Jason Stirnaman 72c31b5d12
Chore/upgrade hugo (#4164)
* fix: Upgrade Hugo and CSS dependencies to fix code samples

Upgrade to latest version of hugo-extended.
Upgrade to latest compatible version of PostCSS.
Fixes syntax highlighting for JavaScript code samples.

* chore: add openapi elements and reimplement Regex to replace shortcode.
2022-06-28 16:17:05 -05:00
cloud Chore/upgrade hugo (#4164) 2022-06-28 16:17:05 -05:00
openapi Chore/upgrade hugo (#4164) 2022-06-28 16:17:05 -05:00
v2.0 base update to 2.2 (#3744) 2022-04-06 15:07:21 -07:00
v2.1 Fix/api reference (#3977) 2022-04-26 17:16:36 -05:00
v2.2 fix: replace download button with spec link. (#4013) 2022-05-12 16:48:02 -05:00
v2.3 Chore/upgrade hugo (#4164) 2022-06-28 16:17:05 -05:00
.redocly.yaml Fix/api securityschemes (#3488) 2021-12-21 14:34:49 -06:00 fix(api): reimplement Regex to replace shortcode. (#4161) 2022-06-27 08:53:32 -05:00 fix: replace download button with spec link. (#4013) 2022-05-12 16:48:02 -05:00 fix(api): reimplement Regex to replace shortcode. (#4161) 2022-06-27 08:53:32 -05:00
package.json API Ref docs processing (#3337) 2021-11-03 14:18:02 -05:00
template.hbs Install dependencies as project dependencies from NPM repo (#2476) 2021-05-24 12:11:01 -05:00
yarn.lock API Ref docs processing (#3337) 2021-11-03 14:18:02 -05:00

API reference documentation

Update API docs for InfluxDB Cloud

  1. In your docs-v2 directory, create a branch for your changes--for example:

    cd ~/github/docs-v2
    git fetch -ap
    git checkout -b release/api-cloud origin/master
  2. Enter the following commands into your terminal to fetch and process the contracts:

    # In your terminal, go to the `docs-v2/api-docs` directory:
    cd ./api-docs
    # Fetch the contracts, apply customizations, and bundle.
    sh cloud
  3. Enter the following commands into your terminal to generate the API docs with Redocly:


    To troubleshoot errors, see how to generate API docs locally.

  4. Commit the changes, push your branch to influxdata/docs-v2, and create a PR against the master branch.

Update API docs for an InfluxDB OSS release

  1. Go into your local influxdata/openapi repo directory--for example:

    cd ~/github/openapi
  2. Get the SHA for the release commit (or consult Team-Edge if you're not sure)--for example, enter the following command into your terminal to get the latest SHA for contracts/ref/oss.yml :

    git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%h -- contracts/ref/oss.yml
  3. Copy the SHA from the output and create a git tag by running the following command, replacing [SEMANTIC_VERSION] with the OSS release (for example, 2.3.0) and COMMIT_SHA with the SHA from step 2:

    git tag influxdb-oss-v[SEMANTIC_VERSION] COMMIT_SHA
  4. Enter the following commands into your terminal to push the new tag to the repo:

    git push tags
  5. Enter the following commands into your terminal to update docs-release/influxdb-oss branch to the OSS release commit and rebase the branch to the latest release of InfluxDB OSS, replacing OSS_RELEASE_TAG with the SHA from step 3.

    git checkout docs-release/influxdb-oss
    git rebase -i OSS_RELEASE_TAG
    git push -f origin docs-release/influxdb-oss
  6. Go into your docs-v2 directory and create a branch for your changes--for example:

    cd ~/github/docs-v2
    git fetch -ap
    git checkout -b release/api-oss origin/master
  7. In ./api-docs, create a directory for the new OSS version number--for example:

    # In your terminal, go to the `docs-v2/api-docs` directory:
    cd ./api-docs
    # Create the directory:
    mkdir v2.3
  8. Enter the following commands into your terminal to fetch and process the contracts:

    # Fetch the contracts, apply customizations, and bundle.
    sh oss

    To troubleshoot errors, see how to generate API docs locally.

  9. Enter the following commands into your terminal to generate the API docs with Redocly:


    To troubleshoot errors, see how to generate API docs locally.

  10. Commit the changes, push your branch to influxdata/docs-v2, and create a PR against the master branch.

Update API docs for OSS spec changes between releases

Follow these steps to update OSS API docs between version releases--for example, after revising description fields in influxdata/openapi.

  1. Go into your local influxdata/openapi repo directory--for example:

    cd ~/github/openapi
  2. Enter the following commands into your terminal to checkout docs-release/influxdb-oss branch:

    git fetch -ap
    git checkout -t docs-release/influxdb-oss
  3. Cherry-pick the commits with the updated description fields, and push the commits to the remote branch, replacing [COMMIT_SHAs] (one or more commit SHAs (space-separated))--for example:

    git cherry-pick [COMMIT_SHAs]
    git push -f origin docs-release/influxdb-oss
  4. Go into your docs-v2 directory and create a branch for your changes--for example:

    cd ~/github/docs-v2
    git fetch -ap
    git checkout -b docs/api-oss origin/master
  5. Go into ./api-docs directory--for example:

    # In your terminal, go to the `docs-v2/api-docs` directory:
    cd ./api-docs
  6. Enter the following commands into your terminal to fetch and process the contracts:

    # Fetch the contracts, apply customizations, and bundle.
    sh oss
  7. Enter the following commands into your terminal to generate the API docs with Redocly:

  8. Commit the changes, push your branch to influxdata/docs-v2, and create a PR against the master branch.

Generate InfluxDB API docs

InfluxData uses Redoc, redoc-cli, and Redocly's OpenApi CLI to generate API documentation from the InfluxDB OpenAPI (aka Swagger) contracts.

To minimize the size of the docs-v2 repository, the generated API documentation HTML is gitignored, therefore not committed to the docs repo. The InfluxDB docs deployment process uses OpenAPI specification files in the api-docs directory to generate version-specific (Cloud, OSS v2.1, OSS v2.0, etc.) API documentation.

How we version OpenAPI contracts

The api-docs directory structure versions OpenAPI files using the following pattern:

  |-- cloud/
  │     └── ref.yml
  │     └── swaggerV1Compat.yml
  ├── v2.0/
  │     └── ref.yml
  │     └── swaggerV1Compat.yml
  ├── v2.1/
  │     └── ref.yml
  │     └── swaggerV1Compat.yml
  ├── v2.2/
  │     └── ref.yml
  │     └── swaggerV1Compat.yml
  └── etc...

InfluxDB Cloud version

InfluxDB Cloud releases are frequent and not versioned, so the Cloud API spec isn't versioned. We regenerate API reference docs from influxdata/openapi master branch as features are released.

InfluxDB OSS version

Given that influxdata/openapi master may contain OSS spec changes not implemented in the current OSS release, we (Docs team) maintain a release branch, influxdata/openapi docs-release/influxdb-oss, used to generate OSS reference docs.

How to find the API spec used by an InfluxDB OSS version

influxdata/openapi does not version the InfluxData API. To find the influxdata/openapi commit SHA used in a specific version of InfluxDB OSS, see /scripts/ in influxdata/influxdb--for example, for the influxdata/openapi commit used in OSS v2.2.0, see For convenience, we tag influxdata/influxdb (OSS) release points in influxdata/openapi as influxdb-oss-v[OSS_VERSION]. See

How to generate API docs locally

Because the API documentation HTML is gitignored, you must manually generate it to view the API docs locally.

Verify that you have a working npx (it's included with Node.js). In your terminal, run:

npx --version

If npx returns errors, download and run a recent version of the Node.js installer for your OS.

# In your terminal, go to the `docs-v2/api-docs` directory:
cd api-docs

# Generate the API docs with Redocly

How to use custom OpenAPI spec processing

Generally, you should manage API content in influxdata/openapi. In some cases, however, you may want custom processing (e.g. collecting all Tags) or additional content (e.g. describing the reference documentation) specifically for the docs.

When you run, it executes @redocly/openapi-cli and the plugins listed in .redocly.yaml. ./openapi/plugins use ./openapi/plugins/decorators to apply custom processing to OpenAPI specs.

.yml files in ./openapi/content set content for sections (nodes) in the contract. To update the content for those nodes, you only need to update the YAML files. To add new YAML files for other nodes in the contracts, configure the new content YAML file in ./openapi/content/content.js. The content structure and Markdown must be valid OAS.

Then, you'll need to write or update a decorator module for the node and configure the decorator in the plugin, e.g. ./openapi/plugins/docs-plugin.js. See the complete list of OAS v3.0 nodes.

@redocly/openapi-cli requires that modules use CommonJS require syntax for imports.

How to add tag content or describe a group of paths

In API reference docs, we use OpenAPI tags elements for navigation and the x-traitTag vendor extension to define custom content.

Example OpenAPI field
Add supplementary documentation tags: [ { name: 'Quick start', x-traitTag: true } ] Source
Group and describe related paths tags: [ { name: 'Buckets', description: '...' } ] Source)

How to test your spec or API reference changes

You can use to fetch contracts from any URL. For example, if you've made changes to spec files and generated new contracts in your local openapi repo, run to fetch and process them.

To fetch contracts from your own openapi repo, pass the -b base_url option and the full path to your openapi directory.

# Use the file:/// protocol to pass your openapi directory.
sh oss -b file:///Users/me/github/openapi

After you fetch them, run the linter or generate HTML to test your changes before you commit them to influxdata/openapi. By default, doesn't run the linter when bundling the specs. Manually run the linter rules to get a report of errors and warnings.

npx @redocly/openapi-cli lint v2.1/ref.yml

Configure OpenAPI CLI linting and bundling

The .redoc.yaml configuration file sets options for the @redocly/openapi-cli lint and bundle commands. ./openapi/plugins contains custom InfluxData Docs plugins composed of rules (for validating and linting) and decorators (for customizing). For more configuration options, see @redocly/openapi-cli configuration file documentation.