118 lines
3.5 KiB
118 lines
3.5 KiB
import $ from 'jquery';
function initialize() {
var codeBlockSelector = '.article--content pre';
var codeBlocks = $(codeBlockSelector);
var appendHTML = `
<div class="code-controls">
<span class="code-controls-toggle"><span class='cf-icon More'></span></span>
<ul class="code-control-options">
<li class='copy-code'><span class='cf-icon Duplicate_New'></span> <span class="message">Copy</span></li>
<li class='fullscreen-toggle'><span class='cf-icon ExpandB'></span> Fill window</li>
// Wrap all codeblocks with a new 'codeblock' div
$(codeBlocks).each(function () {
$(this).wrap("<div class='codeblock'></div>");
// Append code controls to all codeblock divs
//////////////////////////// CODE CONTROLS TOGGLING ////////////////////////////
// Click outside of the code-controls to close them
$(document).click(function () {
// Click the code controls toggle to open code controls
$('.code-controls-toggle').click(function () {
// Stop event propagation for clicks inside of the code-controls div
$('.code-controls').click(function (e) {
/////////////////////////////// COPY TO CLIPBOARD //////////////////////////////
// Update button text during lifecycles
function updateText(element, currentText, newText) {
let inner = element[0].innerHTML;
inner = inner.replace(currentText, newText);
element[0].innerHTML = inner;
// Trigger copy success state lifecycle
function copyLifeCycle(element, state) {
let stateData =
state === 'success'
? { state: 'success', message: 'Copied!' }
: { state: 'failed', message: 'Copy failed!' };
updateText(element, 'Copy', stateData.message);
setTimeout(function () {
updateText(element, stateData.message, 'Copy');
}, 2500);
// Trigger copy failure state lifecycle
$('.copy-code').click(function () {
let text = $(this).closest('.code-controls').prev('pre')[0].innerText;
const copyContent = async () => {
try {
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text);
copyLifeCycle($(this), 'success');
} catch {
copyLifeCycle($(this), 'failed');
/////////////////////////////// FULL WINDOW CODE ///////////////////////////////
On click, open the fullscreen code modal and append a clone of the selected codeblock.
Disable scrolling on the body.
Disable user selection on everything but the fullscreen codeblock.
$('.fullscreen-toggle').click(function () {
var code = $(this).closest('.code-controls').prev('pre').clone();
$('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
$('body > div:not(.fullscreen-code)').css('user-select', 'none');
On click, close the fullscreen code block.
Reenable scrolling on the body.
Reenable user selection on everything.
Close the modal and replace the code block with the placeholder element.
$('.fullscreen-close').click(function () {
$('body').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('body > div:not(.fullscreen-code)').css('user-select', '');
$('.fullscreen-code pre').replaceWith(
'<div id="fullscreen-code-placeholder"></div>'
export { initialize };