
103 lines
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//////////////////////////////// Tabbed Content ////////////////////////////////
* NOTE: Tab <a> elements are whitelisted elements that do not trigger
* smoothscroll when clicked. The whitelist is defined in content-interactions.js.
function tabbedContent (container, tab, content) {
// Add the active class to the first tab in each tab group,
// in case it wasn't already set in the markup.
$(container).each(function () {
$(tab, this).removeClass('is-active');
$(tab + ':first', this).addClass('is-active');
$(tab).on('click', function (e) {
// Make sure the tab being clicked is marked as active, and make the rest inactive.
// Render the correct tab content based on the position of the tab being clicked.
const activeIndex = $(tab).index(this);
$(content).each(function (i) {
if (i === activeIndex) {
tabbedContent('.code-tabs-wrapper', '.code-tabs p a', '.code-tab-content');
tabbedContent('.tabs-wrapper', '.tabs p a', '.tab-content');
function getTabQueryParam () {
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(;
return $('<textarea />').html(queryParams.get('t')).text();
// Add query param to .keep-tab paginated navigation buttons to persist tab
// selection when navigating between the pages.
function updateBtnURLs (tabId, op = 'update') {
$('a.keep-tab').each(function () {
var link = $(this)[0].href;
var tabStr = tabId.replace(/ /, '+');
if (op === 'delete') {
$(this)[0].href = link.replace(/\?t.*$/, '');
} else {
$(this)[0].href = link.replace(/($)|(\?t=.*$)/, `?t=${tabStr}`);
function activateTabs (selector, tab) {
var anchor = window.location.hash;
if (tab !== '') {
let targetTab = $(`${selector} a:contains("${tab}")`);
if (!targetTab.length) {
targetTab = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`${selector} a`)).find(
function (el) {
let targetText =
el.text && el.text.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/, '');
return targetText && tab.includes(targetText);
if (targetTab) {
$(`.tabs p a, .code-tabs p a`).click(function () {
var queryParams = new URLSearchParams(;
var anchor = window.location.hash;
if ($(this).is(':not(":first-child")')) {
queryParams.set('t', $(this).html());
} else {
window.history.replaceState({}, '', `${location.pathname}${anchor}`);
updateBtnURLs($(this).html(), 'delete');
//////////////////// Activate Tab with Cookie or Query Param ///////////////////
tab = getTabQueryParam();
['.tabs', '.code-tabs'].forEach(
selector => activateTabs(selector, tab),