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2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
package functions
import (
2018-05-21 21:20:06 +00:00
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2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
const StateTrackingKind = "stateTracking"
type StateTrackingOpSpec struct {
Fn *semantic.FunctionExpression `json:"fn"`
CountLabel string `json:"count_label"`
DurationLabel string `json:"duration_label"`
DurationUnit query.Duration `json:"duration_unit"`
TimeCol string `json:"time_col"`
var stateTrackingSignature = query.DefaultFunctionSignature()
func init() {
stateTrackingSignature.Params["fn"] = semantic.Function
stateTrackingSignature.Params["countLabel"] = semantic.String
stateTrackingSignature.Params["durationLabel"] = semantic.String
stateTrackingSignature.Params["durationUnit"] = semantic.Duration
query.RegisterFunction(StateTrackingKind, createStateTrackingOpSpec, stateTrackingSignature)
query.RegisterBuiltIn("state-tracking", stateTrackingBuiltin)
query.RegisterOpSpec(StateTrackingKind, newStateTrackingOp)
plan.RegisterProcedureSpec(StateTrackingKind, newStateTrackingProcedure, StateTrackingKind)
execute.RegisterTransformation(StateTrackingKind, createStateTrackingTransformation)
var stateTrackingBuiltin = `
// stateCount computes the number of consecutive records in a given state.
// The state is defined via the function fn. For each consecutive point for
// which the expression evaluates as true, the state count will be incremented
// When a point evaluates as false, the state count is reset.
// The state count will be added as an additional column to each record. If the
// expression evaluates as false, the value will be -1. If the expression
// generates an error during evaluation, the point is discarded, and does not
// affect the state count.
stateCount = (fn, label="stateCount", table=<-) =>
stateTracking(table:table, countLabel:label, fn:fn)
// stateDuration computes the duration of a given state.
// The state is defined via the function fn. For each consecutive point for
// which the expression evaluates as true, the state duration will be
// incremented by the duration between points. When a point evaluates as false,
// the state duration is reset.
// The state duration will be added as an additional column to each record. If the
// expression evaluates as false, the value will be -1. If the expression
// generates an error during evaluation, the point is discarded, and does not
// affect the state duration.
// Note that as the first point in the given state has no previous point, its
// state duration will be 0.
// The duration is represented as an integer in the units specified.
stateDuration = (fn, label="stateDuration", unit=1s, table=<-) =>
stateTracking(table:table, durationLabel:label, fn:fn, durationUnit:unit)
func createStateTrackingOpSpec(args query.Arguments, a *query.Administration) (query.OperationSpec, error) {
if err := a.AddParentFromArgs(args); err != nil {
return nil, err
f, err := args.GetRequiredFunction("fn")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fn, err := interpreter.ResolveFunction(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
spec := &StateTrackingOpSpec{
Fn: fn,
DurationUnit: query.Duration(time.Second),
if label, ok, err := args.GetString("countLabel"); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
spec.CountLabel = label
if label, ok, err := args.GetString("durationLabel"); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
spec.DurationLabel = label
if unit, ok, err := args.GetDuration("durationUnit"); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
spec.DurationUnit = unit
if label, ok, err := args.GetString("timeCol"); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
spec.TimeCol = label
} else {
spec.TimeCol = execute.DefaultTimeColLabel
if spec.DurationLabel != "" && spec.DurationUnit <= 0 {
return nil, errors.New("state tracking duration unit must be greater than zero")
return spec, nil
func newStateTrackingOp() query.OperationSpec {
return new(StateTrackingOpSpec)
func (s *StateTrackingOpSpec) Kind() query.OperationKind {
return StateTrackingKind
type StateTrackingProcedureSpec struct {
Fn *semantic.FunctionExpression
DurationLabel string
DurationUnit query.Duration
TimeCol string
func newStateTrackingProcedure(qs query.OperationSpec, pa plan.Administration) (plan.ProcedureSpec, error) {
spec, ok := qs.(*StateTrackingOpSpec)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid spec type %T", qs)
return &StateTrackingProcedureSpec{
Fn: spec.Fn,
CountLabel: spec.CountLabel,
DurationLabel: spec.DurationLabel,
DurationUnit: spec.DurationUnit,
TimeCol: spec.TimeCol,
}, nil
func (s *StateTrackingProcedureSpec) Kind() plan.ProcedureKind {
return StateTrackingKind
func (s *StateTrackingProcedureSpec) Copy() plan.ProcedureSpec {
ns := new(StateTrackingProcedureSpec)
*ns = *s
ns.Fn = s.Fn.Copy().(*semantic.FunctionExpression)
return ns
func createStateTrackingTransformation(id execute.DatasetID, mode execute.AccumulationMode, spec plan.ProcedureSpec, a execute.Administration) (execute.Transformation, execute.Dataset, error) {
s, ok := spec.(*StateTrackingProcedureSpec)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid spec type %T", spec)
cache := execute.NewBlockBuilderCache(a.Allocator())
d := execute.NewDataset(id, mode, cache)
t, err := NewStateTrackingTransformation(d, cache, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return t, d, nil
type stateTrackingTransformation struct {
d execute.Dataset
cache execute.BlockBuilderCache
fn *execute.RowPredicateFn
durationLabel string
durationUnit int64
func NewStateTrackingTransformation(d execute.Dataset, cache execute.BlockBuilderCache, spec *StateTrackingProcedureSpec) (*stateTrackingTransformation, error) {
fn, err := execute.NewRowPredicateFn(spec.Fn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &stateTrackingTransformation{
d: d,
cache: cache,
fn: fn,
countLabel: spec.CountLabel,
durationLabel: spec.DurationLabel,
durationUnit: int64(spec.DurationUnit),
timeCol: spec.TimeCol,
}, nil
func (t *stateTrackingTransformation) RetractBlock(id execute.DatasetID, key query.PartitionKey) error {
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return t.d.RetractBlock(key)
func (t *stateTrackingTransformation) Process(id execute.DatasetID, b query.Block) error {
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
builder, created := t.cache.BlockBuilder(b.Key())
if !created {
return fmt.Errorf("found duplicate block with key: %v", b.Key())
execute.AddBlockCols(b, builder)
// Prepare the functions for the column types.
cols := b.Cols()
err := t.fn.Prepare(cols)
if err != nil {
// TODO(nathanielc): Should we not fail the query for failed compilation?
return err
var countCol, durationCol = -1, -1
// Add new value columns
if t.countLabel != "" {
countCol = builder.AddCol(query.ColMeta{
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
Label: t.countLabel,
Type: query.TInt,
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
if t.durationLabel != "" {
durationCol = builder.AddCol(query.ColMeta{
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
Label: t.durationLabel,
Type: query.TInt,
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
var (
startTime execute.Time
duration int64
inState bool
timeIdx := execute.ColIdx(t.timeCol, b.Cols())
if timeIdx < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no column %q exists", t.timeCol)
// Append modified rows
return b.Do(func(cr query.ColReader) error {
2018-05-21 21:13:54 +00:00
l := cr.Len()
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
tm := cr.Times(timeIdx)[i]
match, err := t.fn.Eval(i, cr)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to evaluate state count expression: %v", err)
if !match {
count = -1
duration = -1
inState = false
} else {
if !inState {
startTime = tm
duration = 0
count = 0
inState = true
if t.durationUnit > 0 {
duration = int64(tm-startTime) / t.durationUnit
execute.AppendRecordForCols(i, cr, builder, cr.Cols())
if countCol > 0 {
builder.AppendInt(countCol, count)
if durationCol > 0 {
builder.AppendInt(durationCol, duration)
return nil
func (t *stateTrackingTransformation) UpdateWatermark(id execute.DatasetID, mark execute.Time) error {
return t.d.UpdateWatermark(mark)
func (t *stateTrackingTransformation) UpdateProcessingTime(id execute.DatasetID, pt execute.Time) error {
return t.d.UpdateProcessingTime(pt)
func (t *stateTrackingTransformation) Finish(id execute.DatasetID, err error) {