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package pkger
import (
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
ierrors ""
icheck ""
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
// APIVersion marks the current APIVersion for influx packages.
const APIVersion = ""
const APIVersion2 = ""
// Stack is an identifier for stateful application of a package(s). This stack
// will map created resources from the template(s) to existing resources on the
// platform. This stack is updated only after side effects of applying a template.
// If the template is applied, and no changes are had, then the stack is not updated.
type Stack struct {
ID influxdb.ID
OrgID influxdb.ID
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Events []StackEvent
func (s Stack) LatestEvent() StackEvent {
if len(s.Events) == 0 {
return StackEvent{}
sort.Slice(s.Events, func(i, j int) bool {
return s.Events[i].UpdatedAt.Before(s.Events[j].UpdatedAt)
return s.Events[len(s.Events)-1]
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
type (
StackEvent struct {
EventType StackEventType
Name string
Description string
Sources []string
TemplateURLs []string
Resources []StackResource
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`
StackCreate struct {
OrgID influxdb.ID
Name string
Description string
Sources []string
TemplateURLs []string
Resources []StackResource
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
// StackResource is a record for an individual resource side effect genereated from
// applying a template.
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
StackResource struct {
APIVersion string
ID influxdb.ID
Name string
Kind Kind
MetaName string
Associations []StackResourceAssociation
// StackResourceAssociation associates a stack resource with another stack resource.
StackResourceAssociation struct {
Kind Kind
MetaName string
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
// StackUpdate provides a means to update an existing stack.
StackUpdate struct {
ID influxdb.ID
Name *string
Description *string
TemplateURLs []string
AdditionalResources []StackAdditionalResource
StackAdditionalResource struct {
APIVersion string
ID influxdb.ID
Kind Kind
MetaName string
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
type StackEventType uint
const (
StackEventCreate StackEventType = iota
func (e StackEventType) String() string {
switch e {
case StackEventCreate:
return "create"
case StackEventUninstalled:
return "uninstall"
case StackEventUpdate:
return "update"
return "unknown"
const ResourceTypeStack influxdb.ResourceType = "stack"
// SVC is the packages service interface.
type SVC interface {
InitStack(ctx context.Context, userID influxdb.ID, stack StackCreate) (Stack, error)
UninstallStack(ctx context.Context, identifiers struct{ OrgID, UserID, StackID influxdb.ID }) (Stack, error)
DeleteStack(ctx context.Context, identifiers struct{ OrgID, UserID, StackID influxdb.ID }) error
ListStacks(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, filter ListFilter) ([]Stack, error)
ReadStack(ctx context.Context, id influxdb.ID) (Stack, error)
UpdateStack(ctx context.Context, upd StackUpdate) (Stack, error)
Export(ctx context.Context, opts ...ExportOptFn) (*Template, error)
DryRun(ctx context.Context, orgID, userID influxdb.ID, opts ...ApplyOptFn) (ImpactSummary, error)
Apply(ctx context.Context, orgID, userID influxdb.ID, opts ...ApplyOptFn) (ImpactSummary, error)
// SVCMiddleware is a service middleware func.
type SVCMiddleware func(SVC) SVC
type serviceOpt struct {
logger *zap.Logger
applyReqLimit int
idGen influxdb.IDGenerator
nameGen NameGenerator
timeGen influxdb.TimeGenerator
store Store
bucketSVC influxdb.BucketService
checkSVC influxdb.CheckService
dashSVC influxdb.DashboardService
labelSVC influxdb.LabelService
endpointSVC influxdb.NotificationEndpointService
orgSVC influxdb.OrganizationService
ruleSVC influxdb.NotificationRuleStore
secretSVC influxdb.SecretService
taskSVC influxdb.TaskService
teleSVC influxdb.TelegrafConfigStore
varSVC influxdb.VariableService
// ServiceSetterFn is a means of setting dependencies on the Service type.
type ServiceSetterFn func(opt *serviceOpt)
// WithLogger sets the logger for the service.
func WithLogger(log *zap.Logger) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(o *serviceOpt) {
o.logger = log
// WithIDGenerator sets the id generator for the service.
func WithIDGenerator(idGen influxdb.IDGenerator) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.idGen = idGen
// WithTimeGenerator sets the time generator for the service.
func WithTimeGenerator(timeGen influxdb.TimeGenerator) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.timeGen = timeGen
// WithStore sets the store for the service.
func WithStore(store Store) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) { = store
// WithBucketSVC sets the bucket service.
func WithBucketSVC(bktSVC influxdb.BucketService) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.bucketSVC = bktSVC
// WithCheckSVC sets the check service.
func WithCheckSVC(checkSVC influxdb.CheckService) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.checkSVC = checkSVC
// WithDashboardSVC sets the dashboard service.
func WithDashboardSVC(dashSVC influxdb.DashboardService) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.dashSVC = dashSVC
// WithLabelSVC sets the label service.
func WithLabelSVC(labelSVC influxdb.LabelService) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.labelSVC = labelSVC
func withNameGen(nameGen NameGenerator) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.nameGen = nameGen
// WithNotificationEndpointSVC sets the endpoint notification service.
func WithNotificationEndpointSVC(endpointSVC influxdb.NotificationEndpointService) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.endpointSVC = endpointSVC
// WithNotificationRuleSVC sets the endpoint rule service.
func WithNotificationRuleSVC(ruleSVC influxdb.NotificationRuleStore) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.ruleSVC = ruleSVC
// WithOrganizationService sets the organization service for the service.
func WithOrganizationService(orgSVC influxdb.OrganizationService) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.orgSVC = orgSVC
// WithSecretSVC sets the secret service.
func WithSecretSVC(secretSVC influxdb.SecretService) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.secretSVC = secretSVC
// WithTaskSVC sets the task service.
func WithTaskSVC(taskSVC influxdb.TaskService) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.taskSVC = taskSVC
// WithTelegrafSVC sets the telegraf service.
func WithTelegrafSVC(telegrafSVC influxdb.TelegrafConfigStore) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.teleSVC = telegrafSVC
// WithVariableSVC sets the variable service.
func WithVariableSVC(varSVC influxdb.VariableService) ServiceSetterFn {
return func(opt *serviceOpt) {
opt.varSVC = varSVC
// Store is the storage behavior the Service depends on.
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
type Store interface {
CreateStack(ctx context.Context, stack Stack) error
ListStacks(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, filter ListFilter) ([]Stack, error)
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
ReadStackByID(ctx context.Context, id influxdb.ID) (Stack, error)
UpdateStack(ctx context.Context, stack Stack) error
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
DeleteStack(ctx context.Context, id influxdb.ID) error
// Service provides the template business logic including all the dependencies to make
// this resource sausage.
type Service struct {
log *zap.Logger
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
// internal dependencies
applyReqLimit int
idGen influxdb.IDGenerator
nameGen NameGenerator
store Store
timeGen influxdb.TimeGenerator
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
// external service dependencies
bucketSVC influxdb.BucketService
checkSVC influxdb.CheckService
dashSVC influxdb.DashboardService
labelSVC influxdb.LabelService
endpointSVC influxdb.NotificationEndpointService
orgSVC influxdb.OrganizationService
ruleSVC influxdb.NotificationRuleStore
secretSVC influxdb.SecretService
taskSVC influxdb.TaskService
teleSVC influxdb.TelegrafConfigStore
varSVC influxdb.VariableService
var _ SVC = (*Service)(nil)
// NewService is a constructor for a template Service.
func NewService(opts ...ServiceSetterFn) *Service {
opt := &serviceOpt{
logger: zap.NewNop(),
applyReqLimit: 5,
idGen: snowflake.NewDefaultIDGenerator(),
nameGen: wordplay.GetRandomName,
timeGen: influxdb.RealTimeGenerator{},
for _, o := range opts {
return &Service{
log: opt.logger,
applyReqLimit: opt.applyReqLimit,
idGen: opt.idGen,
nameGen: opt.nameGen,
timeGen: opt.timeGen,
bucketSVC: opt.bucketSVC,
checkSVC: opt.checkSVC,
labelSVC: opt.labelSVC,
dashSVC: opt.dashSVC,
endpointSVC: opt.endpointSVC,
orgSVC: opt.orgSVC,
ruleSVC: opt.ruleSVC,
secretSVC: opt.secretSVC,
taskSVC: opt.taskSVC,
teleSVC: opt.teleSVC,
varSVC: opt.varSVC,
// InitStack will create a new stack for the given user and its given org. The stack can be created
// with urls that point to the location of packages that are included as part of the stack when
// it is applied.
func (s *Service) InitStack(ctx context.Context, userID influxdb.ID, stCreate StackCreate) (Stack, error) {
if err := validURLs(stCreate.TemplateURLs); err != nil {
return Stack{}, err
if _, err := s.orgSVC.FindOrganizationByID(ctx, stCreate.OrgID); err != nil {
if influxdb.ErrorCode(err) == influxdb.ENotFound {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("organization dependency does not exist for id[%q]", stCreate.OrgID.String())
return Stack{}, influxErr(influxdb.EConflict, msg)
return Stack{}, internalErr(err)
now := s.timeGen.Now()
newStack := Stack{
ID: s.idGen.ID(),
OrgID: stCreate.OrgID,
CreatedAt: now,
Events: []StackEvent{
EventType: StackEventCreate,
Name: stCreate.Name,
Description: stCreate.Description,
Resources: stCreate.Resources,
TemplateURLs: stCreate.TemplateURLs,
UpdatedAt: now,
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
if err :=, newStack); err != nil {
return Stack{}, internalErr(err)
return newStack, nil
2020-03-20 02:08:35 +00:00
// UninstallStack will remove all resources associated with the stack.
func (s *Service) UninstallStack(ctx context.Context, identifiers struct{ OrgID, UserID, StackID influxdb.ID }) (Stack, error) {
uninstalledStack, err := s.uninstallStack(ctx, identifiers)
if err != nil {
return Stack{}, err
ev := uninstalledStack.LatestEvent()
ev.EventType = StackEventUninstalled
ev.Resources = nil
ev.UpdatedAt = s.timeGen.Now()
uninstalledStack.Events = append(uninstalledStack.Events, ev)
if err :=, uninstalledStack); err != nil {
s.log.Error("unable to update stack after uninstalling resources", zap.Error(err))
return uninstalledStack, nil
// DeleteStack removes a stack and all the resources that have are associated with the stack.
func (s *Service) DeleteStack(ctx context.Context, identifiers struct{ OrgID, UserID, StackID influxdb.ID }) (e error) {
deletedStack, err := s.uninstallStack(ctx, identifiers)
if influxdb.ErrorCode(err) == influxdb.ENotFound {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return, deletedStack.ID)
func (s *Service) uninstallStack(ctx context.Context, identifiers struct{ OrgID, UserID, StackID influxdb.ID }) (_ Stack, e error) {
stack, err :=, identifiers.StackID)
if err != nil {
return Stack{}, err
if stack.OrgID != identifiers.OrgID {
return Stack{}, &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.EConflict,
Msg: "you do not have access to given stack ID",
// providing empty template will remove all applied resources
state, err := s.dryRun(ctx, identifiers.OrgID, new(Template), applyOptFromOptFns(ApplyWithStackID(identifiers.StackID)))
if err != nil {
return Stack{}, err
coordinator := newRollbackCoordinator(s.log, s.applyReqLimit)
defer coordinator.rollback(s.log, &e, identifiers.OrgID)
err = s.applyState(ctx, coordinator, identifiers.OrgID, identifiers.UserID, state, nil)
if err != nil {
return Stack{}, err
return stack, nil
// ListFilter are filter options for filtering stacks from being returned.
type ListFilter struct {
StackIDs []influxdb.ID
Names []string
// ListStacks returns a list of stacks.
func (s *Service) ListStacks(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, f ListFilter) ([]Stack, error) {
return, orgID, f)
// ReadStack returns a stack that matches the given id.
func (s *Service) ReadStack(ctx context.Context, id influxdb.ID) (Stack, error) {
return, id)
// UpdateStack updates the stack by the given parameters.
func (s *Service) UpdateStack(ctx context.Context, upd StackUpdate) (Stack, error) {
existing, err := s.ReadStack(ctx, upd.ID)
if err != nil {
return Stack{}, err
updatedStack := s.applyStackUpdate(existing, upd)
if err :=, updatedStack); err != nil {
return Stack{}, err
return updatedStack, nil
func (s *Service) applyStackUpdate(existing Stack, upd StackUpdate) Stack {
ev := existing.LatestEvent()
ev.EventType = StackEventUpdate
ev.UpdatedAt = s.timeGen.Now()
if upd.Name != nil {
ev.Name = *upd.Name
if upd.Description != nil {
ev.Description = *upd.Description
if upd.TemplateURLs != nil {
ev.TemplateURLs = upd.TemplateURLs
type key struct {
k Kind
id influxdb.ID
mExistingResources := make(map[key]bool)
mExistingNames := make(map[string]bool)
for _, r := range ev.Resources {
k := key{k: r.Kind, id: r.ID}
mExistingResources[k] = true
mExistingNames[r.MetaName] = true
var out []StackResource
for _, r := range upd.AdditionalResources {
k := key{k: r.Kind, id: r.ID}
if mExistingResources[k] {
sr := StackResource{
APIVersion: r.APIVersion,
ID: r.ID,
Kind: r.Kind,
metaName := r.MetaName
if metaName == "" || mExistingNames[metaName] {
metaName = uniqMetaName(s.nameGen, s.idGen, mExistingNames)
mExistingNames[metaName] = true
sr.MetaName = metaName
out = append(out, sr)
ev.Resources = append(ev.Resources, out...)
sort.Slice(ev.Resources, func(i, j int) bool {
iName, jName := ev.Resources[i].MetaName, ev.Resources[j].MetaName
iKind, jKind := ev.Resources[i].Kind, ev.Resources[j].Kind
if {
return iName < jName
return kindPriorities[iKind] > kindPriorities[jKind]
existing.Events = append(existing.Events, ev)
return existing
type (
// ExportOptFn is a functional input for setting the template fields.
ExportOptFn func(opt *ExportOpt) error
// ExportOpt are the options for creating a new package.
ExportOpt struct {
StackID influxdb.ID
OrgIDs []ExportByOrgIDOpt
Resources []ResourceToClone
// ExportByOrgIDOpt identifies an org to export resources for and provides
// multiple filtering options.
ExportByOrgIDOpt struct {
OrgID influxdb.ID
LabelNames []string
ResourceKinds []Kind
// ExportWithExistingResources allows the create method to clone existing resources.
func ExportWithExistingResources(resources ...ResourceToClone) ExportOptFn {
return func(opt *ExportOpt) error {
for _, r := range resources {
if err := r.OK(); err != nil {
// todo: log and continue else append r to opt.Resources??
return err
opt.Resources = append(opt.Resources, resources...)
return nil
// ExportWithAllOrgResources allows the create method to clone all existing resources
// for the given organization.
func ExportWithAllOrgResources(orgIDOpt ExportByOrgIDOpt) ExportOptFn {
return func(opt *ExportOpt) error {
if orgIDOpt.OrgID == 0 {
return errors.New("orgID provided must not be zero")
for _, k := range orgIDOpt.ResourceKinds {
if err := k.OK(); err != nil {
return err
opt.OrgIDs = append(opt.OrgIDs, orgIDOpt)
return nil
// ExportWithStackID provides an export for the given stack ID.
func ExportWithStackID(stackID influxdb.ID) ExportOptFn {
return func(opt *ExportOpt) error {
opt.StackID = stackID
return nil
func exportOptFromOptFns(opts []ExportOptFn) (ExportOpt, error) {
var opt ExportOpt
for _, setter := range opts {
if err := setter(&opt); err != nil {
return ExportOpt{}, err
return opt, nil
// Export will produce a templates from the parameters provided.
func (s *Service) Export(ctx context.Context, setters ...ExportOptFn) (*Template, error) {
opt, err := exportOptFromOptFns(setters)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var stack Stack
if opt.StackID != 0 {
stack, err =, opt.StackID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var opts []ExportOptFn
for _, r := range stack.LatestEvent().Resources {
opts = append(opts, ExportWithExistingResources(ResourceToClone{
Kind: r.Kind,
ID: r.ID,
MetaName: r.MetaName,
Name: r.Name,
opt, err = exportOptFromOptFns(append(setters, opts...))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exporter := newResourceExporter(s)
for _, orgIDOpt := range opt.OrgIDs {
resourcesToClone, err := s.cloneOrgResources(ctx, orgIDOpt.OrgID, orgIDOpt.ResourceKinds)
if err != nil {
return nil, internalErr(err)
if err := exporter.Export(ctx, resourcesToClone, orgIDOpt.LabelNames...); err != nil {
return nil, internalErr(err)
if err := exporter.Export(ctx, opt.Resources); err != nil {
return nil, internalErr(err)
template := &Template{Objects: exporter.Objects()}
if err := template.Validate(ValidWithoutResources()); err != nil {
return nil, failedValidationErr(err)
return template, nil
func (s *Service) cloneOrgResources(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, resourceKinds []Kind) ([]ResourceToClone, error) {
var resources []ResourceToClone
for _, resGen := range s.filterOrgResourceKinds(resourceKinds) {
existingResources, err := resGen.cloneFn(ctx, orgID)
if err != nil {
return nil, ierrors.Wrap(err, "finding "+string(resGen.resType))
resources = append(resources, existingResources...)
return resources, nil
func (s *Service) cloneOrgBuckets(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]ResourceToClone, error) {
buckets, _, err := s.bucketSVC.FindBuckets(ctx, influxdb.BucketFilter{
OrganizationID: &orgID,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources := make([]ResourceToClone, 0, len(buckets))
for _, b := range buckets {
if b.Type == influxdb.BucketTypeSystem {
resources = append(resources, ResourceToClone{
Kind: KindBucket,
ID: b.ID,
Name: b.Name,
return resources, nil
func (s *Service) cloneOrgChecks(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]ResourceToClone, error) {
checks, _, err := s.checkSVC.FindChecks(ctx, influxdb.CheckFilter{
OrgID: &orgID,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources := make([]ResourceToClone, 0, len(checks))
for _, c := range checks {
resources = append(resources, ResourceToClone{
Kind: KindCheck,
ID: c.GetID(),
Name: c.GetName(),
return resources, nil
func (s *Service) cloneOrgDashboards(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]ResourceToClone, error) {
dashs, _, err := s.dashSVC.FindDashboards(ctx, influxdb.DashboardFilter{
OrganizationID: &orgID,
}, influxdb.FindOptions{Limit: 100})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources := make([]ResourceToClone, 0, len(dashs))
for _, d := range dashs {
resources = append(resources, ResourceToClone{
Kind: KindDashboard,
ID: d.ID,
return resources, nil
func (s *Service) cloneOrgLabels(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]ResourceToClone, error) {
filter := influxdb.LabelFilter{
OrgID: &orgID,
// todo: if this was ever called, it would error, 100 is the limit.
labels, err := s.labelSVC.FindLabels(ctx, filter, influxdb.FindOptions{Limit: 10000})
if err != nil {
return nil, ierrors.Wrap(err, "finding labels")
resources := make([]ResourceToClone, 0, len(labels))
for _, l := range labels {
resources = append(resources, ResourceToClone{
Kind: KindLabel,
ID: l.ID,
Name: l.Name,
return resources, nil
func (s *Service) cloneOrgNotificationEndpoints(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]ResourceToClone, error) {
endpoints, _, err := s.endpointSVC.FindNotificationEndpoints(ctx, influxdb.NotificationEndpointFilter{
OrgID: &orgID,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources := make([]ResourceToClone, 0, len(endpoints))
for _, e := range endpoints {
resources = append(resources, ResourceToClone{
Kind: KindNotificationEndpoint,
ID: e.GetID(),
Name: e.GetName(),
return resources, nil
func (s *Service) cloneOrgNotificationRules(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]ResourceToClone, error) {
rules, _, err := s.ruleSVC.FindNotificationRules(ctx, influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{
OrgID: &orgID,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources := make([]ResourceToClone, 0, len(rules))
for _, r := range rules {
resources = append(resources, ResourceToClone{
Kind: KindNotificationRule,
ID: r.GetID(),
Name: r.GetName(),
return resources, nil
func (s *Service) cloneOrgTasks(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]ResourceToClone, error) {
tasks, err := s.getAllTasks(ctx, orgID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(tasks) == 0 {
return nil, nil
checks, err := s.getAllChecks(ctx, orgID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rules, err := s.getNotificationRules(ctx, orgID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mTasks := make(map[influxdb.ID]*influxdb.Task)
for i := range tasks {
t := tasks[i]
if t.Type != influxdb.TaskSystemType {
mTasks[t.ID] = t
for _, c := range checks {
delete(mTasks, c.GetTaskID())
for _, r := range rules {
delete(mTasks, r.GetTaskID())
resources := make([]ResourceToClone, 0, len(mTasks))
for _, t := range mTasks {
resources = append(resources, ResourceToClone{
Kind: KindTask,
ID: t.ID,
return resources, nil
func (s *Service) cloneOrgTelegrafs(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]ResourceToClone, error) {
teles, _, err := s.teleSVC.FindTelegrafConfigs(ctx, influxdb.TelegrafConfigFilter{OrgID: &orgID})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources := make([]ResourceToClone, 0, len(teles))
for _, t := range teles {
resources = append(resources, ResourceToClone{
Kind: KindTelegraf,
ID: t.ID,
return resources, nil
func (s *Service) cloneOrgVariables(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]ResourceToClone, error) {
vars, err := s.varSVC.FindVariables(ctx, influxdb.VariableFilter{
OrganizationID: &orgID,
}, influxdb.FindOptions{Limit: 10000})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources := make([]ResourceToClone, 0, len(vars))
for _, v := range vars {
resources = append(resources, ResourceToClone{
Kind: KindVariable,
ID: v.ID,
return resources, nil
2020-08-27 21:37:44 +00:00
type (
cloneResFn func(context.Context, influxdb.ID) ([]ResourceToClone, error)
2020-08-27 21:37:44 +00:00
resClone struct {
resType influxdb.ResourceType
cloneFn cloneResFn
2020-08-27 21:37:44 +00:00
func (s *Service) filterOrgResourceKinds(resourceKindFilters []Kind) []resClone {
mKinds := map[Kind]cloneResFn{
KindBucket: s.cloneOrgBuckets,
KindCheck: s.cloneOrgChecks,
KindDashboard: s.cloneOrgDashboards,
KindLabel: s.cloneOrgLabels,
KindNotificationEndpoint: s.cloneOrgNotificationEndpoints,
KindNotificationRule: s.cloneOrgNotificationRules,
KindTask: s.cloneOrgTasks,
KindTelegraf: s.cloneOrgTelegrafs,
KindVariable: s.cloneOrgVariables,
2020-08-27 21:37:44 +00:00
newResGen := func(resType influxdb.ResourceType, cloneFn cloneResFn) resClone {
return resClone{
resType: resType,
cloneFn: cloneFn,
2020-08-27 21:37:44 +00:00
var resourceTypeGens []resClone
if len(resourceKindFilters) == 0 {
for k, cloneFn := range mKinds {
resourceTypeGens = append(resourceTypeGens, newResGen(k.ResourceType(), cloneFn))
return resourceTypeGens
seenKinds := make(map[Kind]bool)
for _, k := range resourceKindFilters {
cloneFn, ok := mKinds[k]
if !ok || seenKinds[k] {
seenKinds[k] = true
resourceTypeGens = append(resourceTypeGens, newResGen(k.ResourceType(), cloneFn))
return resourceTypeGens
// ImpactSummary represents the impact the application of a template will have on the system.
type ImpactSummary struct {
Sources []string
StackID influxdb.ID
Diff Diff
Summary Summary
// DryRun provides a dry run of the template application. The template will be marked verified
// for later calls to Apply. This func will be run on an Apply if it has not been run
// already.
func (s *Service) DryRun(ctx context.Context, orgID, userID influxdb.ID, opts ...ApplyOptFn) (ImpactSummary, error) {
opt := applyOptFromOptFns(opts...)
template, err := s.templateFromApplyOpts(ctx, opt)
if err != nil {
return ImpactSummary{}, err
state, err := s.dryRun(ctx, orgID, template, opt)
if err != nil {
return ImpactSummary{}, err
return ImpactSummary{
Sources: template.sources,
StackID: opt.StackID,
Diff: state.diff(),
Summary: newSummaryFromStateTemplate(state, template),
}, nil
func (s *Service) dryRun(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, template *Template, opt ApplyOpt) (*stateCoordinator, error) {
// so here's the deal, when we have issues with the parsing validation, we
// continue to do the diff anyhow. any resource that does not have a name
// will be skipped, and won't bleed into the dry run here. We can now return
// a error (parseErr) and valid diff/summary.
var parseErr error
err := template.Validate(ValidWithoutResources())
if err != nil && !IsParseErr(err) {
return nil, internalErr(err)
parseErr = err
if len(opt.EnvRefs) > 0 {
err := template.applyEnvRefs(opt.EnvRefs)
if err != nil && !IsParseErr(err) {
return nil, internalErr(err)
parseErr = err
state := newStateCoordinator(template, resourceActions{
skipKinds: opt.KindsToSkip,
skipResources: opt.ResourcesToSkip,
if opt.StackID > 0 {
if err := s.addStackState(ctx, opt.StackID, state); err != nil {
return nil, internalErr(err)
if err := s.dryRunSecrets(ctx, orgID, template); err != nil {
return nil, err
s.dryRunBuckets(ctx, orgID, state.mBuckets)
s.dryRunChecks(ctx, orgID, state.mChecks)
s.dryRunDashboards(ctx, orgID, state.mDashboards)
s.dryRunLabels(ctx, orgID, state.mLabels)
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
s.dryRunTasks(ctx, orgID, state.mTasks)
s.dryRunTelegrafConfigs(ctx, orgID, state.mTelegrafs)
s.dryRunVariables(ctx, orgID, state.mVariables)
err = s.dryRunNotificationEndpoints(ctx, orgID, state.mEndpoints)
if err != nil {
return nil, ierrors.Wrap(err, "failed to dry run notification endpoints")
err = s.dryRunNotificationRules(ctx, orgID, state.mRules, state.mEndpoints)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stateLabelMappings, err := s.dryRunLabelMappings(ctx, state)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
state.labelMappings = stateLabelMappings
return state, parseErr
func (s *Service) dryRunBuckets(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, bkts map[string]*stateBucket) {
for _, stateBkt := range bkts {
stateBkt.orgID = orgID
var existing *influxdb.Bucket
if stateBkt.ID() != 0 {
existing, _ = s.bucketSVC.FindBucketByID(ctx, stateBkt.ID())
} else {
existing, _ = s.bucketSVC.FindBucketByName(ctx, orgID, stateBkt.parserBkt.Name())
if IsNew(stateBkt.stateStatus) && existing != nil {
stateBkt.stateStatus = StateStatusExists
stateBkt.existing = existing
func (s *Service) dryRunChecks(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, checks map[string]*stateCheck) {
for _, c := range checks {
c.orgID = orgID
var existing influxdb.Check
if c.ID() != 0 {
existing, _ = s.checkSVC.FindCheckByID(ctx, c.ID())
} else {
name := c.parserCheck.Name()
existing, _ = s.checkSVC.FindCheck(ctx, influxdb.CheckFilter{
Name: &name,
OrgID: &orgID,
if IsNew(c.stateStatus) && existing != nil {
c.stateStatus = StateStatusExists
c.existing = existing
func (s *Service) dryRunDashboards(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, dashs map[string]*stateDashboard) {
for _, stateDash := range dashs {
stateDash.orgID = orgID
var existing *influxdb.Dashboard
if stateDash.ID() != 0 {
existing, _ = s.dashSVC.FindDashboardByID(ctx, stateDash.ID())
if IsNew(stateDash.stateStatus) && existing != nil {
stateDash.stateStatus = StateStatusExists
stateDash.existing = existing
func (s *Service) dryRunLabels(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, labels map[string]*stateLabel) {
for _, l := range labels {
l.orgID = orgID
existingLabel, _ := s.findLabel(ctx, orgID, l)
if IsNew(l.stateStatus) && existingLabel != nil {
l.stateStatus = StateStatusExists
l.existing = existingLabel
func (s *Service) dryRunNotificationEndpoints(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, endpoints map[string]*stateEndpoint) error {
existingEndpoints, _, err := s.endpointSVC.FindNotificationEndpoints(ctx, influxdb.NotificationEndpointFilter{
OrgID: &orgID,
}) // grab em all
if err != nil {
return internalErr(err)
mExistingByName := make(map[string]influxdb.NotificationEndpoint)
mExistingByID := make(map[influxdb.ID]influxdb.NotificationEndpoint)
for i := range existingEndpoints {
e := existingEndpoints[i]
mExistingByName[e.GetName()] = e
mExistingByID[e.GetID()] = e
findEndpoint := func(e *stateEndpoint) influxdb.NotificationEndpoint {
if iExisting, ok := mExistingByID[e.ID()]; ok {
return iExisting
if iExisting, ok := mExistingByName[e.parserEndpoint.Name()]; ok {
return iExisting
return nil
for _, newEndpoint := range endpoints {
existing := findEndpoint(newEndpoint)
if IsNew(newEndpoint.stateStatus) && existing != nil {
newEndpoint.stateStatus = StateStatusExists
newEndpoint.existing = existing
return nil
func (s *Service) dryRunNotificationRules(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, rules map[string]*stateRule, endpoints map[string]*stateEndpoint) error {
for _, rule := range rules {
rule.orgID = orgID
var existing influxdb.NotificationRule
if rule.ID() != 0 {
existing, _ = s.ruleSVC.FindNotificationRuleByID(ctx, rule.ID())
rule.existing = existing
for _, r := range rules {
if r.associatedEndpoint != nil {
e, ok := endpoints[r.parserRule.endpointMetaName()]
if !IsRemoval(r.stateStatus) && !ok {
err := fmt.Errorf("failed to find notification endpoint %q dependency for notification rule %q", r.parserRule.endpointName, r.parserRule.MetaName())
return &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.EUnprocessableEntity,
Err: err,
r.associatedEndpoint = e
return nil
func (s *Service) dryRunSecrets(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, template *Template) error {
templateSecrets := template.mSecrets
if len(templateSecrets) == 0 {
return nil
existingSecrets, err := s.secretSVC.GetSecretKeys(ctx, orgID)
if err != nil {
return &influxdb.Error{Code: influxdb.EInternal, Err: err}
for _, secret := range existingSecrets {
templateSecrets[secret] = true // marked true since it exists in the platform
return nil
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
func (s *Service) dryRunTasks(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, tasks map[string]*stateTask) {
for _, stateTask := range tasks {
stateTask.orgID = orgID
var existing *influxdb.Task
if stateTask.ID() != 0 {
existing, _ = s.taskSVC.FindTaskByID(ctx, stateTask.ID())
if IsNew(stateTask.stateStatus) && existing != nil {
stateTask.stateStatus = StateStatusExists
stateTask.existing = existing
func (s *Service) dryRunTelegrafConfigs(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, teleConfigs map[string]*stateTelegraf) {
for _, stateTele := range teleConfigs {
stateTele.orgID = orgID
var existing *influxdb.TelegrafConfig
if stateTele.ID() != 0 {
existing, _ = s.teleSVC.FindTelegrafConfigByID(ctx, stateTele.ID())
if IsNew(stateTele.stateStatus) && existing != nil {
stateTele.stateStatus = StateStatusExists
stateTele.existing = existing
func (s *Service) dryRunVariables(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, vars map[string]*stateVariable) {
existingVars, _ := s.getAllPlatformVariables(ctx, orgID)
mIDs := make(map[influxdb.ID]*influxdb.Variable)
mNames := make(map[string]*influxdb.Variable)
for _, v := range existingVars {
mIDs[v.ID] = v
mNames[v.Name] = v
for _, v := range vars {
existing := mNames[v.parserVar.Name()]
if v.ID() != 0 {
existing = mIDs[v.ID()]
if IsNew(v.stateStatus) && existing != nil {
v.stateStatus = StateStatusExists
v.existing = existing
func (s *Service) dryRunLabelMappings(ctx context.Context, state *stateCoordinator) ([]stateLabelMapping, error) {
stateLabelsByResName := make(map[string]*stateLabel)
for _, l := range state.mLabels {
if IsRemoval(l.stateStatus) {
stateLabelsByResName[l.parserLabel.Name()] = l
var mappings []stateLabelMapping
for _, b := range state.mBuckets {
if IsRemoval(b.stateStatus) {
mm, err := s.dryRunResourceLabelMapping(ctx, state, stateLabelsByResName, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mappings = append(mappings, mm...)
for _, c := range state.mChecks {
if IsRemoval(c.stateStatus) {
mm, err := s.dryRunResourceLabelMapping(ctx, state, stateLabelsByResName, c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mappings = append(mappings, mm...)
for _, d := range state.mDashboards {
if IsRemoval(d.stateStatus) {
mm, err := s.dryRunResourceLabelMapping(ctx, state, stateLabelsByResName, d)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mappings = append(mappings, mm...)
for _, e := range state.mEndpoints {
if IsRemoval(e.stateStatus) {
mm, err := s.dryRunResourceLabelMapping(ctx, state, stateLabelsByResName, e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mappings = append(mappings, mm...)
for _, r := range state.mRules {
if IsRemoval(r.stateStatus) {
mm, err := s.dryRunResourceLabelMapping(ctx, state, stateLabelsByResName, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mappings = append(mappings, mm...)
for _, t := range state.mTasks {
if IsRemoval(t.stateStatus) {
mm, err := s.dryRunResourceLabelMapping(ctx, state, stateLabelsByResName, t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mappings = append(mappings, mm...)
for _, t := range state.mTelegrafs {
if IsRemoval(t.stateStatus) {
mm, err := s.dryRunResourceLabelMapping(ctx, state, stateLabelsByResName, t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mappings = append(mappings, mm...)
for _, v := range state.mVariables {
if IsRemoval(v.stateStatus) {
mm, err := s.dryRunResourceLabelMapping(ctx, state, stateLabelsByResName, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mappings = append(mappings, mm...)
return mappings, nil
func (s *Service) dryRunResourceLabelMapping(ctx context.Context, state *stateCoordinator, stateLabelsByResName map[string]*stateLabel, associatedResource interface {
labels() []*stateLabel
stateIdentity() stateIdentity
}) ([]stateLabelMapping, error) {
ident := associatedResource.stateIdentity()
templateResourceLabels := associatedResource.labels()
var mappings []stateLabelMapping
if !ident.exists() {
for _, l := range templateResourceLabels {
mappings = append(mappings, stateLabelMapping{
status: StateStatusNew,
resource: associatedResource,
label: l,
return mappings, nil
existingLabels, err := s.labelSVC.FindResourceLabels(ctx, influxdb.LabelMappingFilter{
ResourceType: ident.resourceType,
if err != nil && influxdb.ErrorCode(err) != influxdb.ENotFound {
msgFmt := fmt.Sprintf("failed to find labels mappings for %s resource[%q]", ident.resourceType,
return nil, ierrors.Wrap(err, msgFmt)
templateLabels := labelSlcToMap(templateResourceLabels)
for _, l := range existingLabels {
// if label is found in state then we track the mapping and mark it existing
// otherwise we continue on
delete(templateLabels, l.Name)
if sLabel, ok := stateLabelsByResName[l.Name]; ok {
mappings = append(mappings, stateLabelMapping{
status: StateStatusExists,
resource: associatedResource,
label: sLabel,
// now we add labels that do not exist
for _, l := range templateLabels {
stLabel, found := state.getLabelByMetaName(l.MetaName())
if !found {
mappings = append(mappings, stateLabelMapping{
status: StateStatusNew,
resource: associatedResource,
label: stLabel,
return mappings, nil
func (s *Service) addStackState(ctx context.Context, stackID influxdb.ID, state *stateCoordinator) error {
stack, err :=, stackID)
if err != nil {
return ierrors.Wrap(err, "reading stack")
return nil
type (
// ApplyOpt is an option for applying a package.
ApplyOpt struct {
Templates []*Template
EnvRefs map[string]interface{}
MissingSecrets map[string]string
StackID influxdb.ID
ResourcesToSkip map[ActionSkipResource]bool
KindsToSkip map[Kind]bool
// ActionSkipResource provides an action from the consumer to use the template with
// modifications to the resource kind and template name that will be applied.
ActionSkipResource struct {
Kind Kind `json:"kind"`
MetaName string `json:"resourceTemplateName"`
// ActionSkipKind provides an action from the consumer to use the template with
// modifications to the resource kinds will be applied.
ActionSkipKind struct {
Kind Kind `json:"kind"`
// ApplyOptFn updates the ApplyOpt per the functional option.
ApplyOptFn func(opt *ApplyOpt)
// ApplyWithEnvRefs provides env refs to saturate the missing reference fields in the template.
func ApplyWithEnvRefs(envRefs map[string]interface{}) ApplyOptFn {
return func(o *ApplyOpt) {
o.EnvRefs = envRefs
// ApplyWithTemplate provides a template to the application/dry run.
func ApplyWithTemplate(template *Template) ApplyOptFn {
return func(opt *ApplyOpt) {
opt.Templates = append(opt.Templates, template)
// ApplyWithResourceSkip provides an action skip a resource in the application of a template.
func ApplyWithResourceSkip(action ActionSkipResource) ApplyOptFn {
return func(opt *ApplyOpt) {
if opt.ResourcesToSkip == nil {
opt.ResourcesToSkip = make(map[ActionSkipResource]bool)
switch action.Kind {
case KindCheckDeadman, KindCheckThreshold:
action.Kind = KindCheck
case KindNotificationEndpointHTTP,
action.Kind = KindNotificationEndpoint
opt.ResourcesToSkip[action] = true
// ApplyWithKindSkip provides an action skip a kidn in the application of a template.
func ApplyWithKindSkip(action ActionSkipKind) ApplyOptFn {
return func(opt *ApplyOpt) {
if opt.KindsToSkip == nil {
opt.KindsToSkip = make(map[Kind]bool)
switch action.Kind {
case KindCheckDeadman, KindCheckThreshold:
action.Kind = KindCheck
case KindNotificationEndpointHTTP,
action.Kind = KindNotificationEndpoint
opt.KindsToSkip[action.Kind] = true
// ApplyWithSecrets provides secrets to the platform that the template will need.
func ApplyWithSecrets(secrets map[string]string) ApplyOptFn {
return func(o *ApplyOpt) {
o.MissingSecrets = secrets
// ApplyWithStackID associates the application of a template with a stack.
func ApplyWithStackID(stackID influxdb.ID) ApplyOptFn {
return func(o *ApplyOpt) {
o.StackID = stackID
func applyOptFromOptFns(opts ...ApplyOptFn) ApplyOpt {
var opt ApplyOpt
for _, o := range opts {
return opt
// Apply will apply all the resources identified in the provided template. The entire template will be applied
// in its entirety. If a failure happens midway then the entire template will be rolled back to the state
// from before the template were applied.
func (s *Service) Apply(ctx context.Context, orgID, userID influxdb.ID, opts ...ApplyOptFn) (impact ImpactSummary, e error) {
opt := applyOptFromOptFns(opts...)
template, err := s.templateFromApplyOpts(ctx, opt)
if err != nil {
return ImpactSummary{}, err
if err := template.Validate(ValidWithoutResources()); err != nil {
return ImpactSummary{}, failedValidationErr(err)
if err := template.applyEnvRefs(opt.EnvRefs); err != nil {
return ImpactSummary{}, failedValidationErr(err)
state, err := s.dryRun(ctx, orgID, template, opt)
if err != nil {
return ImpactSummary{}, err
stackID := opt.StackID
// if stackID is not provided, a stack will be provided for the application.
if stackID == 0 {
newStack, err := s.InitStack(ctx, userID, StackCreate{OrgID: orgID})
if err != nil {
return ImpactSummary{}, err
stackID = newStack.ID
defer func(stackID influxdb.ID) {
updateStackFn := s.updateStackAfterSuccess
if e != nil {
updateStackFn = s.updateStackAfterRollback
if opt.StackID == 0 {
if err :=, stackID); err != nil {
s.log.Error("failed to delete created stack", zap.Error(err))
err := updateStackFn(ctx, stackID, state, template.Sources())
if err != nil {
s.log.Error("failed to update stack", zap.Error(err))
coordinator := newRollbackCoordinator(s.log, s.applyReqLimit)
defer coordinator.rollback(s.log, &e, orgID)
err = s.applyState(ctx, coordinator, orgID, userID, state, opt.MissingSecrets)
if err != nil {
return ImpactSummary{}, err
return ImpactSummary{
Sources: template.sources,
StackID: stackID,
Diff: state.diff(),
Summary: newSummaryFromStateTemplate(state, template),
}, nil
func (s *Service) applyState(ctx context.Context, coordinator *rollbackCoordinator, orgID, userID influxdb.ID, state *stateCoordinator, missingSecrets map[string]string) (e error) {
endpointApp, ruleApp, err := s.applyNotificationGenerator(ctx, userID, state.rules(), state.endpoints())
if err != nil {
return ierrors.Wrap(err, "failed to setup notification generator")
// each grouping here runs for its entirety, then returns an error that
// is indicative of running all appliers provided. For instance, the labels
// may have 1 variable fail and one of the buckets fails. The errors aggregate so
// the caller will be informed of both the failed label variable the failed bucket.
// the groupings here allow for steps to occur before exiting. The first step is
// adding the dependencies, resources that are associated by other resources. Then the
// primary resources. Here we get all the errors associated with them.
// If those are all good, then we run the secondary(dependent) resources which
// rely on the primary resources having been created.
appliers := [][]applier{
// adds secrets that are referenced it the template, this allows user to
// provide data that does not rest in the template.
// deps for primary resources
s.applyLabels(ctx, state.labels()),
// primary resources, can have relationships to labels
s.applyVariables(ctx, state.variables()),
s.applyBuckets(ctx, state.buckets()),
s.applyChecks(ctx, state.checks()),
s.applyDashboards(ctx, state.dashboards()),
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
s.applyTasks(ctx, state.tasks()),
s.applyTelegrafs(ctx, userID, state.telegrafConfigs()),
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
for _, group := range appliers {
if err := coordinator.runTilEnd(ctx, orgID, userID, group...); err != nil {
return internalErr(err)
// this has to be run after the above primary resources, because it relies on
// notification endpoints already being applied.
if err := coordinator.runTilEnd(ctx, orgID, userID, ruleApp); err != nil {
return err
// secondary resources
// this last grouping relies on the above 2 steps having completely successfully
secondary := []applier{
s.applyLabelMappings(ctx, state.labelMappings),
s.removeLabelMappings(ctx, state.labelMappingsToRemove),
if err := coordinator.runTilEnd(ctx, orgID, userID, secondary...); err != nil {
return internalErr(err)
return nil
func (s *Service) applyBuckets(ctx context.Context, buckets []*stateBucket) applier {
const resource = "bucket"
mutex := new(doMutex)
rollbackBuckets := make([]*stateBucket, 0, len(buckets))
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
createFn := func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody {
var b *stateBucket
mutex.Do(func() {
buckets[i].orgID = orgID
b = buckets[i]
if !b.shouldApply() {
return nil
influxBucket, err := s.applyBucket(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
return &applyErrBody{
name: b.parserBkt.MetaName(),
msg: err.Error(),
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
mutex.Do(func() {
buckets[i].id = influxBucket.ID
rollbackBuckets = append(rollbackBuckets, buckets[i])
return nil
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
return applier{
creater: creater{
entries: len(buckets),
fn: createFn,
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
rollbacker: rollbacker{
resource: resource,
fn: func(_ influxdb.ID) error { return s.rollbackBuckets(ctx, rollbackBuckets) },
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
func (s *Service) rollbackBuckets(ctx context.Context, buckets []*stateBucket) error {
rollbackFn := func(b *stateBucket) error {
if !IsNew(b.stateStatus) && b.existing == nil || isSystemBucket(b.existing) {
return nil
var err error
switch {
case IsRemoval(b.stateStatus):
err = ierrors.Wrap(s.bucketSVC.CreateBucket(ctx, b.existing), "rolling back removed bucket")
case IsExisting(b.stateStatus):
_, err = s.bucketSVC.UpdateBucket(ctx, b.ID(), influxdb.BucketUpdate{
Description: &b.existing.Description,
RetentionPeriod: &b.existing.RetentionPeriod,
err = ierrors.Wrap(err, "rolling back existing bucket to previous state")
err = ierrors.Wrap(s.bucketSVC.DeleteBucket(ctx, b.ID()), "rolling back new bucket")
return err
var errs []string
for _, b := range buckets {
if err := rollbackFn(b); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("error for bucket[%q]: %s", b.ID(), err))
if len(errs) > 0 {
// TODO: fixup error
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, ", "))
return nil
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
func (s *Service) applyBucket(ctx context.Context, b *stateBucket) (influxdb.Bucket, error) {
if isSystemBucket(b.existing) {
return *b.existing, nil
switch {
case IsRemoval(b.stateStatus):
if err := s.bucketSVC.DeleteBucket(ctx, b.ID()); err != nil {
if influxdb.ErrorCode(err) == influxdb.ENotFound {
return influxdb.Bucket{}, nil
return influxdb.Bucket{}, applyFailErr("delete", b.stateIdentity(), err)
return *b.existing, nil
case IsExisting(b.stateStatus) && b.existing != nil:
rp := b.parserBkt.RetentionRules.RP()
newName := b.parserBkt.Name()
influxBucket, err := s.bucketSVC.UpdateBucket(ctx, b.ID(), influxdb.BucketUpdate{
Description: &b.parserBkt.Description,
Name: &newName,
RetentionPeriod: &rp,
if err != nil {
return influxdb.Bucket{}, applyFailErr("update", b.stateIdentity(), err)
return *influxBucket, nil
rp := b.parserBkt.RetentionRules.RP()
influxBucket := influxdb.Bucket{
OrgID: b.orgID,
Description: b.parserBkt.Description,
Name: b.parserBkt.Name(),
RetentionPeriod: rp,
err := s.bucketSVC.CreateBucket(ctx, &influxBucket)
if err != nil {
return influxdb.Bucket{}, applyFailErr("create", b.stateIdentity(), err)
return influxBucket, nil
func (s *Service) applyChecks(ctx context.Context, checks []*stateCheck) applier {
const resource = "check"
mutex := new(doMutex)
rollbackChecks := make([]*stateCheck, 0, len(checks))
createFn := func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody {
var c *stateCheck
mutex.Do(func() {
checks[i].orgID = orgID
c = checks[i]
influxCheck, err := s.applyCheck(ctx, c, userID)
if err != nil {
return &applyErrBody{
name: c.parserCheck.MetaName(),
msg: err.Error(),
mutex.Do(func() {
checks[i].id = influxCheck.GetID()
rollbackChecks = append(rollbackChecks, checks[i])
return nil
return applier{
creater: creater{
entries: len(checks),
fn: createFn,
rollbacker: rollbacker{
resource: resource,
fn: func(_ influxdb.ID) error { return s.rollbackChecks(ctx, rollbackChecks) },
func (s *Service) rollbackChecks(ctx context.Context, checks []*stateCheck) error {
rollbackFn := func(c *stateCheck) error {
var err error
switch {
case IsRemoval(c.stateStatus):
err = s.checkSVC.CreateCheck(
Check: c.existing,
Status: c.parserCheck.Status(),
) = c.existing.GetID()
case IsExisting(c.stateStatus):
if c.existing == nil {
return nil
_, err = s.checkSVC.UpdateCheck(ctx, c.ID(), influxdb.CheckCreate{
Check: c.summarize().Check,
Status: influxdb.Status(c.parserCheck.status),
err = s.checkSVC.DeleteCheck(ctx, c.ID())
return err
var errs []string
for _, c := range checks {
if err := rollbackFn(c); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("error for check[%q]: %s", c.ID(), err))
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "; "))
return nil
func (s *Service) applyCheck(ctx context.Context, c *stateCheck, userID influxdb.ID) (influxdb.Check, error) {
switch {
case IsRemoval(c.stateStatus):
if err := s.checkSVC.DeleteCheck(ctx, c.ID()); err != nil {
if influxdb.ErrorCode(err) == influxdb.ENotFound {
return &icheck.Threshold{Base: icheck.Base{ID: c.ID()}}, nil
return nil, applyFailErr("delete", c.stateIdentity(), err)
return c.existing, nil
case IsExisting(c.stateStatus) && c.existing != nil:
influxCheck, err := s.checkSVC.UpdateCheck(ctx, c.ID(), influxdb.CheckCreate{
Check: c.summarize().Check,
Status: c.parserCheck.Status(),
if err != nil {
return nil, applyFailErr("update", c.stateIdentity(), err)
return influxCheck, nil
checkStub := influxdb.CheckCreate{
Check: c.summarize().Check,
Status: c.parserCheck.Status(),
err := s.checkSVC.CreateCheck(ctx, checkStub, userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, applyFailErr("create", c.stateIdentity(), err)
return checkStub.Check, nil
func (s *Service) applyDashboards(ctx context.Context, dashboards []*stateDashboard) applier {
const resource = "dashboard"
mutex := new(doMutex)
rollbackDashboards := make([]*stateDashboard, 0, len(dashboards))
createFn := func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody {
var d *stateDashboard
mutex.Do(func() {
dashboards[i].orgID = orgID
d = dashboards[i]
influxBucket, err := s.applyDashboard(ctx, d)
if err != nil {
return &applyErrBody{
name: d.parserDash.MetaName(),
msg: err.Error(),
mutex.Do(func() {
dashboards[i].id = influxBucket.ID
rollbackDashboards = append(rollbackDashboards, dashboards[i])
return nil
return applier{
creater: creater{
entries: len(dashboards),
fn: createFn,
rollbacker: rollbacker{
resource: resource,
fn: func(_ influxdb.ID) error {
return s.rollbackDashboards(ctx, rollbackDashboards)
func (s *Service) applyDashboard(ctx context.Context, d *stateDashboard) (influxdb.Dashboard, error) {
switch {
case IsRemoval(d.stateStatus):
if err := s.dashSVC.DeleteDashboard(ctx, d.ID()); err != nil {
if influxdb.ErrorCode(err) == influxdb.ENotFound {
return influxdb.Dashboard{}, nil
return influxdb.Dashboard{}, applyFailErr("delete", d.stateIdentity(), err)
return *d.existing, nil
case IsExisting(d.stateStatus) && d.existing != nil:
name := d.parserDash.Name()
cells := convertChartsToCells(d.parserDash.Charts)
dash, err := s.dashSVC.UpdateDashboard(ctx, d.ID(), influxdb.DashboardUpdate{
Name: &name,
Description: &d.parserDash.Description,
Cells: &cells,
if err != nil {
return influxdb.Dashboard{}, applyFailErr("update", d.stateIdentity(), err)
return *dash, nil
cells := convertChartsToCells(d.parserDash.Charts)
influxDashboard := influxdb.Dashboard{
OrganizationID: d.orgID,
Description: d.parserDash.Description,
Name: d.parserDash.Name(),
Cells: cells,
err := s.dashSVC.CreateDashboard(ctx, &influxDashboard)
if err != nil {
return influxdb.Dashboard{}, applyFailErr("create", d.stateIdentity(), err)
return influxDashboard, nil
func (s *Service) rollbackDashboards(ctx context.Context, dashs []*stateDashboard) error {
rollbackFn := func(d *stateDashboard) error {
if !IsNew(d.stateStatus) && d.existing == nil {
return nil
var err error
switch {
case IsRemoval(d.stateStatus):
err = ierrors.Wrap(s.dashSVC.CreateDashboard(ctx, d.existing), "rolling back removed dashboard")
case IsExisting(d.stateStatus):
_, err := s.dashSVC.UpdateDashboard(ctx, d.ID(), influxdb.DashboardUpdate{
Name: &d.existing.Name,
Description: &d.existing.Description,
Cells: &d.existing.Cells,
return ierrors.Wrap(err, "failed to update dashboard")
err = ierrors.Wrap(s.dashSVC.DeleteDashboard(ctx, d.ID()), "rolling back new dashboard")
return err
var errs []string
for _, d := range dashs {
if err := rollbackFn(d); err != nil {
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("error for dashboard[%q]: %s", d.ID(), err))
if len(errs) > 0 {
// TODO: fixup error
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, ", "))
return nil
func convertChartsToCells(ch []*chart) []*influxdb.Cell {
icells := make([]*influxdb.Cell, 0, len(ch))
for _, c := range ch {
icell := &influxdb.Cell{
CellProperty: influxdb.CellProperty{
X: int32(c.XPos),
Y: int32(c.YPos),
H: int32(c.Height),
W: int32(c.Width),
View: &influxdb.View{
ViewContents: influxdb.ViewContents{Name: c.Name},
icells = append(icells, icell)
return icells
func (s *Service) applyLabels(ctx context.Context, labels []*stateLabel) applier {
const resource = "label"
mutex := new(doMutex)
rollBackLabels := make([]*stateLabel, 0, len(labels))
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
createFn := func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody {
var l *stateLabel
mutex.Do(func() {
labels[i].orgID = orgID
l = labels[i]
if !l.shouldApply() {
return nil
influxLabel, err := s.applyLabel(ctx, l)
if err != nil {
return &applyErrBody{
name: l.parserLabel.MetaName(),
msg: err.Error(),
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
mutex.Do(func() {
labels[i].id = influxLabel.ID
rollBackLabels = append(rollBackLabels, labels[i])
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
return nil
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
return applier{
creater: creater{
entries: len(labels),
fn: createFn,
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
rollbacker: rollbacker{
resource: resource,
fn: func(_ influxdb.ID) error { return s.rollbackLabels(ctx, rollBackLabels) },
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
func (s *Service) rollbackLabels(ctx context.Context, labels []*stateLabel) error {
rollbackFn := func(l *stateLabel) error {
if !IsNew(l.stateStatus) && l.existing == nil {
return nil
var err error
switch {
case IsRemoval(l.stateStatus):
err = s.labelSVC.CreateLabel(ctx, l.existing)
case IsExisting(l.stateStatus):
_, err = s.labelSVC.UpdateLabel(ctx, l.ID(), influxdb.LabelUpdate{
Name: l.parserLabel.Name(),
Properties: l.existing.Properties,
err = s.labelSVC.DeleteLabel(ctx, l.ID())
return err
var errs []string
for _, l := range labels {
if err := rollbackFn(l); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("error for label[%q]: %s", l.ID(), err))
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, ", "))
2019-10-24 23:59:01 +00:00
return nil
func (s *Service) applyLabel(ctx context.Context, l *stateLabel) (influxdb.Label, error) {
var (
influxLabel *influxdb.Label
err error
switch {
case IsRemoval(l.stateStatus):
influxLabel, err = l.existing, s.labelSVC.DeleteLabel(ctx, l.ID())
case IsExisting(l.stateStatus) && l.existing != nil:
influxLabel, err = s.labelSVC.UpdateLabel(ctx, l.ID(), influxdb.LabelUpdate{
Name: l.parserLabel.Name(),
err = ierrors.Wrap(err, "updating")
creatLabel := l.toInfluxLabel()
influxLabel = &creatLabel
err = ierrors.Wrap(s.labelSVC.CreateLabel(ctx, &creatLabel), "creating")
if influxdb.ErrorCode(err) == influxdb.ENotFound {
return influxdb.Label{}, nil
if err != nil || influxLabel == nil {
return influxdb.Label{}, err
return *influxLabel, nil
func (s *Service) applyNotificationEndpoints(ctx context.Context, userID influxdb.ID, endpoints []*stateEndpoint) (applier, func(influxdb.ID) error) {
mutex := new(doMutex)
rollbackEndpoints := make([]*stateEndpoint, 0, len(endpoints))
createFn := func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody {
var endpoint *stateEndpoint
mutex.Do(func() {
endpoints[i].orgID = orgID
endpoint = endpoints[i]
influxEndpoint, err := s.applyNotificationEndpoint(ctx, endpoint, userID)
if err != nil {
return &applyErrBody{
name: endpoint.parserEndpoint.MetaName(),
msg: err.Error(),
mutex.Do(func() {
if influxEndpoint != nil {
endpoints[i].id = influxEndpoint.GetID()
for _, secret := range influxEndpoint.SecretFields() {
switch {
case strings.HasSuffix(secret.Key, "-routing-key"):
if endpoints[i].parserEndpoint.routingKey == nil {
endpoints[i].parserEndpoint.routingKey = new(references)
endpoints[i].parserEndpoint.routingKey.Secret = secret.Key
case strings.HasSuffix(secret.Key, "-token"):
if endpoints[i].parserEndpoint.token == nil {
endpoints[i].parserEndpoint.token = new(references)
endpoints[i].parserEndpoint.token.Secret = secret.Key
case strings.HasSuffix(secret.Key, "-username"):
if endpoints[i].parserEndpoint.username == nil {
endpoints[i].parserEndpoint.username = new(references)
endpoints[i].parserEndpoint.username.Secret = secret.Key
case strings.HasSuffix(secret.Key, "-password"):
if endpoints[i].parserEndpoint.password == nil {
endpoints[i].parserEndpoint.password = new(references)
endpoints[i].parserEndpoint.password.Secret = secret.Key
rollbackEndpoints = append(rollbackEndpoints, endpoints[i])
return nil
rollbackFn := func(_ influxdb.ID) error {
return s.rollbackNotificationEndpoints(ctx, userID, rollbackEndpoints)
return applier{
creater: creater{
entries: len(endpoints),
fn: createFn,
rollbacker: rollbacker{
fn: func(_ influxdb.ID) error {
return nil
}, rollbackFn
func (s *Service) applyNotificationEndpoint(ctx context.Context, e *stateEndpoint, userID influxdb.ID) (influxdb.NotificationEndpoint, error) {
switch {
case IsRemoval(e.stateStatus):
_, _, err := s.endpointSVC.DeleteNotificationEndpoint(ctx, e.ID())
if err != nil && influxdb.ErrorCode(err) != influxdb.ENotFound {
return nil, applyFailErr("delete", e.stateIdentity(), err)
return e.existing, nil
case IsExisting(e.stateStatus) && e.existing != nil:
// stub out userID since we're always using hte http client which will fill it in for us with the token
// feels a bit broken that is required.
// TODO: look into this userID requirement
end, err := s.endpointSVC.UpdateNotificationEndpoint(
return end, applyFailErr("update", e.stateIdentity(), err)
actual := e.summarize().NotificationEndpoint
err := s.endpointSVC.CreateNotificationEndpoint(ctx, actual, userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, applyFailErr("create", e.stateIdentity(), err)
return actual, nil
func (s *Service) rollbackNotificationEndpoints(ctx context.Context, userID influxdb.ID, endpoints []*stateEndpoint) error {
rollbackFn := func(e *stateEndpoint) error {
if !IsNew(e.stateStatus) && e.existing == nil {
return nil
var err error
switch e.stateStatus {
case StateStatusRemove:
err = s.endpointSVC.CreateNotificationEndpoint(ctx, e.existing, userID)
err = ierrors.Wrap(err, "failed to rollback removed endpoint")
case StateStatusExists:
_, err = s.endpointSVC.UpdateNotificationEndpoint(ctx, e.ID(), e.existing, userID)
err = ierrors.Wrap(err, "failed to rollback updated endpoint")
_, _, err = s.endpointSVC.DeleteNotificationEndpoint(ctx, e.ID())
err = ierrors.Wrap(err, "failed to rollback created endpoint")
return err
var errs []string
for _, e := range endpoints {
if err := rollbackFn(e); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("error for notification endpoint[%q]: %s", e.ID(), err))
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "; "))
return nil
func (s *Service) applyNotificationGenerator(ctx context.Context, userID influxdb.ID, rules []*stateRule, stateEndpoints []*stateEndpoint) (endpointApplier applier, ruleApplier applier, err error) {
mEndpoints := make(map[string]*stateEndpoint)
for _, e := range stateEndpoints {
mEndpoints[e.parserEndpoint.MetaName()] = e
var errs applyErrs
for _, r := range rules {
if IsRemoval(r.stateStatus) {
v, ok := mEndpoints[r.endpointTemplateName()]
if !ok {
errs = append(errs, &applyErrBody{
name: r.parserRule.MetaName(),
msg: fmt.Sprintf("notification rule endpoint dependency does not exist; endpointName=%q", r.parserRule.associatedEndpoint.MetaName()),
r.associatedEndpoint = v
err = errs.toError("notification_rules", "failed to find dependency")
if err != nil {
return applier{}, applier{}, err
endpointApp, endpointRollbackFn := s.applyNotificationEndpoints(ctx, userID, stateEndpoints)
ruleApp, ruleRollbackFn := s.applyNotificationRules(ctx, userID, rules)
// here we have to couple the endpoints to rules b/c of the dependency here when rolling back
// a deleted endpoint and rule. This forces the endpoints to be rolled back first so the
// reference for the rule has settled. The dependency has to be available before rolling back
// notification rules.
endpointApp.rollbacker = rollbacker{
fn: func(orgID influxdb.ID) error {
if err := endpointRollbackFn(orgID); err != nil {
s.log.Error("failed to roll back endpoints", zap.Error(err))
return ruleRollbackFn(orgID)
return endpointApp, ruleApp, nil
func (s *Service) applyNotificationRules(ctx context.Context, userID influxdb.ID, rules []*stateRule) (applier, func(influxdb.ID) error) {
mutex := new(doMutex)
rollbackEndpoints := make([]*stateRule, 0, len(rules))
createFn := func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody {
var rule *stateRule
mutex.Do(func() {
rules[i].orgID = orgID
rule = rules[i]
influxRule, err := s.applyNotificationRule(ctx, rule, userID)
if err != nil {
return &applyErrBody{
name: rule.parserRule.MetaName(),
msg: err.Error(),
mutex.Do(func() {
if influxRule != nil {
rules[i].id = influxRule.GetID()
rollbackEndpoints = append(rollbackEndpoints, rules[i])
return nil
rollbackFn := func(_ influxdb.ID) error {
return s.rollbackNotificationRules(ctx, userID, rollbackEndpoints)
return applier{
creater: creater{
entries: len(rules),
fn: createFn,
rollbacker: rollbacker{
fn: func(_ influxdb.ID) error { return nil },
}, rollbackFn
func (s *Service) applyNotificationRule(ctx context.Context, r *stateRule, userID influxdb.ID) (influxdb.NotificationRule, error) {
switch {
case IsRemoval(r.stateStatus):
if err := s.ruleSVC.DeleteNotificationRule(ctx, r.ID()); err != nil {
if influxdb.ErrorCode(err) == influxdb.ENotFound {
return nil, nil
return nil, applyFailErr("delete", r.stateIdentity(), err)
return r.existing, nil
case IsExisting(r.stateStatus) && r.existing != nil:
ruleCreate := influxdb.NotificationRuleCreate{
NotificationRule: r.toInfluxRule(),
Status: r.parserRule.Status(),
influxRule, err := s.ruleSVC.UpdateNotificationRule(ctx, r.ID(), ruleCreate, userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, applyFailErr("update", r.stateIdentity(), err)
return influxRule, nil
influxRule := influxdb.NotificationRuleCreate{
NotificationRule: r.toInfluxRule(),
Status: r.parserRule.Status(),
err := s.ruleSVC.CreateNotificationRule(ctx, influxRule, userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, applyFailErr("create", r.stateIdentity(), err)
return influxRule.NotificationRule, nil
func (s *Service) rollbackNotificationRules(ctx context.Context, userID influxdb.ID, rules []*stateRule) error {
rollbackFn := func(r *stateRule) error {
if !IsNew(r.stateStatus) && r.existing == nil {
return nil
existingRuleFn := func(endpointID influxdb.ID) influxdb.NotificationRule {
switch rr := r.existing.(type) {
case *rule.HTTP:
rr.EndpointID = endpointID
case *rule.PagerDuty:
rr.EndpointID = endpointID
case *rule.Slack:
rr.EndpointID = endpointID
return r.existing
// setting status to unknown b/c these resources for two reasons:
// 1. we have no ability to find status via the Service, only to set it...
// 2. we have no way of inspecting an existing rule and pulling status from it
// 3. since this is a fallback condition, we set things to inactive as a user
// is likely to follow up this failure by fixing their template up then reapplying
unknownStatus := influxdb.Inactive
var err error
switch r.stateStatus {
case StateStatusRemove:
if r.associatedEndpoint == nil {
return internalErr(errors.New("failed to find endpoint dependency to rollback existing notification rule"))
influxRule := influxdb.NotificationRuleCreate{
NotificationRule: existingRuleFn(r.endpointID()),
Status: unknownStatus,
err = s.ruleSVC.CreateNotificationRule(ctx, influxRule, userID)
err = ierrors.Wrap(err, "failed to rollback created notification rule")
case StateStatusExists:
if r.associatedEndpoint == nil {
return internalErr(errors.New("failed to find endpoint dependency to rollback existing notification rule"))
influxRule := influxdb.NotificationRuleCreate{
NotificationRule: existingRuleFn(r.endpointID()),
Status: unknownStatus,
_, err = s.ruleSVC.UpdateNotificationRule(ctx, r.ID(), influxRule, r.existing.GetOwnerID())
err = ierrors.Wrap(err, "failed to rollback updated notification rule")
err = s.ruleSVC.DeleteNotificationRule(ctx, r.ID())
err = ierrors.Wrap(err, "failed to rollback created notification rule")
return err
var errs []string
for _, r := range rules {
if err := rollbackFn(r); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("error for notification rule[%q]: %s", r.ID(), err))
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "; "))
return nil
func (s *Service) applySecrets(secrets map[string]string) applier {
const resource = "secrets"
if len(secrets) == 0 {
return applier{
rollbacker: rollbacker{fn: func(orgID influxdb.ID) error { return nil }},
mutex := new(doMutex)
rollbackSecrets := make([]string, 0)
createFn := func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody {
err := s.secretSVC.PutSecrets(ctx, orgID, secrets)
if err != nil {
return &applyErrBody{name: "secrets", msg: err.Error()}
mutex.Do(func() {
for key := range secrets {
rollbackSecrets = append(rollbackSecrets, key)
return nil
return applier{
creater: creater{
entries: 1,
fn: createFn,
rollbacker: rollbacker{
resource: resource,
fn: func(orgID influxdb.ID) error {
return s.secretSVC.DeleteSecret(context.Background(), orgID)
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
func (s *Service) applyTasks(ctx context.Context, tasks []*stateTask) applier {
const resource = "tasks"
mutex := new(doMutex)
rollbackTasks := make([]*stateTask, 0, len(tasks))
createFn := func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody {
var t *stateTask
mutex.Do(func() {
tasks[i].orgID = orgID
t = tasks[i]
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
newTask, err := s.applyTask(ctx, userID, t)
if err != nil {
return &applyErrBody{
name: t.parserTask.MetaName(),
msg: err.Error(),
mutex.Do(func() {
tasks[i].id = newTask.ID
rollbackTasks = append(rollbackTasks, tasks[i])
return nil
return applier{
creater: creater{
entries: len(tasks),
fn: createFn,
rollbacker: rollbacker{
resource: resource,
fn: func(_ influxdb.ID) error {
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
return s.rollbackTasks(ctx, rollbackTasks)
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
func (s *Service) applyTask(ctx context.Context, userID influxdb.ID, t *stateTask) (influxdb.Task, error) {
if isRestrictedTask(t.existing) {
return *t.existing, nil
switch {
case IsRemoval(t.stateStatus):
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
if err := s.taskSVC.DeleteTask(ctx, t.ID()); err != nil {
if influxdb.ErrorCode(err) == influxdb.ENotFound {
return influxdb.Task{}, nil
return influxdb.Task{}, applyFailErr("delete", t.stateIdentity(), err)
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
return *t.existing, nil
case IsExisting(t.stateStatus) && t.existing != nil:
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
newFlux := t.parserTask.flux()
newStatus := string(t.parserTask.Status())
opt := options.Options{
Name: t.parserTask.Name(),
Cron: t.parserTask.cron,
if every := t.parserTask.every; every > 0 {
if offset := t.parserTask.offset; offset > 0 {
var off options.Duration
if err := off.Parse(offset.String()); err == nil {
opt.Offset = &off
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
updatedTask, err := s.taskSVC.UpdateTask(ctx, t.ID(), influxdb.TaskUpdate{
Flux: &newFlux,
Status: &newStatus,
Description: &t.parserTask.description,
Options: opt,
if err != nil {
return influxdb.Task{}, applyFailErr("update", t.stateIdentity(), err)
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
return *updatedTask, nil
newTask, err := s.taskSVC.CreateTask(ctx, influxdb.TaskCreate{
Type: influxdb.TaskSystemType,
Flux: t.parserTask.flux(),
OwnerID: userID,
Description: t.parserTask.description,
Status: string(t.parserTask.Status()),
OrganizationID: t.orgID,
if err != nil {
return influxdb.Task{}, applyFailErr("create", t.stateIdentity(), err)
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
return *newTask, nil
func (s *Service) rollbackTasks(ctx context.Context, tasks []*stateTask) error {
rollbackFn := func(t *stateTask) error {
if !IsNew(t.stateStatus) && t.existing == nil || isRestrictedTask(t.existing) {
return nil
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
var err error
switch t.stateStatus {
case StateStatusRemove:
newTask, err := s.taskSVC.CreateTask(ctx, influxdb.TaskCreate{
Type: t.existing.Type,
Flux: t.existing.Flux,
OwnerID: t.existing.OwnerID,
Description: t.existing.Description,
Status: t.existing.Status,
OrganizationID: t.orgID,
Metadata: t.existing.Metadata,
if err != nil {
return ierrors.Wrap(err, "failed to rollback removed task")
t.existing = newTask
case StateStatusExists:
opt := options.Options{
Name: t.existing.Name,
Cron: t.existing.Cron,
if every := t.existing.Every; every != "" {
if offset := t.existing.Offset; offset > 0 {
var off options.Duration
if err := off.Parse(offset.String()); err == nil {
opt.Offset = &off
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
_, err = s.taskSVC.UpdateTask(ctx, t.ID(), influxdb.TaskUpdate{
Flux: &t.existing.Flux,
Status: &t.existing.Status,
Description: &t.existing.Description,
Metadata: t.existing.Metadata,
Options: opt,
err = ierrors.Wrap(err, "failed to rollback updated task")
err = s.taskSVC.DeleteTask(ctx, t.ID())
err = ierrors.Wrap(err, "failed to rollback created task")
return err
var errs []string
for _, d := range tasks {
if err := rollbackFn(d); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("error for task[%q]: %s", d.ID(), err))
if len(errs) > 0 {
// TODO: fixup error
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, ", "))
return nil
func (s *Service) applyTelegrafs(ctx context.Context, userID influxdb.ID, teles []*stateTelegraf) applier {
const resource = "telegrafs"
mutex := new(doMutex)
rollbackTelegrafs := make([]*stateTelegraf, 0, len(teles))
createFn := func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody {
var t *stateTelegraf
mutex.Do(func() {
teles[i].orgID = orgID
t = teles[i]
existing, err := s.applyTelegrafConfig(ctx, userID, t)
if err != nil {
return &applyErrBody{
name: t.parserTelegraf.MetaName(),
msg: err.Error(),
mutex.Do(func() {
teles[i].id = existing.ID
rollbackTelegrafs = append(rollbackTelegrafs, teles[i])
return nil
return applier{
creater: creater{
entries: len(teles),
fn: createFn,
rollbacker: rollbacker{
resource: resource,
fn: func(_ influxdb.ID) error {
return s.rollbackTelegrafConfigs(ctx, userID, rollbackTelegrafs)
func (s *Service) applyTelegrafConfig(ctx context.Context, userID influxdb.ID, t *stateTelegraf) (influxdb.TelegrafConfig, error) {
switch {
case IsRemoval(t.stateStatus):
if err := s.teleSVC.DeleteTelegrafConfig(ctx, t.ID()); err != nil {
if influxdb.ErrorCode(err) == influxdb.ENotFound {
return influxdb.TelegrafConfig{}, nil
return influxdb.TelegrafConfig{}, applyFailErr("delete", t.stateIdentity(), err)
return *t.existing, nil
case IsExisting(t.stateStatus) && t.existing != nil:
cfg := t.summarize().TelegrafConfig
updatedConfig, err := s.teleSVC.UpdateTelegrafConfig(ctx, t.ID(), &cfg, userID)
if err != nil {
return influxdb.TelegrafConfig{}, applyFailErr("update", t.stateIdentity(), err)
return *updatedConfig, nil
cfg := t.summarize().TelegrafConfig
err := s.teleSVC.CreateTelegrafConfig(ctx, &cfg, userID)
if err != nil {
return influxdb.TelegrafConfig{}, applyFailErr("create", t.stateIdentity(), err)
return cfg, nil
func (s *Service) rollbackTelegrafConfigs(ctx context.Context, userID influxdb.ID, cfgs []*stateTelegraf) error {
rollbackFn := func(t *stateTelegraf) error {
if !IsNew(t.stateStatus) && t.existing == nil {
return nil
var err error
switch t.stateStatus {
case StateStatusRemove:
err = ierrors.Wrap(s.teleSVC.CreateTelegrafConfig(ctx, t.existing, userID), "rolling back removed telegraf config")
case StateStatusExists:
_, err = s.teleSVC.UpdateTelegrafConfig(ctx, t.ID(), t.existing, userID)
err = ierrors.Wrap(err, "rolling back updated telegraf config")
err = ierrors.Wrap(s.teleSVC.DeleteTelegrafConfig(ctx, t.ID()), "rolling back created telegraf config")
return err
var errs []string
for _, v := range cfgs {
if err := rollbackFn(v); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("error for variable[%q]: %s", v.ID(), err))
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "; "))
return nil
func (s *Service) applyVariables(ctx context.Context, vars []*stateVariable) applier {
const resource = "variable"
mutex := new(doMutex)
rollBackVars := make([]*stateVariable, 0, len(vars))
createFn := func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody {
var v *stateVariable
mutex.Do(func() {
vars[i].orgID = orgID
v = vars[i]
if !v.shouldApply() {
return nil
influxVar, err := s.applyVariable(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return &applyErrBody{
name: v.parserVar.MetaName(),
msg: err.Error(),
mutex.Do(func() {
vars[i].id = influxVar.ID
rollBackVars = append(rollBackVars, vars[i])
return nil
return applier{
creater: creater{
entries: len(vars),
fn: createFn,
rollbacker: rollbacker{
resource: resource,
fn: func(_ influxdb.ID) error { return s.rollbackVariables(ctx, rollBackVars) },
func (s *Service) rollbackVariables(ctx context.Context, variables []*stateVariable) error {
rollbackFn := func(v *stateVariable) error {
var err error
switch {
case IsRemoval(v.stateStatus):
if v.existing == nil {
return nil
err = ierrors.Wrap(s.varSVC.CreateVariable(ctx, v.existing), "rolling back removed variable")
case IsExisting(v.stateStatus):
if v.existing == nil {
return nil
_, err = s.varSVC.UpdateVariable(ctx, v.ID(), &influxdb.VariableUpdate{
Name: v.existing.Name,
Description: v.existing.Description,
Selected: v.existing.Selected,
Arguments: v.existing.Arguments,
err = ierrors.Wrap(err, "rolling back updated variable")
err = ierrors.Wrap(s.varSVC.DeleteVariable(ctx, v.ID()), "rolling back created variable")
return err
var errs []string
for _, v := range variables {
if err := rollbackFn(v); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("error for variable[%q]: %s", v.ID(), err))
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "; "))
return nil
func (s *Service) applyVariable(ctx context.Context, v *stateVariable) (influxdb.Variable, error) {
switch {
case IsRemoval(v.stateStatus):
if err := s.varSVC.DeleteVariable(ctx,; err != nil && influxdb.ErrorCode(err) != influxdb.ENotFound {
return influxdb.Variable{}, applyFailErr("delete", v.stateIdentity(), err)
if v.existing == nil {
return influxdb.Variable{}, nil
return *v.existing, nil
case IsExisting(v.stateStatus) && v.existing != nil:
updatedVar, err := s.varSVC.UpdateVariable(ctx, v.ID(), &influxdb.VariableUpdate{
Name: v.parserVar.Name(),
Selected: v.parserVar.Selected(),
Description: v.parserVar.Description,
Arguments: v.parserVar.influxVarArgs(),
if err != nil {
return influxdb.Variable{}, applyFailErr("update", v.stateIdentity(), err)
return *updatedVar, nil
// when an existing variable (referenced in stack) has been deleted by a user
// then the resource is created anew to get it back to the expected state.
influxVar := influxdb.Variable{
OrganizationID: v.orgID,
Name: v.parserVar.Name(),
Selected: v.parserVar.Selected(),
Description: v.parserVar.Description,
Arguments: v.parserVar.influxVarArgs(),
err := s.varSVC.CreateVariable(ctx, &influxVar)
if err != nil {
return influxdb.Variable{}, applyFailErr("create", v.stateIdentity(), err)
return influxVar, nil
func (s *Service) removeLabelMappings(ctx context.Context, labelMappings []stateLabelMappingForRemoval) applier {
const resource = "removed_label_mapping"
var rollbackMappings []stateLabelMappingForRemoval
mutex := new(doMutex)
createFn := func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody {
var mapping stateLabelMappingForRemoval
mutex.Do(func() {
mapping = labelMappings[i]
err := s.labelSVC.DeleteLabelMapping(ctx, &influxdb.LabelMapping{
LabelID: mapping.LabelID,
ResourceID: mapping.ResourceID,
ResourceType: mapping.ResourceType,
if err != nil && influxdb.ErrorCode(err) != influxdb.ENotFound {
return &applyErrBody{
name: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", mapping.ResourceType, mapping.ResourceID, mapping.LabelID),
msg: err.Error(),
mutex.Do(func() {
rollbackMappings = append(rollbackMappings, mapping)
return nil
return applier{
creater: creater{
entries: len(labelMappings),
fn: createFn,
rollbacker: rollbacker{
resource: resource,
fn: func(_ influxdb.ID) error { return s.rollbackRemoveLabelMappings(ctx, rollbackMappings) },
func (s *Service) rollbackRemoveLabelMappings(ctx context.Context, mappings []stateLabelMappingForRemoval) error {
var errs []string
for _, m := range mappings {
err := s.labelSVC.CreateLabelMapping(ctx, &influxdb.LabelMapping{
LabelID: m.LabelID,
ResourceID: m.ResourceID,
ResourceType: m.ResourceType,
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs,
"error for label mapping: resource_type=%s resource_id=%s label_id=%s err=%s",
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "; "))
return nil
func (s *Service) applyLabelMappings(ctx context.Context, labelMappings []stateLabelMapping) applier {
const resource = "label_mapping"
mutex := new(doMutex)
rollbackMappings := make([]stateLabelMapping, 0, len(labelMappings))
createFn := func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody {
var mapping stateLabelMapping
mutex.Do(func() {
mapping = labelMappings[i]
ident := mapping.resource.stateIdentity()
if IsExisting(mapping.status) || mapping.label.ID() == 0 || == 0 {
// this block here does 2 things, it does not write a
// mapping when one exists. it also avoids having to worry
// about deleting an existing mapping since it will not be
// passed to the delete function below b/c it is never added
// to the list of mappings that is referenced in the delete
// call.
return nil
m := influxdb.LabelMapping{
LabelID: mapping.label.ID(),
ResourceType: ident.resourceType,
err := s.labelSVC.CreateLabelMapping(ctx, &m)
if err != nil {
return &applyErrBody{
name: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", ident.resourceType,, mapping.label.ID()),
msg: err.Error(),
mutex.Do(func() {
rollbackMappings = append(rollbackMappings, mapping)
return nil
return applier{
creater: creater{
entries: len(labelMappings),
fn: createFn,
rollbacker: rollbacker{
resource: resource,
fn: func(_ influxdb.ID) error { return s.rollbackLabelMappings(ctx, rollbackMappings) },
func (s *Service) rollbackLabelMappings(ctx context.Context, mappings []stateLabelMapping) error {
var errs []string
for _, stateMapping := range mappings {
influxMapping := stateLabelMappingToInfluxLabelMapping(stateMapping)
err := s.labelSVC.DeleteLabelMapping(ctx, &influxMapping)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", stateMapping.label.ID(), stateMapping.resource.stateIdentity().id))
if len(errs) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf(`label_resource_id_pairs=[%s] err="unable to delete label"`, strings.Join(errs, ", "))
return nil
func (s *Service) templateFromApplyOpts(ctx context.Context, opt ApplyOpt) (*Template, error) {
if opt.StackID != 0 {
remotes, err := s.getStackRemoteTemplates(ctx, opt.StackID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opt.Templates = append(opt.Templates, remotes...)
return Combine(opt.Templates, ValidWithoutResources())
func (s *Service) getStackRemoteTemplates(ctx context.Context, stackID influxdb.ID) ([]*Template, error) {
stack, err :=, stackID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lastEvent := stack.LatestEvent()
var remotes []*Template
for _, rawURL := range lastEvent.TemplateURLs {
u, err := url.Parse(rawURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.EInternal,
Msg: "failed to parse url",
Err: err,
encoding := EncodingSource
switch path.Ext(u.String()) {
case ".jsonnet":
encoding = EncodingJsonnet
case ".json":
encoding = EncodingJSON
case ".yaml", ".yml":
encoding = EncodingYAML
readerFn := FromHTTPRequest(u.String())
if u.Scheme == "file" {
readerFn = FromFile(u.Path)
template, err := Parse(encoding, readerFn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
remotes = append(remotes, template)
return remotes, nil
func (s *Service) updateStackAfterSuccess(ctx context.Context, stackID influxdb.ID, state *stateCoordinator, sources []string) error {
stack, err :=, stackID)
if err != nil {
return err
var stackResources []StackResource
for _, b := range state.mBuckets {
if IsRemoval(b.stateStatus) || isSystemBucket(b.existing) {
stackResources = append(stackResources, StackResource{
APIVersion: APIVersion,
ID: b.ID(),
Kind: KindBucket,
MetaName: b.parserBkt.MetaName(),
Associations: stateLabelsToStackAssociations(b.labels()),
for _, c := range state.mChecks {
if IsRemoval(c.stateStatus) {
stackResources = append(stackResources, StackResource{
APIVersion: APIVersion,
ID: c.ID(),
Kind: KindCheck,
MetaName: c.parserCheck.MetaName(),
Associations: stateLabelsToStackAssociations(c.labels()),
for _, d := range state.mDashboards {
if IsRemoval(d.stateStatus) {
stackResources = append(stackResources, StackResource{
APIVersion: APIVersion,
ID: d.ID(),
Kind: KindDashboard,
MetaName: d.parserDash.MetaName(),
Associations: stateLabelsToStackAssociations(d.labels()),
for _, n := range state.mEndpoints {
if IsRemoval(n.stateStatus) {
stackResources = append(stackResources, StackResource{
APIVersion: APIVersion,
ID: n.ID(),
Kind: KindNotificationEndpoint,
MetaName: n.parserEndpoint.MetaName(),
Associations: stateLabelsToStackAssociations(n.labels()),
for _, l := range state.mLabels {
if IsRemoval(l.stateStatus) {
stackResources = append(stackResources, StackResource{
APIVersion: APIVersion,
ID: l.ID(),
Kind: KindLabel,
MetaName: l.parserLabel.MetaName(),
for _, r := range state.mRules {
if IsRemoval(r.stateStatus) {
stackResources = append(stackResources, StackResource{
APIVersion: APIVersion,
ID: r.ID(),
Kind: KindNotificationRule,
MetaName: r.parserRule.MetaName(),
Associations: append(
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
for _, t := range state.mTasks {
if IsRemoval(t.stateStatus) || isRestrictedTask(t.existing) {
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
stackResources = append(stackResources, StackResource{
APIVersion: APIVersion,
ID: t.ID(),
Kind: KindTask,
MetaName: t.parserTask.MetaName(),
Associations: stateLabelsToStackAssociations(t.labels()),
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
for _, t := range state.mTelegrafs {
if IsRemoval(t.stateStatus) {
stackResources = append(stackResources, StackResource{
APIVersion: APIVersion,
ID: t.ID(),
Kind: KindTelegraf,
MetaName: t.parserTelegraf.MetaName(),
Associations: stateLabelsToStackAssociations(t.labels()),
for _, v := range state.mVariables {
if IsRemoval(v.stateStatus) {
stackResources = append(stackResources, StackResource{
APIVersion: APIVersion,
ID: v.ID(),
Kind: KindVariable,
MetaName: v.parserVar.MetaName(),
Associations: stateLabelsToStackAssociations(v.labels()),
ev := stack.LatestEvent()
ev.EventType = StackEventUpdate
ev.Resources = stackResources
ev.Sources = sources
ev.UpdatedAt = s.timeGen.Now()
stack.Events = append(stack.Events, ev)
return, stack)
func (s *Service) updateStackAfterRollback(ctx context.Context, stackID influxdb.ID, state *stateCoordinator, sources []string) error {
stack, err :=, stackID)
if err != nil {
return err
type key struct {
k Kind
metaName string
newKey := func(k Kind, metaName string) key {
return key{k: k, metaName: metaName}
latestEvent := stack.LatestEvent()
existingResources := make(map[key]*StackResource)
for i := range latestEvent.Resources {
res := latestEvent.Resources[i]
existingResources[newKey(res.Kind, res.MetaName)] = &latestEvent.Resources[i]
hasChanges := false
// these are the case where a deletion happens and is rolled back creating a new resource.
// when resource is not to be removed this is a nothing burger, as it should be
// rolled back to previous state.
for _, b := range state.mBuckets {
res, ok := existingResources[newKey(KindBucket, b.parserBkt.MetaName())]
if ok && res.ID != b.ID() {
hasChanges = true
res.ID = b.existing.ID
for _, c := range state.mChecks {
res, ok := existingResources[newKey(KindCheck, c.parserCheck.MetaName())]
if ok && res.ID != c.ID() {
hasChanges = true
res.ID = c.existing.GetID()
for _, d := range state.mDashboards {
res, ok := existingResources[newKey(KindDashboard, d.parserDash.MetaName())]
if ok && res.ID != d.ID() {
hasChanges = true
res.ID = d.existing.ID
for _, e := range state.mEndpoints {
res, ok := existingResources[newKey(KindNotificationEndpoint, e.parserEndpoint.MetaName())]
if ok && res.ID != e.ID() {
hasChanges = true
res.ID = e.existing.GetID()
for _, l := range state.mLabels {
res, ok := existingResources[newKey(KindLabel, l.parserLabel.MetaName())]
if ok && res.ID != l.ID() {
hasChanges = true
res.ID = l.existing.ID
for _, r := range state.mRules {
res, ok := existingResources[newKey(KindNotificationRule, r.parserRule.MetaName())]
if !ok {
if res.ID != r.ID() {
hasChanges = true
res.ID = r.existing.GetID()
endpointAssociation := r.endpointAssociation()
newAss := make([]StackResourceAssociation, 0, len(res.Associations))
var endpointAssociationChanged bool
for _, ass := range res.Associations {
if && ass != endpointAssociation {
endpointAssociationChanged = true
ass = endpointAssociation
newAss = append(newAss, ass)
if endpointAssociationChanged {
hasChanges = true
res.Associations = newAss
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
for _, t := range state.mTasks {
res, ok := existingResources[newKey(KindTask, t.parserTask.MetaName())]
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
if ok && res.ID != t.ID() {
hasChanges = true
res.ID = t.existing.ID
for _, t := range state.mTelegrafs {
res, ok := existingResources[newKey(KindTelegraf, t.parserTelegraf.MetaName())]
if ok && res.ID != t.ID() {
hasChanges = true
res.ID = t.existing.ID
for _, v := range state.mVariables {
res, ok := existingResources[newKey(KindVariable, v.parserVar.MetaName())]
if ok && res.ID != v.ID() {
hasChanges = true
res.ID = v.existing.ID
if !hasChanges {
return nil
latestEvent.EventType = StackEventUpdate
latestEvent.Sources = sources
latestEvent.UpdatedAt = s.timeGen.Now()
stack.Events = append(stack.Events, latestEvent)
return, stack)
func (s *Service) findLabel(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, l *stateLabel) (*influxdb.Label, error) {
if l.ID() != 0 {
return s.labelSVC.FindLabelByID(ctx, l.ID())
existingLabels, err := s.labelSVC.FindLabels(ctx, influxdb.LabelFilter{
Name: l.parserLabel.Name(),
OrgID: &orgID,
}, influxdb.FindOptions{Limit: 1})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(existingLabels) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no labels found for name: " + l.parserLabel.Name())
return existingLabels[0], nil
func (s *Service) getAllPlatformVariables(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]*influxdb.Variable, error) {
const limit = 100
var (
existingVars []*influxdb.Variable
offset int
for {
vars, err := s.varSVC.FindVariables(ctx, influxdb.VariableFilter{
OrganizationID: &orgID,
// TODO: would be ideal to extend find variables to allow for a name matcher
// since names are unique for vars within an org. In the meanwhile, make large
// limit returned vars, should be more than enough for the time being.
}, influxdb.FindOptions{Limit: limit, Offset: offset})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
existingVars = append(existingVars, vars...)
if len(vars) < limit {
offset += len(vars)
return existingVars, nil
func (s *Service) getAllChecks(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]influxdb.Check, error) {
filter := influxdb.CheckFilter{OrgID: &orgID}
const limit = 100
var (
out []influxdb.Check
offset int
for {
checks, _, err := s.checkSVC.FindChecks(ctx, filter, influxdb.FindOptions{
Limit: limit,
Offset: offset,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out = append(out, checks...)
if len(checks) < limit {
offset += limit
return out, nil
func (s *Service) getNotificationRules(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]influxdb.NotificationRule, error) {
filter := influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{OrgID: &orgID}
const limit = 100
var (
out []influxdb.NotificationRule
offset int
for {
rules, _, err := s.ruleSVC.FindNotificationRules(ctx, filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out = append(out, rules...)
if len(rules) < limit {
offset += limit
return out, nil
func (s *Service) getAllTasks(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]*influxdb.Task, error) {
var (
out []*influxdb.Task
afterID *influxdb.ID
for {
f := influxdb.TaskFilter{
OrganizationID: &orgID,
Limit: influxdb.TaskMaxPageSize,
if afterID != nil {
f.After = afterID
tasks, _, err := s.taskSVC.FindTasks(ctx, f)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(tasks) == 0 {
out = append(out, tasks...)
afterID = &tasks[len(tasks)-1].ID
return out, nil
func newSummaryFromStateTemplate(state *stateCoordinator, template *Template) Summary {
stateSum := state.summary()
stateSum.MissingEnvs = template.missingEnvRefs()
stateSum.MissingSecrets = template.missingSecrets()
return stateSum
func stateLabelsToStackAssociations(stateLabels []*stateLabel) []StackResourceAssociation {
var out []StackResourceAssociation
for _, l := range stateLabels {
out = append(out, StackResourceAssociation{
Kind: KindLabel,
MetaName: l.parserLabel.MetaName(),
return out
func applyFailErr(method string, ident stateIdentity, err error) error {
v :=
if v == "" {
v = ident.metaName
msg := fmt.Sprintf("failed to %s %s[%q]", method, ident.resourceType, v)
return ierrors.Wrap(err, msg)
func getLabelIDMap(ctx context.Context, labelSVC influxdb.LabelService, labelNames []string) (map[influxdb.ID]bool, error) {
mLabelIDs := make(map[influxdb.ID]bool)
for _, labelName := range labelNames {
iLabels, err := labelSVC.FindLabels(ctx, influxdb.LabelFilter{
Name: labelName,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(iLabels) == 1 {
mLabelIDs[iLabels[0].ID] = true
return mLabelIDs, nil
func sortObjects(objects []Object) []Object {
sort.Slice(objects, func(i, j int) bool {
iName, jName := objects[i].Name(), objects[j].Name()
iKind, jKind := objects[i].Kind, objects[j].Kind
if {
return iName < jName
return kindPriorities[iKind] < kindPriorities[jKind]
return objects
type doMutex struct {
func (m *doMutex) Do(fn func()) {
defer m.Unlock()
type (
applier struct {
creater creater
rollbacker rollbacker
rollbacker struct {
resource string
fn func(orgID influxdb.ID) error
creater struct {
entries int
fn func(ctx context.Context, i int, orgID, userID influxdb.ID) *applyErrBody
type rollbackCoordinator struct {
logger *zap.Logger
rollbacks []rollbacker
sem chan struct{}
func newRollbackCoordinator(logger *zap.Logger, reqLimit int) *rollbackCoordinator {
return &rollbackCoordinator{
logger: logger,
sem: make(chan struct{}, reqLimit),
func (r *rollbackCoordinator) runTilEnd(ctx context.Context, orgID, userID influxdb.ID, appliers ...applier) error {
errStr := newErrStream(ctx)
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
for i := range appliers {
// cannot reuse the shared variable from for loop since we're using concurrency b/c
// that temp var gets recycled between iterations
app := appliers[i]
r.rollbacks = append(r.rollbacks, app.rollbacker)
for idx := range make([]struct{}, app.creater.entries) {
r.sem <- struct{}{}
go func(i int, resource string) {
defer func() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
defer func() {
if recover() != nil {
"panic applying "+resource,
zap.String("stack_trace", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", stack.Trace())),
resource: resource,
err: applyErrBody{
msg: fmt.Sprintf("panic: %s paniced", resource),
if err := app.creater.fn(ctx, i, orgID, userID); err != nil {
errStr.add(errMsg{resource: resource, err: *err})
}(idx, app.rollbacker.resource)
return errStr.close()
func (r *rollbackCoordinator) rollback(l *zap.Logger, err *error, orgID influxdb.ID) {
if *err == nil {
for _, r := range r.rollbacks {
if err := r.fn(orgID); err != nil {
l.Error("failed to delete "+r.resource, zap.Error(err))
type errMsg struct {
resource string
err applyErrBody
type errStream struct {
msgStream chan errMsg
err chan error
done <-chan struct{}
func newErrStream(ctx context.Context) *errStream {
e := &errStream{
msgStream: make(chan errMsg),
err: make(chan error),
done: ctx.Done(),
return e
func (e *errStream) do() {
go func() {
mErrs := func() map[string]applyErrs {
mErrs := make(map[string]applyErrs)
for {
select {
case <-e.done:
return nil
case msg, ok := <-e.msgStream:
if !ok {
return mErrs
mErrs[msg.resource] = append(mErrs[msg.resource], &msg.err)
if len(mErrs) == 0 {
e.err <- nil
var errs []string
for resource, err := range mErrs {
errs = append(errs, err.toError(resource, "failed to apply resource").Error())
e.err <- errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "\n"))
func (e *errStream) close() error {
return <-e.err
func (e *errStream) add(msg errMsg) {
select {
case <-e.done:
case e.msgStream <- msg:
// TODO: clean up apply errors to inform the user in an actionable way
type applyErrBody struct {
name string
msg string
type applyErrs []*applyErrBody
func (a applyErrs) toError(resType, msg string) error {
if len(a) == 0 {
return nil
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf(`resource_type=%q err=%q`, resType, msg)
for _, e := range a {
errMsg += fmt.Sprintf("\n\tmetadata_name=%q err_msg=%q",, e.msg)
return errors.New(errMsg)
func validURLs(urls []string) error {
for _, u := range urls {
if _, err := url.Parse(u); err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("url invalid for entry %q", u)
return influxErr(influxdb.EInvalid, msg)
return nil
func isRestrictedTask(t *influxdb.Task) bool {
return t != nil && t.Type != influxdb.TaskSystemType
func isSystemBucket(b *influxdb.Bucket) bool {
return b != nil && b.Type == influxdb.BucketTypeSystem
func labelSlcToMap(labels []*stateLabel) map[string]*stateLabel {
m := make(map[string]*stateLabel)
for i := range labels {
m[labels[i].Name()] = labels[i]
return m
func failedValidationErr(err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
return &influxdb.Error{Code: influxdb.EUnprocessableEntity, Err: err}
func internalErr(err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
return influxErr(influxdb.EInternal, err)
func influxErr(code string, errArg interface{}, rest ...interface{}) *influxdb.Error {
err := &influxdb.Error{
Code: code,
for _, a := range append(rest, errArg) {
switch v := a.(type) {
case string:
err.Msg = v
case error:
err.Err = v
case nil:
case interface{ String() string }:
err.Msg = v.String()
return err