Displays series meta-data for all shards. Default location [$HOME/.influxdb]
### `influx_inspect dumptsm`
Dumps low-level details about tsm1 files
#### Flags
##### `-index` bool
Dump raw index data.
`default` = false
#### `-blocks` bool
Dump raw block data.
`default` = false
#### `-all`
Dump all data. Caution: This may print a lot of information.
`default` = false
#### `-filter-key`
Only display index and block data match this key substring.
`default` = ""
### `influx_inspect export`
Exports all tsm files to line protocol. This output file can be imported via the [influx](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tree/master/importer#running-the-import-command) command.
The system does not have access to the meta store when exporting TSM shards. As such, it always creates the retention policy with infinite duration and replication factor of 1.
End users may want to change this prior to re-importing if they are importing to a cluster or want a different duration for retention.