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2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
# Top level Makefile for the entire project
2019-12-11 03:45:25 +00:00
# This Makefile encodes the "go generate" prerequisites ensuring that the proper tooling is installed and
# that the generate steps are executed when their prerequisite files change.
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
# This Makefile follows a few conventions:
# * All cmds must be added to this top level Makefile.
# * All binaries are placed in ./bin, its recommended to add this directory to your PATH.
# * Each package that has a need to run go generate, must have its own Makefile for that purpose.
# * All recursive Makefiles must support the all and clean targets
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
# SUBDIRS are directories that have their own Makefile.
2019-12-11 03:45:25 +00:00
# It is required that all SUBDIRS have the `all` and `clean` targets.
SUBDIRS := http chronograf storage
export GOPATH=$(shell go env GOPATH)
export GOOS=$(shell go env GOOS)
export GOARCH=$(shell go env GOARCH)
ifneq (,$(filter $(GOARCH),amd64 s390x))
# Including the assets tag requires the UI to be built for compilation to succeed.
# Don't force it for running tests.
GO_BUILD_TAGS := assets
# noasm needed to avoid a panic in Flux for non-amd64, non-s390x.
GO_TEST_TAGS := noasm
GO_BUILD_TAGS := assets,noasm
# Tags used for builds and tests on all architectures
COMMON_TAGS := sqlite_foreign_keys,sqlite_json
ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
VERSION := $(shell git describe --exact-match --tags 2>nil)
VERSION := $(shell git describe --exact-match --tags 2>/dev/null)
COMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS) -X main.commit=$(COMMIT)
LDFLAGS += -X main.version=$(VERSION)
# Allow for `go test` to be swapped out by other tooling, i.e. `gotestsum`
GO_TEST_CMD=go test
# Allow for a subset of tests to be specified.
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
# Test vars can be used by all recursive Makefiles
export PKG_CONFIG:=$(PWD)/scripts/
export GO_BUILD=env GO111MODULE=on go build $(GO_BUILD_ARGS) -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)"
export GO_BUILD_SM=env GO111MODULE=on go build $(GO_BUILD_ARGS) -ldflags "-s -w $(LDFLAGS)"
export GO_INSTALL=env GO111MODULE=on go install $(GO_BUILD_ARGS) -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)"
# Do not add GO111MODULE=on to the call to go generate so it doesn't pollute the environment.
export GO_GENERATE=go generate $(GO_BUILD_ARGS)
export GO_VET=env GO111MODULE=on go vet $(GO_TEST_ARGS)
export GO_RUN=env GO111MODULE=on go run $(GO_BUILD_ARGS)
export PATH := $(PWD)/bin/$(GOOS):$(PATH)
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
# All go source files
SOURCES := $(shell find . -name '*.go' -not -name '*_test.go') go.mod go.sum
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
# All go source files excluding the vendored sources.
SOURCES_NO_VENDOR := $(shell find . -path ./vendor -prune -o -name "*.go" -not -name '*_test.go' -print)
# List of binary cmds to build
CMDS := \
bin/$(GOOS)/influx \
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
all: ui/build $(SUBDIRS) generate $(CMDS)
# Target for the built UI assets directory.
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
# Target to build subdirs.
# Each subdirs must support the `all` target.
$(MAKE) -C $@ all
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
# Define targets for commands
bin/$(GOOS)/influxd: $(SOURCES)
$(GO_BUILD) -o $@ ./cmd/$(shell basename "$@")
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
bin/$(GOOS)/influx: $(SOURCES)
$(GO_BUILD_SM) -o $@ ./cmd/$(shell basename "$@")
# Ease of use build for just the go binary
influxd: bin/$(GOOS)/influxd
influx: bin/$(GOOS)/influx
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
# Define action only targets
2021-01-29 16:50:57 +00:00
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
GO111MODULE=on go mod tidy
2018-07-24 20:18:21 +00:00
generate: ui/build $(SUBDIRS)
2018-07-24 20:18:21 +00:00
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
feat(vault): add vault implementation of secret service test(platform): run testcontainer integration tests for nightly release Integration tests for the vault secret service using testcontiners should not run along with unit tests, however, they should run on some regular schedule. This commit introduces `make test-integration` which runs integration tests for vault using testcontainers. The command introduced relies on docker being available on the host it is executed on. chore(platform): make go modules tidy chore: try to fix go mod chore(platform): remove explicit logrus dependency chore(platform): run go mod tidy chore(platform): replace with chore(platform): update docker dependency feat(vault): add vault implementation of secret service test(platform): run testcontainer integration tests for nightly release Integration tests for the vault secret service using testcontiners should not run along with unit tests, however, they should run on some regular schedule. This commit introduces `make test-integration` which runs integration tests for vault using testcontainers. The command introduced relies on docker being available on the host it is executed on. chore(platform): make go modules tidy chore: try to fix go mod chore(platform): run go mod tidy feat(vault): add vault implementation of secret service chore(platform): make go modules tidy feat(platform): add Put/Patch/Delete methods on secret service feat(vault): add Put/Patch/Delete methods on vault secret service feat(http): add http handler methods for secret service feat(bolt): add Put/Delete/Patch methods to bolt secret service feat(testing): add tests for Put/Patch/Delete methods in secret service feat(mock): add mock secret service feat(http): add tests for secrets endpoints feat(http): update swagger for secrets endpoints chore: run go mod tidy
2018-11-16 16:45:00 +00:00
test-integration: GO_TAGS=integration
$(GO_TEST) -count=1 $(GO_TEST_PATHS)
feat(vault): add vault implementation of secret service test(platform): run testcontainer integration tests for nightly release Integration tests for the vault secret service using testcontiners should not run along with unit tests, however, they should run on some regular schedule. This commit introduces `make test-integration` which runs integration tests for vault using testcontainers. The command introduced relies on docker being available on the host it is executed on. chore(platform): make go modules tidy chore: try to fix go mod chore(platform): remove explicit logrus dependency chore(platform): run go mod tidy chore(platform): replace with chore(platform): update docker dependency feat(vault): add vault implementation of secret service test(platform): run testcontainer integration tests for nightly release Integration tests for the vault secret service using testcontiners should not run along with unit tests, however, they should run on some regular schedule. This commit introduces `make test-integration` which runs integration tests for vault using testcontainers. The command introduced relies on docker being available on the host it is executed on. chore(platform): make go modules tidy chore: try to fix go mod chore(platform): run go mod tidy feat(vault): add vault implementation of secret service chore(platform): make go modules tidy feat(platform): add Put/Patch/Delete methods on secret service feat(vault): add Put/Patch/Delete methods on vault secret service feat(http): add http handler methods for secret service feat(bolt): add Put/Delete/Patch methods to bolt secret service feat(testing): add tests for Put/Patch/Delete methods in secret service feat(mock): add mock secret service feat(http): add tests for secrets endpoints feat(http): update swagger for secrets endpoints chore: run go mod tidy
2018-11-16 16:45:00 +00:00
test: test-go
$(GO_TEST) -v -race -count=1 $(GO_TEST_PATHS)
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
2018-05-22 22:19:04 +00:00
$(GO_VET) -v ./...
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
$(GO_TEST) -bench=. -run=^$$ ./...
build: all
go build -o $(GOPATH)/bin/pkg-config
@for d in $(SUBDIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d clean; done
$(RM) -r bin
$(RM) -r dist
$(RM) -r ui/build
# generate feature flags
$(GO_GENERATE) ./kit/feature
@cp .gitignore .dockerignore
@docker image build -t influxdb:dev --target influx .
@cp .gitignore .dockerignore
@docker image build --build-arg "USERID=$(shell id -u)" -t influxdb:dshell --target dshell .
dshell: dshell-image
@docker container run --rm -p 8086:8086 -p 8080:8080 -u $(shell id -u) -it -v $(shell pwd):/code -w /code influxdb:dshell
2018-05-22 17:28:04 +00:00
# .PHONY targets represent actions that do not create an actual file.
.PHONY: all $(SUBDIRS) run fmt checkfmt tidy checktidy checkgenerate test test-go test-go-race test-tls bench clean node_modules vet nightly dist protoc influxd libflux flags dshell dclean docker-image-flux docker-image-influx pkg-config