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2020-05-13 20:49:31 +00:00
Feature: Monitoring - Alerts - Base
As a user I want to setup alerts
So that I can be notified of important changes in the data
Scenario: Load Initial Alerts view
Given I reset the environment
Given run setup over REST "DEFAULT"
#When hover over the "alerting" menu item
#When click nav sub menu "Monitoring & Alerting"
When API sign in user "DEFAULT"
When API create a label "Peano" described as "Theorie des ensembles" with color "#AAFFAA" for user "DEFAULT"
When API create a label "Euclide" described as "Geometrie euclidienne" with color "#FFAAAA" for user "DEFAULT"
When API create a label "Leibniz" described as "Calcul infinitésimal" with color "#AAAAFF" for user "DEFAULT"
When API create a label "Descartes" described as "Géométrie analytique" with color "#FFFFAA" for user "DEFAULT"
When start live data generator
# It seems 5s is the quickest we can use stably given default values in create check controls
# Tried 1s, but need to use agg function like mean so the checks do not seem to match
{ "pulse": 5000, "model": "count10" }
When open the signin page
When UI sign in user "DEFAULT"
When click nav menu item "Alerting"
Then the Alerting page is loaded
When wait "10" seconds
Scenario: Exercise Initial Alerts view Controls
Then the notification rules create dropdown is disabled
When click alerting tab "checks"
When click the create check button
Then the create check dropodown list contains the items
When click the create check button
Then the create check dropdown list is not visible
When hover the create check question mark
Then the create check tooltip is visible
When hover the alerts page title
Then the create check tooltip is not visible
When click alerting tab "endpoints"
When hover the create endpoint question mark
Then the create endpoint tooltip is visible
When hover the alerts page title
Then the create endpoint tooltip is not visible
When click alerting tab "rules"
When hover the create rule question mark
Then the create rules tooltip is visible
When hover the alerts page title
Then the create rules tooltip is not visible
When click alerting tab "endpoints"
When click create endpoint button
Then the create endpoint popup is loaded
When dismiss the popup
Then popup is not loaded
When click alerting tab "checks"
When click the first time create threshold check
Then the edit check overlay is loaded
When dismiss edit check overlay
Then the edit check overlay is not loaded
When click the first time create deadman check
Then the edit check overlay is loaded
When dismiss edit check overlay
Then the edit check overlay is not loaded
# Create and start endpoint listener for notification checks - maybe move to separate endpoints test suite
# Exercise Configure Check -- N.B. try and reuse dashboard time machine for Define Query
# TODO - Check illogical alert thresholds
# TODO - add simple tags check
Scenario: Exercise Configure Check - Threshold
When click the create check button
When click the create check dropdown item "Threshold"
# Query Builder steps cover same library as in dashboards - TODO - check for gaps
# For now cover just configure check step
When click check editor configure check button
Then the configure check view is loaded
Then the create check checklist contains:
[{ "state": "error", "text": "One field" },
{ "state": "valid", "text": "One aggregate function" },
{ "state": "error", "text": "One or more thresholds"}]
Then the check interval hint dropdown list is not visible
When click on check interval input
Then the check interval hint dropdown list includes
When click the interval hint dropdown list item "5m"
Then the check interval hint dropdown list is not visible
Then the interval indicator is set to "5m"
Then the check offset hint dropdown list is not visible
When click the check offset interval input
Then the check offset hint dropdown list includes
When click the offset hint dropdown list item "1m"
Then the check offset hint dropdown list is not visible
Then the offset input is set to "1m"
When update the check message template to
Kapela z Varsavy
Then the check message tempate contains
Kapela z Varsavy
When click add threshold condition "CRIT"
When click the threshold definition dropdown for condition "CRIT"
# TODO - after issue 17729 is resolved - should be equal criteria e.g. n == 0
Then the threshold definition dropdown for "CRIT" contain items:
is above,is below,is inside range,is outside range
When click the threshold definition dropodown item "Is Inside Range" for condition "CRIT"
Then there is a binary boundary for the threshold "CRIT" with values "20" and "100"
# N.B. currently cannot easily set negatve values - TODO use negative values once #17782 is resolved
# N.B. TODO - check dimensions of inputs - currently in smaller views they are unreadable #17783
When set the binary boundary for the threshold "CRIT" from "0" to "1000"
Then there is a binary boundary for the threshold "CRIT" with values "0" and "1000"
When click add threshold condition "WARN"
When click the threshold definition dropdown for condition "WARN"
When click the threshold definition dropodown item "Is Below" for condition "WARN"
When set the unary boundary value for the threshold definition "WARN" to "0"
Then there is a unary boundary for the threshhold "WARN" with the value "0"
When dismiss edit check overlay
Then the first time create threshold check is visible
Then the first time create deadman check is visible
Scenario: Exercise configure check Deadman
# Just check Deadman fields others were covered in threshold test
When click the create check button
When click the create check dropdown item "Deadman"
When click check editor configure check button
Then the create check checklist contains:
[{ "state": "error", "text": "One field" }]
When click the deadman definition No Values For input
Then the deadman definition hints dropdown contains:
When click the deadman definition hint dropdown item "1m"
Then the deadman definition No Values For input contains "1m"
When set the value of the deadman definition No Values for input to "30m"
When click the deadman definition level dropdown
Then the deadman definition level dropdown contains:
When click the deadman definition level dropdown item "WARN"
Then the deadman definition level dropdown selected item is "WARN"
When click the deadman definition Stop Checking input
Then the deadman definition stop hints dropdown contains:
When click the deadman definition stop hint dropdown item "5m"
Then the deadman definition stop input contains "5m"
When set the value of the definition stop input to "10m"
Then the deadman definition stop input contains "10m"
When dismiss edit check overlay
Then the first time create threshold check is visible
Then the first time create deadman check is visible
# Create Threshold Alerts
Scenario: Create Simple Threshold Check
When click the first time create threshold check
Then the create check checklist contains:
[{ "state": "error", "text": "One field" },
{ "state": "valid", "text": "One aggregate function" },
{ "state": "error", "text": "One or more thresholds"}]
Then the save check button is disabled
When enter the alert check name "Simple Count Check"
When send keys "ENTER"
When click the tag "test" in builder card "1"
When click the tag "val" in builder card "2"
When click the query builder function "mean"
Then the create check checklist contains:
[{ "state": "valid", "text": "One field" },
{ "state": "valid", "text": "One aggregate function" },
{ "state": "error", "text": "One or more thresholds"}]
Then the save check button is disabled
When click the time machine query builder function duration input
When click the query builder function duration suggestion "5s"
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
Then the time machine cell edit preview graph is shown
When click check editor configure check button
Then the interval indicator is set to "5s"
Then the time machine cell edit preview graph is shown
When enter into interval offset "1s"
When send keys "ENTER"
When update the check message template to
${ r._check_name } is: ${ r._level } value was ${string(v: r.val)}
When click add threshold condition "CRIT"
When click the threshold definition dropdown for condition "CRIT"
When click the threshold definition dropodown item "Is Above" for condition "CRIT"
When set the unary boundary value for the threshold definition "CRIT" to "7.5"
Then the create check checklist is not present
Then the save check button is enabled
Then the time machine cell edit preview contains threshold markers:
When click the check editor save button
Then there is an alert card named "Simple Count Check"
# Create Deadman Alerts
Scenario: Create simple Critical Deadman Check
# Just check Deadman fields others were covered in threshold test
When click the create check button
When click the create check dropdown item "Deadman"
When enter the alert check name "Deadman Critical Check"
When click the tag "test" in builder card "1"
When click the tag "val" in builder card "2"
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
Then the time machine cell edit preview graph is shown
When click check editor configure check button
When set the check interval input to "10s"
When set the check offset interval input "2s"
When click the edit check add tag button
When set the check tag key of tag "1" to "mrtvola"
When set the check tag value of tag "1" to "neboztik"
When click the edit check add tag button
When set the check tag key of tag "2" to "kartoffel"
When set the check tag value of tag "2" to "brambor"
When update the check message template to
${ r._check_name } is: ${ r._level } value [${string(v: r.val)}] has stopped reporting
When set the value of the deadman definition No Values for input to "30s"
When set the value of the definition stop input to "2m"
When click the check editor save button
Then there is an alert card named "Deadman Critical Check"
# Need second card for filter and sort tests
Scenario: Create simple Warn Deadman Check
# Just check Deadman fields others were covered in threshold test
When click the create check button
When click the create check dropdown item "Deadman"
When enter the alert check name "Deadman Warn Check"
When click the tag "test" in builder card "1"
When click the tag "val" in builder card "2"
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
Then the time machine cell edit preview graph is shown
When click check editor configure check button
When set the check interval input to "10s"
When set the check offset interval input "2s"
When click the edit check add tag button
When update the check message template to
${ r._check_name } is: ${ r._level } has stopped reporting. Last value [${string(v: r.val)}]
When set the value of the deadman definition No Values for input to "20s"
When set the value of the definition stop input to "1m"
When click the check editor save button
Then the error notification contains "Failed to create check: tag must contain a key and a value"
When close all notifications
When remove check tag key "1"
When click the check editor save button
Then there is an alert card named "Deadman Warn Check"
# TODO - EDIT Threshold Check and drag threshold control in graph
# Edit Check Card
Scenario: Edit Check Card
When hover over the name of the check card "Deadman Warn Check"
When click the name edit button of the check card "Deadman Warn Check"
When update the active check card name input to "Veille automatique - Avertissement"
When send keys "ENTER"
Then there is an alert card named "Veille automatique - Avertissement"
When hover over the description of the check card "Veille automatique - Avertissement"
When click the description edit button of the check card "Veille automatique - Avertissement"
When update the active check card description input to:
Que ta voix, chat mystérieux, Chat séraphique, chat étrange... Baudelaire
When send keys "ENTER"
Then the check card "Veille automatique - Avertissement" contains the description:
Que ta voix, chat mystérieux, Chat séraphique, chat étrange... Baudelaire
# Add labels to checks
Scenario: Add Labels To Checks
When click empty label for check card "Deadman Critical Check"
Then the add label popover is present
# dismiss popover
# TODO - once #17853 is fixed - use ESC key to dismiss popover
When click the checks filter input
Then the add label popover is not present
When click the add labels button for check card "Deadman Critical Check"
Then the add label popover is present
Then the add label popover contains the labels
When click the label popover item "Peano"
When click the label popover item "Leibniz"
Then the add label popover contains the labels
Then the add label popover does not contain the labels:
When set the label popover filter field to "Godel"
Then the add label popover does not contain the labels:
Then the label popover contains create new "Godel"
When clear the popover label selector filter
Then the add label popover contains the labels
Then the add label popover does not contain the labels:
Then the add label popover does not contain create new
# TODO - use escape to close popover once #17853 is resolved
When click the checks filter input
Then the add label popover is not present
Then the check card "Deadman Critical Check" contains the label pills:
When remove the label pill "Peano" from the check card "Deadman Critical Check"
Then the check card "Deadman Critical Check" contains the label pills:
Then the check card "Deadman Critical Check" does not contain the label pills:
When click the add labels button for check card "Deadman Critical Check"
Then the add label popover contains the labels
# TODO - use escape to close popover once #17853 is resolved
When click the checks filter input
# Clone check
Scenario: Clone Check
When hover over the name of the check card "Simple Count Check"
# When wait "1" seconds
When click the check card "Simple Count Check" clone button
When click the check card "Simple Count Check" clone confirm button
Then there is an alert card named "Simple Count Check (clone 1)"
When click the check card name "Simple Count Check (clone 1)"
Then the edit check overlay is loaded
Then the current edit check name is "Simple Count Check (clone 1)"
Then the interval indicator is set to "5s"
Then the offset input is set to "1s"
Then the check message tempate contains
${ r._check_name } is: ${ r._level } value was ${string(v: r.val)}
Then there is a unary boundary for the threshhold "CRIT" with the value "7.5"
When click checkeditor define query button
Then there are "3" time machine builder cards
Then time machine builder card "1" contains:
Then time machine builder card "2" contains:
Then the item "test" in builder card "1" is selected
Then the item "val" in builder card "2" is selected
# TODO - verify Bucket Card contents after #17879 fixed
When enter the alert check name "Bécik"
When click the check editor save button
Then there is an alert card named "Bécik"
# Filter Checks
Scenario: Filter Checks
Then the check cards column contains
Simple Count Check, Deadman Critical Check, Veille automatique - Avertissement, Bécik
When enter into the check cards filter field "Check"
Then the check cards column contains
Simple Count Check, Deadman Critical Check
Then the check cards column does not contain
Veille automatique - Avertissement, Bécik
When enter into the check cards filter field "Be"
Then the "checks" cards column empty state message is "No checks match your search"
When enter into the check cards filter field "Bé"
Then the check cards column contains
Then the check cards column does not contain
Simple Count Check, Deadman Critical Check
When clear the check cards filter field
Then the check cards column contains
Simple Count Check, Deadman Critical Check, Veille automatique - Avertissement, Bécik
Scenario: Threshold Check history - basic
When hover over the name of the check card "Simple Count Check"
# Collect some data - generate at least 1 event
When wait "10" seconds
When click open history of the check card "Simple Count Check"
When click open history confirm of the check card "Simple Count Check"
# Just check page load
# Check history will be separate test feature
Then the Check statusses page is loaded
Then there are at least "1" events in the history
Then event no "1" contains the check name "Simple Count Check"
When click the check name of event no "1"
Then the edit check overlay is loaded
Then the current edit check name is "Simple Count Check"
When dismiss edit check overlay
Then the edit check overlay is not loaded
Then the Alerting page is loaded
Then there is an alert card named "Simple Count Check"
Scenario: Deadman Check history - basic
When stop live data generator
fixes(e2e): selector updates and timing fixes (#18846) * update: patch in tests from bonitoo-io/selenium-accept-infl2 * fix: add dataExplorer.feature - forgotten yesterday * update: refactor e2e test configuration * update: set actual cloud credentials in config * fix: issue with headless switch in config * update: WIP cloud experim and refactoring to use client libs * update: sync variablesTab with upstream changes * fix: clumsy use of resultObserver without promise * fix: troubleshoot merge issue * wip: Refactor using client APIs. * wip: refactoring tests with new client API * update: tokens tests * wip: fixing variables tests * fix: selectors for settings variables tests * update: update selectors for dashboards and cellEdit * e2e(fix): update selectors for generic popup * e2e(fix): fix note cell test * e2e(circleci): try and force nightly build * e2e(circleci): try and force nightly build bis * e2e(circleci): troubleshoot build issues * e2e(circleci): fix type * e2e(circleci): check circleci build * e2e(circleci): troubleshoot build failure * e2e(circleci): troubleshout circleci build * e2e(circleci): troubleshoot circleci build issues * e2e(circleci): troubleshoot build schedule * e2e(update): wip updating alerts selectors * e2e(circleci): troubleshoot reporting from tests * e2e(update): fix alert selectors - WIP * e2e(circleci): troubleshoot reporting issues in circleci * e2e(update): monitoring selector fixes * e2e(circleci): troubleshoot reporting issues * e2e(update): fix monitoring selectors * e2e(circleci): change cron trigger schedule for bonitoo * e2e(config): add ENV to declare username * test: add semantic commit * e2e: remove debug lines from old config.yml * fix(temp): remove bonitoo workflow from config.yml * fix(e2e): reset cron for hourly-e2e to original values * dataExplorer.feature new scenarios * fix(e2e): troubleshoot circleci build * fix: update .circleci/config.yml nightly acceptance test and sync with upstream * fix(e2e): troubleshoot network issues on jenkins * fix(e2): troubleshoot jenkins failures * fix(e2e): troubleshoot jenkins issues * fix(e2e): troubleshoot jenkins failures * fix(e2e): troubleshoot test issues - change page load strategy * fix(e2e): troubleshoot build issues * fix(e2e): troubleshoot build issues * fix(e2e): add paranoia checks on using UI signin * fix(e2e): troubleshoot test issues * fix(e2e): troubleshoot signin stale elem issue * fix(e2e): typo * fix(e2e): synch selectors with recent UI changes * fix(e2e): update check for stale element on signin * fix(e2e): fine tune retry on stale element signin * fix(e2e): lengthen signin retry * fix(e2): try second stale element workaround * fix(e2): attempt to workaround stale element * fix(e2): try cruder solution to stale element on sign in * fix(e2): lengthen timeout for signing page load * fix(e2e): clear notifications before save in dataexplorer * fixes(e2e): update variables button selector * fix(e2e): cleanup data explorer test variable - from browser * fixes(e2e): troubleshoot deadman check failure * fix(e2e): update selectors for telegraf delete * fixes(e2e): extend timeout for input to monaco * fixes(e2e): troubleshoot timeout issue on paste into monaco * fixes(e2e): generic page header no longer applies - temp fix * fixes(e2e): changes to headers temp fixes Co-authored-by: Cubone21 <>
2020-07-13 15:38:26 +00:00
When wait "60" seconds
2020-05-13 20:49:31 +00:00
When hover over the name of the check card "Deadman Critical Check"
When click open history of the check card "Deadman Critical Check"
When click open history confirm of the check card "Deadman Critical Check"
Then the Check statusses page is loaded
Then there are at least "1" events in the history
Then event no "1" contains the check name "Deadman Critical Check"
Then there is at least "1" events at level "crit"
When click the check name of event no "1"
Then the edit check overlay is loaded
Then the current edit check name is "Deadman Critical Check"
When dismiss edit check overlay
Then the edit check overlay is not loaded
Then the Alerting page is loaded
Then there is an alert card named "Deadman Critical Check"
When start live data generator
# restart live generator as above
{ "pulse": 5000, "model": "count10" }
# Delete Check
Scenario Template: Delete Check
When hover over the name of the check card "<NAME>"
When click delete of the check card "<NAME>"
When click delete confirm of the check card "<NAME>"
Then there is no alert card named "<NAME>"
|Veille automatique - Avertissement|
|Deadman Critical Check|
|Simple Count Check|
# TODO - Edit Check definition -
# Edit Check definition
# Create Endpoints {HTTP, Slack, Pager Duty}
# Add labels to Endpoints
# Filter Endpoints
# Edit Endppints
# Create Rules
# Add labels to Rules
# Filter Rules
# Edit Rules
# Delete Checks (N.B. what is affect on dependent rules?)
# Delete Endpoints (N.B. what is affect on dependent rules?)
# Delete Rules
# Tear down data generator - In After All hook - needs to be torn down after failure as well as success
# Tear down http listened - In After All hook - ditto
# NOTE - perhaps should have five features - base, checks, endpoints, rules, full monitoring (too harvest alerts
# and notifications.) - breakup planned tests above into these feature files.