Version `0.8.9` of InfluxDB adds support to export your data to a format that can be imported into `0.9.3` and later.
### Design
`0.8.9` exports raw data to a flat file that includes two sections, `DDL` and `DML`. You can choose to export them independently (see below).
The `DDL` section contains the sql commands to create databases and retention policies. the `DML` section is [line protocol]( and can be directly posted to the [http endpoint]( in `0.9`. Remember that batching is important and we don't recommend batch sizes over 5k.
You need to specify a database and shard group when you export.
To list out your shards, use the following http endpoint:
Additionally, the fields need to have a consistent type (all float64, int64, etc) for every write in `0.8`. Otherwise they have the potential to fail writes in the import.
See below for more information.
## Running the import command
To import via the cli, you can specify the following command:
The import will use the line protocol in batches of 5,000 lines per batch when sending data to the server.
## Understanding the results of the import
The batch will give some basic stats when finished:
2015/07/29 23:15:20 Processed 2 commands
2015/07/29 23:15:20 Processed 70207923 inserts
2015/07/29 23:15:20 Failed 29785000 inserts
Most inserts fail due to the following types of error:
2015/07/29 22:18:28 error writing batch: write failed: field type conflict: input field "value" on measurement "metric" is type float64, already exists as type integer
This is due to the fact that in `0.8` a field could get created and saved as int or float types for independent writes. In `0.9` the field has to have a consistent type.