88 lines
3.4 KiB
88 lines
3.4 KiB
{{ $productPathData := findRE "[^/]+.*?" .RelPermalink }}
{{ $product := index $productPathData 0 }}
{{ $version := index $productPathData 1 }}
{{ $latestV2 := .Site.Data.products.influxdb.latest }}
{{ $fluxSupported := slice "influxdb" "enterprise_influxdb" }}
{{ $influxdbFluxSupport := slice "v1" "v2" "cloud" }}
{{ $includeFlux := and (in $fluxSupported $product) (in $influxdbFluxSupport $version) }}
{{ $includeResources := not (in (slice "cloud-serverless" "cloud-dedicated" "clustered" "core" "enterprise") $version) }}
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsearch.js@2/dist/cdn/docsearch.min.js"></script>
var multiVersion = ['influxdb']
apiKey: '501434b53a46a92a7931aecc7c9672e2',
appId: 'WHM9UWMP6M',
indexName: 'influxdata',
inputSelector: '#algolia-search-input',
// Set debug to true if you want to inspect the dropdown
debug: true,
transformData: function (hits) {
function fmtVersion (version, productKey) {
if (version == null) {
return '';
} else if (version === 'cloud') {
return 'Cloud (TSM)';
} else if (version === 'core') {
return 'Core';
} else if (version === 'enterprise') {
return 'Enterprise';
} else if (version === 'cloud-serverless') {
return 'Cloud Serverless';
} else if (version === 'cloud-dedicated') {
return 'Cloud Dedicated';
} else if (version === 'clustered') {
return 'Clustered';
} else if (multiVersion.includes(productKey)) {
return version;
} else {
return '';
productNames = {
influxdb: 'InfluxDB',
influxdb3: 'InfluxDB 3',
enterprise_influxdb: 'InfluxDB Enterprise',
flux: 'Flux',
telegraf: 'Telegraf',
chronograf: 'Chronograf',
kapacitor: 'Kapacitor',
platform: 'InfluxData Platform',
resources: 'Additional Resources',
hits.map(hit => {
pathData = new URL(hit.url).pathname.split('/').filter(n => n);
product = productNames[pathData[0]];
version = fmtVersion(pathData[1], pathData[0]);
hit.product = product;
hit.version = version;
hit.hierarchy.lvl0 =
hit.hierarchy.lvl0 +
` <span class=\"search-product-version\">${product} ${version}</span>`;
hit._highlightResult.hierarchy.lvl0.value =
hit._highlightResult.hierarchy.lvl0.value +
` <span class=\"search-product-version\">${product} ${version}</span>`;
return hits;
algoliaOptions: {
hitsPerPage: 10,
'facetFilters': [
{{ if or (eq $product "platform") (eq $product "resources") (le (len $productPathData) 1) }}
{{ else if $includeFlux }}
['searchTag: {{ $product }}-{{ $version }}', 'flux:true', 'resources:{{ $includeResources }}']
{{ else }}
['searchTag: {{ $product }}-{{ $version }}', 'resources:{{ $includeResources }}']
{{ end }}
autocompleteOptions: {
templates: {
header: '<div class="search-all-content"><a href="https:\/\/support.influxdata.com" target="_blank">Search all InfluxData content <span class="icon-arrow-up-right"></span></a>',
empty: '<div class="search-no-results"><p>Not finding what you\'re looking for?</p> <a href="https:\/\/support.influxdata.com" target="_blank">Search all InfluxData content <span class="icon-arrow-up-right"></span></a></div>'
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