
1054 lines
29 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package pkger
import (
ierrors ""
icheck ""
var idGenerator = snowflake.NewDefaultIDGenerator()
// NameGenerator generates a random name. Includes an optional fuzz option to
// further randomize the name.
type NameGenerator func() string
// ResourceToClone is a resource that will be cloned.
type ResourceToClone struct {
Kind Kind `json:"kind"`
ID influxdb.ID `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
// OK validates a resource clone is viable.
func (r ResourceToClone) OK() error {
if err := r.Kind.OK(); err != nil {
return err
if r.ID == influxdb.ID(0) {
return errors.New("must provide an ID")
return nil
var kindPriorities = map[Kind]int{
KindLabel: 1,
KindBucket: 2,
KindCheck: 3,
KindCheckDeadman: 4,
KindCheckThreshold: 5,
KindNotificationEndpoint: 6,
KindNotificationEndpointHTTP: 7,
KindNotificationEndpointPagerDuty: 8,
KindNotificationEndpointSlack: 9,
KindNotificationRule: 10,
KindTask: 11,
KindVariable: 12,
KindDashboard: 13,
KindTelegraf: 14,
type exportKey struct {
orgID influxdb.ID
id influxdb.ID
name string
kind Kind
func newExportKey(orgID, id influxdb.ID, k Kind, name string) exportKey {
return exportKey{
orgID: orgID,
id: id,
name: name,
kind: k,
type resourceExporter struct {
nameGen NameGenerator
bucketSVC influxdb.BucketService
checkSVC influxdb.CheckService
dashSVC influxdb.DashboardService
labelSVC influxdb.LabelService
endpointSVC influxdb.NotificationEndpointService
ruleSVC influxdb.NotificationRuleStore
taskSVC influxdb.TaskService
teleSVC influxdb.TelegrafConfigStore
varSVC influxdb.VariableService
mObjects map[exportKey]Object
mPkgNames map[string]bool
func newResourceExporter(svc *Service) *resourceExporter {
return &resourceExporter{
nameGen: wordplay.GetRandomName,
bucketSVC: svc.bucketSVC,
checkSVC: svc.checkSVC,
dashSVC: svc.dashSVC,
labelSVC: svc.labelSVC,
endpointSVC: svc.endpointSVC,
ruleSVC: svc.ruleSVC,
taskSVC: svc.taskSVC,
teleSVC: svc.teleSVC,
varSVC: svc.varSVC,
mObjects: make(map[exportKey]Object),
mPkgNames: make(map[string]bool),
func (ex *resourceExporter) Export(ctx context.Context, resourcesToClone []ResourceToClone, labelNames ...string) error {
cloneAssFn, err := ex.resourceCloneAssociationsGen(ctx, labelNames...)
if err != nil {
return err
resourcesToClone = uniqResourcesToClone(resourcesToClone)
// sorting this in priority order guarantees that the dependencies/associations
// for a resource are handled prior to the resource being processed.
// i.e. if a bucket depends on a label, then labels need to be run first
// to guarantee they are available before a bucket is exported.
sort.Slice(resourcesToClone, func(i, j int) bool {
iName, jName := resourcesToClone[i].Name, resourcesToClone[j].Name
iKind, jKind := resourcesToClone[i].Kind, resourcesToClone[j].Kind
if {
return iName < jName
return kindPriorities[iKind] < kindPriorities[jKind]
for _, r := range resourcesToClone {
err := ex.resourceCloneToKind(ctx, r, cloneAssFn)
if err != nil {
return internalErr(fmt.Errorf("failed to clone resource: resource_id=%s resource_kind=%s err=%q", r.ID, r.Kind, err))
return nil
func (ex *resourceExporter) Objects() []Object {
objects := make([]Object, 0, len(ex.mObjects))
for _, obj := range ex.mObjects {
objects = append(objects, obj)
return sortObjects(objects)
func (ex *resourceExporter) uniqByNameResID() influxdb.ID {
// we only need an id when we have resources that are not unique by name via the
// metastore. resoureces that are unique by name will be provided a default stamp
// making looksup unique since each resource will be unique by name.
const uniqByNameResID = 0
return uniqByNameResID
type cloneAssociationsFn func(context.Context, ResourceToClone) (associations []Resource, skipResource bool, err error)
func (ex *resourceExporter) resourceCloneToKind(ctx context.Context, r ResourceToClone, cFn cloneAssociationsFn) (e error) {
defer func() {
if e != nil {
e = ierrors.Wrap(e, "cloning resource")
ass, skipResource, err := cFn(ctx, r)
if err != nil {
return err
if skipResource {
return nil
mapResource := func(orgID, uniqResID influxdb.ID, k Kind, object Object) {
// overwrite the default field with export generated one here
object.Metadata[fieldName] = ex.uniqName()
if len(ass) > 0 {
object.Spec[fieldAssociations] = ass
key := newExportKey(orgID, uniqResID, k, object.Spec.stringShort(fieldName))
ex.mObjects[key] = object
uniqByNameResID := ex.uniqByNameResID()
switch {
bkt, err := ex.bucketSVC.FindBucketByID(ctx, r.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
mapResource(bkt.OrgID, uniqByNameResID, KindBucket, BucketToObject(r.Name, *bkt))
ch, err := ex.checkSVC.FindCheckByID(ctx, r.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
mapResource(ch.GetOrgID(), uniqByNameResID, KindCheck, CheckToObject(r.Name, ch))
dash, err := findDashboardByIDFull(ctx, ex.dashSVC, r.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
mapResource(dash.OrganizationID, dash.ID, KindDashboard, DashboardToObject(r.Name, *dash))
l, err := ex.labelSVC.FindLabelByID(ctx, r.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
mapResource(l.OrgID, uniqByNameResID, KindLabel, LabelToObject(r.Name, *l))
e, err := ex.endpointSVC.FindNotificationEndpointByID(ctx, r.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
mapResource(e.GetOrgID(), uniqByNameResID, KindNotificationEndpoint, NotificationEndpointToObject(r.Name, e))
rule, ruleEndpoint, err := ex.getEndpointRule(ctx, r.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
endpointKey := newExportKey(ruleEndpoint.GetOrgID(), uniqByNameResID, KindNotificationEndpoint, ruleEndpoint.GetName())
object, ok := ex.mObjects[endpointKey]
if !ok {
mapResource(ruleEndpoint.GetOrgID(), uniqByNameResID, KindNotificationEndpoint, NotificationEndpointToObject("", ruleEndpoint))
object = ex.mObjects[endpointKey]
endpointObjectName := object.Name()
mapResource(rule.GetOrgID(), rule.GetID(), KindNotificationRule, NotificationRuleToObject(r.Name, endpointObjectName, rule))
t, err := ex.taskSVC.FindTaskByID(ctx, r.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
mapResource(t.OrganizationID, t.ID, KindTask, TaskToObject(r.Name, *t))
t, err := ex.teleSVC.FindTelegrafConfigByID(ctx, r.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
mapResource(t.OrgID, t.ID, KindTelegraf, TelegrafToObject(r.Name, *t))
v, err := ex.varSVC.FindVariableByID(ctx, r.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
mapResource(v.OrganizationID, uniqByNameResID, KindVariable, VariableToObject(r.Name, *v))
return errors.New("unsupported kind provided: " + string(r.Kind))
return nil
func (ex *resourceExporter) resourceCloneAssociationsGen(ctx context.Context, labelNames ...string) (cloneAssociationsFn, error) {
mLabelNames := make(map[string]bool)
for _, labelName := range labelNames {
mLabelNames[labelName] = true
mLabelIDs, err := getLabelIDMap(ctx, ex.labelSVC, labelNames)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cloneFn := func(ctx context.Context, r ResourceToClone) ([]Resource, bool, error) {
if {
return nil, true, nil
if {
// check here verifies the label maps to an id of a valid label name
shouldSkip := len(mLabelIDs) > 0 && !mLabelIDs[r.ID]
return nil, shouldSkip, nil
labels, err := ex.labelSVC.FindResourceLabels(ctx, influxdb.LabelMappingFilter{
ResourceID: r.ID,
ResourceType: r.Kind.ResourceType(),
if err != nil {
return nil, false, ierrors.Wrap(err, "finding resource labels")
if len(mLabelNames) > 0 {
shouldSkip := true
for _, l := range labels {
if _, ok := mLabelNames[l.Name]; ok {
shouldSkip = false
if shouldSkip {
return nil, true, nil
var associations []Resource
for _, l := range labels {
if len(mLabelNames) > 0 {
if _, ok := mLabelNames[l.Name]; !ok {
labelObject := LabelToObject("", *l)
labelObject.Metadata[fieldName] = ex.uniqName()
k := newExportKey(l.OrgID, ex.uniqByNameResID(), KindLabel, l.Name)
existing, ok := ex.mObjects[k]
if ok {
associations = append(associations, Resource{
fieldKind: KindLabel.String(),
fieldName: existing.Name(),
associations = append(associations, Resource{
fieldKind: KindLabel.String(),
fieldName: labelObject.Name(),
ex.mObjects[k] = labelObject
return associations, false, nil
return cloneFn, nil
func (ex *resourceExporter) getEndpointRule(ctx context.Context, id influxdb.ID) (influxdb.NotificationRule, influxdb.NotificationEndpoint, error) {
rule, err := ex.ruleSVC.FindNotificationRuleByID(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
ruleEndpoint, err := ex.endpointSVC.FindNotificationEndpointByID(ctx, rule.GetEndpointID())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return rule, ruleEndpoint, nil
func (ex *resourceExporter) uniqName() string {
uuid := strings.ToLower(idGenerator.ID().String())
for i := 1; i < 250; i++ {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", ex.nameGen(), uuid[10:])
if !ex.mPkgNames[name] {
return name
// if all else fails, generate a UUID for the name
return uuid
func findDashboardByIDFull(ctx context.Context, dashSVC influxdb.DashboardService, id influxdb.ID) (*influxdb.Dashboard, error) {
dash, err := dashSVC.FindDashboardByID(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, cell := range dash.Cells {
v, err := dashSVC.GetDashboardCellView(ctx, id, cell.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cell.View = v
return dash, nil
func uniqResourcesToClone(resources []ResourceToClone) []ResourceToClone {
type key struct {
kind Kind
id influxdb.ID
m := make(map[key]ResourceToClone)
for i := range resources {
r := resources[i]
rKey := key{kind: r.Kind, id: r.ID}
kr, ok := m[rKey]
switch {
case ok && kr.Name == r.Name:
case ok && kr.Name != "" && r.Name == "":
m[rKey] = r
out := make([]ResourceToClone, 0, len(resources))
for _, r := range m {
out = append(out, r)
return out
// BucketToObject converts a influxdb.Bucket into an Object.
func BucketToObject(name string, bkt influxdb.Bucket) Object {
if name == "" {
name = bkt.Name
o := newObject(KindBucket, name)
assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{fieldDescription: bkt.Description})
if bkt.RetentionPeriod != 0 {
o.Spec[fieldBucketRetentionRules] = retentionRules{newRetentionRule(bkt.RetentionPeriod)}
return o
func CheckToObject(name string, ch influxdb.Check) Object {
if name == "" {
name = ch.GetName()
o := newObject(KindCheck, name)
assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{
fieldDescription: ch.GetDescription(),
fieldStatus: influxdb.TaskStatusActive,
assignBase := func(base icheck.Base) {
o.Spec[fieldQuery] = strings.TrimSpace(base.Query.Text)
o.Spec[fieldCheckStatusMessageTemplate] = base.StatusMessageTemplate
assignNonZeroFluxDurs(o.Spec, map[string]*notification.Duration{
fieldEvery: base.Every,
fieldOffset: base.Offset,
var tags []Resource
for _, t := range base.Tags {
if t.Valid() != nil {
tags = append(tags, Resource{
fieldKey: t.Key,
fieldValue: t.Value,
if len(tags) > 0 {
o.Spec[fieldCheckTags] = tags
switch cT := ch.(type) {
case *icheck.Deadman:
o.Kind = KindCheckDeadman
assignNonZeroFluxDurs(o.Spec, map[string]*notification.Duration{
fieldCheckTimeSince: cT.TimeSince,
fieldCheckStaleTime: cT.StaleTime,
o.Spec[fieldLevel] = cT.Level.String()
assignNonZeroBools(o.Spec, map[string]bool{fieldCheckReportZero: cT.ReportZero})
case *icheck.Threshold:
o.Kind = KindCheckThreshold
var thresholds []Resource
for _, th := range cT.Thresholds {
thresholds = append(thresholds, convertThreshold(th))
o.Spec[fieldCheckThresholds] = thresholds
return o
func convertThreshold(th icheck.ThresholdConfig) Resource {
r := Resource{fieldLevel: th.GetLevel().String()}
assignLesser := func(threshType thresholdType, allValues bool, val float64) {
r[fieldType] = string(threshType)
assignNonZeroBools(r, map[string]bool{fieldCheckAllValues: allValues})
r[fieldValue] = val
switch realType := th.(type) {
case icheck.Lesser:
assignLesser(thresholdTypeLesser, realType.AllValues, realType.Value)
case *icheck.Lesser:
assignLesser(thresholdTypeLesser, realType.AllValues, realType.Value)
case icheck.Greater:
assignLesser(thresholdTypeGreater, realType.AllValues, realType.Value)
case *icheck.Greater:
assignLesser(thresholdTypeGreater, realType.AllValues, realType.Value)
case icheck.Range:
assignRangeThreshold(r, realType)
case *icheck.Range:
assignRangeThreshold(r, *realType)
return r
func assignRangeThreshold(r Resource, rangeThreshold icheck.Range) {
thType := thresholdTypeOutsideRange
if rangeThreshold.Within {
thType = thresholdTypeInsideRange
r[fieldType] = string(thType)
assignNonZeroBools(r, map[string]bool{fieldCheckAllValues: rangeThreshold.AllValues})
r[fieldMax] = rangeThreshold.Max
r[fieldMin] = rangeThreshold.Min
func convertCellView(cell influxdb.Cell) chart {
var name string
if cell.View != nil {
name = cell.View.Name
ch := chart{
Name: name,
Height: int(cell.H),
Width: int(cell.W),
XPos: int(cell.X),
YPos: int(cell.Y),
setCommon := func(k chartKind, iColors []influxdb.ViewColor, dec influxdb.DecimalPlaces, iQueries []influxdb.DashboardQuery) {
ch.Kind = k
ch.Colors = convertColors(iColors)
ch.DecimalPlaces = int(dec.Digits)
ch.EnforceDecimals = dec.IsEnforced
ch.Queries = convertQueries(iQueries)
setNoteFixes := func(note string, noteOnEmpty bool, prefix, suffix string) {
ch.Note = note
ch.NoteOnEmpty = noteOnEmpty
ch.Prefix = prefix
ch.Suffix = suffix
setLegend := func(l influxdb.Legend) {
ch.Legend.Orientation = l.Orientation
ch.Legend.Type = l.Type
props := cell.View.Properties
switch p := props.(type) {
case influxdb.GaugeViewProperties:
setCommon(chartKindGauge, p.ViewColors, p.DecimalPlaces, p.Queries)
setNoteFixes(p.Note, p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty, p.Prefix, p.Suffix)
ch.TickPrefix = p.TickPrefix
ch.TickSuffix = p.TickSuffix
case influxdb.HeatmapViewProperties:
ch.Kind = chartKindHeatMap
ch.Queries = convertQueries(p.Queries)
ch.Colors = stringsToColors(p.ViewColors)
ch.XCol = p.XColumn
ch.YCol = p.YColumn
ch.Axes = []axis{
{Label: p.XAxisLabel, Prefix: p.XPrefix, Suffix: p.XSuffix, Name: "x", Domain: p.XDomain},
{Label: p.YAxisLabel, Prefix: p.YPrefix, Suffix: p.YSuffix, Name: "y", Domain: p.YDomain},
ch.Note = p.Note
ch.NoteOnEmpty = p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty
ch.BinSize = int(p.BinSize)
case influxdb.HistogramViewProperties:
ch.Kind = chartKindHistogram
ch.Queries = convertQueries(p.Queries)
ch.Colors = convertColors(p.ViewColors)
ch.FillColumns = p.FillColumns
ch.XCol = p.XColumn
ch.Axes = []axis{{Label: p.XAxisLabel, Name: "x", Domain: p.XDomain}}
ch.Note = p.Note
ch.NoteOnEmpty = p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty
ch.BinCount = p.BinCount
ch.Position = p.Position
case influxdb.MarkdownViewProperties:
ch.Kind = chartKindMarkdown
ch.Note = p.Note
case influxdb.LinePlusSingleStatProperties:
setCommon(chartKindSingleStatPlusLine, p.ViewColors, p.DecimalPlaces, p.Queries)
setNoteFixes(p.Note, p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty, p.Prefix, p.Suffix)
ch.Axes = convertAxes(p.Axes)
ch.Shade = p.ShadeBelow
ch.XCol = p.XColumn
ch.YCol = p.YColumn
ch.Position = p.Position
case influxdb.SingleStatViewProperties:
setCommon(chartKindSingleStat, p.ViewColors, p.DecimalPlaces, p.Queries)
setNoteFixes(p.Note, p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty, p.Prefix, p.Suffix)
2020-01-16 20:55:30 +00:00
ch.TickPrefix = p.TickPrefix
ch.TickSuffix = p.TickSuffix
case influxdb.ScatterViewProperties:
ch.Kind = chartKindScatter
ch.Queries = convertQueries(p.Queries)
ch.Colors = stringsToColors(p.ViewColors)
ch.XCol = p.XColumn
ch.YCol = p.YColumn
ch.Axes = []axis{
{Label: p.XAxisLabel, Prefix: p.XPrefix, Suffix: p.XSuffix, Name: "x", Domain: p.XDomain},
{Label: p.YAxisLabel, Prefix: p.YPrefix, Suffix: p.YSuffix, Name: "y", Domain: p.YDomain},
ch.Note = p.Note
ch.NoteOnEmpty = p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty
case influxdb.TableViewProperties:
setCommon(chartKindTable, p.ViewColors, p.DecimalPlaces, p.Queries)
setNoteFixes(p.Note, p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty, "", "")
ch.TimeFormat = p.TimeFormat
ch.TableOptions = tableOptions{
VerticalTimeAxis: p.TableOptions.VerticalTimeAxis,
SortByField: p.TableOptions.SortBy.InternalName,
Wrapping: p.TableOptions.Wrapping,
FixFirstColumn: p.TableOptions.FixFirstColumn,
for _, fieldOpt := range p.FieldOptions {
ch.FieldOptions = append(ch.FieldOptions, fieldOption{
FieldName: fieldOpt.InternalName,
DisplayName: fieldOpt.DisplayName,
Visible: fieldOpt.Visible,
case influxdb.XYViewProperties:
setCommon(chartKindXY, p.ViewColors, influxdb.DecimalPlaces{}, p.Queries)
setNoteFixes(p.Note, p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty, "", "")
ch.Axes = convertAxes(p.Axes)
ch.Geom = p.Geom
ch.Shade = p.ShadeBelow
ch.XCol = p.XColumn
ch.YCol = p.YColumn
ch.Position = p.Position
return ch
func convertChartToResource(ch chart) Resource {
r := Resource{
fieldKind: ch.Kind.title(),
fieldName: ch.Name,
fieldChartHeight: ch.Height,
fieldChartWidth: ch.Width,
if len(ch.Queries) > 0 {
r[fieldChartQueries] = ch.Queries
if len(ch.Colors) > 0 {
r[fieldChartColors] = ch.Colors
if len(ch.Axes) > 0 {
r[fieldChartAxes] = ch.Axes
if ch.EnforceDecimals {
r[fieldChartDecimalPlaces] = ch.DecimalPlaces
if ch.Legend.Type != "" {
r[fieldChartLegend] = ch.Legend
if len(ch.FillColumns) > 0 {
r[fieldChartFillColumns] = ch.FillColumns
if zero := new(tableOptions); ch.TableOptions != *zero {
tRes := make(Resource)
assignNonZeroBools(tRes, map[string]bool{
fieldChartTableOptionVerticalTimeAxis: ch.TableOptions.VerticalTimeAxis,
fieldChartTableOptionFixFirstColumn: ch.TableOptions.FixFirstColumn,
assignNonZeroStrings(tRes, map[string]string{
fieldChartTableOptionSortBy: ch.TableOptions.SortByField,
fieldChartTableOptionWrapping: ch.TableOptions.Wrapping,
r[fieldChartTableOptions] = tRes
if len(ch.FieldOptions) > 0 {
fieldOpts := make([]Resource, 0, len(ch.FieldOptions))
for _, fo := range ch.FieldOptions {
fRes := make(Resource)
assignNonZeroBools(fRes, map[string]bool{
fieldChartFieldOptionVisible: fo.Visible,
assignNonZeroStrings(fRes, map[string]string{
fieldChartFieldOptionDisplayName: fo.DisplayName,
fieldChartFieldOptionFieldName: fo.FieldName,
fieldOpts = append(fieldOpts, fRes)
r[fieldChartFieldOptions] = fieldOpts
assignNonZeroBools(r, map[string]bool{
fieldChartNoteOnEmpty: ch.NoteOnEmpty,
fieldChartShade: ch.Shade,
assignNonZeroStrings(r, map[string]string{
2020-01-16 21:53:28 +00:00
fieldChartNote: ch.Note,
fieldPrefix: ch.Prefix,
fieldSuffix: ch.Suffix,
fieldChartGeom: ch.Geom,
fieldChartXCol: ch.XCol,
fieldChartYCol: ch.YCol,
fieldChartPosition: ch.Position,
fieldChartTickPrefix: ch.TickPrefix,
fieldChartTickSuffix: ch.TickSuffix,
fieldChartTimeFormat: ch.TimeFormat,
assignNonZeroInts(r, map[string]int{
fieldChartXPos: ch.XPos,
fieldChartYPos: ch.YPos,
fieldChartBinCount: ch.BinCount,
fieldChartBinSize: ch.BinSize,
return r
func convertAxes(iAxes map[string]influxdb.Axis) axes {
out := make(axes, 0, len(iAxes))
for name, a := range iAxes {
out = append(out, axis{
Base: a.Base,
Label: a.Label,
Name: name,
Prefix: a.Prefix,
Scale: a.Scale,
Suffix: a.Suffix,
return out
func convertColors(iColors []influxdb.ViewColor) colors {
out := make(colors, 0, len(iColors))
for _, ic := range iColors {
out = append(out, &color{
Name: ic.Name,
Type: ic.Type,
Hex: ic.Hex,
Value: flt64Ptr(ic.Value),
return out
func convertQueries(iQueries []influxdb.DashboardQuery) queries {
out := make(queries, 0, len(iQueries))
for _, iq := range iQueries {
out = append(out, query{Query: strings.TrimSpace(iq.Text)})
return out
// DashboardToObject converts an influxdb.Dashboard to an Object.
func DashboardToObject(name string, dash influxdb.Dashboard) Object {
if name == "" {
name = dash.Name
sort.Slice(dash.Cells, func(i, j int) bool {
ic, jc := dash.Cells[i], dash.Cells[j]
if ic.X == jc.X {
return ic.Y < jc.Y
return ic.X < jc.X
charts := make([]Resource, 0, len(dash.Cells))
for _, cell := range dash.Cells {
if cell.ID == influxdb.ID(0) {
ch := convertCellView(*cell)
if !ch.Kind.ok() {
charts = append(charts, convertChartToResource(ch))
o := newObject(KindDashboard, name)
assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{
fieldDescription: dash.Description,
o.Spec[fieldDashCharts] = charts
return o
// LabelToObject converts an influxdb.Label to an Object.
func LabelToObject(name string, l influxdb.Label) Object {
if name == "" {
name = l.Name
o := newObject(KindLabel, name)
assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{
fieldDescription: l.Properties["description"],
fieldLabelColor: l.Properties["color"],
return o
// NotificationEndpointToObject converts an notification endpoint into a pkger Object.
func NotificationEndpointToObject(name string, e influxdb.NotificationEndpoint) Object {
if name == "" {
name = e.GetName()
o := newObject(KindNotificationEndpoint, name)
assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{
fieldDescription: e.GetDescription(),
fieldStatus: string(e.GetStatus()),
switch actual := e.(type) {
case *endpoint.HTTP:
o.Kind = KindNotificationEndpointHTTP
o.Spec[fieldNotificationEndpointHTTPMethod] = actual.Method
o.Spec[fieldNotificationEndpointURL] = actual.URL
o.Spec[fieldType] = actual.AuthMethod
assignNonZeroSecrets(o.Spec, map[string]influxdb.SecretField{
fieldNotificationEndpointPassword: actual.Password,
fieldNotificationEndpointToken: actual.Token,
fieldNotificationEndpointUsername: actual.Username,
case *endpoint.PagerDuty:
o.Kind = KindNotificationEndpointPagerDuty
o.Spec[fieldNotificationEndpointURL] = actual.ClientURL
assignNonZeroSecrets(o.Spec, map[string]influxdb.SecretField{
fieldNotificationEndpointRoutingKey: actual.RoutingKey,
case *endpoint.Slack:
o.Kind = KindNotificationEndpointSlack
o.Spec[fieldNotificationEndpointURL] = actual.URL
assignNonZeroSecrets(o.Spec, map[string]influxdb.SecretField{
fieldNotificationEndpointToken: actual.Token,
return o
// NotificationRuleToObject converts an notification rule into a pkger Object.
func NotificationRuleToObject(name, endpointPkgName string, iRule influxdb.NotificationRule) Object {
if name == "" {
name = iRule.GetName()
o := newObject(KindNotificationRule, name)
o.Spec[fieldNotificationRuleEndpointName] = endpointPkgName
assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{
fieldDescription: iRule.GetDescription(),
assignBase := func(base rule.Base) {
assignNonZeroFluxDurs(o.Spec, map[string]*notification.Duration{
fieldEvery: base.Every,
fieldOffset: base.Offset,
var tagRes []Resource
for _, tRule := range base.TagRules {
tagRes = append(tagRes, Resource{
fieldKey: tRule.Key,
fieldValue: tRule.Value,
fieldOperator: tRule.Operator.String(),
if len(tagRes) > 0 {
o.Spec[fieldNotificationRuleTagRules] = tagRes
var statusRuleRes []Resource
for _, sRule := range base.StatusRules {
sRes := Resource{
fieldNotificationRuleCurrentLevel: sRule.CurrentLevel.String(),
if sRule.PreviousLevel != nil {
sRes[fieldNotificationRulePreviousLevel] = sRule.PreviousLevel.String()
statusRuleRes = append(statusRuleRes, sRes)
if len(statusRuleRes) > 0 {
o.Spec[fieldNotificationRuleStatusRules] = statusRuleRes
switch t := iRule.(type) {
case *rule.HTTP:
case *rule.PagerDuty:
o.Spec[fieldNotificationRuleMessageTemplate] = t.MessageTemplate
case *rule.Slack:
o.Spec[fieldNotificationRuleMessageTemplate] = t.MessageTemplate
assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{fieldNotificationRuleChannel: t.Channel})
return o
// regex used to rip out the hard coded task option stuffs
var taskFluxRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`option task = {(.|\n)*?}`)
// TaskToObject converts an influxdb.Task into a pkger.Object.
feat(pkger): add stateful management for tasks notes on this commit. This commit was grueling ;-(. The task API is not a friendly API to consume. There are a lot of non obvious things going on and almost every one of them tripped me up. Things of note: * the http.TaskService does not satisfy the influxdb.TaskService, making it impossible to use as a dependency if tasks service gets split out * the APIs for create and update do not share common types. For example: creating a task takes every field as a string, but in the update it is taken as a options.Duration type. A step further and you'll notice that create does not need an option to be provided, but the update does. Its jarring trying to understand the indirection here. I struggled mightily trying to make sense of it all with the indirection and differing types. Made for a very difficult task (no pun intended) when it should have been trivial. Opportunity here to fix these up and make this API more uniform and remove unneccesary complexity like the options type. * Nested IDs that get marshaled, are no bueno when you want to marshal a task that does not have an ID in it, for either user/org/or self IDs. Its a challenge just to do that. * Lots of logs in the kv.Task portion where we hit errors and log and others where we return. It isn't clear what is happening. The kv implementation is also very procedural, and I found myself bouncing around like a ping pong ball trying to make heads or tails of it. * There is auth buried deep inside the kv.Task implementation that kept throwing me off b/c it kept throwing errors, instead of warns. I assume, not sure if I'm correct on this, but that the stuff being logged is determined inconsequential to the task working. I had lots of errors from the auth buried in there, and hadn't a clue what to make of it.... leaving these notes here as a look back at why working with tasks is so difficult. This API can improve dramatically. I spent 5x the time trying to figure out how to use the task API, in procedural calls, than I did writing the business logic to consume it.... that's a scary realization ;-( references: #17434
2020-04-21 02:59:56 +00:00
func TaskToObject(name string, t influxdb.Task) Object {
if name == "" {
name = t.Name
query := strings.TrimSpace(taskFluxRegex.ReplaceAllString(t.Flux, ""))
o := newObject(KindTask, name)
assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{
fieldTaskCron: t.Cron,
fieldDescription: t.Description,
fieldEvery: t.Every,
fieldOffset: durToStr(t.Offset),
fieldQuery: strings.TrimSpace(query),
return o
// TelegrafToObject converts an influxdb.TelegrafConfig into a pkger.Object.
func TelegrafToObject(name string, t influxdb.TelegrafConfig) Object {
if name == "" {
name = t.Name
o := newObject(KindTelegraf, name)
assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{
fieldTelegrafConfig: t.Config,
fieldDescription: t.Description,
return o
// VariableToObject converts an influxdb.Variable to a pkger.Object.
func VariableToObject(name string, v influxdb.Variable) Object {
if name == "" {
name = v.Name
o := newObject(KindVariable, name)
assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{fieldDescription: v.Description})
args := v.Arguments
if args == nil {
return o
o.Spec[fieldType] = args.Type
switch args.Type {
case fieldArgTypeConstant:
vals, ok := args.Values.(influxdb.VariableConstantValues)
if ok {
o.Spec[fieldValues] = []string(vals)
case fieldArgTypeMap:
vals, ok := args.Values.(influxdb.VariableMapValues)
if ok {
o.Spec[fieldValues] = map[string]string(vals)
case fieldArgTypeQuery:
vals, ok := args.Values.(influxdb.VariableQueryValues)
if ok {
o.Spec[fieldLanguage] = vals.Language
o.Spec[fieldQuery] = strings.TrimSpace(vals.Query)
return o
func newObject(kind Kind, name string) Object {
return Object{
APIVersion: APIVersion,
Kind: kind,
Metadata: Resource{
// this timestamp is added to make the resource unique. Should also indicate
// to the end user that this is machine readable and the field is
// the one they want to edit when a name change is desired.
fieldName: strings.ToLower(idGenerator.ID().String()),
Spec: Resource{
fieldName: name,
func assignNonZeroFluxDurs(r Resource, m map[string]*notification.Duration) {
for field, dur := range m {
if dur == nil {
if dur.TimeDuration() == 0 {
r[field] = dur.TimeDuration().String()
func assignNonZeroBools(r Resource, m map[string]bool) {
for k, v := range m {
if v {
r[k] = v
func assignNonZeroInts(r Resource, m map[string]int) {
for k, v := range m {
if v != 0 {
r[k] = v
func assignNonZeroStrings(r Resource, m map[string]string) {
for k, v := range m {
if v != "" {
r[k] = v
func assignNonZeroSecrets(r Resource, m map[string]influxdb.SecretField) {
for field, secret := range m {
if secret.Key == "" {
r[field] = Resource{
fieldReferencesSecret: Resource{
fieldKey: secret.Key,
func stringsToColors(clrs []string) colors {
newColors := make(colors, 0)
for _, x := range clrs {
newColors = append(newColors, &color{Hex: x})
return newColors