"},
AggregateFunctionType: "filter",
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg2",
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k11", Value: "v11"},
{Key: "k22", Value: "v22"},
wants: wants{
tasks: []*influxdb.Task{
ID: MustIDBase16("020f755c3c082001"),
Name: "name1",
Type: "threshold",
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16("020f755c3c083001"),
Organization: "otherorg",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16("020f755c3c082001"),
Status: "active",
Every: "1m",
Flux: "package main\nimport \"influxdata/influxdb/monitor\"\nimport \"influxdata/influxdb/v1\"\n\ndata = from(bucket: \"telegraf\")\n\t|> range(start: -1m)\n\t|> filter(fn: (r) =>\n\t\t(r._field == \"usage_user\"))\n\noption task = {name: \"name1\", every: 1m}\n\ncheck = {\n\t_check_id: \"020f755c3c082001\",\n\t_check_name: \"name1\",\n\t_type: \"threshold\",\n\ttags: {k11: \"v11\", k22: \"v22\"},\n}\nmessageFn = (r) =>\n\t(\"msg2\")\n\ndata\n\t|> v1[\"fieldsAsCols\"]()\n\t|> monitor[\"check\"](data: check, messageFn: messageFn)",
checks: []influxdb.Check{
Base: check.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(checkTwoID),
Name: "name1",
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgTwoID),
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Buckets: []string{},
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Key: "_field",
Values: []string{"usage_user"},
AggregateFunctionType: "filter",
Functions: []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Description: "desc2",
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg2",
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k11", Value: "v11"},
{Key: "k22", Value: "v22"},
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
UpdatedAt: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
name: "create check with orgID not exist",
fields: CheckFields{
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator(checkOneID, t),
TimeGenerator: mock.TimeGenerator{FakeValue: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC)},
Checks: []influxdb.Check{},
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{},
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
check: &check.Threshold{
Base: check.Base{
Name: "name1",
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Key: "_field",
Values: []string{"usage_user"},
AggregateFunctionType: "filter",
Description: "desc2",
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg2",
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k11", Value: "v11"},
{Key: "k22", Value: "v22"},
wants: wants{
checks: []influxdb.Check{},
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.ENotFound,
Msg: "organization not found",
Op: influxdb.OpCreateCheck,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, tasks, _, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
ctx := context.Background()
createCheck := influxdb.CheckCreate{Check: tt.args.check, Status: influxdb.Active}
err := s.CreateCheck(ctx, createCheck, tt.args.userID)
influxErrsEqual(t, tt.wants.err, err)
defer s.DeleteCheck(ctx, tt.args.check.GetID())
checks, _, err := s.FindChecks(ctx, influxdb.CheckFilter{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve checks: %v", err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(checks, tt.wants.checks, checkCmpOptions...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("checks are different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
foundTasks, _, err := tasks.FindTasks(ctx, influxdb.TaskFilter{})
if err != nil {
if diff := cmp.Diff(foundTasks, tt.wants.tasks, taskCmpOptions); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("tasks are different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// FindCheckByID testing
func FindCheckByID(
init checkServiceFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
type args struct {
id influxdb.ID
type wants struct {
err *influxdb.Error
check influxdb.Check
tests := []struct {
name string
fields CheckFields
args args
wants wants
name: "basic find check by id",
fields: CheckFields{
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(checkTwoID),
wants: wants{
check: threshold1,
name: "find check by id not exist",
fields: CheckFields{
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(threeID),
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.ENotFound,
Op: influxdb.OpFindCheckByID,
Msg: "check not found",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, _, _, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
ctx := context.Background()
check, err := s.FindCheckByID(ctx, tt.args.id)
influxErrsEqual(t, tt.wants.err, err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(check, tt.wants.check, checkCmpOptions...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("check is different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// FindChecks testing
func FindChecks(
init checkServiceFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
type args struct {
ID influxdb.ID
name string
organization string
OrgID influxdb.ID
userID influxdb.ID
findOptions influxdb.FindOptions
type wants struct {
checks []influxdb.Check
err error
tests := []struct {
name string
fields CheckFields
args args
wants wants
name: "find all checks",
fields: CheckFields{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Name: "otherorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgTwoID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
wants: wants{
checks: []influxdb.Check{
name: "find all checks by offset and limit",
fields: CheckFields{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
args: args{
findOptions: influxdb.FindOptions{
Offset: 1,
Limit: 1,
wants: wants{
checks: []influxdb.Check{
name: "find all checks by descending",
fields: CheckFields{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
findOptions: influxdb.FindOptions{
Limit: 1,
Descending: true,
wants: wants{
checks: []influxdb.Check{
name: "find checks by organization name",
fields: CheckFields{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Name: "otherorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgTwoID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
organization: "theorg",
wants: wants{
checks: []influxdb.Check{
name: "find checks by organization id",
fields: CheckFields{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Name: "otherorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgTwoID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgTwoID),
wants: wants{
checks: []influxdb.Check{
name: "find check by name",
fields: CheckFields{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
name: "name2",
wants: wants{
checks: []influxdb.Check{
name: "missing check returns no checks",
fields: CheckFields{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{},
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
name: "xyz",
wants: wants{},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, _, opPrefix, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
ctx := context.Background()
refactor(kv): delete deprecated kv service code
This includes removal of a lot of kv.Service responsibilities. However,
it does not finish the re-wiring. It removes documents, telegrafs,
notification rules + endpoints, checks, orgs, users, buckets, passwords,
urms, labels and authorizations. There are some oustanding pieces that
are needed to get kv service compiling (dashboard service urm
dependency). Then all the call sites for kv service need updating and
the new implementations of telegraf and notification rules + endpoints
needed installing (along with any necessary migrations).
2020-10-20 13:25:36 +00:00
filter := influxdb.CheckFilter{}
2020-06-26 19:52:15 +00:00
if tt.args.ID.Valid() {
filter.ID = &tt.args.ID
if tt.args.OrgID.Valid() {
filter.OrgID = &tt.args.OrgID
if tt.args.organization != "" {
filter.Org = &tt.args.organization
if tt.args.name != "" {
filter.Name = &tt.args.name
checks, _, err := s.FindChecks(ctx, filter, tt.args.findOptions)
diffPlatformErrors(tt.name, err, tt.wants.err, opPrefix, t)
if diff := cmp.Diff(checks, tt.wants.checks, checkCmpOptions...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("checks are different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// DeleteCheck testing
func DeleteCheck(
init checkServiceFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
type args struct {
ID string
userID influxdb.ID
type wants struct {
err *influxdb.Error
checks []influxdb.Check
tests := []struct {
name string
fields CheckFields
args args
wants wants
name: "delete checks using exist id",
fields: CheckFields{
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator("0000000000000001", t),
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Tasks: []influxdb.TaskCreate{
Flux: `option task = { every: 10s, name: "foo" }
data = from(bucket: "telegraf") |> range(start: -1m)`,
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
args: args{
ID: checkOneID,
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
wants: wants{
checks: []influxdb.Check{
name: "delete checks using id that does not exist",
fields: CheckFields{
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator("0000000000000001", t),
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Tasks: []influxdb.TaskCreate{
Flux: `option task = { every: 10s, name: "foo" }
data = from(bucket: "telegraf") |> range(start: -1m)`,
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
args: args{
ID: "1234567890654321",
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Op: influxdb.OpDeleteCheck,
Msg: "check not found",
Code: influxdb.ENotFound,
checks: []influxdb.Check{
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, _, _, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
ctx := context.Background()
err := s.DeleteCheck(ctx, MustIDBase16(tt.args.ID))
influxErrsEqual(t, tt.wants.err, err)
refactor(kv): delete deprecated kv service code
This includes removal of a lot of kv.Service responsibilities. However,
it does not finish the re-wiring. It removes documents, telegrafs,
notification rules + endpoints, checks, orgs, users, buckets, passwords,
urms, labels and authorizations. There are some oustanding pieces that
are needed to get kv service compiling (dashboard service urm
dependency). Then all the call sites for kv service need updating and
the new implementations of telegraf and notification rules + endpoints
needed installing (along with any necessary migrations).
2020-10-20 13:25:36 +00:00
filter := influxdb.CheckFilter{}
2020-06-26 19:52:15 +00:00
checks, _, err := s.FindChecks(ctx, filter)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve checks: %v", err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(checks, tt.wants.checks, checkCmpOptions...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("checks are different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// FindCheck testing
func FindCheck(
init checkServiceFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
type args struct {
name string
OrgID influxdb.ID
type wants struct {
check influxdb.Check
err *influxdb.Error
tests := []struct {
name string
fields CheckFields
args args
wants wants
name: "find check by name",
fields: CheckFields{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Name: "theorg2",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgTwoID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
args: args{
name: "name1",
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
wants: wants{
check: deadman1,
name: "mixed filter",
fields: CheckFields{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{},
args: args{
name: "name2",
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.ENotFound,
Op: influxdb.OpFindCheck,
Msg: "check not found",
name: "missing check returns error",
fields: CheckFields{
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{},
args: args{
name: "xyz",
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.ENotFound,
Op: influxdb.OpFindCheck,
Msg: "check not found",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, _, _, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
var filter influxdb.CheckFilter
if tt.args.name != "" {
filter.Name = &tt.args.name
if tt.args.OrgID.Valid() {
filter.OrgID = &tt.args.OrgID
check, err := s.FindCheck(context.Background(), filter)
influxErrsEqual(t, tt.wants.err, err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(check, tt.wants.check, checkCmpOptions...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("checks are different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// UpdateCheck testing
func UpdateCheck(
init checkServiceFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
type args struct {
id influxdb.ID
check influxdb.Check
type wants struct {
err error
check influxdb.Check
tests := []struct {
name string
fields CheckFields
args args
wants wants
name: "mixed update",
fields: CheckFields{
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator("0000000000000001", t),
TimeGenerator: mock.TimeGenerator{FakeValue: time.Date(2007, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC)},
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Tasks: []influxdb.TaskCreate{
Flux: `option task = { every: 10s, name: "foo" }
data = from(bucket: "telegraf") |> range(start: -1m)`,
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(checkOneID),
check: &check.Threshold{
Base: check.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(checkTwoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Key: "_field",
Values: []string{"usage_user"},
AggregateFunctionType: "filter",
Name: "changed",
Description: "desc changed",
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg2",
TaskID: 1,
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k11", Value: "v11"},
{Key: "k22", Value: "v22"},
{Key: "k33", Value: "v33"},
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: time.Date(2001, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
UpdatedAt: time.Date(2002, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
Thresholds: []check.ThresholdConfig{
ThresholdConfigBase: check.ThresholdConfigBase{
Level: notification.Ok,
Value: 1000,
ThresholdConfigBase: check.ThresholdConfigBase{
Level: notification.Warn,
Value: 2000,
ThresholdConfigBase: check.ThresholdConfigBase{
Level: notification.Info,
Min: 1500,
Max: 1900,
Within: true,
wants: wants{
check: &check.Threshold{
Base: check.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(checkOneID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Name: "changed",
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Key: "_field",
Values: []string{"usage_user"},
AggregateFunctionType: "filter",
Description: "desc changed",
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg2",
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k11", Value: "v11"},
{Key: "k22", Value: "v22"},
{Key: "k33", Value: "v33"},
TaskID: 1,
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
UpdatedAt: time.Date(2007, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
Thresholds: []check.ThresholdConfig{
ThresholdConfigBase: check.ThresholdConfigBase{
Level: notification.Ok,
Value: 1000,
ThresholdConfigBase: check.ThresholdConfigBase{
Level: notification.Warn,
Value: 2000,
ThresholdConfigBase: check.ThresholdConfigBase{
Level: notification.Info,
Min: 1500,
Max: 1900,
Within: true,
name: "update name unique",
fields: CheckFields{
TimeGenerator: mock.TimeGenerator{FakeValue: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC)},
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
Base: check.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(checkTwoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Key: "_field",
Values: []string{"usage_user"},
AggregateFunctionType: "filter",
TaskID: 1,
Name: "check2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg1",
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(checkOneID),
check: &check.Deadman{
Base: check.Base{
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "check2",
Description: "desc changed",
TaskID: 1,
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg2",
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k11", Value: "v11"},
{Key: "k22", Value: "v22"},
{Key: "k33", Value: "v33"},
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: time.Date(2001, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
UpdatedAt: time.Date(2002, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
TimeSince: mustDuration("12s"),
StaleTime: mustDuration("1h"),
ReportZero: false,
Level: notification.Warn,
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.EConflict,
Msg: "check name is not unique",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, _, opPrefix, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
ctx := context.Background()
checkCreate := influxdb.CheckCreate{Check: tt.args.check, Status: influxdb.Active}
check, err := s.UpdateCheck(ctx, tt.args.id, checkCreate)
diffPlatformErrors(tt.name, err, tt.wants.err, opPrefix, t)
if diff := cmp.Diff(check, tt.wants.check, checkCmpOptions...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("check is different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// PatchCheck testing
func PatchCheck(
init checkServiceFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
type args struct {
id influxdb.ID
upd influxdb.CheckUpdate
type wants struct {
err *influxdb.Error
check influxdb.Check
inactive := influxdb.Inactive
tests := []struct {
name string
fields CheckFields
args args
wants wants
name: "mixed patch",
fields: CheckFields{
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator("0000000000000001", t),
TimeGenerator: mock.TimeGenerator{FakeValue: time.Date(2007, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC)},
Tasks: []influxdb.TaskCreate{
Flux: `option task = { every: 10s, name: "foo" }
data = from(bucket: "telegraf") |> range(start: -1m)`,
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(checkOneID),
upd: influxdb.CheckUpdate{
Name: strPtr("changed"),
Description: strPtr("desc changed"),
Status: &inactive,
wants: wants{
check: &check.Deadman{
Base: check.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(checkOneID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Name: "changed",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
Description: "desc changed",
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Buckets: []string{},
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Key: "_field",
Values: []string{"usage_user"},
AggregateFunctionType: "filter",
Functions: []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg1",
Tags: []influxdb.Tag{
{Key: "k1", Value: "v1"},
{Key: "k2", Value: "v2"},
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
UpdatedAt: time.Date(2007, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
TimeSince: mustDuration("21s"),
StaleTime: mustDuration("1h"),
ReportZero: true,
Level: notification.Critical,
name: "update name unique",
fields: CheckFields{
TimeGenerator: mock.TimeGenerator{FakeValue: time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC)},
Organizations: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "theorg",
ID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Checks: []influxdb.Check{
Base: check.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(checkTwoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(orgOneID),
Every: mustDuration("1m"),
Name: "check2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Query: influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: script,
BuilderConfig: influxdb.BuilderConfig{
Tags: []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
AggregateFunctionType string `json:"aggregateFunctionType"`
Key: "_field",
Values: []string{"usage_user"},
AggregateFunctionType: "filter",
StatusMessageTemplate: "msg1",
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(checkOneID),
upd: influxdb.CheckUpdate{
Name: strPtr("check2"),
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.EConflict,
Msg: "check entity update conflicts with an existing entity",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, _, _, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
ctx := context.Background()
check, err := s.PatchCheck(ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.upd)
influxErrsEqual(t, tt.wants.err, err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(check, tt.wants.check, checkCmpOptions...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("check is different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// MustIDBase16 is an helper to ensure a correct ID is built during testing.
func MustIDBase16(s string) influxdb.ID {
id, err := influxdb.IDFromString(s)
if err != nil {
return *id
func diffPlatformErrors(name string, actual, expected error, opPrefix string, t *testing.T) {
ErrorsEqual(t, actual, expected)
// ErrorsEqual checks to see if the provided errors are equivalent.
func ErrorsEqual(t *testing.T, actual, expected error) {
if expected == nil && actual == nil {
if expected == nil && actual != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error %s", actual.Error())
if expected != nil && actual == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error %s but received nil", expected.Error())
if influxdb.ErrorCode(expected) != influxdb.ErrorCode(actual) {
t.Logf("\nexpected: %v\nactual: %v\n\n", expected, actual)
t.Errorf("expected error code %q but received %q", influxdb.ErrorCode(expected), influxdb.ErrorCode(actual))
if influxdb.ErrorMessage(expected) != influxdb.ErrorMessage(actual) {
t.Logf("\nexpected: %v\nactual: %v\n\n", expected, actual)
t.Errorf("expected error message %q but received %q", influxdb.ErrorMessage(expected), influxdb.ErrorMessage(actual))
func influxErrsEqual(t *testing.T, expected *influxdb.Error, actual error) {
if expected != nil {
require.Error(t, actual)
if actual == nil {
if expected == nil {
require.NoError(t, actual)
iErr, ok := actual.(*influxdb.Error)
require.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, expected.Code, iErr.Code)
assert.Truef(t, strings.HasPrefix(iErr.Error(), expected.Error()), "expected: %s got err: %s", expected.Error(), actual.Error())
func mustDuration(d string) *notification.Duration {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(d)
if err != nil {
ndur, err := notification.FromTimeDuration(dur)
if err != nil {
// Filter out the zero values from the duration.
durs := make([]ast.Duration, 0, len(ndur.Values))
for _, d := range ndur.Values {
if d.Magnitude != 0 {
durs = append(durs, d)
ndur.Values = durs
return &ndur