_System Monitoring_ means all statistical and diagnostic information made availabe to the user of InfluxDB system, about the system itself. Its purpose is to assist with troubleshooting and performance analysis of the database itself.
A distinction is made between _statistics_ and _diagnostics_ for the purposes of monitoring. Generally a statistical quality is something that is being counted, and for which it makes sense to store persistently for historical analysis. Diagnostic information is not necessarily numerical, and may not make sense to store.
An example of statistical information would be the number of points received over UDP, or the number of queries executed. Examples of diagnostic information would be a list of current Graphite TCP connections, the version of InfluxDB, or the uptime of the process.
`SHOW STATS [FOR <module>]` displays statisics about subsystems within the running `influxd` process. Statistics include points received, points indexed, bytes written to disk, TCP connections handled etc. These statistics are all zero when the InfluxDB process starts. If _module_ is specified, it must be single-quoted. For example `SHOW STATS FOR 'httpd'`.
All statistics are written, by default, by each node to a "monitor" database within the InfluxDB system, allowing analysis of aggregated statistical data using the standard InfluxQL language. This allows users to track the performance of their system. Importantly, this allows cluster-level statistics to be viewed, since by querying the monitor database, statistics from all nodes may be queried. This can be a very powerful approach for troubleshooting your InfluxDB system and understanding its behaviour.
`SHOW DIAGNOSTICS [FOR <module>]` displays various diagnostic information about the `influxd` process. This information is not stored persistently within the InfluxDB system. If _module_ is specified, it must be single-quoted. For example `SHOW STATS FOR 'build'`.
All statistical information is available at HTTP API endpoint `/debug/vars`, in [expvar](https://golang.org/pkg/expvar/) format, allowing external systems to monitor an InfluxDB node. By default, the full path to this endpoint is `http://localhost:8086/debug/vars`.
* The name of the database to where this information should be written. Defaults to `_internal`. The information is written to the default retention policy for the given database.
To export statistical information with the `monitor` system, code simply calls `influxdb.NewStatistics()` and receives an `expvar.Map` instance in response. This object can then be used to store statistics. To register diagnostic information, `monitor.RegisterDiagnosticsClient` is called, passing a `influxdb.monitor.DiagsClient` object to `monitor`.
Statistical information is gathered by each package using [expvar](https://golang.org/pkg/expvar). Each package registers a map using its package name.
Due to the nature of `expvar`, statistical information is reset to its initial state when a server is restarted.