82 lines
4.1 KiB
82 lines
4.1 KiB
{{ $scratch := newScratch }}
{{ $productPathData := findRE "[^/]+.*?" .RelPermalink }}
{{ $version := index $productPathData 1 }}
{{ $altVersion := cond (ne $version "cloud-serverless") "cloud-serverless" "cloud" }}
{{ $engine := cond (eq $version "cloud-serverless") "v3" "TSM" }}
{{ $altEngine := cond (eq $version "cloud-serverless") "TSM" "v3" }}
{{ $productName := cond (eq $version "cloud-serverless") "InfluxDB Cloud Serverless" "InfluxDB Cloud (TSM)" }}
{{ $altProductName := cond (eq $version "cloud-serverless") "InfluxDB Cloud (TSM)" "InfluxDB Cloud Serverless" }}
{{ $altDoc := .Page.Params.alt_engine | default "" }}
{{ $altLink := cond (ne $altDoc "") $altDoc (print "/influxdb/" $altVersion "/") }}
{{ $isCloud := eq $version "cloud" }}
{{ $isV3 := eq $version "cloud-serverless" }}
{{ $scratch.Set "uiText" "" }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" "" }}
{{ if $isCloud }}
{{ $scratch.Set "uiText" "InfluxDB Cloud powered by TSM"}}
{{ $scratch.Set "uiStorageDescription" "Storage Engine Version 2" }}
{{ $altV3Page := $.GetPage ((replaceRE "influxdb/cloud" "influxdb3/cloud-serverless" $.Page.RelPermalink) | replaceRE `\/$` "") }}
{{ if ne $altDoc "" }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" $altDoc }}
{{ else if gt (len $altV3Page.Title) 0 }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" $altV3Page.RelPermalink }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if $isV3 }}
{{ $scratch.Set "uiText" "InfluxDB Cloud Serverless"}}
{{ $scratch.Set "uiStorageDescription" "Storage Engine Version 3" }}
{{ $altCloudPage := $.GetPage ((replaceRE "influxdb3/cloud-serverless" "influxdb/cloud" $.Page.RelPermalink) | replaceRE `\/$` "") }}
{{ if ne $altDoc "" }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" $altDoc }}
{{ else if gt (len $altCloudPage.Title) 0 }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" $altCloudPage.RelPermalink }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $uiText := $scratch.Get "uiText" }}
{{ $uiStorageDescription := $scratch.Get "uiStorageDescription" }}
{{ $altLink := cond (eq ($scratch.Get "link") "") (print "/influxdb/" $altVersion "/") ($scratch.Get "link") }}
<div id="v3-wayfinding-modal">
<div class="wayfinding-wrapper">
<div class="wayfinding-content">
<h4>InfluxDB Cloud{{ if $isV3 }} Serverless{{ else }} powered by {{ $engine }}{{end}}</h4>
<div class="wayfinding-content-info">
You are currently viewing documentation specific to InfluxDB Cloud
{{ if $isV3 }}Serverless{{ end }}
powered by the <strong>{{ $engine }} storage engine</strong>, which
offers different functionality than InfluxDB Cloud
{{ if not $isV3 }}Serverless{{ end }}
powered by the {{ $altEngine }} storage engine.
<strong>Are you using InfluxDB Cloud {{ if $isV3 }}Serverless{{ else }}powered by TSM{{ end }}?</strong>
<a href="#" id="find-out-toggle">How to find out?</a>
<div id="find-out-instructions">
Visit <a href="https://cloud2.influxdata.com" target="_blank">your organization's homepage</a>
and find the following at the bottom of the right column:
<div class="powered-by-example">
{{ $uiText }}
<span class="storage-description{{ if not $isV3 }} git-head{{ end }}">{{ $uiStorageDescription }}</span>
<div class="wayfinding-actions">
<a class="v3-wayfinding-btn" data-engine="{{ $engine | lower }}" href="#" id="v3-wayfinding-stay"><strong>Yes</strong><span class="small"> – I'm using {{ $productName }}</span></a>
<a class="v3-wayfinding-btn" data-engine="{{ $altEngine | lower }}" id="v3-wayfinding-switch" href="{{ $altLink }}"><strong>No</strong><span class="small"> – I'm using {{ $altProductName }}</span></a>
<input id="v3-wayfinding-opt-out-input" type="checkbox" />
<span id="v3-wayfinding-opt-out" class="checkbox"></span>
<span class="checkbox-text">Don't ask again</span>
<span id="v3-wayfinding-close" class="cf-icon Remove_New"></span>
</div> |