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2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
package functions
import (
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2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
const JoinKind = "join"
const MergeJoinKind = "merge-join"
// All supported join types in Flux
var methods map[string]bool = map[string]bool{
"inner": true,
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
type JoinOpSpec struct {
// On is a list of tags on which to join.
On []string `json:"on"`
// TableNames are the names to give to each parent when populating the parameter for the function.
// The first parent is referenced by the first name and so forth.
// TODO(nathanielc): Change this to a map of parent operation IDs to names.
// Then make it possible for the transformation to map operation IDs to parent IDs.
TableNames map[query.OperationID]string `json:"tableNames"`
// Method is a the type of join to perform
Method string `json:"method"`
// tableNames maps each TableObject being joined to the parameter that holds it.
2018-07-06 21:38:05 +00:00
tableNames map[*query.TableObject]string
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
type params struct {
vars []string
vals []*query.TableObject
type joinParams params
func newJoinParams(capacity int) *joinParams {
params := &joinParams{
vars: make([]string, 0, capacity),
vals: make([]*query.TableObject, 0, capacity),
return params
func (params *joinParams) add(newVar string, newVal *query.TableObject) {
params.vars = append(params.vars, newVar)
params.vals = append(params.vals, newVal)
// joinParams implements the Sort interface in order
// to build the query spec in a consistent manner.
func (params *joinParams) Len() int {
return len(params.vals)
func (params *joinParams) Swap(i, j int) {
params.vars[i], params.vars[j] = params.vars[j], params.vars[i]
params.vals[i], params.vals[j] = params.vals[j], params.vals[i]
func (params *joinParams) Less(i, j int) bool {
return params.vars[i] < params.vars[j]
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
var joinSignature = semantic.FunctionSignature{
Params: map[string]semantic.Type{
"tables": semantic.Object,
"on": semantic.NewArrayType(semantic.String),
"method": semantic.String,
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
ReturnType: query.TableObjectType,
PipeArgument: "tables",
func init() {
query.RegisterFunction(JoinKind, createJoinOpSpec, joinSignature)
query.RegisterOpSpec(JoinKind, newJoinOp)
//TODO(nathanielc): Allow for other types of join implementations
plan.RegisterProcedureSpec(MergeJoinKind, newMergeJoinProcedure, JoinKind)
execute.RegisterTransformation(MergeJoinKind, createMergeJoinTransformation)
func createJoinOpSpec(args query.Arguments, a *query.Administration) (query.OperationSpec, error) {
spec := &JoinOpSpec{
TableNames: make(map[query.OperationID]string),
2018-07-06 21:38:05 +00:00
tableNames: make(map[*query.TableObject]string),
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
// On specifies the columns to join on. If 'on' is not present in the arguments
// to join, the default value will be set when the join tables are processed.
// Specifically when the schema of the output table is able to be constructed.
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if array, ok, err := args.GetArray("on", semantic.String); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
spec.On, err = interpreter.ToStringArray(array)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Method is an optional parameter that when not specified defaults to
// the inner join type.
if joinType, ok, err := args.GetString("method"); err != nil {
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
return nil, err
} else if ok && !methods[joinType] {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid join type", joinType)
} else if ok && methods[joinType] {
spec.Method = joinType
} else {
spec.Method = "inner"
// It is not valid to specify a list of 'on' columns for a cross product
if spec.Method == "cross" && spec.On != nil {
return nil, errors.New("cross product and 'on' are mutually exclusive")
tables, err := args.GetRequiredObject("tables")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
joinParams := newJoinParams(tables.Len())
tables.Range(func(k string, t values.Value) {
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
if err != nil {
if t.Type().Kind() != semantic.Object {
err = fmt.Errorf("value for key %q in tables must be an object: got %v", k, t.Type().Kind())
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
if t.Type() != query.TableObjectType {
err = fmt.Errorf("value for key %q in tables must be an table object: got %v", k, t.Type())
p := t.(*query.TableObject)
joinParams.add(k, p)
spec.tableNames[p] = k
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add parents in a consistent manner by sorting
// based on their corresponding function parameter.
for _, p := range joinParams.vals {
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return spec, nil
2018-07-06 21:38:05 +00:00
func (t *JoinOpSpec) IDer(ider query.IDer) {
for p, k := range t.tableNames {
t.TableNames[ider.ID(p)] = k
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
func newJoinOp() query.OperationSpec {
return new(JoinOpSpec)
func (s *JoinOpSpec) Kind() query.OperationKind {
return JoinKind
type MergeJoinProcedureSpec struct {
On []string `json:"keys"`
TableNames map[plan.ProcedureID]string `json:"table_names"`
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
func newMergeJoinProcedure(qs query.OperationSpec, pa plan.Administration) (plan.ProcedureSpec, error) {
spec, ok := qs.(*JoinOpSpec)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid spec type %T", qs)
tableNames := make(map[plan.ProcedureID]string, len(spec.TableNames))
for qid, name := range spec.TableNames {
pid := pa.ConvertID(qid)
tableNames[pid] = name
p := &MergeJoinProcedureSpec{
On: spec.On,
TableNames: tableNames,
return p, nil
func (s *MergeJoinProcedureSpec) Kind() plan.ProcedureKind {
return MergeJoinKind
func (s *MergeJoinProcedureSpec) Copy() plan.ProcedureSpec {
ns := new(MergeJoinProcedureSpec)
ns.On = make([]string, len(s.On))
copy(ns.On, s.On)
return ns
func (s *MergeJoinProcedureSpec) ParentChanged(old, new plan.ProcedureID) {
if v, ok := s.TableNames[old]; ok {
delete(s.TableNames, old)
s.TableNames[new] = v
func createMergeJoinTransformation(id execute.DatasetID, mode execute.AccumulationMode, spec plan.ProcedureSpec, a execute.Administration) (execute.Transformation, execute.Dataset, error) {
s, ok := spec.(*MergeJoinProcedureSpec)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid spec type %T", spec)
parents := a.Parents()
if len(parents) != 2 {
//TODO(nathanielc): Support n-way joins
return nil, nil, errors.New("joins currently must only have two parents")
tableNames := make(map[execute.DatasetID]string, len(s.TableNames))
for pid, name := range s.TableNames {
id := a.ConvertID(pid)
tableNames[id] = name
cache := NewMergeJoinCache(a.Allocator(), parents, tableNames, s.On)
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d := execute.NewDataset(id, mode, cache)
t := NewMergeJoinTransformation(d, cache, s, parents, tableNames)
return t, d, nil
type mergeJoinTransformation struct {
parents []execute.DatasetID
mu sync.Mutex
d execute.Dataset
cache *MergeJoinCache
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
leftID, rightID execute.DatasetID
leftName, rightName string
parentState map[execute.DatasetID]*mergeJoinParentState
keys []string
func NewMergeJoinTransformation(d execute.Dataset, cache *MergeJoinCache, spec *MergeJoinProcedureSpec, parents []execute.DatasetID, tableNames map[execute.DatasetID]string) *mergeJoinTransformation {
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t := &mergeJoinTransformation{
d: d,
cache: cache,
keys: spec.On,
leftID: parents[0],
rightID: parents[1],
leftName: tableNames[parents[0]],
rightName: tableNames[parents[1]],
t.parentState = make(map[execute.DatasetID]*mergeJoinParentState)
for _, id := range parents {
t.parentState[id] = new(mergeJoinParentState)
return t
type mergeJoinParentState struct {
mark execute.Time
processing execute.Time
finished bool
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func (t *mergeJoinTransformation) RetractTable(id execute.DatasetID, key query.GroupKey) error {
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
panic("not implemented")
// Process processes a table from an incoming data stream.
// It adds the table to an internal buffer and stores any output
// group keys that can be constructed as a result of the new addition.
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func (t *mergeJoinTransformation) Process(id execute.DatasetID, tbl query.Table) error {
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t.cache.insertIntoBuffer(id, tbl)
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// Check if enough data sources have been seen to produce an output schema
if !t.cache.isBufferEmpty(t.leftID) && !t.cache.isBufferEmpty(t.rightID) && !t.cache.postJoinSchemaBuilt() {
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// Register any new output group keys that can be constructed from the new table
t.cache.registerKey(id, tbl.Key())
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return nil
func (t *mergeJoinTransformation) UpdateWatermark(id execute.DatasetID, mark execute.Time) error {
t.parentState[id].mark = mark
min := execute.Time(math.MaxInt64)
for _, state := range t.parentState {
if state.mark < min {
min = state.mark
return t.d.UpdateWatermark(min)
func (t *mergeJoinTransformation) UpdateProcessingTime(id execute.DatasetID, pt execute.Time) error {
t.parentState[id].processing = pt
min := execute.Time(math.MaxInt64)
for _, state := range t.parentState {
if state.processing < min {
min = state.processing
return t.d.UpdateProcessingTime(min)
func (t *mergeJoinTransformation) Finish(id execute.DatasetID, err error) {
if err != nil {
t.parentState[id].finished = true
finished := true
for _, state := range t.parentState {
finished = finished && state.finished
if finished {
// MergeJoinCache implements execute.DataCache
// This is where the all the tables to be joined are stored.
// buffers: Buffers to hold the tables for each incoming stream.
// postJoinKeys: The post-join group keys for all joined tables.
// These group keys are constructed and stored as soon
// as a table is consumed by the join operator, but prior
// to actually joining the data.
// reverseLookup: Each output group key that is stored is mapped to its
// corresponding pre-join group keys. These pre-join group
// keys are then used to retrieve their correspoinding
// tables from the buffers.
// tables: All output tables are materialized and stored in this
// map before being sent to downstream operators.
type MergeJoinCache struct {
leftID execute.DatasetID
rightID execute.DatasetID
names map[execute.DatasetID]string
schemas map[execute.DatasetID]schema
buffers map[execute.DatasetID]*streamBuffer
on map[string]bool
intersection map[string]bool
schema schema
colIndex map[query.ColMeta]int
schemaMap map[tableCol]query.ColMeta
postJoinKeys *execute.GroupLookup
reverseLookup map[query.GroupKey]preJoinGroupKeys
tables map[query.GroupKey]query.Table
alloc *execute.Allocator
triggerSpec query.TriggerSpec
type streamBuffer struct {
data map[query.GroupKey]*execute.ColListTableBuilder
consumed map[values.Value]int
ready map[values.Value]bool
stale map[query.GroupKey]bool
last values.Value
alloc *execute.Allocator
func newStreamBuffer(alloc *execute.Allocator) *streamBuffer {
return &streamBuffer{
data: make(map[query.GroupKey]*execute.ColListTableBuilder),
consumed: make(map[values.Value]int),
ready: make(map[values.Value]bool),
stale: make(map[query.GroupKey]bool),
alloc: alloc,
func (buf *streamBuffer) table(key query.GroupKey) *execute.ColListTableBuilder {
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func (buf *streamBuffer) insert(table query.Table) {
// Construct a new table builder with same schema as input table
builder := execute.NewColListTableBuilder(table.Key(), buf.alloc)
execute.AddTableCols(table, builder)
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builderColumnsToTableColumns := make([]int, len(builder.Cols()))
for i := range builder.Cols() {
builderColumnsToTableColumns[i] = i
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// Append the input table to this builder
execute.AppendTable(table, builder, builderColumnsToTableColumns)
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// Insert this table into the buffer[table.Key()] = builder
if len(table.Key().Cols()) > 0 {
leftKeyValue := table.Key().Value(0)
tablesConsumed := buf.consumed[leftKeyValue]
buf.consumed[leftKeyValue] = tablesConsumed + 1
if buf.last == nil {
buf.last = leftKeyValue
if !buf.last.Equal(leftKeyValue) {
buf.ready[buf.last] = true
buf.last = leftKeyValue
func (buf *streamBuffer) expire(key query.GroupKey) {
if !buf.stale[key] && len(key.Cols()) > 0 {
leftKeyValue := key.Value(0)
consumedTables := buf.consumed[leftKeyValue]
buf.consumed[leftKeyValue] = consumedTables - 1
buf.stale[key] = true
func (buf *streamBuffer) evict(key query.GroupKey) {
if builder, ok :=[key]; ok {
delete(, key)
func (buf *streamBuffer) clear(f func(query.GroupKey) bool) {
for key := range buf.stale {
if f(key) {
delete(buf.stale, key)
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func (buf *streamBuffer) iterate(f func(query.GroupKey)) {
for key := range {
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
type tableCol struct {
table, col string
type preJoinGroupKeys struct {
left, right query.GroupKey
type schema struct {
key []query.ColMeta
columns []query.ColMeta
func (s schema) Len() int {
return len(s.columns)
func (s schema) Less(i int, j int) bool {
return s.columns[i].Label < s.columns[j].Label
func (s schema) Swap(i int, j int) {
s.columns[i], s.columns[j] = s.columns[j], s.columns[i]
// NewMergeJoinCache constructs a new instance of a MergeJoinCache
func NewMergeJoinCache(alloc *execute.Allocator, datasetIDs []execute.DatasetID, tableNames map[execute.DatasetID]string, key []string) *MergeJoinCache {
// Join currently only accepts two data sources(streams) as input
if len(datasetIDs) != 2 {
panic("Join only accepts two data sources")
names := make(map[execute.DatasetID]string, len(datasetIDs))
schemas := make(map[execute.DatasetID]schema, len(datasetIDs))
buffers := make(map[execute.DatasetID]*streamBuffer, len(datasetIDs))
for _, datasetID := range datasetIDs {
names[datasetID] = tableNames[datasetID]
buffers[datasetID] = newStreamBuffer(alloc)
on := make(map[string]bool, len(key))
intersection := make(map[string]bool, len(key))
for _, k := range key {
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on[k] = true
intersection[k] = true
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return &MergeJoinCache{
on: on,
intersection: intersection,
leftID: datasetIDs[0],
rightID: datasetIDs[1],
names: names,
schemas: schemas,
buffers: buffers,
reverseLookup: make(map[query.GroupKey]preJoinGroupKeys),
postJoinKeys: execute.NewGroupLookup(),
tables: make(map[query.GroupKey]query.Table),
alloc: alloc,
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// Table joins the two tables associated with a single output group key and returns the resulting table
func (c *MergeJoinCache) Table(key query.GroupKey) (query.Table, error) {
preJoinGroupKeys, ok := c.reverseLookup[key]
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if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No table exists with group key: %v", key)
if _, ok := c.tables[key]; !ok {
left := c.buffers[c.leftID].table(preJoinGroupKeys.left)
if left == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No table in left join buffer with key: %v", key)
right := c.buffers[c.rightID].table(preJoinGroupKeys.right)
if left == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No table in right join buffer with key: %v", key)
table, err := c.join(left, right)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Table with group key (%v) could not be fetched", key)
c.tables[key] = table
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return c.tables[key], nil
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// ForEach iterates over each table in the output stream
func (c *MergeJoinCache) ForEach(f func(query.GroupKey)) {
c.postJoinKeys.Range(func(key query.GroupKey, value interface{}) {
if _, ok := c.tables[key]; !ok {
preJoinGroupKeys := c.reverseLookup[key]
leftKey := preJoinGroupKeys.left
rightKey := preJoinGroupKeys.right
leftBuilder := c.buffers[c.leftID].table(leftKey)
rightBuilder := c.buffers[c.rightID].table(rightKey)
table, err := c.join(leftBuilder, rightBuilder)
if err != nil || table.Empty() {
c.tables[key] = table
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// ForEachWithContext iterates over each table in the output stream
func (c *MergeJoinCache) ForEachWithContext(f func(query.GroupKey, execute.Trigger, execute.TableContext)) {
trigger := execute.NewTriggerFromSpec(c.triggerSpec)
c.postJoinKeys.Range(func(key query.GroupKey, value interface{}) {
preJoinGroupKeys := c.reverseLookup[key]
leftKey := preJoinGroupKeys.left
rightKey := preJoinGroupKeys.right
leftBuilder := c.buffers[c.leftID].table(leftKey)
rightBuilder := c.buffers[c.rightID].table(rightKey)
if _, ok := c.tables[key]; !ok {
table, err := c.join(leftBuilder, rightBuilder)
if err != nil || table.Empty() {
c.tables[key] = table
leftsize := leftBuilder.NRows()
rightsize := rightBuilder.NRows()
ctx := execute.TableContext{
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
Key: key,
Count: leftsize + rightsize,
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
f(key, trigger, ctx)
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// DiscardTable removes a table from the output buffer
func (c *MergeJoinCache) DiscardTable(key query.GroupKey) {
delete(c.tables, key)
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// ExpireTable removes the a key from the set of postJoinKeys.
// ExpireTable will be called after the table associated with key has already
// been materialized. As a result, it cannot not be materialized again. Each
// buffer is cleared of any stale data that arises as a result of this process.
func (c *MergeJoinCache) ExpireTable(key query.GroupKey) {
// Remove this group key from the cache
delete(c.tables, key)
// Clear any stale data
preJoinGroupKeys := c.reverseLookup[key]
leftBuffer := c.buffers[c.leftID]
rightBuffer := c.buffers[c.rightID]
if c.canEvictTables() {
leftBuffer.clear(func(key query.GroupKey) bool {
return rightBuffer.ready[key.Value(0)] &&
rightBuffer.consumed[key.Value(0)] == 0
rightBuffer.clear(func(key query.GroupKey) bool {
return leftBuffer.ready[key.Value(0)] &&
leftBuffer.consumed[key.Value(0)] == 0
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// SetTriggerSpec sets the trigger rule for this cache
func (c *MergeJoinCache) SetTriggerSpec(spec query.TriggerSpec) {
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c.triggerSpec = spec
// Currently tables are the smallest unit of data that can be evicted from the join's internal
// buffers. This is the rule that specifies whether a data cache can early evict tables.
func (c *MergeJoinCache) canEvictTables() bool {
leftKey := c.schemas[c.leftID].key
rightKey := c.schemas[c.rightID].key
return len(leftKey) > 0 && len(rightKey) > 0 &&
leftKey[0].Label == rightKey[0].Label && c.on[leftKey[0].Label]
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// insertIntoBuffer adds the rows of an incoming table to one of the Join's internal buffers
func (c *MergeJoinCache) insertIntoBuffer(id execute.DatasetID, tbl query.Table) {
// Initialize schema if tbl is first from its stream
if _, ok := c.schemas[id]; !ok {
c.schemas[id] = schema{
key: make([]query.ColMeta, len(tbl.Key().Cols())),
columns: make([]query.ColMeta, len(tbl.Cols())),
for j, column := range tbl.Cols() {
c.schemas[id].columns[j] = column
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intersection := make(map[string]bool, len(c.intersection))
for j, column := range tbl.Key().Cols() {
c.schemas[id].key[j] = column
if c.intersection[column.Label] {
intersection[column.Label] = true
c.intersection = intersection
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2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
// registerKey takes a group key from the input stream associated with id and joins
// it with all other group keys from the opposing input stream. If it is determined
// that two group keys will not join (due to having different values on a join column)
// they are skipped.
func (c *MergeJoinCache) registerKey(id execute.DatasetID, key query.GroupKey) {
var empty struct{}
switch id {
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case c.leftID:
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c.buffers[c.rightID].iterate(func(groupKey query.GroupKey) {
keys := map[execute.DatasetID]query.GroupKey{
c.leftID: key,
c.rightID: groupKey,
for k := range c.intersection {
if !key.LabelValue(k).Equal(groupKey.LabelValue(k)) {
outputGroupKey := c.postJoinGroupKey(keys)
c.postJoinKeys.Set(outputGroupKey, empty)
c.reverseLookup[outputGroupKey] = preJoinGroupKeys{
left: key,
right: groupKey,
case c.rightID:
c.buffers[c.leftID].iterate(func(groupKey query.GroupKey) {
keys := map[execute.DatasetID]query.GroupKey{
c.leftID: groupKey,
c.rightID: key,
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for k := range c.intersection {
if !key.LabelValue(k).Equal(groupKey.LabelValue(k)) {
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outputGroupKey := c.postJoinGroupKey(keys)
c.postJoinKeys.Set(outputGroupKey, empty)
c.reverseLookup[outputGroupKey] = preJoinGroupKeys{
left: groupKey,
right: key,
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func (c *MergeJoinCache) isBufferEmpty(id execute.DatasetID) bool {
return len(c.buffers[id].data) == 0
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func (c *MergeJoinCache) postJoinSchemaBuilt() bool {
return c.schemaMap != nil
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func (c *MergeJoinCache) buildPostJoinSchema() {
left := c.schemas[c.leftID].columns
right := c.schemas[c.rightID].columns
// Find column names shared between the two tables
shared := make(map[string]bool, len(left))
for _, leftColumn := range left {
for _, rightColumn := range right {
if leftColumn.Label == rightColumn.Label {
shared[leftColumn.Label] = true
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if len(c.on) == 0 {
c.on = shared
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ncols := len(left) + len(right)
c.schema = schema{
columns: make([]query.ColMeta, 0, ncols-len(c.on)),
key: make([]query.ColMeta, 0, ncols-len(c.on)),
c.colIndex = make(map[query.ColMeta]int, ncols-len(c.on))
c.schemaMap = make(map[tableCol]query.ColMeta, ncols)
added := make(map[string]bool, ncols-len(c.on))
// Build schema for output table
addColumnsToSchema(c.names[c.leftID], left, added, shared, c.on, &c.schema, c.schemaMap)
addColumnsToSchema(c.names[c.rightID], right, added, shared, c.on, &c.schema, c.schemaMap)
// Give schema an order
for j, column := range c.schema.columns {
c.colIndex[column] = j
func (c *MergeJoinCache) join(left, right *execute.ColListTableBuilder) (query.Table, error) {
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// Determine sort order for the joining tables
on := make([]string, len(c.on))
for k := range c.on {
on = append(on, k)
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2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
// Sort input tables
left.Sort(on, false)
right.Sort(on, false)
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var leftSet, rightSet subset
var leftKey, rightKey query.GroupKey
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leftTable, rightTable := left.RawTable(), right.RawTable()
leftSet, leftKey = c.advance(leftSet.Stop, leftTable)
rightSet, rightKey = c.advance(rightSet.Stop, rightTable)
keys := map[execute.DatasetID]query.GroupKey{
c.leftID: left.Key(),
c.rightID: right.Key(),
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// Instantiate a builder for the output table
groupKey := c.postJoinGroupKey(keys)
builder := execute.NewColListTableBuilder(groupKey, c.alloc)
for _, column := range c.schema.columns {
// Perform sort merge join
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for !leftSet.Empty() && !rightSet.Empty() {
if leftKey.Equal(rightKey) {
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for l := leftSet.Start; l < leftSet.Stop; l++ {
for r := rightSet.Start; r < rightSet.Stop; r++ {
leftRecord := leftTable.GetRow(l)
rightRecord := rightTable.GetRow(r)
leftRecord.Range(func(columnName string, columnVal values.Value) {
column := tableCol{
table: c.names[c.leftID],
col: columnName,
newColumn := c.schemaMap[column]
newColumnIdx := c.colIndex[newColumn]
execute.AppendValue(builder, newColumnIdx, columnVal)
rightRecord.Range(func(columnName string, columnVal values.Value) {
column := tableCol{
table: c.names[c.rightID],
col: columnName,
newColumn := c.schemaMap[column]
newColumnIdx := c.colIndex[newColumn]
// No need to append value if column is part of the join key.
// Because value already appended when iterating over left record.
if !c.on[newColumn.Label] {
execute.AppendValue(builder, newColumnIdx, columnVal)
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
leftSet, leftKey = c.advance(leftSet.Stop, leftTable)
rightSet, rightKey = c.advance(rightSet.Stop, rightTable)
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
} else if leftKey.Less(rightKey) {
leftSet, leftKey = c.advance(leftSet.Stop, leftTable)
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
} else {
rightSet, rightKey = c.advance(rightSet.Stop, rightTable)
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
2018-07-10 23:33:00 +00:00
return builder.Table()
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
// postJoinGroupKey produces a new group key value from a left and a right group key value
func (c *MergeJoinCache) postJoinGroupKey(keys map[execute.DatasetID]query.GroupKey) query.GroupKey {
key := groupKey{
cols: make([]query.ColMeta, 0, len(keys)*5),
vals: make([]values.Value, 0, len(keys)*5),
added := make(map[string]bool, len(keys)*5)
for id, groupKey := range keys {
for j, column := range groupKey.Cols() {
tableAndColumn := tableCol{
table: c.names[id],
col: column.Label,
colMeta := c.schemaMap[tableAndColumn]
if !added[colMeta.Label] {
key.cols = append(key.cols, colMeta)
key.vals = append(key.vals, groupKey.Value(j))
added[colMeta.Label] = true
// Table columns are always sorted so need
// to sort the group key for consistency
return execute.NewGroupKey(key.cols, key.vals)
// advance advances the row pointer of a sorted table that is being joined
func (c *MergeJoinCache) advance(offset int, table query.ColReader) (subset, query.GroupKey) {
if n := table.Len(); n == offset {
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
return subset{Start: n, Stop: n}, nil
start := offset
key := execute.GroupKeyForRowOn(start, table, c.on)
sequence := subset{Start: start}
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
for offset < table.Len() && equalRowKeys(start, offset, table, c.on) {
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
sequence.Stop = offset
return sequence, key
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
type subset struct {
Start int
Stop int
func (s subset) Empty() bool {
return s.Start == s.Stop
// equalRowKeys determines whether two rows of a table are equal on the set of columns defined by on
func equalRowKeys(x, y int, table query.ColReader, on map[string]bool) bool {
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
for j, c := range table.Cols() {
if !on[c.Label] {
switch c.Type {
case query.TBool:
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
if xv, yv := table.Bools(j)[x], table.Bools(j)[y]; xv != yv {
return false
case query.TInt:
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
if xv, yv := table.Ints(j)[x], table.Ints(j)[y]; xv != yv {
return false
case query.TUInt:
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
if xv, yv := table.UInts(j)[x], table.UInts(j)[y]; xv != yv {
return false
case query.TFloat:
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
if xv, yv := table.Floats(j)[x], table.Floats(j)[y]; xv != yv {
return false
case query.TString:
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
if xv, yv := table.Strings(j)[x], table.Strings(j)[y]; xv != yv {
return false
case query.TTime:
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
if xv, yv := table.Times(j)[x], table.Times(j)[y]; xv != yv {
return false
return true
func addColumnsToSchema(name string, columns []query.ColMeta, added, shared, on map[string]bool, schema *schema, schemaMap map[tableCol]query.ColMeta) {
for _, column := range columns {
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
tableAndColumn := tableCol{
table: name,
col: column.Label,
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
newLabel := renameColumn(tableAndColumn, shared, on)
newColumn := query.ColMeta{
Label: newLabel,
Type: column.Type,
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
schemaMap[tableAndColumn] = newColumn
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
if !added[newLabel] {
schema.columns = append(schema.columns, newColumn)
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
added[newLabel] = true
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
func renameColumn(col tableCol, share, on map[string]bool) string {
columnName := col.col
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
if share[columnName] && !on[columnName] {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", col.table, columnName)
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
return columnName
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
type groupKey struct {
cols []query.ColMeta
vals []values.Value
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
func (k groupKey) Len() int {
return len(k.cols)
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
func (k groupKey) Less(i, j int) bool {
return k.cols[i].Label < k.cols[j].Label
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
func (k groupKey) Swap(i, j int) {
k.cols[i], k.cols[j] = k.cols[j], k.cols[i]
k.vals[i], k.vals[j] = k.vals[j], k.vals[i]