2018-03-27 19:56:27 +00:00
package query_test
import (
type CreateIteratorFn func ( ctx context . Context , m * influxql . Measurement , opt query . IteratorOptions ) query . Iterator
func TestSubquery ( t * testing . T ) {
for _ , test := range [ ] struct {
Name string
Statement string
Fields map [ string ] influxql . DataType
MapShardsFn func ( t * testing . T , tr influxql . TimeRange ) CreateIteratorFn
Rows [ ] query . Row
} {
Name : "AuxiliaryFields" ,
Statement : ` SELECT max / 2.0 FROM (SELECT max(value) FROM cpu GROUP BY time(5s)) WHERE time >= '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' AND time < '1970-01-01T00:00:15Z' ` ,
Fields : map [ string ] influxql . DataType { "value" : influxql . Float } ,
MapShardsFn : func ( t * testing . T , tr influxql . TimeRange ) CreateIteratorFn {
if got , want := tr . MinTimeNano ( ) , 0 * Second ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected min time: got=%d want=%d" , got , want )
if got , want := tr . MaxTimeNano ( ) , 15 * Second - 1 ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected max time: got=%d want=%d" , got , want )
return func ( ctx context . Context , m * influxql . Measurement , opt query . IteratorOptions ) query . Iterator {
if got , want := m . Name , "cpu" ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected source: got=%s want=%s" , got , want )
if got , want := opt . Expr . String ( ) , "max(value::float)" ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected expression: got=%s want=%s" , got , want )
return & FloatIterator { Points : [ ] query . FloatPoint {
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 0 * Second , Value : 5 } ,
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 5 * Second , Value : 3 } ,
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 10 * Second , Value : 8 } ,
} }
} ,
Rows : [ ] query . Row {
{ Time : 0 * Second , Series : query . Series { Name : "cpu" } , Values : [ ] interface { } { 2.5 } } ,
{ Time : 5 * Second , Series : query . Series { Name : "cpu" } , Values : [ ] interface { } { 1.5 } } ,
{ Time : 10 * Second , Series : query . Series { Name : "cpu" } , Values : [ ] interface { } { float64 ( 4 ) } } ,
} ,
} ,
Name : "AuxiliaryFields_WithWhereClause" ,
Statement : ` SELECT host FROM (SELECT max(value), host FROM cpu GROUP BY time(5s)) WHERE max > 4 AND time >= '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' AND time < '1970-01-01T00:00:15Z' ` ,
Fields : map [ string ] influxql . DataType {
"value" : influxql . Float ,
"host" : influxql . Tag ,
} ,
MapShardsFn : func ( t * testing . T , tr influxql . TimeRange ) CreateIteratorFn {
if got , want := tr . MinTimeNano ( ) , 0 * Second ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected min time: got=%d want=%d" , got , want )
if got , want := tr . MaxTimeNano ( ) , 15 * Second - 1 ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected max time: got=%d want=%d" , got , want )
return func ( ctx context . Context , m * influxql . Measurement , opt query . IteratorOptions ) query . Iterator {
if got , want := m . Name , "cpu" ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected source: got=%s want=%s" , got , want )
if got , want := opt . Expr . String ( ) , "max(value::float)" ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected expression: got=%s want=%s" , got , want )
if got , want := opt . Aux , [ ] influxql . VarRef { { Val : "host" , Type : influxql . Tag } } ; ! cmp . Equal ( got , want ) {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected auxiliary fields:\n%s" , cmp . Diff ( want , got ) )
return & FloatIterator { Points : [ ] query . FloatPoint {
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 0 * Second , Value : 5 , Aux : [ ] interface { } { "server02" } } ,
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 5 * Second , Value : 3 , Aux : [ ] interface { } { "server01" } } ,
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 10 * Second , Value : 8 , Aux : [ ] interface { } { "server03" } } ,
} }
} ,
Rows : [ ] query . Row {
{ Time : 0 * Second , Series : query . Series { Name : "cpu" } , Values : [ ] interface { } { "server02" } } ,
{ Time : 10 * Second , Series : query . Series { Name : "cpu" } , Values : [ ] interface { } { "server03" } } ,
} ,
} ,
Name : "AuxiliaryFields_NonExistentField" ,
Statement : ` SELECT host FROM (SELECT max(value) FROM cpu GROUP BY time(5s)) WHERE time >= '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' AND time < '1970-01-01T00:00:15Z' ` ,
Fields : map [ string ] influxql . DataType { "value" : influxql . Float } ,
MapShardsFn : func ( t * testing . T , tr influxql . TimeRange ) CreateIteratorFn {
return func ( ctx context . Context , m * influxql . Measurement , opt query . IteratorOptions ) query . Iterator {
return & FloatIterator { Points : [ ] query . FloatPoint {
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 0 * Second , Value : 5 } ,
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 5 * Second , Value : 3 } ,
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 10 * Second , Value : 8 } ,
} }
} ,
Rows : [ ] query . Row ( nil ) ,
} ,
Name : "AggregateOfMath" ,
Statement : ` SELECT mean(percentage) FROM (SELECT value * 100.0 AS percentage FROM cpu) WHERE time >= '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' AND time < '1970-01-01T00:00:15Z' GROUP BY time(5s) ` ,
Fields : map [ string ] influxql . DataType { "value" : influxql . Float } ,
MapShardsFn : func ( t * testing . T , tr influxql . TimeRange ) CreateIteratorFn {
if got , want := tr . MinTimeNano ( ) , 0 * Second ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected min time: got=%d want=%d" , got , want )
if got , want := tr . MaxTimeNano ( ) , 15 * Second - 1 ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected max time: got=%d want=%d" , got , want )
return func ( ctx context . Context , m * influxql . Measurement , opt query . IteratorOptions ) query . Iterator {
if got , want := m . Name , "cpu" ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected source: got=%s want=%s" , got , want )
if got , want := opt . Expr , influxql . Expr ( nil ) ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected expression: got=%s want=%s" , got , want )
if got , want := opt . Aux , [ ] influxql . VarRef { { Val : "value" , Type : influxql . Float } } ; ! cmp . Equal ( got , want ) {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected auxiliary fields:\n%s" , cmp . Diff ( want , got ) )
return & FloatIterator { Points : [ ] query . FloatPoint {
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 0 * Second , Aux : [ ] interface { } { 0.5 } } ,
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 2 * Second , Aux : [ ] interface { } { 1.0 } } ,
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 5 * Second , Aux : [ ] interface { } { 0.05 } } ,
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 8 * Second , Aux : [ ] interface { } { 0.45 } } ,
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 12 * Second , Aux : [ ] interface { } { 0.34 } } ,
} }
} ,
Rows : [ ] query . Row {
{ Time : 0 * Second , Series : query . Series { Name : "cpu" } , Values : [ ] interface { } { float64 ( 75 ) } } ,
{ Time : 5 * Second , Series : query . Series { Name : "cpu" } , Values : [ ] interface { } { float64 ( 25 ) } } ,
{ Time : 10 * Second , Series : query . Series { Name : "cpu" } , Values : [ ] interface { } { float64 ( 34 ) } } ,
} ,
} ,
2018-03-30 21:58:37 +00:00
Name : "Cast" ,
Statement : ` SELECT value::integer FROM (SELECT mean(value) AS value FROM cpu) ` ,
Fields : map [ string ] influxql . DataType { "value" : influxql . Integer } ,
MapShardsFn : func ( t * testing . T , tr influxql . TimeRange ) CreateIteratorFn {
return func ( ctx context . Context , m * influxql . Measurement , opt query . IteratorOptions ) query . Iterator {
if got , want := m . Name , "cpu" ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected source: got=%s want=%s" , got , want )
if got , want := opt . Expr . String ( ) , "mean(value::integer)" ; got != want {
t . Errorf ( "unexpected expression: got=%s want=%s" , got , want )
return & FloatIterator { Points : [ ] query . FloatPoint {
{ Name : "cpu" , Time : 0 * Second , Value : float64 ( 20 ) / float64 ( 6 ) } ,
} }
} ,
Rows : [ ] query . Row {
{ Time : 0 * Second , Series : query . Series { Name : "cpu" } , Values : [ ] interface { } { int64 ( 3 ) } } ,
} ,
} ,
2018-03-27 19:56:27 +00:00
} {
t . Run ( test . Name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
shardMapper := ShardMapper {
MapShardsFn : func ( sources influxql . Sources , tr influxql . TimeRange ) query . ShardGroup {
fn := test . MapShardsFn ( t , tr )
return & ShardGroup {
Fields : test . Fields ,
CreateIteratorFn : func ( ctx context . Context , m * influxql . Measurement , opt query . IteratorOptions ) ( query . Iterator , error ) {
return fn ( ctx , m , opt ) , nil
} ,
} ,
stmt := MustParseSelectStatement ( test . Statement )
stmt . OmitTime = true
cur , err := query . Select ( context . Background ( ) , stmt , & shardMapper , query . SelectOptions { } )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "unexpected parse error: %s" , err )
} else if a , err := ReadCursor ( cur ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "unexpected error: %s" , err )
} else if diff := cmp . Diff ( test . Rows , a ) ; diff != "" {
t . Fatalf ( "unexpected points:\n%s" , diff )
} )