If you are getting an `error loading module requirements` error with `bzr executable file not found in $PATH”` on `make`, `brew install bazaar` (on macOS) before continuing. This error will also be returned if you have not installed `npm`. On macOS, `brew install npm` will install `npm`.
We recently announced Flux, the MIT-licensed data scripting language (and rename for IFQL). The source for Flux is [available on GitHub](https://github.com/influxdata/flux). Learn more about Flux from [CTO Paul Dix's presentation](https://speakerdeck.com/pauldix/flux-number-fluxlang-a-new-time-series-data-scripting-language).
- [go vet](https://golang.org/cmd/vet/) checks for Go code that should be considered incorrect.
- [go fmt](https://golang.org/cmd/gofmt/) checks that Go code is correctly formatted.
- [go mod tidy](https://tip.golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Add_missing_and_remove_unused_modules) ensures that the source code and go.mod agree.
- [staticcheck](http://next.staticcheck.io/docs/) checks for things like: unused code, code that can be simplified, code that is incorrect and code that will have performance issues.
### staticcheck
If your PR fails `staticcheck` it is easy to dig into why it failed, and also to fix the problem.
First, take a look at the error message in Circle under the `staticcheck` build section, e.g.,
tsdb/tsm1/encoding.gen.go:1445:24: func BooleanValues.assertOrdered is unused (U1000)
tsdb/tsm1/encoding.go:172:7: receiver name should not be an underscore, omit the name if it is unused (ST1006)
Next, go and take a [look here](http://next.staticcheck.io/docs/checks) for some clarification on the error code that you have received, e.g., `U1000`.
The docs will tell you what's wrong, and often what you need to do to fix the issue.
#### Generated Code
Sometimes generated code will contain unused code or occasionally that will fail a different check.
`staticcheck` allows for [entire files](http://next.staticcheck.io/docs/#ignoring-problems) to be ignored, though it's not ideal.
A linter directive, in the form of a comment, must be placed within the generated file.
This is problematic because it will be erased if the file is re-generated.
Until a better solution comes about, below is the list of generated files that need an ignores comment.
If you re-generate a file and find that `staticcheck` has failed, please see this list below for what you need to put back: