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package kv
import (
// Index is used to define and manage an index for a source bucket.
// When using the index you must provide it with an IndexMapping.
// The IndexMapping provides the index with the contract it needs to populate
// the entire index and traverse a populated index correctly.
// The IndexMapping provides a way to retrieve the key on which to index with
// when provided with the value from the source.
// It also provides the way to access the source bucket.
// The following is an illustration of its use:
// byUserID := func(v []byte) ([]byte, error) {
// auth := &influxdb.Authorization{}
// if err := json.Unmarshal(v, auth); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// return auth.UserID.Encode()
// }
// // configure a write only index
// indexByUser := NewIndex(NewSource([]byte(`authorizationsbyuserv1/), byUserID))
// indexByUser.Insert(tx, someUserID, someAuthID)
// indexByUser.Delete(tx, someUserID, someAuthID)
// indexByUser.Walk(tx, someUserID, func(k, v []byte) error {
// auth := &influxdb.Authorization{}
// if err := json.Unmarshal(v, auth); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// // do something with auth
// return nil
// })
// // verify the current index against the source and return the differences
// // found in each
// diff, err := indexByUser.Verify(ctx, tx)
type Index struct {
// canRead configures whether or not Walk accesses the index at all
// or skips the index altogether and returns nothing.
// This is used when you want to integrate only the write path before
// releasing the read path.
canRead bool
// IndexOption is a function which configures an index
type IndexOption func(*Index)
// WithIndexReadPathEnabled enables the read paths of the index (Walk)
// This should be enabled once the index has been fully populated and
// the Insert and Delete paths are correctly integrated.
func WithIndexReadPathEnabled(i *Index) {
i.canRead = true
// IndexMapping is a type which configures and Index to map items
// from a source bucket to an index bucket via a mapping known as
// IndexSourceOn. This function is called on the values in the source
// to derive the foreign key on which to index each item.
type IndexMapping interface {
SourceBucket() []byte
IndexBucket() []byte
IndexSourceOn(value []byte) (foreignKey []byte, err error)
// IndexSourceOnFunc is a function which can be used to derive the foreign key
// of a value in a source bucket.
type IndexSourceOnFunc func([]byte) ([]byte, error)
type indexMapping struct {
source []byte
index []byte
fn IndexSourceOnFunc
func (i indexMapping) SourceBucket() []byte { return i.source }
func (i indexMapping) IndexBucket() []byte { return i.index }
func (i indexMapping) IndexSourceOn(v []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return i.fn(v)
// NewIndexMapping creates an implementation of IndexMapping for the provided source bucket
// to a destination index bucket.
func NewIndexMapping(sourceBucket, indexBucket []byte, fn IndexSourceOnFunc) IndexMapping {
return indexMapping{
source: sourceBucket,
index: indexBucket,
fn: fn,
// NewIndex configures and returns a new *Index for a given index mapping.
// By default the read path (Walk) is disabled. This is because the index needs to
// be fully populated before depending upon the read path.
// The read path can be enabled using WithIndexReadPathEnabled option.
func NewIndex(mapping IndexMapping, opts ...IndexOption) *Index {
index := &Index{IndexMapping: mapping}
for _, opt := range opts {
return index
func (i *Index) indexBucket(tx Tx) (Bucket, error) {
return tx.Bucket(i.IndexBucket())
func (i *Index) sourceBucket(tx Tx) (Bucket, error) {
return tx.Bucket(i.SourceBucket())
func indexKey(foreignKey, primaryKey []byte) (newKey []byte) {
newKey = make([]byte, len(primaryKey)+len(foreignKey)+1)
copy(newKey, foreignKey)
newKey[len(foreignKey)] = '/'
copy(newKey[len(foreignKey)+1:], primaryKey)
func indexKeyParts(indexKey []byte) (fk, pk []byte, err error) {
// this function is called with items missing in index
parts := bytes.SplitN(indexKey, []byte("/"), 2)
if len(parts) < 2 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("malformed index key")
// parts are fk/pk
fk, pk = parts[0], parts[1]
// Insert creates a single index entry for the provided primary key on the foreign key.
func (i *Index) Insert(tx Tx, foreignKey, primaryKey []byte) error {
bkt, err := i.indexBucket(tx)
if err != nil {
return err
return bkt.Put(indexKey(foreignKey, primaryKey), primaryKey)
// Delete removes the foreignKey and primaryKey mapping from the underlying index.
func (i *Index) Delete(tx Tx, foreignKey, primaryKey []byte) error {
bkt, err := i.indexBucket(tx)
if err != nil {
return err
return bkt.Delete(indexKey(foreignKey, primaryKey))
// Walk walks the source bucket using keys found in the index using the provided foreign key
// given the index has been fully populated.
func (i *Index) Walk(ctx context.Context, tx Tx, foreignKey []byte, visitFn VisitFunc) error {
// skip walking if configured to do so as the index
// is currently being used purely to write the index
if !i.canRead {
return nil
sourceBucket, err := i.sourceBucket(tx)
if err != nil {
return err
indexBucket, err := i.indexBucket(tx)
if err != nil {
return err
cursor, err := indexBucket.ForwardCursor(foreignKey,
if err != nil {
return err
return indexWalk(ctx, cursor, sourceBucket, visitFn)
// indexWalk consumes the indexKey and primaryKey pairs in the index bucket and looks up their
// associated primaryKey's value in the provided source bucket.
// When an item is located in the source, the provided visit function is called with primary key and associated value.
func indexWalk(ctx context.Context, indexCursor ForwardCursor, sourceBucket Bucket, visit VisitFunc) (err error) {
var keys [][]byte
for ik, pk := indexCursor.Next(); ik != nil; ik, pk = indexCursor.Next() {
keys = append(keys, pk)
if err := indexCursor.Err(); err != nil {
return err
if err := indexCursor.Close(); err != nil {
return err
values, err := sourceBucket.GetBatch(keys...)
if err != nil {
return err
for i, value := range values {
if value != nil {
if err := visit(keys[i], value); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// IndexDiff contains a set of items present in the source not in index,
// along with a set of things in the index which are not in the source.
type IndexDiff struct {
// PresentInIndex is a map of foreign key to primary keys
// present in the index.
PresentInIndex map[string]map[string]struct{}
// MissingFromIndex is a map of foreign key to associated primary keys
// missing from the index given the source bucket.
// These items could be due to the fact an index populate migration has
// not yet occured, the index populate code is incorrect or the write path
// for your resource type does not yet insert into the index as well (Create actions).
MissingFromIndex map[string]map[string]struct{}
// MissingFromSource is a map of foreign key to associated primary keys
// missing from the source but accounted for in the index.
// This happens when index items are not properly removed from the index
// when an item is removed from the source (Delete actions).
MissingFromSource map[string]map[string]struct{}
func (i *IndexDiff) addMissingSource(fk, pk []byte) {
if i.MissingFromSource == nil {
i.MissingFromSource = map[string]map[string]struct{}{}
if _, ok := i.MissingFromSource[string(fk)]; !ok {
i.MissingFromSource[string(fk)] = map[string]struct{}{}
i.MissingFromSource[string(fk)][string(pk)] = struct{}{}
func (i *IndexDiff) addMissingIndex(fk, pk []byte) {
if i.MissingFromIndex == nil {
i.MissingFromIndex = map[string]map[string]struct{}{}
if _, ok := i.MissingFromIndex[string(fk)]; !ok {
i.MissingFromIndex[string(fk)] = map[string]struct{}{}
i.MissingFromIndex[string(fk)][string(pk)] = struct{}{}
// Corrupt returns a list of foreign keys which have corrupted indexes (partial)
// These are foreign keys which map to a subset of the primary keys which they should
// be associated with.
func (i *IndexDiff) Corrupt() (corrupt []string) {
for fk := range i.MissingFromIndex {
if _, ok := i.PresentInIndex[fk]; ok {
corrupt = append(corrupt, fk)
// Verify returns the difference between a source and its index
// The difference contains items in the source that are not in the index
// and vice-versa.
func (i *Index) Verify(ctx context.Context, store Store) (diff IndexDiff, err error) {
return indexVerify(ctx, i, store, true)
func indexVerify(ctx context.Context, mapping IndexMapping, store Store, includeMissingSource bool) (diff IndexDiff, err error) {
diff.PresentInIndex, err = indexReadAll(ctx, store, func(tx Tx) (Bucket, error) {
return tx.Bucket(mapping.IndexBucket())
if err != nil {
return diff, err
sourceKVs, err := consumeBucket(ctx, store, func(tx Tx) (Bucket, error) {
return tx.Bucket(mapping.SourceBucket())
if err != nil {
return diff, err
// pks is a map of primary keys in source
pks := map[string]struct{}{}
// look for items missing from index
for _, kv := range sourceKVs {
pk, v := kv[0], kv[1]
if includeMissingSource {
// this is only useful for missing source
pks[string(pk)] = struct{}{}
fk, err := mapping.IndexSourceOn(v)
if err != nil {
return diff, err
fkm, ok := diff.PresentInIndex[string(fk)]
if ok {
_, ok = fkm[string(pk)]
if !ok {
diff.addMissingIndex(fk, pk)
if includeMissingSource {
// look for items missing from source
for fk, fkm := range diff.PresentInIndex {
for pk := range fkm {
if _, ok := pks[pk]; !ok {
diff.addMissingSource([]byte(fk), []byte(pk))
// indexReadAll returns the entire current state of the index
func indexReadAll(ctx context.Context, store Store, indexBucket func(Tx) (Bucket, error)) (map[string]map[string]struct{}, error) {
kvs, err := consumeBucket(ctx, store, indexBucket)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
index := map[string]map[string]struct{}{}
for _, kv := range kvs {
fk, pk, err := indexKeyParts(kv[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if fkm, ok := index[string(fk)]; ok {
fkm[string(pk)] = struct{}{}
index[string(fk)] = map[string]struct{}{string(pk): {}}
return index, nil
type kvSlice [][2][]byte
// consumeBucket consumes the entire k/v space for the provided bucket function
// applied to the provided store
func consumeBucket(ctx context.Context, store Store, fn func(tx Tx) (Bucket, error)) (kvs kvSlice, err error) {
return kvs, store.View(ctx, func(tx Tx) error {
bkt, err := fn(tx)
if err != nil {
return err
cursor, err := bkt.ForwardCursor(nil)
if err != nil {
return err
return WalkCursor(ctx, cursor, func(k, v []byte) error {
kvs = append(kvs, [2][]byte{k, v})
return nil