
81 lines
2.2 KiB

extends: substitution
message: "Use '%s' instead of '%s'."
link: ""
level: warning
ignorecase: false
name: replace
"(?:API Console|dev|developer) key": API key
"(?:cell ?phone|smart ?phone)": phone|mobile phone
"(?:dev|developer|APIs) console": API console
"(?:e-mail|Email|E-mail)": email
"(?:file ?path|path ?name)": path
"(?:kill|terminate|abort)": stop|exit|cancel|end
"(?:OAuth ?2|Oauth)": OAuth 2.0
"(?:ok|Okay)": OK|okay
"(?:WiFi|wifi)": Wi-Fi
'[\.]+apk': APK
'3\-D': 3D
'Google (?:I\-O|IO)': Google I/O
"tap (?:&|and) hold": touch & hold
"un(?:check|select)": clear
above: preceding
account name: username
action bar: app bar
admin: administrator
Ajax: AJAX
a\.k\.a|aka: or|also known as
Android device: Android-powered device
android: Android
API explorer: APIs Explorer
application: app
approx\.: approximately
authN: authentication
authZ: authorization
autoupdate: automatically update
cellular data: mobile data
cellular network: mobile network
chapter: documents|pages|sections
check box: checkbox
CLI: command-line tool
click on: click|click in
Cloud: Google Cloud Platform|GCP
Container Engine: Kubernetes Engine
content type: media type
curated roles: predefined roles
data are: data is
Developers Console: Google API Console|API Console
disabled?: turn off|off
ephemeral IP address: ephemeral external IP address
fewer data: less data
file name: filename
firewalls: firewall rules
functionality: capability|feature
Google account: Google Account
Google accounts: Google Accounts
Googling: search with Google
grayed-out: unavailable
in order to: to
ingest: import|load
k8s: Kubernetes
long press: touch & hold
network IP address: internal IP address
omnibox: address bar
open-source: open source
overview screen: recents screen
regex: regular expression
sign into: sign in to
sign-?on: single sign-on
static IP address: static external IP address
stylesheet: style sheet
synch: sync
tablename: table name
tablet: device
touch: tap
url: URL
vs\.: versus
World Wide Web: web