21 lines
775 B
21 lines
775 B
# Dockerfile for integration tests that connect to Kafka
# It expects to be run with `docker compose -f ci-kafka-docker-compose.yml`
# Reuse most of the configuration for the rest of the CI builds
FROM quay.io/influxdb/rust:ci
# Create a new directory that will contain the code checkout and be a shared volume from the CI
# machine image to this container
ADD . /home/rust/iox
# Make the rust user the owner
RUN sudo chown -R rust:rust /home/rust/iox
# Work in this directory
WORKDIR /home/rust/iox
# Run the integration tests that connect to Kafka that will be running in another container
CMD ["sh", "-c", "CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0 RUSTFLAGS=\"-C debuginfo=1\" TEST_INTEGRATION=1 KAFKA_CONNECT=kafka:9092 cargo test -p influxdb_iox --test end-to-end write_buffer"]