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package influxql
import (
type groupInfo struct {
call *influxql.Call
refs []*influxql.VarRef
type groupVisitor struct {
calls []*function
refs []*influxql.VarRef
err error
func (v *groupVisitor) Visit(n influxql.Node) influxql.Visitor {
if v.err != nil {
return nil
// TODO(jsternberg): Identify duplicates so they are a single common instance.
switch expr := n.(type) {
case *influxql.Call:
// TODO(jsternberg): Identify math functions so we visit their arguments instead of recording them.
fn, err := parseFunction(expr)
if err != nil {
v.err = err
return nil
v.calls = append(v.calls, fn)
return nil
case *influxql.Distinct:
v.err = errors.New("unimplemented: distinct expression")
return nil
case *influxql.VarRef:
if expr.Val == "time" {
return nil
v.refs = append(v.refs, expr)
return nil
case *influxql.Wildcard:
v.err = errors.New("unimplemented: field wildcard")
return nil
case *influxql.RegexLiteral:
v.err = errors.New("unimplemented: field regex wildcard")
return nil
return v
// identifyGroups will identify the groups for creating data access cursors.
func identifyGroups(stmt *influxql.SelectStatement) ([]*groupInfo, error) {
v := &groupVisitor{}
influxql.Walk(v, stmt.Fields)
if v.err != nil {
return nil, v.err
// Attempt to take the calls and variables and put them into groups.
if len(v.refs) > 0 {
// If any of the calls are not selectors, we have an error message.
for _, fn := range v.calls {
if !influxql.IsSelector( {
return nil, errors.New("mixing aggregate and non-aggregate queries is not supported")
// All of the functions are selectors. If we have more than 1, then we have another error message.
if len(v.calls) > 1 {
return nil, errors.New("mixing multiple selector functions with tags or fields is not supported")
// Otherwise, we create a single group.
var call *influxql.Call
if len(v.calls) == 1 {
call = v.calls[0].call
return []*groupInfo{{
call: call,
refs: v.refs,
}}, nil
// We do not have any auxiliary fields so each of the function calls goes into
// its own group.
groups := make([]*groupInfo, 0, len(v.calls))
for _, fn := range v.calls {
groups = append(groups, &groupInfo{call:})
return groups, nil
func (gr *groupInfo) createCursor(t *transpilerState) (cursor, error) {
// Create all of the cursors for every variable reference.
// TODO(jsternberg): Determine which of these cursors are from fields and which are tags.
var cursors []cursor
if != nil {
ref, ok :=[0].(*influxql.VarRef)
if !ok {
// TODO(jsternberg): This should be validated and figured out somewhere else.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("first argument to %q must be a variable",
cur, err := createVarRefCursor(t, ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cursors = append(cursors, cur)
for _, ref := range gr.refs {
cur, err := createVarRefCursor(t, ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cursors = append(cursors, cur)
// TODO(jsternberg): Establish which variables in the condition are tags and which are fields.
// We need to create the references to fields here so they can be joined.
var (
tags map[influxql.VarRef]struct{}
cond influxql.Expr
valuer := influxql.NowValuer{Now: t.spec.Now}
if t.stmt.Condition != nil {
var err error
if cond, _, err = influxql.ConditionExpr(t.stmt.Condition, &valuer); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if cond != nil {
tags = make(map[influxql.VarRef]struct{})
// Walk through the condition for every variable reference. There will be no function
// calls here.
var condErr error
influxql.WalkFunc(cond, func(node influxql.Node) {
if condErr != nil {
ref, ok := node.(*influxql.VarRef)
if !ok {
// If the variable reference is in any of the cursors, it is definitely
// a field and we do not have to inspect it further.
for _, cur := range cursors {
if _, ok := cur.Value(ref); ok {
// This may be a field or a tag. If it is a field, we need to create the cursor
// and add it to the listing of cursors so it can be joined before we evaluate the condition.
switch typ := t.mapType(ref); typ {
case influxql.Tag:
// Add this variable name to the listing of tags.
tags[*ref] = struct{}{}
cur, err := createVarRefCursor(t, ref)
if err != nil {
condErr = err
cursors = append(cursors, cur)
// Join the cursors using an inner join.
// TODO(jsternberg): We need to differentiate between various join types and this needs to be
// except: ["_field"] rather than joining on the _measurement. This also needs to specify what the time
// column should be.
cur := Join(t, cursors, []string{"_measurement"}, nil)
if len(tags) > 0 {
cur = &tagsCursor{cursor: cur, tags: tags}
// Evaluate the conditional and insert a filter if a condition exists.
if cond != nil {
// Generate a filter expression by evaluating the condition and wrapping it in a filter op.
expr, err := t.mapField(cond, cur)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to evaluate condition")
id := t.op("filter", &functions.FilterOpSpec{
Fn: &semantic.FunctionExpression{
Params: []*semantic.FunctionParam{{
Key: &semantic.Identifier{Name: "r"},
Body: expr,
}, cur.ID())
cur = &opCursor{id: id, cursor: cur}
// Group together the results.
if c, err :=, cur); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
cur = c
interval, err := t.stmt.GroupByInterval()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If a function call is present, evaluate the function call.
if != nil {
c, err := createFunctionCursor(t,, cur)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cur = c
// If there was a window operation, we now need to undo that and sort by the start column
// so they stay in the same table and are joined in the correct order.
if interval > 0 {
cur = &groupCursor{
id: t.op("window", &functions.WindowOpSpec{
Every: query.Duration(math.MaxInt64),
Period: query.Duration(math.MaxInt64),
TimeCol: execute.DefaultTimeColLabel,
StartColLabel: execute.DefaultStartColLabel,
StopColLabel: execute.DefaultStopColLabel,
}, cur.ID()),
cursor: cur,
} else {
// If we do not have a function, but we have a field option,
// return the appropriate error message if there is something wrong with the query.
if interval > 0 {
return nil, errors.New("GROUP BY requires at least one aggregate function")
// TODO(jsternberg): Fill needs to be somewhere and it's probably here somewhere.
// Move this to the correct location once we've figured it out.
switch t.stmt.Fill {
case influxql.NoFill:
return nil, errors.New("fill(none) must be used with a function")
case influxql.LinearFill:
return nil, errors.New("fill(linear) must be used with a function")
return cur, nil
type groupCursor struct {
id query.OperationID
func (gr *groupInfo) group(t *transpilerState, in cursor) (cursor, error) {
var windowEvery time.Duration
var windowStart time.Time
tags := []string{"_measurement", "_start"}
if len(t.stmt.Dimensions) > 0 {
// Maintain a set of the dimensions we have encountered.
// This is so we don't duplicate groupings, but we still maintain the
// listing of tags in the tags slice so it is deterministic.
m := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, d := range t.stmt.Dimensions {
// Reduce the expression before attempting anything. Do not evaluate the call.
expr := influxql.Reduce(d.Expr, nil)
switch expr := expr.(type) {
case *influxql.VarRef:
if strings.ToLower(expr.Val) == "time" {
return nil, errors.New("time() is a function and expects at least one argument")
} else if _, ok := m[expr.Val]; ok {
tags = append(tags, expr.Val)
m[expr.Val] = struct{}{}
case *influxql.Call:
// Ensure the call is time() and it has one or two duration arguments.
if expr.Name != "time" {
return nil, errors.New("only time() calls allowed in dimensions")
} else if got := len(expr.Args); got < 1 || got > 2 {
return nil, errors.New("time dimension expected 1 or 2 arguments")
} else if lit, ok := expr.Args[0].(*influxql.DurationLiteral); !ok {
return nil, errors.New("time dimension must have duration argument")
} else if windowEvery != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("multiple time dimensions not allowed")
} else {
windowEvery = lit.Val
var windowOffset time.Duration
if len(expr.Args) == 2 {
switch lit2 := expr.Args[1].(type) {
case *influxql.DurationLiteral:
windowOffset = lit2.Val % windowEvery
case *influxql.TimeLiteral:
windowOffset = lit2.Val.Sub(lit2.Val.Truncate(windowEvery))
case *influxql.Call:
if lit2.Name != "now" {
return nil, errors.New("time dimension offset function must be now()")
} else if len(lit2.Args) != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("time dimension offset now() function requires no arguments")
now := t.spec.Now
windowOffset = now.Sub(now.Truncate(windowEvery))
// Use the evaluated offset to replace the argument. Ideally, we would
// use the interval assigned above, but the query engine hasn't been changed
// to use the compiler information yet.
expr.Args[1] = &influxql.DurationLiteral{Val: windowOffset}
case *influxql.StringLiteral:
// If literal looks like a date time then parse it as a time literal.
if lit2.IsTimeLiteral() {
t, err := lit2.ToTimeLiteral(t.stmt.Location)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
windowOffset = t.Val.Sub(t.Val.Truncate(windowEvery))
} else {
return nil, errors.New("time dimension offset must be duration or now()")
return nil, errors.New("time dimension offset must be duration or now()")
//TODO set windowStart
windowStart = time.Unix(0, 0).Add(windowOffset)
case *influxql.Wildcard:
return nil, errors.New("unimplemented: dimension wildcards")
case *influxql.RegexLiteral:
return nil, errors.New("unimplemented: dimension regex wildcards")
return nil, errors.New("only time and tag dimensions allowed")
// Perform the grouping by the tags we found. There is always a group by because
// there is always something to group in influxql.
// TODO(jsternberg): A wildcard will skip this step.
id := t.op("group", &functions.GroupOpSpec{
By: tags,
}, in.ID())
if windowEvery > 0 {
windowOp := &functions.WindowOpSpec{
Every: query.Duration(windowEvery),
Period: query.Duration(windowEvery),
TimeCol: execute.DefaultTimeColLabel,
StartColLabel: execute.DefaultStartColLabel,
StopColLabel: execute.DefaultStopColLabel,
if !windowStart.IsZero() {
windowOp.Start = query.Time{Absolute: windowStart}
id = t.op("window", windowOp, id)
return &groupCursor{id: id, cursor: in}, nil
func (c *groupCursor) ID() query.OperationID { return }
// tagsCursor is a pseudo-cursor that can be used to access tags within the cursor.
type tagsCursor struct {
tags map[influxql.VarRef]struct{}
func (c *tagsCursor) Value(expr influxql.Expr) (string, bool) {
if value, ok := c.cursor.Value(expr); ok {
return value, ok
if ref, ok := expr.(*influxql.VarRef); ok {
if _, ok := c.tags[*ref]; ok {
return ref.Val, true
return "", false